Honda Posted July 18, 2018 Share Posted July 18, 2018 "Who and whence was the sculptor? From Sikyon.And his name? Lysippos.And who are you? Time who subdues all things.Why do you stand on tip-toe? I am ever running.And why you have a pair of wings on your feet? I fly with the wind.And why do you hold a razor in your right hand? As a sign to men that I am sharper than any sharp edge.And why does your hair hang over your face? For him who meets me to take me by the forelock.And why, in Heaven's name, is the back of your head bald? Because none whom I have once raced by on my winged feet will now, though he wishes it sore, take hold of me from behind. +++ Kairos is "a passing instant when an opening appears which must be driven through with force if success is to be achieved +++ So what is this? Well, it's a story. It's also a puzzle. It's a narrative campaign, and it's something new for our group. The purpose of this thread is to tell tall tales, to try new things from a modeling perspective, to use games to relate the story, and most importantly, have some fun. Our group likes narratives. They really provide the spice for our games and especially motivate me to do things outside of the box. Campaigns get me to try forces I wouldn't normally be interested in, explore new painting styles, model weird stuff, and just let the creative muse take me where she wants to go. In the next few days, I'll be rolling out the foundation of the campaign framework and then Mo, Jefe, Gar, and I will begin the tale. There will also be painting and modeling of the various forces involved, some of which will be from the ground up (especially in my case). I have been thinking about and ruminating and kicking ideas out to our group for awhile now. Some of these ideas are spinoffs and tie-ins from previous campaign stories, some will be out of left field. But the four of us are here to share with you, attempt to intrigue you, and ideally entertain you. If you've ever suffered through some of my storytelling, you know that I don't just lay everything out. I want you to put some skin in the game and wonder, "Ok, what in the world is he doing?" I like to provide parts of the puzzle and let people make a picture out of what they have to work with. So, here is a puzzle piece...enjoy! +++ The Occupant Hidden Content The eyes stared out, unblinking. A snapshot in time, taken more than 1,000 years ago. The figure seemed in the process saying something important, something significant, while his eyebrows crouched together like a pair of great feline beasts. Pale, yet fierce eyes concentrated to his front, now they focused upon a distant point, his words forever captured by stasis never to be heard. The observer sighed as the timer buzzed, indicating that his time had expired. Slowly he stood up and stepped through the open door, guarded by a single golden giant. The door closed with a soft hush and the observer shuffled down the hall. +++ He was known as "The Occupant". It was said that he claimed to have entered the palace from its bowels, though how that could be possible would remain a mystery for a very long time. It was rumored that upon his capture, the Emperor appeared to recognize him, but said nothing. When he was finally allowed to speak, his manner was extremely perplexing. He spoke as if he was "here" and "somewhere else" at the same time. On occasion, he was observed speaking to individuals unseen. He behaved as if his presence was always in doubt, touching random objects as if to confirm their existence. He began to tell stories, lies, for that is all that they could possibly be. Yet he spoke with the calmness of one sure of the truth. He spoke of an approaching madness in an Empire that was lost, a coming time when the word "brother" meant nothing to those once brothers, a Father lost and the unseen seen, a Pantheon un-imagined now manifest in the lives of Mankind, of everything that would be lost during the inevitable fall into darkness. He said there was no future, no end, and no hope. He called himself a Son of Prospero. He would not explain why his armor was an iridescent blue, inlaid with gold iconography and exotic jewels. Nothing like the Legion's true colors. Yet there were elements of its design that were disturbingly reminiscent of the XVth's appearance. When asked who his father was, he said nothing, only sharing a sad smile. He refused to explain himself nor reveal his purpose. He was immune to physical pain. It was shortly thereafter that he was never left alone without a choir of Sisters present, continually shrouding him in silence. His nature prevented from unveiling itself, he remained an enigma to us. I was able to ascertain some information from him without his knowledge. He had a mission. He was tasked with situating himself within our midst, a psychic pebble dropped into the calm of the Imperial pond. He came to incite an insidious and malignant change deep within us. He said he came to be an end of the beginning. He came to put out the light. +++ To this day, his identity remains a mystery. Though rampant mutation infests his DNA, corrupting his geneseed as well as other internal organs, extensive testing verifies his claim. He is a son of Prospero. Which is, of course, impossible. He was produced from the technologies and processes that create an Astartes for the XVth Legion. He cannot exist, yet he does. I come and visit him every day, in some forlorn hope that I will be able to discern some truth from his presence. I discover nothing new, merely reaffirming his impossibility. Now, as Mankind turns its focus outward to the stars, eager to undertake the Emperor's vision, there lies a worm in my mind bordering on treason were I to speak it. Is he the truth? - Malcador, Regent of Terra, 0272999.M29 +++ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Naryn Posted July 18, 2018 Share Posted July 18, 2018 Intruiging start! I look forward to what’s to come. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Draakur Posted July 18, 2018 Share Posted July 18, 2018 Very, very cool. Eyes peeled for more! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NovemberIX Posted July 18, 2018 Share Posted July 18, 2018 +++ ORDO CHRONOS FLASH TRANSMISSION+++ Â :: INTERVENTION PROTOCOL :: Â ++:: LOOP 16 RUNNING::++ ++:: ATLAS CMD ACTIVE ::++0 Â ++>>> TERMINAL LUCIDITY DETECTED <<<++ Â PROCESSING ............................................. ................. ........... .... .. . Â Â +OPERATION CEFIRO -- ACTIVATE+ +OPERATIONAL CLOCK BEGINS+ Thought of the Day: Time is the Fire in Which We Burn - Schwartz M2+++END FLASH TRANSMISSION+++ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Honda Posted July 19, 2018 Author Share Posted July 19, 2018 Some storyboard/concept art I was fiddling with during the run up to the launch. Some of them are terrain ideas that looked interesting, there's a daemon prince in there, and some other "general" ideas to help me get into the mood. Yes, I had my 3D glasses on while I was doing this one :P Tzeentch Silver Towers (?) A bad guy Sauron in Space Don't worry, not everything we do will be this rough. These are just "blue sky" ideas to think about. Cheers, Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hushrong Posted July 19, 2018 Share Posted July 19, 2018 Sounds like a great narrative you are starting up! I've love it if more of my group were into narrative play. The stories and background just seems to build up the army more fully. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ElDuderino Posted July 19, 2018 Share Posted July 19, 2018 This seems integrering, i like the beginning at least. Eager to see where this goes:) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Honda Posted July 19, 2018 Author Share Posted July 19, 2018 Sounds like a great narrative you are starting up! I've love it if more of my group were into narrative play  Dude, Austin isn't that far away. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hushrong Posted July 20, 2018 Share Posted July 20, 2018 I pass through there on the way to visit family in Houston once in awhile. One day I may have to make a special trip to Katy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Honda Posted July 21, 2018 Author Share Posted July 21, 2018 #thefunstuff So...some modeling and concept efforts are in progress. One of the things I wanted to take into consideration with the modeling side is that it be cost effective, quick to produce, but more importantly, I wanted it to be visually effective and for lack of a better term, frightening. That meant, if your name has "horror" in it, maybe you should be a little scary. I think the other thing I kept having roll around my noggin is the idea that Tzeentch is about change and when you combine that concept with horror, it seemed to me that the end result should be less anthropomorphic. I wanted to shake things up a little bit visually. So, when I say "Brimstone horrors", I felt that should reflect something scary. This is what I settled on... So, not just "burney Nurglings", something that infers immolation and fear. Four down, another 16 or so to go. However, they are cheap and easy to produce and once I figure out how I'm going to paint them, spit them out at a nice clip. Then there are the horrors of the pink and blue variety. The base models aren't bad looking, but I wanted something a little more off-kilter, a little more disturbing. This is what I eventually arrived at... That's right, yer basic giant running mouth with flesh dreadlocks (one of them does have an eye). Perfectly normal, don't you think? The little warband that could.... And some experimental color scheming using VMC Gunmetal Blue. I like the overall effect, but it will need some additional attention. I think that's it for today's installment. I was feeling the need to post something because there's a lot of slime on this forum and it felt in need of some heat. Today's efforts brought to you by our sponsor, Tzeentch, "Change you can believe in." Cheers, Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted July 21, 2018 Share Posted July 21, 2018 Well done. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Honda Posted July 28, 2018 Author Share Posted July 28, 2018 +++ So, last night I was fiddling around and a light went on and I thought, "Can I do that? Yeah, I think I can!" This is the armature... Now wrapped in foil so I don't use an expensive amount of putty building it, plus the wings I intend to use... And now, the foil covered with putty and the general shape I am after. The goal is to build a daemon prince that has a lot in common with a flamer...or an Exalted Flamer. He's going to be my Totally Exalted Flamer . From here, I'll begin adding flamer looking stuff on him and see where it leads. Anyway, it seems feasible and the lack of symmetry actually will work for me. Other proof of concepts that seem to be coming together. The Brimstone Brothers... The plan is to use colors that will represent sort of "ethereal" colors, so probably no yellows. Next up are the Horrible Pinks... The idea behind this scheme is that I wanted something that looked like they were materializing out of the warp as they approach you. The rest of their bodies will remain sort of ephemeral, though you can see some shadowy details. The other thing I like about this is the complement of colors and the fact that they paint up pretty quick. So, I'm fairly happy with the concept and now I just have a ton more to do. There will also be some Horrible Blues at some point as well. I've also started working on a flamer, but it hasn't really come together yet so it'll have to wait for another post. The next story point is inbound and should be available in the next couple of days, which theoretically will lead to some games. Which should be interesting as I really haven't gotten a feel yet for how they work I did watch one batrep (well not all of it) where the Tzeentch guy just sat back and let the opponent come to him. I kept thinking, you have shorter ranged weapons, you're more mobile, "what are you doing?" At least I know I'm not doing that. Cheers, Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Honda Posted July 29, 2018 Author Share Posted July 29, 2018 +++ VOX INTERCEPT: 873. +++ VOX NODE: 218.032.991.558 +++ REPORT PROTOCOL: INDIGO +++ TRANSMISSION START My Dear Lord Iapetus, I need help. Another chronoentropic pulse was detected. This is the second emanation recorded since the establishment of the Cicatrix Maledictum. It is not clear if there were any other events prior, only that we are now able to detect them. Thankfully, the additional forces you have provided were able to establish a picket with the additional telepathic choirs provided since the previous occurrence and we have now identified the specific rent within the Cicatrix Maledictum and its approximate translation into real space. Please refer to picxref\\INDIGO.00A.100.43.y1 for a visual estimation. Also note that I have escalated the security level for this topic to the "INDIGO.00A.100" protocol as this information is deemed extremely dangerous and we must increase the levels of our information security. The Enemies eyes are everywhere. Our allies in this endeavor have put together two quick reaction forces (TF 41.7 and TF 41.9) with assets packaged to allow a quick insertion into the general area and designed to conduct a rapid reconnaissance of the last projected location of the pulse emanations. picxref\\INDIGO.00A.100.43.y2 If you are wondering, the answer is "Yes", we will charge into the Empyrean to silence and ideally secure the pulse locations (there appear to be two) for additional analysis. We must find out who is undertaking this effort and why. I am confident that this first phase of our odyssey shall allow us to uncover the malign forces arrayed against us, but I am concerned for what may occur thereafter. It seems obvious that these broadcasts are part of a larger effort, to what purpose I am as yet unable to fathom. What is clear to me is that there must be a full scale effort, an invasion of the Empyrean if you will, with the express purpose of isolating and destroying this malignancy. I do not say this lightly, my dear Iapetus, for truly I discern something of monstrous proportions at work here and although they say little, I perceive that those members of the Novemberine I have communicated with are as equally concerned. We must make haste my brother. As you have already established lines of communication to the Brotherhoods of Titan, I must implore you to ask for their strongest commitment possible. For where we go, there be dragons. We dare not undertake this effort without their resources and personal protection. Be swift to follow me brother, for I go to knock on the very gates of Hades itself, not knowing who will answer. Your obedient servant, Clarke +++ VOX INTERCEPT: 873. +++ VOX NODE: 218.032.991.558 +++ REPORT PROTOCOL: INDIGO +++ TRANSMISSION START +++ ++++++++++ INCOMING ASTROPATHIC TRANSMISSION... ++++++++++ TRANSMISSION SOURCE: 741.55.23.548.1 ++++++++++ RECEIVED: Inquisitor Lord Iapetus, Ordo Malleus ++++++++++ TRANSMISSION DESTINATION: 432.88.2, Obscurus Sector ++++++++++ DATE: 9.143.067.M42 ++++++++++ TELEPATHIC DUCT: Sirenah Mogde, Personal Astropath to Inquisitor Iaxis. ++++++++++ REF: INQ//475108.613//OH ++++++++++ AUTHOR: Inquisitor Iaxis, Ordo Malleus ++++++++++ SUBJECT: Task Force 41 Status ++++++++++ THOUGHT: "A mind will host either light or darkness, for there is no middle ground between the two." My Lord, It has been noted that no response from Task Force 41 has been received since their departure, nearly 90 days ago. By some unknown manner a sealed envelope was placed on my desk this morning with a note from an Inquisitor Toland, Ordo Hereticus. It merely states that if we have not received a response from Task Force 41 before this message appears, that we are to assume the worst and to proceed with the expansion of the invasion by all means possible. He signed off with one last statement, "Beware the dragons among you!" Iaxis >>ATTACHED TELEMETRY DATA DOWNLOAD<< >>PROCESSING...............................<< >>DOWNLOAD COMPLETE<< 3258741//INQ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Krakendoomcool Posted July 30, 2018 Share Posted July 30, 2018 I’m enjoying the amount of sculpting and scratch building going on. Nice idea to have some victims in with the brinstones.  Those horrible pinks look great. The darker and more muted colours really make them look creepy.  Nice one Honda! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Soulhunter1995 Posted July 30, 2018 Share Posted July 30, 2018 I'm definitely going to be keeping an eye on this Honda  Daemons, Ordos Chronos and detailed backstory, a match made in heaven me thinks Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Honda Posted August 5, 2018 Author Share Posted August 5, 2018 +++ +++ Incident at TF 41.7.1 Background: Imperial forces represented by either the Ordo Chronos and the November Warriors OR Brotherhoods of Titan have deployed onto a planetoid with orders to secure the nearby area around their assigned target, which is an installation supporting a chronoentropic beacon. The goal of the mission is to provide enough time to determine an analysis of the installation and determine who has built the device. The beacons have been set up in relatively open areas, though there are a few small sheds have also been located with the beacon. During the analysis of the site, they are attacked. +++ Note: The particulars of this battle have been adapted from the article published in the June 2018 issue of White Dwarf. Defending forces: 50 Power Level force of either C:Space Marines or C:Grey Knights. This force will be used unchanged for the duration of the set of battles, minus attrition occurred during each round. Either force will not receive reinforcements. The Defenders set up first. Attacking Forces The attacking forces will be selected randomly from the following chart: The attacker selects their forces by rolling three (3) times on the HQ column and 6 times on the Other Units column. These forces will be the attacking forces for that assault round. The attacker goes first in each assault. Before the game starts, the attacker needs to secretly write down how many assaults they will make, 3, 4, or 5. The following extra rolls on the "Other Units" column may be made for the final assault depending on the number of assaults chosen. 3 Assaults = 4 extra rolls on the final assault 4 Assaults = 2 extra rolls on the final assault 5 Assaults = 0 extra rolls on the final assault The Battlefield: Additional Notes: 1.The table is 4' x 6' and is primarily open terrain, though slight rolling hills should be included around the table edges. In the center of the table there is a device of unknown origin with a 2-3 buildings arranged around the device. 2. Imperial forces do not roll for morale in this game. 3. An assault has ended when the attacking forces have lost one half (rounding down) of the number of models in the attacking force. For example, if the attacking force had 55 models, an assault would end when 28 models had been killed. 4. One building must be designated as a field hospital. If that building should be destroyed, then another may be designated. A field hospital has a Toughness of 8, 3+ save, and 15 wounds. 5. Imperial casualties: If any models are killed during an assault, put them to the side. At the end of the assault roll on the following chart to determine their disposition: 1-2, figure is dead and may not take part in the rest of the battle. 3-4, serious injury, this model starts in the hospital. At the end of the next assault, roll again. 5-6, flesh wound, this figure may return to their unit for the next assault. Victory Conditions: The Imperial Forces must have one figure outside of the hospital after all the assaults have concluded. Let the games begin. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Honda Posted August 15, 2018 Author Share Posted August 15, 2018 +++ Ixionian - Eternally tortuous, unendingly tormenting +++ +++ An interesting exercise, this is. I've never done anything like this before and it's been kind of fun, a little bit weird, but something I'd probably do again. Not to say he's done, but he certainly has come a long way from the wire frame several posts back. Actually, I will do this again, I need a unit (The Unmade) and I really don't see how to get them outside of making them the hard way. But that's for another time. Now, I built him because I wanted a Tzeentchian looking daemon prince that wasn't a blue version of everyone's Khorne version. Nothing wrong with the existing model, but since I was jumping into the deep end of the Tzeentch pool, I figured, well, why not? The worst that could happen is that I waste a couple of packages of greenstuff. So, he's not going to be mistaken for anything a professional will have done, but I like how he's turning out. Painting him...yeah, that should be pretty entertaining. I'm thinking he's going to be in pale colors for the most part, but I'm not entirely sure what that looks like just yet. Regarding the campaign, we are still moving forward, looking to get the key participants into a room to throw down some dice. At the same time, I've been working on story points (i.e. bits of story) and an important one will be rolling out before too much longer. I'm also making progress on some of the minions, but not as quickly. As it turns out, buying your stuff is a whole lot faster than making it yourself. ;) Who knew? Cheers, Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted August 15, 2018 Share Posted August 15, 2018 The green stuff sculpture looks great! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pearson73 Posted August 15, 2018 Share Posted August 15, 2018 Absolutely love what you're doing with the Brimstones, especially the immolated skeleton, it is indeed quite horrifying. Initially, I was unsure about your modifications to the larger horrors, as I quite like the avian look, however seeing some paint on them has made my opinion of them more favourable. Â The 'Totally Exalted Flamer' is really well done, the quality of the sculpted details (also on the Horrors) is really good and certainly a huge leap from the twisted wire where he began! I've considered trying a cheap, sculpting heavy Tzeentch daemon force and seeing what you've done has confirmed it as workable. I figure Screamers should be fairly easy to do as well, use a piece of manta shaped card and build up putty layers on top. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
golfdeltafoxtrot Posted August 15, 2018 Share Posted August 15, 2018 This is all amazing work. I love the narrative, I love the models, I love it all. Â The reference to "dragons among you" - Ordo Hydra? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Honda Posted August 15, 2018 Author Share Posted August 15, 2018 Thank you all, I'm glad some of this resonates and I'm looking forward to doing more.  Absolutely love what you're doing with the Brimstones, especially the immolated skeleton, it is indeed quite horrifying.  I actually started off with them because they seemed to be the easiest to make. Also, because it seemed a little "story telling" could add to their visual performance. I'm still working on more ideas, but to create a bunch of these guys, most will be pretty simple.  Initially, I was unsure about your modifications to the larger horrors, as I quite like the avian look, however seeing some paint on them has made my opinion of them more favourable.    Actually, you're not alone there. After I did one, I kept thinking, "Is this really going to work?" Like you, the painting helped the concept work for me and also allowed me to keep the cost down.   The 'Totally Exalted Flamer' is really well done, the quality of the sculpted details (also on the Horrors) is really good and certainly a huge leap from the twisted wire where he began! I've considered trying a cheap, sculpting heavy Tzeentch daemon force and seeing what you've done has confirmed it as workable.  I definitely think you should give it a shot. This kind of sculpting (no hard edges/armor) isn't hard, but takes some patience. I learned not to rush and try to do too much. Also, establishing a foundational shape, letting that dry then adding the details is the way to go.  Also, not sticking your thumb on stuff that you've already sculpted that's drying turns out to be important.  I figure Screamers should be fairly easy to do as well, use a piece of manta shaped card and build up putty layers on top.  Well, after getting my first few batches of Screamers, I decided to get some of that "Blue stuff" and basically press mold more. Now, for something bigger than a Screamer  I've been considering sheet brass to give the interior some strength. When I get to that phase, I'll let you know how it goes.  The reference to "dragons among you" - Ordo Hydra?  What an interesting question.   Cheers, Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pearson73 Posted August 16, 2018 Share Posted August 16, 2018 I'm looking forward to seeing more, especially a larger, screamer style beast, potentially an option for an alternative greater daemon there? I've tried more sculpting heavy daemons in the past for some creepy Nurgle spawn, I think he's the most forgiving God for the novice putty-worker, though the melting, ever-shifting Tzeentch could prove generous too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Honda Posted August 17, 2018 Author Share Posted August 17, 2018 Ok, the Ixionian is done. I could see fiddling with him for a long time, but he's pretty decent now, so he'll primered and then I can figure out how to paint him. And before you say, "Dude, nice Billy Idol doo!", I ended up giving him a crown of flames. Seemed like an interesting touch. Variations on a theme, which will inevitably kick off more variations I think. That's it for now. I'll be on a business trip next week, so no hobby time, but I should be able to get some writing done. I'm looking forward to seeing more, especially a larger, screamer style beast, potentially an option for an alternative greater daemon there? I have some alternative solutions for GDs, which will get revealed in a little bit. Larger screamers, at least for me, will end up being "counts as" for other flying things. It will kind of depend on how many I can crank out. Cheers, Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Honda Posted August 25, 2018 Author Share Posted August 25, 2018 +++ Beginnings It was a very old world. It was old, and worn, and had been dying for a long time. But it hadn't died yet...and that was the problem. There was still life on the planet. Bonelife. +++ He was impossibly old, yet had barely aged. He had come from a time of heroes and villains, locked in a struggle over cataclysmic events that would shape the future of Mankind And wars. There had been terrible wars, some that defied the human imagination. Wars that he wasn't sure would leave a human race once they were done. Certainly, Mankind would never be the same again. +++ Cyris-23 had long since lost the ability to feel heat or cold through his extremities. Over time, as he replaced the organic components he began existence with, everything became capable of registering data through some type of sensor. He no longer maintained the sensory apparatus more commonly referred to as skin. So, when Cyris-23 touched the bonelife his external sensors detected a elevated temperature that in mortal hands would have registered as warm. When he extended his mind into the structure, he detected a faint shudder But life unlike anything he'd ever come across on Terra. Each time he reached out to it, he sensed a violent revulsion at his intrusion. He accepted its reaction. It would not be the first time his presence was reviled...though that was a long time ago... +++ The purge was most surely complete by now. Though not without a fight. Those few who had survived the initial betrayal had fought and died to preserve their work with a ferocity and ingenuity that surprised the invaders. After all, the outcome was certain, therefore resistance seemed illogical, certainly it was futile. Yet fight they did, unleashing their legions of Flesh Gholams and Ghoulacas, inflicting horrendous casualties upon the invaders. But their resources were nothing compared to the full might of Mars. <Flesh Gholam> <Ghoulaca> Mars did not care about the cost of the conflict, only the outcome. In the end Goddardia was consumed and their light and all that it represented was extinguished. But...some embers survived. +++ Cyris-23 had benefactors, prescient ones at that. He had long been absent when the pogroms started. He had not only been gone, but moved where the rest of the galaxy would be unlikely to ever discover him. And that suited his purposes just fine. He had a tremendous amount of work to do and he needed a lot of time. His new location provided all the time he needed. +++ Cyris-23 hadn't been aware that he had captured the attention of anyone, certainly none with what turned out to be an understanding of the events to unfold. With a massive intellect at his command, Cyris-23 was like many of his own kind, always too busy to care about the business of the many sects within the Helvetian Technocracy, nor the factions fighting for dominance outside of that technological jewel under the mountain. The others as well were too busy with their own dabblings and research to pay much attention to either him or the outside. They had their own little worlds to manage and that was all that mattered. Until the Emperor returned. Little did he realize that when the Emperor reunited with the Technocrat and his Ur-Mechanicum, that along with that alliance would come a great scything wind from Mars that would sweep through Goddardia, scattering those before it in howling bursts of fanatical binaric cant. Cyris-23's world would be forever changed. Despite Martian assurances, there would be no effort to integrate the two cultures. Especially with those of his talents and abilities. His kind were not tolerated, let alone appreciated. He did not worship the machine, he worshipped the pursuit of knowledge, and Mars could not countenance that. Mars also felt that he had other flaws that must be excised. The psychic abilities manifested in members of his sect could not be allowed to invade the Martian whole and develop. It did not matter that they were used to further the understanding of the physical world. Psykers were not machine born, therefore they would not be tolerated. Someone very powerful, knew this. Someone with resources, capabilities, and apparently knowledge beyond his own. So he had been rescued before the need had arisen. But not out of charity. They gave him a small kingdom, with nearly unlimited resources, and only one objective. Whatever he asked for was provided. They also provided him with protectors, though he had his doubts as to whether or not that was their true function. But protect him they did and they allowed him to continue his work unhindered and without resource constraints. For a very long time... +++ They referred to themselves as the "Ferri", that is, "of iron". Cyris-23 knew enough of ancient Terran languages from his studies in Linguistics and Etymology that the Ferri often times used a pre-Dark Age dialect known as Roma. This dialect, which he had discovered within certain recovered artifacts, had originated from a powerful city state or kingdom known as the "Latinate". Coincidentally enough, this kingdom established itself through extensive efforts in primitive, yet mass produced iron works and construction efforts, some of which were rumored to have lasted for more than a millennia. There were other indications that seemed to point towards an origination from the Achaemenid Persian tribes, though these inferences seemed more recent. Where they came from became a minor side project for Cyris-23 that he dabbled in from time to time, though never with the assistance of the Ferri themselves. They never shared anything about themselves. There was more to them than just their odd linguistics behavior. They were a Legion, or at least a Legion in development at the time he was introduced to them. They were known as the IVth. After they arrived, he was never anywhere without at least a pair in attendance. They would stand at the ready, continually observing his environment, yet never seeming to move. They wore silence like a storm cell whose lightning had not yet announced its presence. They were as silent as metal. +++ When the Ferri first appeared in his workshops, he didn't question how or why they were there. It was enough to know that they were of the Emperor. It was also obvious that they were from the newer breed, not his first attempts. Yet he detected a not insignificant amount of the thunder from their unpredictable cousins in them. They also seemed prone to a sullen, yet restrained anger. Later he would discover that their anger would strike at generations to come. +++ The traveler stood before him. After a slight, yet formal bow, he slowly turned to face the focus of the attendees. Pausing, he looked at each in the circle, bearing an appearance more like ghostly apparitions as their bodies seemed infused with a flaring, pale, blue light. Then he stepped through the doorway and disappeared. Another message sent. As the vast energies powering the structure subsided, the coven of attendees slowly turned away and left. Cyris-23 stood alone with his machine. +++ Hookay...a story. A big one. And with most good stories, there's usually another story behind it. The above effort is a culmination of ideas that began many months ago, March to be exact. I was browsing through WIP, sort of just looking at stuff when I stumbled upon a most incredible thread: I had seen some bits and pieces of Unification Wars fluff and modeling before, but this thread really captured my imagination and unleashed a flood of ideas and thoughts guided by the patient sharing of what I will call The Observer's masterpiece. I am still floored by the concepts. So we conducted a series of side conversations to discuss what he was doing, what was going on and such. So I decided to dip my big toe in and that just drew me deeper into the river. So when you see mention of Goddardia, Ghoulacas, and Flesh Gholams, those are his ideas and concepts that I attempted to visualize. You really need to read his story and understand the backdrop he has laid out. I borrow from that. I also extrapolate on a few of his ideas in order to tell my own story. For example, we don't know that there is a conflict between Mars and Goddardia, but it seems a reasonable possibility given the different approaches to technology. So to clarify, Cyris-23 is the equivalent of the highest level of machine intelligence that Mars is capable of, yet also an extremely powerful psyker. A very intriguing combination to be sure. The models themselves are still WIP, but are far enough along to provide a solid proof of concept. I'm sure there will be more oddities to follow. The Ferri are an idea that spun out of some excellent discourse on the IVth Legion, as presented by Ryltor Thamior and others in this thread: Careful, there's a fire hose of content in there. I look forward to exploring more of those thoughts. Now, as to how all those parts fit together...well, that is the purpose of telling a tale. That's what stories are for. Until next time. Cheers, Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted August 25, 2018 Share Posted August 25, 2018 Your models look promising. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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