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Have revised my black method in addition to my gold, going deeper to better contrast the new gold plus a bit purpler b/c purple is the best black.


Old method: black, drybrushed with dark dark grey (like 2-3 parts black to one part eshin), blackwash, touch up flat of same dark grey mix after painting trim, edge highlight & trace around inside trim w/ daemonette hide then thinner edge & corner w/ slaaneshi grey. End result's kind of a charcoal grey.


New method: trim first, then paint panels flat black, wider highlight around edges of panels with naggaroth, thinner edge highlights with daemonette & slaaneshi as before but *significantly* more sparing around inside of trim.


Very similar to the 'how to paint abaddon' video, except trim first, and Nagaroth/daemonette/slaaneshi instead of reaper/thunderhawk/fenrisian. Liking the result so far, but test model remains unfinished.

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Yeah, especially with black as the main colour I've always found it's easier to do the trim first and then clean up with the black. The edge created by the trim is very easy to follow once you get the hang of it. I always found that black works well just being black and letting natural light create the grey tones; like you've said it keeps the black a nice deep dark black creating great contrast. Most of the in-depth methods for black that I've seen seem to be a lot of effort for a very subtle effect that didn't seem worth the effort unless it's taken too far (IMO) and it gets into the dark grey range. But that's not for me, I want my black to be black, not dark grey. Hummm... now you've got me wondering if I want to update my highlighting method too. Damn, too many things to choose from and decide lately!

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I'm going to build my army around a Devastation Battery. If I don't get first turn...my Havocs won't go down without a fight.

I really like that detachment myself and for now it lets me use some models I really like such as Rhinos and possibly my Landraider(s).


It might be a little ambitious but I’d love to try a mobile, largely marine based fire platform racing to challenge mid board.

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So how much of your 'plans' would you make around a very cool model?


All of them!  I haven't played many games the past few years so tabletop effectiveness is less of a concern.  Having models that are visually appealing and fun to paint is by far the most important criteria for me right now.  However, I also think I've been overly focused on army composition/unit efficiency since the end of 7th and that approach unexpectedly killed much of the enjoyment of games.  It also hasn't helped that I've been drifting between armies for years now and haven't landed on one that felt right for both painting and playing.  (This is also why I haven't felt motivated to finish any painting goals since I stopped painting for chaos in the ETL.)


I'm not thrilled with all the new chaos releases that have been teased but there's enough stuff I like that I've decided to return to the army that always had the most visual appeal to me.  My plan is to start working on the horde of unopened boxes from prior impulse buys first and begin picking up newer models as a reward for making progress.  This path may or may not give me a viable army.  At some point I figure I'll need to expand the collection by building out themed detachments.     

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Gonna go back and do some more updates to Lord Esarhaddon and his merry Sicarii crew. May even use some bits from Albert Donn to finally finish up Big Lord E. Swore I was more or less finished with 40K for the foreseeable future, but then that CSM kit hit, and it's like my damned brain got set on fire.

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I would love to run a daemonic machine list with a couple havoc squads with chain cannons in a termite. Granted they wont arrive turn one to get somewhere good to distract the enemy from the mass of daemon engines running up the field, but the image is still cool. Bursting out of the ground and picking a juicy target. A third squad sitting in the back with las using that cult of destruction strat.
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My old Idolators warband is gonna be reborn with the new stuff, theme being more of a knightly/crusadery aspect. Wanna have a hard hitting force with a good firebase support. Havoks being able to move and fire without penalty is awesome.

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Great topic!

Been a long time black legion player as i could never decide what i wanted cult troops wise... so i took all the things. Then i sold my entire collection for a premium price... only to realise a few years later that was a mistake. So i rebuilt it again. I began doing this a few years ago and continue to chip away at it.

I have about 40 chaos space marine miniatures that were going to form a wall of black and gold.. a true legion of power armour. However with the new releases the scale creep really bothers me. Im thinking of converting them all to possesed marines and running cultists as troops... ( nearly 90 aud for the new csm )

Then purchasing Abby, some new termies, lord discordant to run with my three defilers and three heldrakes, master of possesions and kit bashing some ghal vorbak style greater possesed.

Thats my plan anyway. But i always get side tracked!

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I'm actually kind of glad that I'm slow at assembling and painting the Shadowspear set having just returned to the hobby. So many things sound great and my concept of how I want to put together my army keeps changing as new things are revealed or I read new ideas and tactics. I'm also starting to notice a distinct Slaanesh leaning in my Black Legion army. Temptation.....that can't be good.

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For anyone starting out, I would strongly suggest that you focus on a simple core of an HQ or two and a few Troop units while you bash around the other ideas, even if you have other models. There are so many interesting choices it can be so easy to get pulled in several directions but the fact that you're going to need a core line of Troops to anchor the whole thing always remains. Once you've got that blob done, then it's time to add the real toys! :)

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I'm loving seeing this post swell lol. Never expected this type of response. 
I have 100% come to the conclusion that I wont know what i'm doing until i have miniatures in my hand. 

I was going through some old stuff last night and came across a couple of models from about 9 years ago lol i think. round about the time of the Huron model and the new nuln oil, earthshade washes were released. 

Although really rough i liked what i was going for. They had bone armour with old worn bronze trim and the cloth/leather areas in red. I kit bashed them with the DE upgrade spruce from that time giving them tabards, hoods, robes. They had a word bearer look to them but much like this release i never had any back story lol

My painting and green stuff work has certainly come a long way since then. Maybe i can pick up this long lost warband after 9 or 10 years haha

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For anyone starting out, I would strongly suggest that you focus on a simple core of an HQ or two and a few Troop units while you bash around the other ideas, even if you have other models. There are so many interesting choices it can be so easy to get pulled in several directions but the fact that you're going to need a core line of Troops to anchor the whole thing always remains. Once you've got that blob done, then it's time to add the real toys! :smile.:

This is sage advice and well taken :) 

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For anyone starting out, I would strongly suggest that you focus on a simple core of an HQ or two and a few Troop units while you bash around the other ideas, even if you have other models. There are so many interesting choices it can be so easy to get pulled in several directions but the fact that you're going to need a core line of Troops to anchor the whole thing always remains. Once you've got that blob done, then it's time to add the real toys! :smile.:

This is a piece of advice i received when i was like 10 years old from a GW member of staff way back when i collected Skaven. Two solid core choices and an HQ 

I still promptly ignore this from time to time lol going for units i like.   

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So after checking what I currently have built from my previous run at Black Legion plus Shadowspear, I reckon I can get away with two boxes of CSM and one box of Havocs and they'll be done. My Word Bearers will need at minimum a Lord Discordant from the new stuff.


Still no real clue what to do for Night Lords. A Host Raptorial is the obvious choice, but I'm not a fan of the "all jump guys all the time" approach. Maybe Chosen in Dreadclaws? Might have to wait and see what the deep strike rules end up as before committing.



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Planning on making raptor host detachment using brazen beasts chapter


Jump lord with thunder hammer, detachement trait, and chapter relic & a load of raptors with him with mark of khorne


should make a mess of stuff


13" move

+2" for chargers

2+ save with 5 attacks

6s -ap4

re roll hit 1s



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Plans for my Havocs now afoot -


4 x Chaincannons (3x converted using the FW Rotor Cannons and Heavy Bolters) then I build a second squad with 4 x Autocannons using left over Shadowspear Marines as a lot of them do have nice open poses ripe for converting :devil: I will only have to source one more Autocannon which should be easy enough.

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I see a lot of people centring their force round about chaingun havocs. Which if im being honest sound awesome as the visual idea of chain gun toting cahos space marines mowing everything in their path  down is to cool to put into words. 

My interest however was peaked by someone saying chaos slamguines? is this just a case of throwing a jump back and thunder hammer onto a lord? 
Someone also said something about a juggerlord slamguines! 

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There are so many options with Vigilus and the updated codex that I have no idea or solid plan on what actually do. For now I'm starting a min sized squad of Red Corsairs for the fun of it, but nothing more. At least until I have the new books.

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My interest however was peaked by someone saying chaos slamguines? is this just a case of throwing a jump back and thunder hammer onto a lord? 

Someone also said something about a juggerlord slamguines! 


Yeah people started to call everything with a Thunderhammer and Jump Pack Captain Smash/Slamguinius. Which is far from correct though. The true strength of Captain Smash comes from a combination of things like

  • the relic Jump Pack allowing him to ignore Overwatch and re-roll charges
  • a WT that makes his hammer D4
  • a Stratagem for a permanent +1A and a 6+++
  • a Stratagem for +1d3A
  • a Stratagem to fight a second time/after death
  • a Stratagem to let him re-position the same way as if he'd arrive from reserves
  • a Stratagem that lets Jump Pack units that come from reserves or get set up with the Stratagem mentioned before roll 3d6 for a charge
  • the Blood Angels trait that gives +1 to wound the turn he charged, got charged or used Heroic Intervention.

The Chaos Lord with Thunderhammer and Jump Pack can only emulate/copy

  • the +1 to wound with the VotLW Stratagem
  • the fight twice with the Khorne Stratagem
  • the permanent +1A and 6+++ Stratagem via Warlord trait
  • (if you go World Eaters) the +1d3A Stratagem via Legion Trait but only if the Blood Angels player rolls a 1 for the additional attacks

but is lacking the option to take a Stormshield (which is kinda a huge deal since 3++ is a LOT better than a 4++) and everything else that makes the Captain Smash so great compared to a regular Captain with Thunderhammer and Jump Pack.

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I see a lot of people centring their force round about chaingun havocs. Which if im being honest sound awesome as the visual idea of chain gun toting cahos space marines mowing everything in their path down is to cool to put into words.

By the Dark Gods no, mine will just be an extra to my force that can hit hard. They will be a glass cannon though imho. I am thinking of running mine in a Dreadclaw.


So, will chosen have access to thunder hammers? I’m already ordering at least one box of deathwatch for Red Corsairs conversions ;)

If they are in the melee options, then I think so. Hope so!
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So had a bit of a trail game tonight with the new 'rules'.


I had 3 squads of havocs, my lascannons whiffed hard, as did my missile launchers, but I know they can be great anti tank. With chain cannons I'm swapping my missiles for more las. Also now they can move and fire, have a nice anchored firebase hidden in the first turn, move and shoot with lovely prayer and psychic support.


3 squads of 5 chaos marines with autocannons were solid, didnt set the world on fire, but were always able to do something while cultists and havocs got shot.


Cultists loosing legion traits and being capped at 30, eh, I know I'll miss the legion trait, but cultists are still pretty alright.


Venomcrawlers need to be in packs, or need to be run with lots of vehicles/daemon engines. As I dont have lots of that stuff, I wont be using the frankly cool looking model.


Oblits are still good, but I did burn alot of my cp so couldn't cacophony them.


Greater possessed are mean in combat, I did have my one supported by the master of possession, but yeah, going to run two.


Prayers are great, -2 (thanks alpha legion) kept my chain cannons going for longer then they should have, yes they will die early, but they will do amazing things.


List was

Master of possession, cursed earth, infernal power

Dark apostle with -1 to hit prayer

2 dark disciples


3x5 csm with autocannon


1 greater possessed


Sorc with prescience and delightful agonies

Dark apostle with +1 to hit prayer


2x30 cultists

10 cultists


Lord with plasma pistol, blade of the hydra


2 oblits


5 havocs with 4 chain cannons, flamer

5 havocs with 4 missile launchers, flamer

5 havocs with 4 lascannons, flamer.


Was alpha legion, everything slaanesh.

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I see a lot of people centring their force round about chaingun havocs. Which if im being honest sound awesome as the visual idea of chain gun toting cahos space marines mowing everything in their path down is to cool to put into words.

By the Dark Gods no, mine will just be an extra to my force that can hit hard. They will be a glass cannon though imho. I am thinking of running mine in a Dreadclaw.


So, will chosen have access to thunder hammers? I’m already ordering at least one box of deathwatch for Red Corsairs conversions :wink:

If they are in the melee options, then I think so. Hope so!



Same, Chaingun Havocs will be just one element of my army. One very important element that can easily win me games so I of course want to protect it, but too squishy to center a whole army around. It's not exactly a Knight.


I can't really get excited for Thunderhammer Chosen. It's expensive and they only have two attacks hitting on 4+ with hammers. I think I'd rather give them axes (chain or power) and keep the hammer on Lords.

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