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BSB Speculation


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Space marine chapters fight together but are based on completely different planets, Sisters Orders are spread across planets and there's no reason not to have multiple ones on well defended worlds. So order mixing makes some sense.


Well GW moved most of the unique models like the banner bearers out of squads.


Ancients were moved out of squads due to the sprues in the Dark Imperium box set not having a command squad.


Chaos marine icons stayed in squads due to being in kits. Death Guard got an icon bearer in a blister but not as an IC though I guess the bell guy in dark imperium is their ancient equivalent.


Genestealer cult icons have been both in character form and squad upgrade form because there are banner poles on the sprues and a independent character banner.


Sister icons could be moved around between the index and beta codex due to them being old blisters.


The new range is just following the Genestealer Cult route.

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Anyone thinking of not trying to pre order the box due to GWs stance on,'we don't think there'll be enough for every preorder.. 'and just waiting for the rules to appear on line before getting the codex next year?

I think it's largely irrelevant, most peoples flgs will have plenty of copies due to the low number of sisters players and high number of online buyers.


I think their marketing jargon will only make a small subset of the ebay/retail buyer market go nuts. The rest of us it won't matter.

Edited by ERJAK
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Argent Shroud Conviction can be used defensively as well as offensively.


Argent Shroud Exorcist has an enemy unit getting too close to it, so on his/her turn the Argent Shroud player advances the Exorcist away from the threat, and then still shoots at the threat ;)

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Well there's certainly enough info in this one to keep me intrigued as to what the rest have.

Argent shroud dominions shooting without any minus to hit for advancing. Assault heavy flamers.


A (pricey) strat to make my beloved heavy flamers reroll wounds.


Some cool stuff in there and I'm actually looking forward to seeing the full codex to find out what else is in there.


Sound like the staff of Office extends aura by 3".


My Exorcists will miss the 4++ invo trick. So far what we've seen seems to favour infantry which saddens my msu mech based heart. Be interesting to see if our vehicles benefit from convictions and other things or not.

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Anyone thinking of not trying to pre order the box due to GWs stance on,'we don't think there'll be enough for every preorder.. 'and just waiting for the rules to appear on line before getting the codex next year?

I'm not surprised honestly that the rush to get stuff in before the end of 2019 has left us with a box release. Wish the codex was at least available seperately, but. I don't want to wait to know first hand if the dex is worth a damn.


If not, I'll roast the models in front of my metal girls. If it is equal to Index+CA17 Erjak gets the mini's. Might be upgrading my Exo's to the new ones and retrofit mine to be Repressors. The only model of the new release I can't convert (as of now) is the flying pulpit.


Reminds me of the old dwarf copters, but I will be getting one. An old metal canoness will fit in their nicely. Still hoping the zephyr whatevers are more like a flyer rather than eviscerators riding on a jump pack.

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Anyone thinking of not trying to pre order the box due to GWs stance on,'we don't think there'll be enough for every preorder.. 'and just waiting for the rules to appear on line before getting the codex next year?

I'm not surprised honestly that the rush to get stuff in before the end of 2019 has left us with a box release. Wish the codex was at least available seperately, but. I don't want to wait to know first hand if the dex is worth a damn.


If not, I'll roast the models in front of my metal girls. If it is equal to Index+CA17 Erjak gets the mini's. Might be upgrading my Exo's to the new ones and retrofit mine to be Repressors. The only model of the new release I can't convert (as of now) is the flying pulpit.


Reminds me of the old dwarf copters, but I will be getting one. An old metal canoness will fit in their nicely. Still hoping the zephyr whatevers are more like a flyer rather than eviscerators riding on a jump pack.

If nothing else it look like they put a lot more effort into this book than they did the beta codex.

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Anyone thinking of not trying to pre order the box due to GWs stance on,'we don't think there'll be enough for every preorder.. 'and just waiting for the rules to appear on line before getting the codex next year?

If I can't get it ordered via FLGS, I probably won't bother, since FLGS would be cheaper.

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I was kinda frustrated when I read the whole "might sell out" hype. It's one thing to release a collector box a few months in advance of the full release, but to make it a limited enough run that it could become unavailable... Well that's kind of a crummy thing to do. Leaving us without access to the new dex as we wait for the full release would be a problem, especially if I don't get mange to get one.


Hopefully it's just marketing, and there's actually no real risk of a sell out. If so, it's a condescending ploy, but I don't mind dealing with it if it means I have a dex in my hand on November 29.

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Anyone notice that they put the 'beyond the battlebox' up in the BSB cataloge?




Is that it? BSB over? (not with a fanfare but with a wimper and a splutter :p )

Depends on what we get today. Hope they show off the Battle Sanctum. As much as I THINK it's terrain, I HOPE it's a flying Cathedral tank.



It'd be kinda hilarious(ly stupid) to make a super-hyped overpriced box set and then manufacture much less of them than there'd be demand for.

Manufactured scarcity and FOMO are standard capitalist practice. It's Capitalism 101 at this point.

It's fun how capitalism 101 violates economics 101 (equilibrium price).

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Manufactured scarcity and FOMO are standard capitalist practice. It's Capitalism 101 at this point.

Last I heard Capitalism 101 was "make as much money as possible". Ain't gonna make no money if you run out of product to sell.

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Manufactured scarcity and FOMO are standard capitalist practice. It's Capitalism 101 at this point.

Last I heard Capitalism 101 was "make as much money as possible". Ain't gonna make no money if you run out of product to sell.

It's actually 'make as much money you can immediately because there's no such thing as 'tomorrow'. Been that way since the 80s.

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It's actually 'make as much money you can immediately because there's no such thing as 'tomorrow'. Been that way since the 80s.

That still works with my latter sentence :smile.:


I'm debating whether to commit to paint a few more Argent Shroud models before the codex comes (and assuming I can get the set) out and hope it doesn't backfire. Though if I want to include the new models in the first games with the Codex, I'll have to run "mixed colors" anyway for even a 1-1.5k list (assuming I indeed make the plastics a different Order).

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I'm not sure how I feel about the Convictions in terms of themeing. I'll have to see how they all look, but advance and shoot doesn't feel very Argent Shroud to me, and I'd expect the most martyr themed Conviction to go to Valorous Heart. Maybe they'll just still have a 6+++.


I don't think I'll be getting the box, it'll be a pain to find somewhere to see the codex rules though, since I don't know any real Sisters players irl. There's too many models in there that I just don't want.


I also really like the head on the Canoness in that box, but I'm worried she'll be exclusive to the set, which would be unfortunate.

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For me I think the closest to an unwanted model would be the Penitent Engine, I guess. I often like "walkers" but that one kinda doesn't do it for me, enough so that I wouldn't buy it separately. The arcos look nice enough but mostly I'm wondering if there's much point in running just 3 of them? I guess the same goes for Repentia. I do have 10 or 11 metal ones to supplement them with I guess, and the models are nice enough. But once the full lineup is revealed I guess I'll have a better idea of what new things I might purchase to round out the plastic half of my army.

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It'd be kinda hilarious(ly stupid) to make a super-hyped overpriced box set and then manufacture much less of them than there'd be demand for.

Manufactured scarcity and FOMO are standard capitalist practice. It's Capitalism 101 at this point.

It's fun how capitalism 101 violates economics 101 (equilibrium price).


Structurally inherent contradictions in capitalism? Shock! Horror! Who would have thought they *gamble* in the casino!




Manufactured scarcity and FOMO are standard capitalist practice. It's Capitalism 101 at this point.

Last I heard Capitalism 101 was "make as much money as possible". Ain't gonna make no money if you run out of product to sell.


Remember how Space Hulk was supposed to be limited, but came back, what, 3 times?

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