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Relics of the Armoury Painting Event


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From the picture you posted above the conversion looks pretty good Ubique, do you have any close ups?


For extra plasma guns, you might look at the ones from the Horus Heresy Mk3 and 4 marines.  They are a little bit slimmer than normal marine plasma guns, and I think they fit pretty well on normal guardsman, but I haven't tried to put them on scions yet.

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ScionOfCorlesiayour stuff looks great. I can see where you went with the Plasma Pistol front on the HSLG body.


RoboFish, thanks. I am going to start painting shortly and will start with the Plasma Guns to get some shots sooner than later. As a bonus, one dude is half done so that will give me a false sense of accomplishment! 


Regarding more guns, I'm pretty much at the end of my plasma gun run for my force but I'll keep that in mind. I have 12x gunners completed now in my 60 troop force. I intend to go up to 75 guys and need to flush out the remaining so it may pay off. 


Do you know if the size of the Space Marine 5-pack Plasma Gun sprue is appropriate for IG models?

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If you go to Page 2 of this thread, you'll see my Cadian with the 30k plasma guns, they look smaller, a lot more natural, and they're holding it from below rather than on the side handle.


For that I just used the normal cadian arms with lasguns, and chopped off the lasgun, chopped off the hand on the plasma, and glued them together.

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Having said that, no WIP pictures from me - instead a completion one :wink:


Not bad as I was originally hoping to do them last weekend but some things came up, I've even managed to be the first to complete which I didn't expect. Of course that's only until I follow these up with something else :wink: I need to manage my time carefully so something that's not too big would be best - but I think I have a good idea what that could be :thumbsup:

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Just need to do some final detail work and give it a good coat of wash, but the stormlord is coming along nicely.



After this is done I have a repair project to do, need to fix the tail wing on my Marauders, then I'll see what else needs fixing for a nice 200 PL Stronghold game my group is planning. 
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Very quiet in here it looks like everyone is busy working on their vows, the commissariat is most pleased with this devotion! As a break from all the assembling and painting let me regale you with a story from times old... perhaps some comrades will even remember it :wink:

A long time ago, in a topic far away (so far away, it has vanished into the ether) GW saw fit to right a great wrong and give us plastic Ogryns! Not only that, but a new type in Bullgryns. Upon seeing this the barracks rejoiced and many wallets wept tears of pain joy. One head in particular of the Bone 'ead did strike a young prince commissar as being a great opportunity and so he did declare "I shall take this bit, and make it whole as it was intended to be".

Thus the Sergeant Major was born. He had the grenadier gauntlet because GW was silly and made the maul quite poor, but the young prince commissar persevered and painted him up in blood and glory. So was the tale of the Sergeant Major thought to have ended, until the Legend of Magnets that is (where our young prince commissar joined forces with great heroes of the Guard to bring the power of magnets to His Hammer, but that is a tale for another time).

Four years later, the not as young prince commissar returns for once more adventure... power of magnets in hand:


Not much painting involved, as I just need to do the maul arm and maybe shield - the magnetising will take a little while but I've already made sure I have the magnets :smile.:

I hope you all enjoyed the story... now get back to your vows, break is over! :laugh.::wink:

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Well, I have a small WIP to submit. :)

I started working on the engines and some of the smaller pieces, with a Leadbelcher base and some retributor and runelord for a bit of bling.


The main body I'll be doing in black, with a red stripe along the side. Similarly for the wings, which'll be black with red flaps. I still need to get myself a can of suitable red paint for that.

A friend is giving me a fibreglass rod, which I want to use to support the wings. The idea is to drill thorough the body and have two rods going througb, with some magnets along the body. If it works as I hope, I can keep the wings detachable which will make it way easier to transport.

Anyway, that's all for now, hopefully more progress by next week. :)

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Just alittle update on my vowed Valkyrie. I started painting her up in Inquisition colours, but wasn't liking the look of her so restripped and now she's almost done with Regimental colours. The new one (On the right) just need some cleaning up and then some edge highlighting. Excuse the washes being thrown at it, my patience for doing the rivet marks isn't the best. I hope to have the vow complete over the weekend, but we'll see.

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Not picture update worthy but touched up the spots that required primer last night


Was surprisingly quick to do

Now on to painting them as long as I don't get distracted by Sevarin Raine or my new Vindicare first... Which is why it made these minis a good candidate for this challenge :sweat:

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Howdy friends... long time no post here in the hallowed halls of the militarum.

I’ve been frequenting the Heresy group and working on my Solar Auxilia... honestly is forgotten about the relics event and am excited to be back.

I’ll need to alter my vow as I’ve gotten rid of some things I’d vowed(sorry).

I’d like to vow 4 dracosan, 1 infernus, 1 valdor and 1 carnodon.

Here be pics



Also... here’s 80 lasriflemen, 10 flamers and 10 volkites




Preshading is complete and now I just need to decide on the paint scheme

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Update time!


I've finished the GS work and flash cleaning for the bits. Here's the mock ups:


vcJo42Xm.jpg?1  02ZZ3qRm.jpg


Height comparison:




Shoulder pads on the third plasma gun which I had to take from a Catachan command sprue:




I was aiming for the older style of pads from the metal Cadians.

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