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Many of you will have seen the LVO reveal last night...


Welp - time to disassembe a dozen of marinelets and salvage some of the bits. It pains me to do so... but it is a good pain.

A damn good one.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello! A small update:

First of all, I'm happy to say that I've disassembled most of the older marines and managed to salvage some of the nicer bits, mostly FW stuff. After kitbashing and converting the Blackstone Fortress marines with these, the spiked shoulder pads and the KFstudio pelts, I've now got the first two of my new Dreadreavers ready:

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I think that one of them might lose the skullfaced kneecap to set them apart a bit more, but I feel like that may end up looking weird. Buuut they're not gonna see a lick of paint until I finish building my khornate Chaos Lord - Rurik Twice-Slain, formerly of the XII Legion.

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The model's pretty simple so far - a raptor jump pack, another Mastercrafted Miniatures shoulder pad and HH-era Kh
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The new marines look solid; the Cthonian and MKIV helms work really, as does the pelt thrown over the shoulder.


Khârn's head was defintely a good choice for Rurik, matches the aggressive pose nicely; I agree that he doesn't stand out too much at present. I would suggest some sort of trophy pole or back banner to add height? Perhaps the pole with the stacked helms from the vehicle upgrade kit or the more ragged back banner with the crossed support struts, from Flagellents or Skaven kits, I think?

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Some sort of Iron Halo for Rurik - what about the one from the Dark Apostle which is in the form of a Chaos star? Fitted behind his head but in front of the jump pack intake could work well. Or as Pearson said banner/trophy poles. The AoS Blood Warriors have some decent ones with Khorne runes at the top - I have fitted some to my bikes but with the length trimmed down they could work well atop the jump pack.


Marines looking great, very Ctonian. Where is the pelt from? It looks great :tu:

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Thanks, you two - a pole it is! There's a pretty nice one in the AoS Skullreapers kit, with the rune of Khorne superimposed upon a chaos star. That checks the boxes for both a Sigil of Corruption and further detail to make him stand out. I'm also digging some of the axe heads in there...


@Midnight Runner - The pelt is from KFStudios, who are located in Russia. They're making good-looking upgrade kits for Space Wolves and Night Lords and sell 'em over ebay. Their stuff is a bit on the pricey side, but it's great at breathing character into the models: https://www.ebay.com/sch/liberdaemonicashop/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_ipg=&_from=

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Yeah man, get one of those more Khornate axes on there too - some of those are great - I used a few of them on my Khorne Termies B) Combined with the fancy pants rune there will be no mistaking his patron.


Some of those KF bits do look pretty cool, to eBay! *primes Paypal account*

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  • 2 weeks later...

Since I've spent the better part of today gushing about the most recent news from the heretical grapevine, I finally found time to collect myself and write down some stuff.

First of all: ABADDON THE :censored: ING DESPOILER! It's been twenty-three years since the Warmaster of Chaos Undivided has had a new model released, and it's been well worth the wait. In case someone has somehow missed the great news, here's a link to the WarCom article, complete with trailer and all: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/03/05/5th-mar-abaddon-revealedgw-homepage-post-1/

Pretty great, isn't it? Can't wait to get my hands on the model. I love how there are options to the kit in form of alternate heads and the cloak. I think I'll build mine like this:


I'm really digging the cloak - especially that small pelt on top - but I think I'll keep him classy, which also means that I'm gonna go for a look similar to the cover of the 2nd ed Chaos Codex. I've also got an unpainted, unassembled resin version laying around somewhere - I may end up giving him his old trophy racks, depending on wether they look out of place on the new model or not.

Next up, Shadowspear. The new chaos models are baller - perfect representations of ancient traitors, warped by the hellish prison they've called home for over ten millennia:


I'll of course make my own alteration to them all - they're gonna be the Dreadreavers after all, and they've gotta look suitably cthonian. I'm ordering a single box with a friend this weekend and will be getting another ten marines and two more Obliterators from eBay. After that, I'll hold out for a bit - we'll certainly see standalone kits for the marines and the oblits. A havoc kit is also on the horizon, as the Abaddon reveal showed us... maybe the rumors about a new codex are true?

Regarding the conversions, I've ordered plenty of recast Umbra-pattern boltguns and Sons of Horus and World Eater torsos, aswell as SoH helmets and transfers from FW. My bits box is also stocked up on boltgun-toting arm pairs - more than enough to convert the dudes that are holding the wrong weapons.

Until all of that is coming to pass, I'll work on a few smaller projects. There are still two rhinos waiting to be built, and the parts for Rurik arrived today! I'm gonna sit down sometime this week and see what's gonna go on him.

That's all for now, I just wanted to share some thoughts I had about all this great new stuff we're getting. See you all later -


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Tiny update... the Twice-Slain is coming together.



The stuff from the Wrathmongers kit works like a charm, all that remains to be done is to fill a number of gaps with Green Stuff and he'll be ready for some paint!

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I too am bleeding excited for these new releases and can't wait to see what else is waiting in the wings; I figure I'll be switching out some of the helmed heads for something more fitting for the IIIrd, interested to see your Cthonian take.


Twice-Slain is coming on great, that banner works very nicely.

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Well, I've got you and Midnight Runner to thank for the suggestions. I'm super excited to order a copy of Shadowspear tomorrow, hopefully my bits will arrive sometime soon - the guy I ordered the torsos from has a good track record concerning the quality of his casts, but he takes quite a while to deliver. I'm also looking forward to seeing you work on your Emperor's Children again!

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Well, I've got you and Midnight Runner to thank for the suggestions. I'm super excited to order a copy of Shadowspear tomorrow, hopefully my bits will arrive sometime soon - the guy I ordered the torsos from has a good track record concerning the quality of his casts, but he takes quite a while to deliver. I'm also looking forward to seeing you work on your Emperor's Children again!


Glad to help! Well the place I was going to pre-order from was sold out in about three minutes... But I'm away from home til Summer anyways, so I'll pick some of the new goodies up when they come to general release and then there will be a huge surge in my heretic's numbers.

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Good choice in ornamentation, that looks perfectly ‘Lord-y’ and ‘Khorne-y’ :tu:


Looking forward to seeing what you do with the Chaos Marines especially - I myself will be converting them to all be wielding Bolt Guns too.

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  • 3 months later...

I'll be honest, I kinda forgot about this.

Be that as it may, I'm back and I've vowed Rurik Twice-Slain and some of his associates for the ETL:

Uhh, I'm not too late, right?

I, AHorriblePerson, rise to the challenge of E Tenebrae Lux on the side of the Chaos Space Marines Forum and vow to complete

- 10 chaos space marines including two plasma guns and a chainaxe on the squad sergeant (153 points),


- 1 chaos dreadnought (helbrute) with power scourge and plasma cannon (111 points),


- 1 chaos lord with a power axe (98 points),

adding up to a total value of 362 points on or before September 1st, 2019. Success will bring me eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.

Here goes nothing...

I just hope I can keep that promise up. I don't think I've ever shown that metal dreadnought, it was basically an impulse purchase after I saw how good the one painted by Lhorke the First looked. I've also been thinking about some other stuff, like cultists and introducing possessed into the warband, but I'll cross that bridge when I get to it - for now, I've got to get my ass in gear for ETL.


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You can do it, one step at a time!


The old metal Dreadnought is a thing of beauty, good to see it again. I like the Helbrute concept and kit a lot, but the old Dread is even better. The conversion for the Lord is well done. Looking forward to seeing it all painted! :thumbsup:

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Cheers, Darnok. Yeah, the helbrute is kinda cool, but he's just a bit too much on the 'Daemonic Freakshow' side of things for my taste, so I was pretty happy when I saw this guy on ebay and realised I didn't have to give a regular dreadnought a complete makeover, but rather update some bits and details on this old gem :happy.:

The chaos space marines all have a little kitbashing and conversion work going on themselves, I'll show those off once they're painted. I really hope that I can finish at least the dread or the lord by the end of the month with the rest close behind, as I'd really like to vow two rhinos and an obliterator aswell...

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Nice work! I like the axe used to replace the knife, I've been struggling with that particular hand myself (I might burrow the idea;))


I really enjoy seeing the old dread too, I wish I had one myself. Such a nice old mini, it holds up surprisingly well.

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Looking forward to it!

Been taking it rather slow with the vow, honestly. I've started painting away at Rurik Twice-Slain and got most of the gold down, gonna do the touch-ups later today. I'll take pictures if I remember to do it...  :whistling:

I think I'll save the marines for last, to build up some nerves before I paint the whole batch (I don't enjoy painting models far less than building them, especially troops). I'm curious how they'll come out though, as I can already see one or two things that I wanna change about customising them.

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