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AT Chat, Lists, and Conversions For All Stompy Robot Lovers

Fajita Fan

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So, we used scatterable mines today and it's way too broken, a 12" bubble of difficult and dangerous terrain in the middle of your army ruins anyone's day, to make things even worse it works every turn

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Warp Missiles look like they could be really useful if you keep them for a couple of turns so that enemy Titans have taken a bit of damage already and you can try finish them off. Rule of cool though I would definitely try a mass early strike to take something out :biggrin.:


I think this is the right tactical take on warp missiles. There is a tendency to consider them first-strike weapons due to their range and ability to ignore shields, but this is a bit of red herring. It seems to me that they work better as a sniper weapon for administering a coup de grace to an already damaged titan that has managed to get its shields back up. This does mean that you have to keep it in reserve for a while, so using it as a cheap topper for a melee Reaver is actually contraindicated here. In this application, it actually makes more sense as a carapace weapon for a long-range volcano/blaster Reaver. It is a bit of an odd weapon, to be sure, but it has its uses.



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No but I couldn't wait for it so I plowed ahead with all my Questoris knights even though I really wanted actual gauntlets.  I wonder if those will be soon along with the Acastus knights?  Tomorrow is contrast paints so but there's no word about the week after.  

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I wonder how that will look on my bright aluminum primer...

i guess it depends what colour you are going to use and how much you thin it down with the medium... what ive seen the darker blues and greens needs to be thinned to look good (imho of course)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Corsair maniple seems underrated, the ability to back up and sidestep at full speed seems pretty badass.

true, but it's also Reavers only, which I'm sure many players don't want to be restricted too in lower point value games where they can't afford to bring a second Maniple for other Titan classes.

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and on the subject of Reavers; by the Emperor I hate their stupid toe pistons, I'm on my Third Reaver and so far not one of them hasn't required me to cut up at least one, if not more, of these pistons in order to fit under their shin armor, and they aren't even in that dramatic of a pose most of the time, just striding/stepping... why is there no wiggle room? Warlords have plenty, their shin armor would be scraping on the ground before they'd be interfaring with the pistons(and at that point there'd be no room on the groove on the leg for the piston to rest in anyway), but on a Reaver something a like 15 degree tilt makes it impossible to fit without trimming both ends of the piston rod off and just leaving the armored bit wedged under there if not needing you to whittling down the top or bottom edge of said armor as well... who designed this crap thinking it was a good idea? who approved it for final production? are we supposed to only have Reavers stand in boring static poses?

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Corsair maniple seems underrated, the ability to back up and sidestep at full speed seems pretty badass.

true, but it's also Reavers only, which I'm sure many players don't want to be restricted too in lower point value games where they can't afford to bring a second Maniple for other Titan classes.
Do you need a second maniple and not just a couple of a la carte titans? That’s all I do.


and on the subject of Reavers; by the Emperor I hate their stupid toe pistons, I'm on my Third Reaver and so far not one of them hasn't required me to cut up at least one, if not more, of these pistons in order to fit under their shin armor, and they aren't even in that dramatic of a pose most of the time, just striding/stepping... why is there no wiggle room? Warlords have plenty, their shin armor would be scraping on the ground before they'd be interfaring with the pistons(and at that point there'd be no room on the groove on the leg for the piston to rest in anyway), but on a Reaver something a like 15 degree tilt makes it impossible to fit without trimming both ends of the piston rod off and just leaving the armored bit wedged under there if not needing you to whittling down the top or bottom edge of said armor as well... who designed this crap thinking it was a good idea? who approved it for final production? are we supposed to only have Reavers stand in boring static poses?

Reaver legs are the worst part of AT other than maybe figuring out how to transport two maniples. Blue tack is about the only thing that I’ve found helps.
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So I’m reading Ember Wolves at work and I didnt care care for Warhound flamethrowers so I only assembled two, ursas claws sound like a fun modeling opportunity to use my other flamer bits. I’m pretty sure I have plenty of fine jewelry chain left. 

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lore question: is there a name for Titan command structures above Maniples, but below the Legio? surely such things must exist, but do we have a name for them?


I ask because I'm trying to theme my homebrew Legio around Tarot Cards, and organizing them into the 4 "Suits" to cover additional Titans outside the ones representing the "Major Arcana", as well as internal politics of the Legio that predate their Unifaction and integration into the Imperium of Man, plus the fact I plan to make Chaos versions of some of them once those get models, so them already being slit into 4 subgroups fits with that future.

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Oh man, that was actually an idea I had to name my Custodes after tarot cards.


Legios and knight households can organize how they like so you can call it what you want. In Ordo Sinister the psi-titan is the “Fourth Initiate of the Fourth House” and he mentions the Borealis Chamber - his titan is called Borealis Thoon so I assume other titans in his Chamber start with the name Borealis as well.

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lore question: is there a name for Titan command structures above Maniples, but below the Legio? surely such things must exist, but do we have a name for them?


I ask because I'm trying to theme my homebrew Legio around Tarot Cards, and organizing them into the 4 "Suits" to cover additional Titans outside the ones representing the "Major Arcana", as well as internal politics of the Legio that predate their Unifaction and integration into the Imperium of Man, plus the fact I plan to make Chaos versions of some of them once those get models, so them already being slit into 4 subgroups fits with that future.

Several Maniples form a Battlegroup. But it’s not a permanent organization - it only applies to a particular deployment. This is referred to in both Abnett’s Titanicus as well as HH Book 5 - Tempest.


“Five battlegroups, a total of twenty-eight engines, had formed the advance. Gearhart’s engine led the first group”


Separately there are War Cohorts of Secutarii and other support units that support several Titan Maniples but said Cohort refers to the supporting forces rather than the Titans themselves.


Hope that helps a little.

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New to the game and eventually I'll read through all 47 pages of this thread...


So does the WD article hint that if I make my own legio/scheme I can't run whatever rules are already listed for existing legios?


As far as my hobby goes I'm about to start reading Mechanicum, it just so happens that as I've been working my way through the HH books the timing of me getting into AT and reading Mechanicum have lined up. After that I might take a break from HH to read Titandeath and Adeptus Titanicus.

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