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@Gederas: Fully understandable chap. And yeah, 40 of anything in one go is a bit much, but Cultists doubly so. It's why I always say not to vow them, they're just a pain all round.

This. I vowed them for my first ETL too, and they were a major hassle. Cultists are about the worst units to vow for the ETL: no fun to pain, and only 4 points a miniature. We should do a major warning in future ETLs, right after Semper puts up the Strategium/Forum, warning prospective participants not to vow them - or at least not too many - unless they think they're fun to paint, of course.
I probably would have had more fun (and an easier time) with 40 Poxwalkers :lol:


And yeah, going forward, I'll know what NOT to do next time. What's that saying? Hindsight is 20/20? :lol:

There's always someone, last year it was me - at least I managed not to break mine, but I was lavishing too much attention on each cultist to even have a remote chance of finishing. Ah, well was there much else in your vow? Because at least not many points are lost by failing to paint cm the cultists themselves!

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I probably would have had more fun (and an easier time) with 40 Poxwalkers :laugh.:

And yeah, going forward, I'll know what NOT to do next time. What's that saying? Hindsight is 20/20? :laugh.:

There's always someone, last year it was me - at least I managed not to break mine, but I was lavishing too much attention on each cultist to even have a remote chance of finishing. Ah, well was there much else in your vow? Because at least not many points are lost by failing to paint cm the cultists themselves!

Almost a thousand points lost and well over 2% completion rate, unfortunately. Over six cultists*. It sure sucks!


Can't you do some anway, Gederas!


*You'll find the two that were misplaced, I'm sure - do another sweep! 

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Took me all day yesterday, but I got this guy done. For some reason I had thought all my power armored guys were finished and I only had a predator remaining. Wrong. Slow going doing it all lefty but I’ll get it done. I have beacoup temp this weekend for painting. All things considered, I don’t think I sacrificed much quality but it took a little longer compared to painting with my primary hand.



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I probably would have had more fun (and an easier time) with 40 Poxwalkers :laugh.:

And yeah, going forward, I'll know what NOT to do next time. What's that saying? Hindsight is 20/20? :laugh.:

There's always someone, last year it was me - at least I managed not to break mine, but I was lavishing too much attention on each cultist to even have a remote chance of finishing. Ah, well was there much else in your vow? Because at least not many points are lost by failing to paint cm the cultists themselves!
Almost a thousand points lost and well over 2% completion rate, unfortunately. Over six cultists*. It sure sucks!


Can't you do some anway, Gederas!


*You'll find the two that were misplaced, I'm sure - do another sweep!

I LOST six. I BROKE two.


I've finished everything else from the vow though. 10 Cultists wasn't a major part of the vow, it was padding :lol:


And I thought everything in a vow needs to be finished for the vow to be completed? I'm not finishing 40 cultists with 6 missing and two mangled

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Knight's still got a long way to go, but here's my current Chaosification prototype. Obviously the spikes should've gone on before the paint but had things worked out that way I wouldn't have been able to start the thing until Wednesday rather than perhaps a full week earlier. Not like things being a little messier is unfitting anyway.


I'm still not quite decided whether I'm going to try messing with the banner or not. It's a pretty appropriate thing to use but doesn't connect at all naturally to the chains from the Knight's default piece.

You can certainly expect changes to the length of spikes and such in the finished product.

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Knight's still got a long way to go, but here's my current Chaosification prototype. Obviously the spikes should've gone on before the paint but had things worked out that way I wouldn't have been able to start the thing until Wednesday rather than perhaps a full week earlier. Not like things being a little messier is unfitting anyway.


I'm still not quite decided whether I'm going to try messing with the banner or not. It's a pretty appropriate thing to use but doesn't connect at all naturally to the chains from the Knight's default piece.

You can certainly expect changes to the length of spikes and such in the finished product.

Looking good, dude.

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Wow Freakshow! Amazing conversion work and awesome job on the split scheme.


Here's my second and final vow complete:




Renegade Knight with Avenger Gatling, heavy flamer, Reaper Chainsword and heavy stubber. Despite all the trim and my general slow approach to painting, it was a lot of fun to paint and I'm glad I put it in for ETL. I know it's not much compared to some of the amazing stuff people post on this forum, but this is probably my best painted model to date.


It may be because I stared at it for a couple weeks while doing the arms and upper armor plates, but I'm not sure I like the skull face plate and may pop it off - what do you think?


Lastly, for ETL purposes, I pledged this before the index came out when the value was 459. If I understand the event rules correctly, the cost from the new index ought to be used, so it's now 411.

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Lastly, for ETL purposes, I pledged this before the index came out when the value was 459. If I understand the event rules correctly, the cost from the new index ought to be used, so it's now 411.


Actually I think it'll still be 459 points - (emphasis not mine):


"If an updated army list comes out during the life of the event that invalidates a pre-existing one (e.g. a Codex that invalidates an Index list) then all units that have already been vowed (either completed or in WIP stage) will still be priced according to the value points and configurations of the pre-existing list."

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While I'm here:


Does anyone have any advice for cleaning up the edges of the centre stripe on the Knight's carapace? I've used some masking tape on this project already, mostly for the line bisecting one of the knees, but it got me somewhat mixed results and wouldn't be easily applied to the full length of the stripe thanks to some obstacles in the way. Straight lines aren't one of my strengths so ... yeah.

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Vow 4 is finished, and it brought a first for me; translating English into Irish and then into ancient Irish runes :teehee: . One of the great things about the knight is, I see it as a project that is never truly ends I think my next step will to find some transfers for the heraldry.





















Now is there time for a small 5th vow?

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Knight's still got a long way to go, but here's my current Chaosification prototype. Obviously the spikes should've gone on before the paint but had things worked out that way I wouldn't have been able to start the thing until Wednesday rather than perhaps a full week earlier. Not like things being a little messier is unfitting anyway.


I'm still not quite decided whether I'm going to try messing with the banner or not. It's a pretty appropriate thing to use but doesn't connect at all naturally to the chains from the Knight's default piece.

You can certainly expect changes to the length of spikes and such in the finished product.

Hmm, while most of the spikes work really well, I'd probably lose the longer spikes on the shin armour - or shorten them - if I were you. Just my two cents! ;)

But seriously, guys: A veritable avalanche of renegade Knights today! Lovely! :)

The good news is that my own Renegade Armiger is basically finished as well:



More pictures can be found here, in case anyone's interested.

Just some finishing touches and the base, and then he'll officially be finished -- although he would probably count as finished even now, at least from an ETL perspective, right? :)

Anyway, keep painting, everyone! We can do this! :)

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Vow 4 is finished, and it brought a first for me; translating English into Irish and then into ancient Irish runes :teehee: . One of the great things about the knight is, I see it as a project that is never truly ends I think my next step will to find some transfers for the heraldry.




















Now is there time for a small 5th vow?

Utterly, utterly stunning.

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Hmm, while most of the spikes work really well, I'd probably lose the longer spikes on the shin armour - or shorten them - if I were you. Just my two cents! :wink:


I did say I was going to do that sort of thing in the small text, yeah. That was literally just me throwing on all the spikes I had after removing them from their racks just to get a picture of how things might well turn out when it all comes together. It certainly isn't meant to be exactly how things are going to be come project's end.


I really do envy those Armigers of yours. They're understated and clean enough in their conversions and additions that I could honestly buy them as a real release.

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Vow #4 Finished


Here's a completion picture of the Decimator. You can find more, of all angles, here. :smile.:




And here, for completion's sake, again is a picture of the Greater Blight Drone that was the other unit in the vow:



Vow #4 both miniatures:




Now, what to vow for the fifth and final vow?

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VOW #5


I, Augustus b'Raass, rise to the challenge of E Tenebrae Lux, boasting the forces of the World Eaters. I vow to Khorne and the rest of the Chaotic Pantheon to complete Khârn the Betrayer for a total value 160 points on or before August 1st, 2018. Success shall bring me eternal glory and failure shall doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker as a mark of shame until the year-end.


1x Khârn the Betrayer - 160 points


WIP picture:


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Lastly, for ETL purposes, I pledged this before the index came out when the value was 459. If I understand the event rules correctly, the cost from the new index ought to be used, so it's now 411.


Actually I think it'll still be 459 points - (emphasis not mine):


"If an updated army list comes out during the life of the event that invalidates a pre-existing one (e.g. a Codex that invalidates an Index list) then all units that have already been vowed (either completed or in WIP stage) will still be priced according to the value points and configurations of the pre-existing list."

Good catch, thanks!


Ran out of likes but amazing work , Dawnstar, KSci, Freak show and Augustus! Best of luck with any outstanding vows

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