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[DW] Blackthorn and Swordhand: OOC Thread

Commissar Molotov

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A.T. I was reading your damage, and I only saw two numbers, what happened to the third D10, was it already counted into the 7 or the 4?

+4 was the weapon damage.


I rolled a total of 7 on 3 dice - hence the rather low damage. But a hit is a hit and there is a decent chance of toxin damage on top of that, it all adds up in the end.

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A.T. I was reading your damage, and I only saw two numbers, what happened to the third D10, was it already counted into the 7 or the 4?

+4 was the weapon damage.


I rolled a total of 7 on 3 dice - hence the rather low damage. But a hit is a hit and there is a decent chance of toxin damage on top of that, it all adds up in the end.



Oh, that tanks....

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Aye, we still gotta nab their skull and if theyre all locked in CC and/or slower than us (which they are), well...things are looking up for us.
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I hate to keep posting, I'm trying not to hog the board (I know I do) but...


Pokes Mol...


C'mon boss, stab the horrible Eradicator....:wink:


You know everyone wants you to...then Steel can rush in where Dark Angels fear to tread....



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I hate to keep posting, I'm trying not to hog the board (I know I do) but...


Pokes Mol...


C'mon boss, stab the horrible Eradicator....:wink:


You know everyone wants you to...then Steel can rush in where Dark Angels fear to tread....





Good thing Tyber's not a Dark Angel.:wink:


He's more pragmatic (and impulsive) than one of the Unforgiven... reminds me, I kind of like to change Tyber's demeanor to impulsive, it seems to fit.

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He's more pragmatic (and impulsive) than one of the Unforgiven... reminds me, I kind of like to change Tyber's demeanor to impulsive, it seems to fit.



I had a quick peek at your Sheet - I don't know - I think keeping ambitious works, he's keen to prove himself, keen to take home what he learns and to try out his thinking, just when he gets into battle he's the same but a slightly different flavour - he's keen to get to grips with the enemy, in this case it's mostly youngsters against the oldies - want to show the old and experienced in war that you can do it too, kind of thing, the natural ambition to be like the peers.  Tyber looks up to veterans, he's keen to be as good, not regarded as a pup.


I think you play it well.


I don't think you couldn't change it, maybe as he matures a bit in the campaign he starts ambitious then as he learns the ropes, gets the bit in his teeth, becomes impulsive - maybe through frustration, maybe through anger.  Plenty there to choose from.


Personally speaking, I'm having a hard time keeping Akkad on his Aloof track.  He's beginning to bond with Blue Team and feeling his old self, but I'm disliking that I'm doing it too quickly and not playing to Character, but to Self.





Edited by Mazer Rackham
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He's more pragmatic (and impulsive) than one of the Unforgiven... reminds me, I kind of like to change Tyber's demeanor to impulsive, it seems to fit.



I had a quick peek at your Sheet - I don't know - I think keeping ambitious works, he's keen to prove himself, keen to take home what he learns and to try out his thinking, just when he gets into battle he's the same but a slightly different flavour - he's keen to get to grips with the enemy, in this case it's mostly youngsters against the oldies - want to show the old and experienced in war that you can do it too, kind of thing, the natural ambition to be like the peers.  Tyber looks up to veterans, he's keen to be as good, not regarded as a pup.


I think you play it well.


I don't think you couldn't change it, maybe as he matures a bit in the campaign he starts ambitious then as he learns the ropes, gets the bit in his teeth, becomes impulsive - maybe through frustration, maybe through anger.  Plenty there to choose from.


Personally speaking, I'm having a hard time keeping Akkad on his Aloof track.  He's beginning to bond with Blue Team and feeling his old self, but I'm disliking that I'm doing it too quickly and not playing to Character, but to Self.







All good points, I guess from my perspective, I see Tyber as quick to take action, consequences be damned... he's less methodical that I usually play... it's proving to be fun to run him.


As far as Akkad goes, I'm liking him so far, he was aloof at the start, but as he is getting to know his team he's getting a feel for them and seeing that perhaps he can trust them, despite being burned by his home chapter.

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Hi all, I appreciate you continuing to talk and discuss. 


I had thought that the easter holiday would be the perfect time to update - after all, loads of time off! However, that didn't work. So now I'm back at work I can update a little more. 


I will be posting an update tonight which should certainly take us to a new turn. Hopefully things will be resolved one way or another soon. 

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You don't need to spend your last fate point to hit 3 DoS - a dodge is always a dodge unless against something like autofire. You can pass by 1 point and dodge something that hit with a dozen DoS.


Unless that has changed in deathwatch and i've not noticed.


It's a holdover from playing with my group - we go on opposed DoS occasionally to keep things interesting.  If our group and GM are fine with "a Dodge, is a Dodge" then by all means, happy to change it up.


Appreciate the steer.



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Xin/Nineswords/Team Blue:

You are halfway there - the way I have worked it out is: 


Turn 1 - to lift 

Turn 2 - Up Lift

Turn 3 - 42m (93 left) 

Turn 4 - 30m (63 left) 

Turn 5 - 30m (33 left)

Turn 6 - Reach Lift

Turn 7 - Descend


This is turn 4 - if Akkad and Thorvald can keep the jump pack guys busy then Solastion has to run back himself... it will be tight though unless you can pull something out of the bag!

Edited by Commissar Molotov
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