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The Kairos Intervention: "Look at the rock" 020819


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Two giants faced each other.

One clad in yellow armor, the other in silver. They stood in a room surrounded with all manner of technological miracles, some perilously close to the line of heresy, if not already deep into the forbidden.

The yellow giant spoke first, "Resistance has begun, which isn't surprising. What is surprising to us is the nature of the resistance."

The silver giant said, "Casualties were to be expected. That is the nature of conflict."

"How we incur these casualties is nothing less than horrendous."

The silver giant was silent.

"Look at what has happened to one of our own" continued the yellow.


After a slight pause, the silver giant replied, "All have suffered. His wounds may be survivable."

The yellow giant, becoming increasingly more agitated by the continued intransigence of his silver cousin, "HIS WOUNDS?! He was not wounded, he has been transformed. He can no longer be considered even remotely human! "

The silver giant remained silent.

The yellow giant continued, "Before this effort began, there were assurances of protection, that you and your Brotherhoods would be shields against what we now suffer from."

The silver giant slowly responded, "It is the Empyrean, surely your chapter among all others are not surprised by what you have experienced?"

The yellow giant retorted, "You said-"

The silver giant interrupted, "I said there were no rules. This is what 'No rules' looks like. I also said that we would be present, and we are."

"So yes, what you are experiencing is horrendous. This effort began upon your initiative and now that we are here, we fight on regardless of the...circumstances. As you have pointed out, the consequences of failing are too dire to imagine."

After a long pause, the silver giant concluded with, "Again, this is the Empyrean. There are no rules. It is well past the time for you and yours to accept this simple fact. There are no rules here."

The silver giant then turned and walked away.


"Tell me, what do you see?"

The human looked over the large corpus laid out on the medicae slab, "It is an Astartes...it wearing what appears to be Mk.III armor, though it appears to be a derivative of the standard mark...I see severe damage to both legs and the left arm...as well as extreme trauma to the upper left cranial area above the eye..."

The yellow giant in attendance commented, "Yes, despite the severity of his other wounds, it still took a direct shot to the head to eventually put him down. Anything else you notice?"

The human continued, "...livery is consistent with that of the IVth Legion, though this badge is unfamiliar to me..."


The giant continued, "Yes, that symbol was quite puzzling to us as well. You'll be most interested to know that it hasn't been seen in quite awhile, so your ignorance is excusable."

The giant waved his right palm over a holographic unit at the head of the slab.

"Does this image seem familiar to you?"

The human replied, "Well of course, everyone has seen that picture. It was one of the more iconic images of the Emperor's forces during the latter stages of the Unification Wars, it-"

The giant interrupted, "Notice what happens when I enlarge the center right section. Does anything, anyone look familiar to you?"

The human paused, looked at the figure on the slab, then looked back at the hologram, then back to the slab, "That's impossible. There must be some mistake."

The giant replied, his tone set in deadly earnest, "Oh, I assure you there is no mistake, of that we are quite certain."

The human looked back at the hologram, then back to the body, "I will say it again, what you are implying is impossible. The similarity between the two can only be coincidental. To imply otherwise, would require us to suspend credibility and accept that what lies before us-"

"-is more than10,000 years old at the time of his demise. Impossible, but true.", the yellow giant interjected.

The human continued, "What vile mechanisms are we in conflict with? Surely this heresy cannot be what it seems to be? My eyes must be deceiving me!"

The giant continued, "This traitor, regardless of his age, killed seven of my brethren only two days ago. I do not have an explanation. All I have are facts."

"And the facts disturb me greatly."


A single lamp shone on a large silver orb.

Nearly ten meters across, the orb was bedecked with purity scripts and evidence of sacred unguents, as it rested in a transport cradle. Stenciled on it's side were the letters "PSYASP-01".

A yellow giant turned to the silver armored techmarine and asked, "What is it?"

The techmarine responded, "It is a satellite designed to broadcast a signal. We were successful in implanting servitors with a strong registry in their DNA of the null-pariah gene. The operational concept this device will address is a temporary psychic screen. It operates under the assumption that psychic 'asphyxiation' is possible through the creation of a null zone for a period of time."

The yellow giant stood silently for several minutes before replying, "And they work?"

"We shall be the first to know. It is fundamentally sound as a concept."

Irritated, the yellow giant replied, "But, you have not proven that it works yet. I am I understanding this correctly?"


Continuing, the yellow giant pressed, "And how many of these devices do you have?"

The techmarine replied, "The manufacturing process is extremely laborious, involving several intricate surgeries on each subject, multiple technical and medical disciplines must coordinate their efforts, we must locate sufficient subjects who then must survive the multiple amputations and cranial augmentations, while at the same time-"

The yellow giant interrupted again, "How many devices do you have?"

After ignoring the slight, the techmarine responded, "We were able to make three."


Progress continues, albeit at a somewhat chaotic pace. Life imitating art I guess.

The first image is of a renegade techmarine that I built a long time ago. At the time, I was fiddling around with making individual characters just for giggles and thought it would be interesting if a Loyalist techmarine became a traitor, though I was at a loss as to what might cause that to happen.


At the time I was looking at making Iron Hands and the idea of "Flesh is weak" extrapolated into a concept of, "what if some of the techmarines flesh became tainted?" What if he was forced out of the Imperium because that flesh which still remained, compromised him and pretty soon a search through my bits box produced this guy.

Who knew I'd find a use for him more than a decade later.

As a story point and something that will have an in-game effect, the PSYASP Null satellites will be able to be used in games.

They are one use only, there are only three devices, they do not use any CPs, and they will be driven by a 2D6 effects table with effects ranging from a two [no effect} to a twelve [-1 to cast for all psychic powers for two turns].

I also think I need to model one, because <reasons>.

The rest are hobby checkpoints of opposing forces and a general indication of how things are shaping up.

So, here's the Flamer family so far. I just love the flamer models. They're just so...crazy and asymmetrical looking. I have no idea if they are any good, but I just love how they look. I still need to do some detailing on their faces, but they are far along enough to game with for me.


And here is the Pink Horror Horde as it stands.



I still have a lot of these to do and now that some of the variations on a theme seem to have panned out, I'll continue to produce more variety with the head/mouths.

And finally, a "Murder of Screamers" engaged in feeding time.


I think that's about it for now. I'm hoping we get a chance to try out the "Opening Moves" scenario before too much longer.


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Looking great! It's been fun catching up on this project. I must also saw I love the color palette you used for your screamers! I've never seen them with dark colors like that and it looks phenomenal! The flamers and batch of pink horrors look just as great as well!

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Tick, tock, tick tock, tick tock…

Or was it tock tick now?

Iapetus’ chiseled face betrayed his frustration as he considered the esteemed Inquisitor’s communiqué. Nothing had been normal as of late, better yet nothing ran on time anymore. He perfunctorily reviewed the auto-log, knowing what he sought would be absent. But he also knew with surety that this exact communiqué had arrived weeks earlier, and he had replied, and was already leading a highly specialized team of Grey Knights personally selected by Iapetus himself to the appointed incursion point to carry out the Inquisitor Lord’s order.

Or was that yesterday? Or possibly tomorrow?

Time was not what it seemed anymore, it appeared to be taking on an elastic quality, which was concerning given 40 millenia of its consistent sequentiality.

Perhaps he should report these things back to Clarke, or perhaps he already had.

Perhaps he had received a reply in advance of the request. He knew the shifting sands of the Empyrian, he had strode tens of daemon corrupted worlds – but none of them in all their madness had this exact taste. This level of deformation, of literal “warp”.

Damn these Chronosians. Meddle with the other 3 dimensions, or even the mind itself – that he could grasp. And counter. But attempt to meddle with time itself? He completely understood why now the Cicatrix Maledictum was required. Something of this magnitude could not be ignored. But he was alarmed at the speed at which this had progressed – no PDF attempts to stem the tide, no standard Guard or Navy interdiction, no chapter involvement from the regulation chapters. Straight to Clarke, not a minor inquisitor by any measure, and thus to him. And truly – why thus to him?

Iapetus understood that while his brothers held him faultless (despite their differences of opinion) his regard in the eyes of his Ordo were far less charitable – or unanimous. Iapetus pushing for restraint, Iapetus pushing for surety, Iapetus the one final, crushing blow in every battle. That was his way, his gift…

“The slow blade penetrates”…he thought. A thought that somehow strangely lived within him. He knew he had heard it somewhere, although his exhaustive (and circumspect) searches of ancient tomes and data stacks had not found any reference to it. He believed he must have heard that somewhere in his youth, from a time before he was Iapetus, before he was illuminated by the mind wipe and indoctrination techniques. It was beyond him how it could have survived. But the Emperor provides for every need.

Yes, he could see the anomaly he must appear to be in their eyes, and felt the Amalathian swell within him.

“Auto-scribe” his voice thundered through the gilded chamber.

Daemon incursion, chaos rebellion, Chronosian tinkering But no matter, he would have his answers – and his reckoning, soon enough.

In time..



Note: Today's guest author is Jefe who fields GK and Inquisition.

There's been quite a lot going on behind the scenes, lots of hobby discovery, decisions, and more importantly, "action".

I've been looking at the Ixionian off and on for quite awhile and although somewhat disturbing, he had something wrong with his face and head.


It was his eye of course. You guys probably figured that out awhile ago, but it took me awhile to make the decision because <paint on> and all the other things that cause you to question, "Why doesn't it work?"

So I yanked the big bulging eye out...yes, he did scream for a little while.

Then I went back and added a kinder, gentler eye and I'm a lot happier with the result.


It's still creepy, but less...bulgey.

I've also been making progress on the painting side, so he has some early dental work and some flames. Still in the early stages.


While I was working that issue out, I realized that he still has a way to go from a painting perspective and in our upcoming game, there's a possibility that I needed something that could be a stand in for a daemon prince. Now I could have used a Tyranid BroodLord guy, but remembered this "thing" I had and the ol' creative juices started leaking out again and I ended up with this...




A long time ago, I used to be really heavy into Warmaster, that Specialist Games WFB 10 mm equivalent. Still one of the best game systems ever designed along with Epic40K/Armageddon.

Anyway, I had a general mounted on a firey chariot called Ezekial and his chariot was on this flaming pylon to give him some presence. After I got out of that game, I still kept the general (something I seem to do with all the armies I sell) and so I had this...flaming thing.

So, a little GS + paint later, I now have a DP that's a flaming column of fire with eyes looking out of it. Seems Tzeenchy. Eventually, it just may end up being a spawn or maybe he stays as a DP.



The Unmade


It was a lion once.

A "Bleeding Lion" as the chapter had been known.

Formerly a weapon in the armory of the Imperium, it is now an enemy of all who would defend "He-who-sits-on-the-throne".

Now it is a weapon that bleeds forever.


For scale:



In game terms, he would represent a Bloodcrusher, which means I have to make two more after this one. From a story perspective, they are much like WB Gal Vorbak. I'm not sure of the color scheme just yet, but am leaning towards brass colored armor.


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  • 2 weeks later...



"I see...a single great eye...no, three eyes, he bears flames in his hands and...and...the great shrieking wail...He comes!"

- last words of Damien de la Rosa, Psyker Elect, Wrath of Terra, Mars class cruiser



Eye see what you did there.

I know, shame on me for luring you here under false pretenses, thinking you were going to see more #unmade.

You will, but in Tzeentch's own good time.

First some more Pink Horror work...greens first.



I kind of got the idea of not gluing the second leg on to sort of give the impression again of the Horrors materializing out of the warp. Also I figured I could use the extra legs when I develop the concept of blue horrors. Not sure where that will end up, but we'll see.

So then it was time to paint them, and I have stuck with the VMC Gunmetal Blue overall, then dry brushing a quick layer of purple, then a flesh color, before doing the eyes. So vaguely disturbing and that is the overall goal.

Next up is the Ixionian.



I'm fairly happy with how he turned out, though disappointed in how washed out the pale green is in these pictures. I'll have to figure out how to get better shots of him when he moves to his base.

Finally, more work on the Unmade.

First off, he's gotten bigger. Like a lot bigger. I don't think the bits I mocked him up with are going to scale anymore.

After I got the legs close to where I wanted them, I realized that I didn't know how the rest of him should look, nor how much of him there would be. So I created an internal frame (paperclip and plastic strip) for attaching the later GS work and it also gives me an idea of how tall and broad he's going to be.


From there, I added some Procreate putty to provide a strong core.


So now I'm building up the mid-section then working my way up to the chest and shoulders. I am attempting to convey a fusion of armor and muscle, some bone spikes protruding through the armor/skin, and a rent armor made flesh. We'll see how this goes.

As far as the pose goes, I'm trying to decide whether he should be "bellowing at the heavens" or leaning to the picture right, possibly swinging a weaponized arm.




Something to impart scale


And finally, some old friends with new faces....

Lord of Change


Kairos Fateweaver


Note: I did not paint the last two images, they are from Creature Caster. Also, I'll be GS-ing some armor on the above daemonic bewbage so that she's more family friendly looking.

I think that's next, but still more surprises to come.


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Wow, you've been busy! One of the things I like most about all this is seeing that you have the bravery to first sculpt your own minis -- something I still haven't attempted -- but then go in during the painting stage and cut out an issue you found and fixed it. 


For the Kairos proxy model, might I suggest instead of sculpting over the chest that you sand away the offending nipples and leave it as featureless flesh, like her face or nether region?

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  • 4 months later...


++++++++++ TRANSMISSION SOURCE: 703.59.222.24

++++++++++ RECEIVED: Inquisitor Lord Iapetus, Ordo Malleus

++++++++++ TRANSMISSION DESTINATION: 432.88.2, Obscurus Sector

++++++++++ DATE: 88.201.067.M42


++++++++++ REF: INQ//475108.613//OH


++++++++++ SUBJECT: Task Force 41 UPDATE

++++++++++ THOUGHT: "Choice is an illusion."






++++++++++ xref: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/348967-the-kairos-intervention-replies-090818/?p=5138246

Two invasion sites were identified as the locations of the enigmatic chronoentropic energy pulses.



Shrouded in a grim twilight, the landing sites consisted of a central structure, surrounded by a circular barrier. In each case, an auxiliary building adjacent to the main structure could be observed. Task Force Command suspected that these structures were the launch points for the messengers who they suspected of being the individuals known to have arrived mysteriously at significant moments in Imperial history from unknown times.

Recon servitors noted that each installation appeared to be abandoned as no evidence of a crew or even maintenance team were evident in vox pic captures.

They seemed abandoned.

No sooner than the Imperial assault forces touched ground and secured a perimeter around the devices, then the enemy arrived.




At the TF 41.7 landing site, gibbering hordes of daemonic entities began manifesting themselves on the surrounding hillsides, immediately rushing into the barriers, eager to come to grips with the intruders. Nearly standing out in the open, the November Warriors counter assaulted the horrific figures as they flickered in and out of perception. It wasn't until Astartes casualties began to accumulate that warp induced interference with communications began ended all contact with the orbiting fleet.

Additional Naval airlift resources attempted an atmospheric entry only to be consumed by rising geysers of unnaturally colored flame. Soon the flaming towers began reaching out to the orbiting vessels, causing catastrophic combustion in smaller craft and surface damage to larger vessels.

The Brotherhoods of Titan launched a quick reaction force, borne in psychically resistant drop vessels, to the embattled landing site. They were to be disappointed for their Novemberine allies were nowhere to be found. Taking heavy casualties from a new outpouring of daemonic manifestations, the Grey Knights were able to extricate a small, yet still powerful remnant from the rescue forces.


This remnant eventually returned to the fleet from Titan where the survivors were sequestered for debriefings.

A more insidious opponent materialized at the TF 41.9 site.

No sooner had the Grey Knights secured their perimeter, then screaming hordes of mutants began their assault upon the besieged giants in silver. However, a much more serious threat was soon to appear.

Gliding over ranks of Rubric warriors, lone figures on flying discs began a psychic assault of unprecedented strength and ferocity. Powered by the immediate proximity of the Empyrean, gigantic bolts of multi-colored lightning flashed, rendering great holes in the communications station and eventually causing rainbow hued firestorm that engulfed not only all of the former buildings, but everyone taking shelter there.

The conflagration raged for several hours, while the sorcerers continuously circled around the pillar of flames, ensuring that none would survive.

Nothing was left, but ash, bone, and melted gobs of armor plate, soon to become adornments and talismanic devices for the remnants of Magnus.

As silence returned to the battleground, a lone figure lifted his head and stared into the heavens.


So, we had our games and they were pretty interesting and we also discovered a few things regarding scenario balance.

The first pairings were Mo (November Warriors) and I (Tzeentch daemons), while Jefe (Grey Knights) took on Gar (Thousand Sons).

My initial thoughts were that those should be the more interesting matchups. The scenario can be found here:


Now, when we talked over the scenario (had a pre-game show at Starbucks), we walked through how things worked, etc.

What we didn't realize at the time is what an impact Smite would have to the various lists.

To summarize Mo's and my first game:

1. He set up, I rolled for my forces, didn't get any really strong rolls, so characters were pretty plain (PL 5 was my highest). I did get one unit of flamers, screamers, and a burning chariot.

2. Pink horrors are pretty much useless for anything other than Smite and objective grabbing. Mo and I kept laughing because our combats were yer basic slap fest. I did kill things, but mostly at a rate that would cause the both of us to qualify for Social Security checks before the game finished.

3. On the other hand, the Screamers ended up being pretty nasty and the flamers did some good stuff too.

4. So at the point where everyone was starving to death, Mo and I called the game a draw, recognizing that I would eventually get him, but it was going to take a long time.

5. Oh, and my Smite-fu was very weak.

Now the counter point to that were the Thousand Sons whose Smite-fu was very strong and Gar used that to burn down everything but the hobby shop. I think Jefe lasted two turns because he couldn't pull of a Deny to save his life. His ground troops didn't have any trouble murdering Gar's Tzaangors, but other than that, it was not a good day for the Titan Brotherhood.

So we came back after eating and switched. Tzeentchian daemons vs. Grey Knights and Thousand Sons vs. November Warriors. Unfortunately for the opponents of the Thousand Sons, without any psychic protection, the Novemberine were in a even more painful situation than the Grey Knights were.

On the other table we had a more interesting story.

First off, I got some better rolls for my non-HQ choices (those were still lame) which allowed me to take two units of screamers (1 x 3, 1 x 6), a unit of flamers, and a burning chariot. In a way, it was good that I did because the Grey Knights stopped me from getting any psychic powers off (Me:Hah, I got that one off, Jefe: Yeah, no, but nice try), locked up my pink horrors until they could murder them all and pretty much dominated that part of the game. What they did not handle as well was the high mobility of the screamers and that they are pretty good in an assault. Flamers are also pretty darn good.

Although the Grey Knights were able to finally end the assault (i.e. killed 50% of my figures), they didn't have enough left to live through the next four assaults. We previewed the rolls I would get and the second assault would have even more screamers, so it just didn't look very good going forward.

So, a very interesting scenario to play, but one that will take some careful adjustments when you play with lists that aren't Orks vs. IG. One other balance mistake that I think we made was in regards to named characters. I think both Ahriman and Draigo were a little too strong for a scenario of this size, especially when combined with lots of Smite. Anyway, we're still talking through those items, but that's my initial impression.

Anyway, we're looking forward to the next scenario and advancing the story.



More than the landing sites burned.

An intense anger was fueled by the shameful loss of so many lives.

Although both sites were destroyed, the Astartes leadership and Imperial Naval Commanders questioned whether they accomplished anything at all.

And yet...a clue was recovered. Something that led to a new location and a target for their building wrath.

to be continued...

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Every minute of his existence was defined by one thing. A deep, unending, bone numbing cold.


Titus had given up on trying to comprehend what was happening to him a long time ago. In fact, he had stopped trying to remember how long he had been in this situation, as it appeared that time as he understood it, no longer applied to him.

It appeared that he had now come under the effect of something much greater.

It was apparent that the artifact had been in its location for a very long time. If it had ever existed anywhere else, that other time had certainly predated the existence of Humankind.

Just being in close proximity to the object for extended periods of time was exhausting, as if a side effect of its existence resulted in the slow seeping away of an individual's life. Titus sometimes felt as if his bones were slowly crumbling to dust by the time his analysis shifts had ended.

Yet he never hesitated to show up for his next shift. It was almost as if he was some variety of Terran Lepidoptera, circling around an open flame.

He wondered what would happen if he just reached out and...


After his panic attack subsided, Titus began to take stock of his situation.

First of all, it appeared that everyone within his visual range at the excavation site had completely disappeared. Unfortunately, it did not appear that anyone remained beyond his visual range either. A more disconcerting discovery was that all vox communications, on all channels, had also ceased.

It was as if everyone else in the task force no longer existed.

Except Titus.

Which brought him to his second problem.

He was stuck.

The act of touching the surface of the object had joined him to the artifact and now they were one. No amount of pulling, jerking or wrenching would free himself. That is when panic struck and at some point during his bout, he leaned against the object with his left knee and lower leg in an attempt to increase his leverage against whatever had a hold on him, thus transfixing him to the surface in two places.

It was only later after a frenzied follow on attempt to free himself had left him completely drained, that he discovered the horrific truth of his situation.

He was ever so slowly being drawn into the artifact.


Although portions of his left ear were now stuck to the surface, he was still unable to detect any sound emanating from the object.

At one point, he thought that he felt something brush up against the hand that was embedded in the object. Titus was left with a mental image of something sinuous, swimming by his hand, but immediately rejected the possibility. He was barely holding on to the shredded fabric of his sanity as it was, the possibility that something else was taking place inside the artifact, was a dark pit that he did not have the strength to look into.

He believed he would find out soon enough.
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Gazing out from his shadowed perch, Titus could see nothing but desolation.


His view was filled with the image of a corrupted landscape bent down under the weight of a flaming sky, twisted by great funnels of energy ripping the ground like a raptors claws. Much like his time attached to the Artifact, his aimless wanderings through this forsaken land had taken on the timeless qualities of old myths and legends, save that he was the poor soul lost in this endless sojourn.

Of late, he had begun to look up to the skies, as if in search of an answer.


Titus had fled into the shaded crevices of the cliff.

The sounds he heard had no rational equivalent in any of his experiences or travels. His actions were completely dominated by a desire to escape that which was fueled by partial constructs dragged out of the rancid depths of his imagination.

If pressed, he would not have been able to describe what had surfaced such extreme terror in his heart. The unnatural sounds that echoed off of the surrounding rock formations nearly paralyzed him with fear.

Still he fought to keep moving.

He snapped his head, left then right, frantically trying to determine from which direction the sounds which drove him emanated, his glances taking on a violent intensity as he sought a glimpse of that which had left him in a state of near mindless, stumbling flight...at the same time, deathly afraid that he might actually see that which for now, he only heard.

At the same time, inhuman wails drifted in and out of the background, rising to screaming peaks of senseless sound, then cascading down a painful register of moans and sobs. Clasping his hands over his ears had no effect as the cries penetrated his very being.

Soon his own sobs began softly adding to the surrounding chorus of pain.


Violent tremors shook Titus into consciousness.

At some unknown point, oblivious to the consequences, it appeared that he had attempted to ingest several mouthfuls of the ashen grey dust that covered the ground.

It was during a fit of wracking coughs, his body desperately seeking to purge itself, that a distant herd-like movement caught his eye. The shuffling movement of the mass slowly began to adopt a familiarity for some reason as Titus stood up and stumbled towards the object.


Upon closer inspection, it appeared to be a large mob of humans, most wearing either the uniform of personnel assigned to the fleet or the heavy laborers associated with the excavation.

Thinking that he had found the remnants of his task force, Titus ran to the group waving his arms.

The mob immediately stopped moving and much like a school of fish, turned as one to face Titus and began shuffling in his direction. The unnatural way in which each and every member of the mob acted the same caused Titus to stop in confusion.

As they moved closer, Titus could see the open mouths of individuals, grey dust trickling out with each step, while their eyes looked frantically from side to side. Titus was left with the distinct impression that it was as if they were moving while under the control of something else.

As they drew nearer, the mob extended their arms as one. Some even wielded weapons, though he was unable to see if their hands were positioned to fire.

Turning to flee, Titus' flight was interrupted by the shrieking roar of a large entity as it crashed into the mob, much like an oceanic predator driving through a swarm of small fish. Titus immediately ran away, his peripheral vision catching a vision of a monstrous beast, seemingly comprised of scything legs and an open maw.

Sometime later after he had stopped running, he couldn't quite be certain whether he had heard or only imagined that he had heard, dry, dusty screams issue from the mob.


Days...or was it weeks...later, Titus stumbled upon a shallow pool of what appeared to be water. As he bent over the fluid, an impossible visage appeared, framed by the flaming skies.

Shrieking, he turned and ran.


To be continued...

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"Look at the rock"


"Look at the rock"

"What do you suppose will happen next?"

Titus looked all around him, but did not see anything.

"You don't have to look for me, I am here."

"W-where?", rasped Titus.


Titus became agitated as he realized that he had involuntarily lifted up his arms at the same time he had heard the reply.



"Do you see that rock?"

"Yes" he croaked back.

"Concentrate on it. Try to make it do something."

"Like what?" answered Titus.

"Oh, anything really, I want to show you something."

After a few moments with no observable change, despite his forced concentration, Titus gave up and stood silently, unsure what he should do next.

"My turn. Now watch closely..."

Within moments the weathered grey rock began to slowly pulse, much like a heart. Soon Titus could sense that the pulses were beginning to resonate with his own heartbeat. Before long they began to beat together at the same time.

Then the rock stopped.

Titus immediately doubled over in excruciating pain, experiencing a flash of boiling heat in every nerve ending so intense that he was paralyzed by the assault.

Thankfully, Titus lost consciousness, keeling over face first into the dust.


When he came to, his body immediately began a series of violent, wracking heaves.

Once again, his involuntary muscles responded in an attempt at preservation as it forcibly cast out the mouthfuls of dust he had ingested once again. When at last his body could give up no more, he lay exhausted in the clumpy dust recently spewed out, staring at the rock. Slowly, it had begun to pulse again, seeking synchronicity with his own heart, causing Titus to whimper. Unable to look away, he realized what would soon transpire.

Unfortunately, it did not occur to him that the next event could be worse.


Consciousness came unbidden.

A bleary film seemed to cover Titus vision. No tears came to wash the gritty coat away and blinking seemed an insurmountable task in his weakened state. Every joint was swollen, an orchestra of inflammation yielding a discordant riot of pain. His throat felt like an open wound, desperately seeking the soothing salve of even a brief trickle of moisture.

"Look at the rock!"

"P-please n-no m-mor-" whispered Titus.

"Did you enjoy what happened to your eye?"

Titus curled into a ball and began to whimper like an abandoned infant left to experience its last moments of existence through suffering.

"Why...are you...doing...this?", Titus croaked.

"I need to make you into something...useful", the voice smiled, "now, look at the rock!"

Shaking uncontrollably, Titus slowly unwound himself, wildly seeking the focal point of his misery with his remaining eye. His chest heaved with ragged breaths as he wrapped his arms around his torso and rocked back and forth on his haunches in trepidation of what was soon to come.

Then he screamed.


Titus was now able to stand erect.

Arms extended out from his sides, he slowly began floating above the ground.

"Ah, that's much better, now you've become something I can work with"

Titus glanced down at the stone and watched it slowly melt. If he had been capable of receiving sound, he might have noticed a thin keening wail sounding disturbingly like his original voice.

"Wherg...arg...yougah?", Titus throat gargled.

"You seek me? To what purpose? Do you think to cause me pain? How pathetically silly"

Titus clenched his fists and shrieked. Immediately a firestorm encircled him, extending out nearly thirty meters. When the flames eventually faded away, all the surrounding stone had melted into a dark, volcanic glass.

You feel hate, no? That is good. Those that will soon follow you here bring nothing but hate. They hate you for what you have become and will seek to destroy the destiny I am providing you."

"One other thing. Your hunters, pathetic as they may be, can be clever from time to time. Beware the weakness of the past. I can see that you once felt love and that it hurt you, no?"

"Love is an illusion and has no place in your future. Seek out a place among the gods. Your test is nearly upon you. Do not fail."

Titus was slowly turned toward the horizon, observing a flash of silver light.

" Failure is eternal"

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