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Discussion on the new C:SM & Possible BT supplement

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There doesn't seem to be a Tale of Four Warlords on Twitch this week.


I didn't catch the end of last week's broadcast (and I know the Black Templars player was ill, anyway). Did they say/does anyone otherwise know when the next instalment of ToFW will be on?

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Very much an aside, but think I'm gonna have to pick up a salamanders upgrade kit or two, not only does it have handflamers and thunderhammers, which all chapters can use, but there's also a backpack with a brazier, and their transfer sheet has some numbers that are the right size font size for us as well.


The small flames on the hammers should be removable

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I dont think we'll be getting any news about us until GW reveals things at the Spiel on the 24th, by that time both Supplements will be 2 days from release and that allows GW to say a couple days before where our rules will be and stay tuned for more info or whatever.

This will be their "normal" plan. But like Tor Garadon and the Salamanders Guy were leaked before.... they changed their plans. I hope (and think so) that there will be a leak.

 I'm gonna have to pick up a salamanders upgrade kit or two, not only does it have handflamers and thunderhammers, which all chapters can use, but there's also a backpack with a brazier, and their transfer sheet has some numbers that are the right size font size for us as well.



same thougts^^

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 I'm gonna have to pick up a salamanders upgrade kit or two, not only does it have handflamers and thunderhammers, which all chapters can use, but there's also a backpack with a brazier, and their transfer sheet has some numbers that are the right size font size for us as well.

same thougts^^

Thirding this. It also helps me because I play Dark Angels, who also use the numerals like that. :lol:

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Book 1 isnt even out yet, so I dont think so.

But hey maybe. Maybe monday evening is all about the next thing in psychic awakening.


ID expect something like "as some of you may have noticed, we didnt mention the most zealous of Dorns sons today. Well that is because they will XXXXX later." at the end of the successors preview at some point this week.

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They were doing teases of the eldar stuff for four weeks - 2 units, 2 hqs.

Dont get me wrong I hope they do another psy awakening tease today and I hope it uses the Words crusade, dorn, zeal and templars. But I am not convinced it will Happen. I am also not convinced they will be pushing psy awakening books out by the month, especially with two big 40k Releases (psy awakening and Supplements) so close to each other. There is still Sigmar stuff and the new KT Box to come out. Then there is sisters and possibly New stuff for aeronautica and/or titanicus.

Lets hope for some form of mention this week. I'd love to be released next month. Or even in december. Templars drop 2019 and I am extatic.

I think they will tell US more about psy awakening 2 at Spiel in 2 weeks latest.

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Rumour from the French source was they moved up the Templar release to drop by the end of November.


That's what I'm using as a timeframe.


The dude has been on point so far, so I have no reason to doubt the rumour.

I also do not expect a miniature release similar to eldar, im expect 1 HQ and sprue, just like the other chapters. Anything less is not cool, something more is a welcome surprise.

Edited by Sete
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