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They look delicious

That's their grand plan: lure the enemy in by appealing to their base instincts for festive delights and brutally murder everyone as they approach to take a bite. This will surely reap great benefits, should they ever face the Great Devourer in battle.

Woah, DG for a change! Whipped up one Levi I had had in the pile for ages together with some suitably regular humans for scale.









Why not mount the additional missiles atop the pre-existing hunter-killer missile launcher? You can justify their presence by claiming they're frag and/or flakk missiles, allowing the Leviathan to deal with a miriad of threats.


The infantryman being crushed in the venerable battle-brother's close combat weapon is a good touch.

Visual curiosity, for the most part. The piece itself was also unevenly slanted, like the curved armour Levis' have, prompting a placement that looks a bit more ad hoc than piling it on the phosphex launcher.
An alternative mounting point for the missile launchers (though admittedly one that exposes them to damage when the Leviathan is forced to engage in close combat) is on the autocannon's side- see how the missile launchers are mounted directly on the PGZ-95 flak tank's autocannon's here. Edited by Bjorn Firewalker

And he's done, a quick bash to cap the year's painting. Clicking the pictures open into full size recommended for details!


You might not want to call him cake to his face, noigrim :D




You might not want to call him cake to his face

Who is my favourite little mudcake? Yes you are. *happy dreadnought noises*


"Grand-dreaddy, what happened to that frater afterwards?"

"Another time, little one, another time..."




(credit to Luth of BtK fame for the pic)

This year has been so many years long that I already forgot did I actually do some hobby related things this year, and started counting...

Sherrypie's 2020 in miniatures:

Built but not painted:

- termie lord
- 19 termies
- Flagellum Dei (AT Reaver)
- Delictor Profectuum (AT Warlord)
- 2x AT Warhounds
- a whole bucketful of Epic Mechanicum
- 6 AI Lightnings
- Falchion super-heavy



- 7 DG officers (captain-commander, saturnine, apo, MP, libby, biologist, standard bearer)
- las-Contemptor
- Leviathan Dreadnought


- Memento Mori (Warlord)
- 4 Acastoi
- Contemptus Mundi (Warbringer)
- Damnatio Memoriae (Reaver)
- Aetheris-Anathema (Psi-titan)
- 8 Cerastoi


- 12 bases of terminators
- 10 light artillery pieces
- 3 Thunderhawks
- 24 Contemptors
- 4 Leviathans
- 8 bases of Deathshrouds
- 3 Hyperios
- 5 Vindicators
- 4 Fellblades
- 12 Basilisks
- 6 Sicarans
- 4 Thanatars
- 2 bases of Thallaxii
- 5 Castellaxii
- 12 strips of dragon's teeth and razor wire
- Ordinatus Minoris
- 5 Vultaraxii
- a tech-magos
- 4 Krios tanks

...yeah I guess that counts for some hobbying :D

Safe and productive 2021, everyone! Let's have a less apocalyptic year for a change.

  • 2 months later...

Eyy, some painting time!


While the next couple of months will still be quite busy in the military, one has to get some painting in while on leave. My target will be to paint 3000 points of Epic Mechanicum this week so I can demo the game on the weekend, starting with some WIP Lightnings and more killerbots:




After these guys are detailed and based, it's time for some infantry.

  • 1 month later...

Thanks lads!


Painted some DG for a change.

How time flies when you aren't painting titans. This chap took only one afternoon :P


Another lord joins the XIV, with proper bloody weaponry (still salty over 8th / 9th DG codex's stupid wargear restrictions). A leader of the Unbroken Blades SHALL wield a manreaper if he so desires, dangit!

Top job, it's an effective conversion for the rather rigid Terminator champion. I really like that mottled cape.

Cheers, I still have at least two of those particular captain bodies in the pile. Calth models were a bit stiff, yes :D


The cape was a bit off an odd one, since you'd usually want it to stand out from the other colours. It could have been green, but with the excessive metal bling on the front, I feared he might look like a Christmas ornament. And it's XIV, anyway, function before form any day.

  • 1 month later...


With my stint at the military pretty much done, there's time to work with minis again. I had gotten hold of a set of FW's Gal Vorbak a while ago, which I wanted to use as a base for either spawns or possessed marines, representing various failed Librarians of the Echoes in the warp's flesh-changing grip. Such lovely models. They turned out as nicely chunky possessed, nine in total, ready to die for the XIV one last time after being thrown out of their prison.

One of them became a proper librarian, since he just didn't look warped enough during the process so whatever :D


While we're on the roll, today I finally painted a unit of Deathshrouds for tomorrow's game. Four models in a day, now that's lightning fast around these parts :D

Click 'em bigger for details  :thumbsup:


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