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Hey all

Small offering for the thread today;


Originally I started out playing heresy just before the release of the prospero box set as a Thousand Sons man. That project didn’t get super far, as younger me had a lot of trouble nailing the candy red scheme I wanted. But at the time i made up a backstory for a pretty cool thousand sons character - an equerry to Phosis T’kar, and a powerful raptora sorceror in his own right. I’d envisaged him wearing terminator armour with a Anubis/jackal-head helmet. At the time there were no decent Anubis heads around, but I recently made a puppetswar order and included in it were their Anubis V2 heads, which are exactly what I had in mind at the time. So this week I made a start to Tutet-Ra:




During his time as a legionary, Tutet served first as a Khenetai swordsman before ascending to become T’kar’s equerry. He is also an exceptionally talented telekine, which is part of the reason Phosis decides to take him on as an apprentice.

Tutet’s story sees him as forming a very deep bond, unusually, with a vlka fenryka captain when serving alongside the sixth legion during the great crusade. The space wolf in question, Fjalmir Balefrost, is unusually open minded for a fenrisian and gently attempts to talk sense into his fellow warriors as to the nature of the warp, leaving him feeling infinitely more betrayed and angry when it appears that the thousand sons have betrayed the emperor.


Balefrost and Tutet-Ra hunt for eachother on the battlefields of Prospero, eventually coming to blows in the atrium of one of the great pyramids. The duel is fierce, but ultimately ends with Tutet using his telekinesis to bring the entire pyramid down on top of them, seemingly killing them both.


In a turn of events, however, Tutet ends up surviving. Crawling from the rubble, he goes on to track down the remnants of his legion in the eye of terror. Finding the now chaos corrupted legion, Tutet is horrified and vengeful, becoming a renegade astartes loyal not to the imperium nor to the dark gods. Ultimately he ends up travelling the galaxy in an attempt to garner the knowledge to reverse the rubric, becoming a sort of mirror to Ahriman in that sense. I envisioned him becoming a sorcerer near equal in power to Ahriman or Khayon, but with his own singular agenda entirely driven by bitterness for what happened to his legion and homeworld, and culminates in him eventually managing to stabilise his own geneseed enough to make new marines, and start a small company of astartes calling themselves the Red Scarabs. Regaining a sense of humanity, Tutet and his army end up being a sort of force for good within the Warhammer universe, at times allying themselves temporarily with other ‘nice’ imperial forces (salamanders for example) but also other non-imperial human forces and even certain xenos such as Tau and Necrons, with the goal of extracting as heavy a toll as is possible on Tzeench for being a meddling dick.


Phew! That’s a enough loredumping for this post I think. As for the technical aspects of the conversion work, I had to snip the ears off the jackal helmet and mount them on the inner cowl of the terminator armour. I’m really happy with the result. Other than that, it’s very brick and early stages. Super excited to continue on this Let me know what you think!


What a brilliant idea to use the Cataphractii torso! The bulk and details look ace.

Thanks! I was super happy when I realised the flipped design worked so well as a power-armour torso piece. I should be back to working on the iron warriors kill team fairly soon, money’s a little tight at the moment so I can’t invest as much as I’d like to into the hobby.

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