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Psychic Awakening 2 rumours


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My BT were fighting Orks and DG to bloody standstills before the new codex. Post codex they were punchy enough to kick a 30 boy squad off the table using chainswords if the rolls were with me. Any sort of upgrades on top of that are gravy, especially if the new strategems give me something worth while to spend my points on. Auto wounding on 6s is fine with me, just a shame that double hits on 6s don't count as auto 6 anymore, as that would have boosted our new trait a bit.

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It’s important to note that the WS trait only comes into play if they charge or heroically intervene. Ours is active in any given situation and is better in prolonged fights.

White Scars can fall back  and charge again... thats their CT. So they always have it normally.


EDIT: to slow

Edited by Medjugorje
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They would fall back and charge on their turn.

It can also be prevented.


True, they could always leave combat. You would need to ensure it doesn’t happen, then.


There’s more to simple math when it comes to these things and they should be considered when evaluating if it’s truly “the worst CT”.

you mean Special rule while our doctrine is active. Its clearly the worst.

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Off topic start rant "It is amazing how fast this thread went from euphoria to whining about us having the worst trait ect withou anyone even having seen or played these new rules.

Maybe we should actually play some games with our plastic buddies to see how it all works?" end of rant.

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It’s important to note that the WS trait only comes into play if they charge or heroically intervene. Ours is active in any given situation and is better in prolonged fights.

How often do you actually see prolonged fights in an Edition where either side can calmly saunter out of combat, though?


According to the rumors one of our stratagems can prevent an enemy from falling back so prolonged combat might happen more often in the future. I agree our rumored doctrine bonus is pretty weak but who knows how it will synergize with the rest of our rules. I'll withhold judgment until we see everything.

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Off topic start rant "It is amazing how fast this thread went from euphoria to whining about us having the worst trait ect withou anyone even having seen or played these new rules.

Maybe we should actually play some games with our plastic buddies to see how it all works?" end of rant.

Nobody is whining/ranting here. Its just a fact that the special rule is weaker then others... Everybody already said that everything depends on relics and Stratagems. And btw... nobody think it wont be a great time to play BT. I think it will make fun anyway - on tournaments maybe we have to play different things.

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Also Inquisitor Greyfax can prevent an enemy from pulling out of combat. I see her easily becoming an auto include for me.


Also guys, the extra damage for white scars is great against multi wound stuff. Useless against single wound stuff. Do people not realize thst were essentially getting Gene Wrought Might for free which is a dang good stratagem? Ive brought down Hive tyrants with intercessors because of it.

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As a newer black templars player I am super stoked.  I do not have the nostalgia of how good it used to be like some of you vets.  All I know is that I have been reluctant to play since we have been in supplement limbo and I cannot wait to get my hands on this book.  I am at work now and I just want to get home so I can wrap my head around (in peace, work is chaotic) the rules leaks and list build.

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the crusader stratagem is fluffy and the lithany seems good. But the doctrine special rule is even worst then thought... The only units we must need this rule are excepted. Thats  not good (except its really possible to take the IF special rule too.... then there would be no vehicle anymore when the assault doctrine is on^^) 

Edited by Medjugorje
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I do like the sword.


Won't bite as often as the burning blade, but each bite is harder at D3

the idea is that probably with chapter doctrine this could be a monster killer - score 6 on an attack an do 3 damage

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Great Sword Relic.

But I still dont know how this army will work with Primaris.

Fluffy Crusader strat, useless on a Primaris Crusade.

Litany seems nice.

Doctrine is a kick in the shins.


Also no primaris shown on the pics.

They dont have a primaris BT army, or are they hiding something?

Edited by Sete
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They dont have a primaris BT army, or are they hiding something?


Well they cant show what they haven't announced but they may be working on an upgrade kit and even if they had it it would take time to get the models ready for pictures. Whatever GWs plans may be I think they took  a second place to writing these rules because they seem to be publishing them at a break neck pace and I doubt the design teams can keep up, that schedule is far more intriguing to me than anything else.

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People thinking we can use any IF bonuses alongside these new rules are just deluding themselves.


Anyway, since my Templars don't have Primaris these rules so far kinda work for me. Well, the rules do work on Primaris of course, but not optimized. What kinda annoys me is that they now even make chapters, not just other codices, working together a pain in the butt with "forcing mono-supplement or no new rule". I guess I need to paint my remaining Crusaders at some point after all so that I can get those six troop slots filled.

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