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Psychic Awakening 2 rumours


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The separation on the GW site is probably purely coming from a marketing perspective and just making sure that the current BT models aren't lost in the SM range for those looking for them.


Being left out of the IF supplement gives me thought for two things: firstly, that the BT rules update was too large to include and would impinge on IF/CF stuff and so they get PA all to themselves. Or secondly, that the update is miniscule and with no models etc that they didn't want attention lost on IF/CF so you've been banished to PA.


Suitable outcome would be a full update of rules and a primaris upgrade sprue for BT. A bonus would be a new character ala Salamanders and IF. Only dreamers would imagine that you will get a new unit considering even larger and more popular factions such as BA/DA/SW haven't gotten any primaris units other than lieutenants. 

What you say just feels contradictory. The easy way out was always to stick us in the IF book, not give us a section on the site, but instead put us under IF just like Crimson fists.


If our rules are too large to fit in there, fair enough, they banish us to a campaign book. But why would being too miniscule get us there too? I mean I guess I just have an issue with your framing, in both of your scenarios, they just banish us to another book, because they don't want us to detract, the size of t he rules is irrelevant. 


I don't think anyone here expects even what you call a "suitable outcome", at least not now.


My main question now is why GW is doing things this way, it'd have been so much easier to just give us half a page of lore, put in our data sheets, and moved on. Instead they have the black sheep feature front and center for an installment with the narrative campaign? It's just weird.




Yes I know, but I have a source. I've said too much already, I was asked not to discuss it lol





Yea maybe I framed it poorly. But I'm trying to say that GW are indeed being quite contradictory. If BT are coming in PA, you would think they'd go all out and give them characters/rules/models similar to PA1. If it's just a paltry offering or even a similar rules update to what IF/CF got, it's a head scratcher that you weren't in the supplement in the first place.

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So; just to reiterate earlier having bought IF supplement ebook; I can 100% confirm we have access to IF Supplement rules just same as a no-name successor. Meaning unlike CF we pay a CP to access the IF Relic list. Secondly we got new fluff in the book.


Notably Draco (yes our Draco) got excommunicated, and which company post annihilation of the OG IF Chapter has roots to our boys in black. And we got some minor details in our schism with Dorn himself. Or more accurately a careful word choice that implies more about our schism.

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I'm going to bring one glimmer of hope (road to disappointment I know...) but some people are suggesting this list is a fake. The argument runs as follows : supposedly this list is from an independent retailer (because it's not the internal format of GW documents), but independent retailers obviously do not get "made to order" models.


Some have also noted some of the product # were wrong. Rumors still strongly point to no Templar model support regardless of that list though. Edited by DranuTemplar
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Yea maybe I framed it poorly. But I'm trying to say that GW are indeed being quite contradictory. If BT are coming in PA, you would think they'd go all out and give them characters/rules/models similar to PA1. If it's just a paltry offering or even a similar rules update to what IF/CF got, it's a head scratcher that you weren't in the supplement in the first place.

The disabused, grumpy, bitter me will tell you that this guarantees a base amount of sales. You have these 4-5 campaign books, and #2 has limited content so you wedge a faction that's thirsting for attention in it to make sure at least all the fanboys will pick up the book.



Some have also noted some of the product # were wrong. Rumors still strongly point to no Templar model support regardless of that list though.

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Even though I don’t currently use Primaris in my Templar army this news is a little discouraging. I’ll save my final judgment for the release but I really feel like we’re getting less than other chapters despite being (arguably) more popular. So long as the campaign book has as much Black Templar content as a supplement would I’ll get it but I am worried we’ll get less with all the other factions crammed in there.
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It's unlikely though. Other supplements were 60-ish pages of dedicated content for 22€. PA1 was 80ish pages for 32€, to get the same value for money as others did, we'd have to have the whole book (and then some) dedicated to us. In terms of value for money, we're definitely getting had. Rule-wise we could get the "same" as others (meaning the same number of stratagems, relics, traits, special rules) which would be nice, but in general content (lore, photo) I expect we'll get less, by the simple expedient of pages being needed for other factions as well.
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If the list is correct, the only option i see for BT to have a model/sprue is if the start collecting Primaris SM box has a random HQ and sprue.

It is priced at 95, same price as the SW start collecting box, and its coming up same day as the Faith and Fury book.


We are still counting BT as a "generic" Space Marine Chapter right? So the box would be named correctly and not BT start collecting box.

Last christmas there was a Imperial fists box... how were they called?

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Unlikely though. Know no fear is pretty much the start collecting primaris, isn't it ?



The imperial fist box ... If there would be a BT unit in it .. it would be called a BT Box-Set or like the SW it would have a  name like Shadowspear, Armageddon, Vigilus,...

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It's unlikely though. Other supplements were 60-ish pages of dedicated content for 22€. PA1 was 80ish pages for 32€, to get the same value for money as others did, we'd have to have the whole book (and then some) dedicated to us. In terms of value for money, we're definitely getting had. Rule-wise we could get the "same" as others (meaning the same number of stratagems, relics, traits, special rules) which would be nice, but in general content (lore, photo) I expect we'll get less, by the simple expedient of pages being needed for other factions as well.



I dunno, there are very pieces of new lore that I have liked, the EC being one of them. Maybe it's better that we don't have as much lore as it's less chance they'll change something else?


However, that said it would be nice to have a full breakdown of the different ways our crusades operate and stuff like that. 

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I dunno, there are very pieces of new lore that I have liked, the EC being one of them. Maybe it's better that we don't have as much lore as it's less chance they'll change something else?



Aye, the lore is fairly good as is., and I like more the mystery than than explaining everything (like they unfortuantely started to do with the Horus Heresy).  More visual art and short stories would be nice though, along with...models.

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I mean if they drop a generic Start collecting SM with BT, its just adding insult to injury.


What a rollercoaster these rumours.

From having a box set, to nada. Im too old for this :cuss. :D


But im going deeper into the rabbit hole.

We know Ragnar is facing ghaz, maybe that BT vs Orks box might still exist somewhere down the line. :D


Seeing Kirioth video from a while ago he did have the rest of the information correct, people just assumed the box would come with PA2.


Ghaz can still drop vs ragnar, and BT vs Orks on a box set.

After all we are getting a sisters box with PA2 aswell.


Lets wait till January. We might still get a suprise. Im not ready to admit defeat yet.

Edited by Sete
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I say this every time one of these threads pops up. Besides ultramarines, we have the most pages of fluff, the most characters, we have the only special troop choice, and we even have our own elite unit.

I feel that bears pointing out that we actually have the least pages of fluff of any of the 11 major Chapters. Every other major Chapter has their own dedicated book full of lore, pretty photos and art, save Crimson Fists, who currently have more pages of lore/art than we do.


PA2 will be interesting, as we may end up having the least lore of any of the 11 major Chapters, or more than Crimson Fists but less than any of the others. As has been pointed out, though, PA2 won’t have enough pages for us to catch the other Chapters in terms of fluff and art.

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Yea maybe I framed it poorly. But I'm trying to say that GW are indeed being quite contradictory. If BT are coming in PA, you would think they'd go all out and give them characters/rules/models similar to PA1. If it's just a paltry offering or even a similar rules update to what IF/CF got, it's a head scratcher that you weren't in the supplement in the first place.



Ynnari are in psychic awakening 2 and basically just got their white dwarf rules.



So; just to reiterate earlier having bought IF supplement ebook; I can 100% confirm we have access to IF Supplement rules just same as a no-name successor. Meaning unlike CF we pay a CP to access the IF Relic list. Secondly we got new fluff in the book.


Crimson Fists have access to the IF relic list in theory but in practice have to pay a CP to get around the keyword lock that divides the IF and CF relics and can't have a IF Warlord Trait without the 'double trait' stratagem.



Doesn't the CF only have like a half page of lore in the IF book? It's pretty safe to assume we'll have (at least a tad) more

5 Pages (2 fluff pages, 1 heraldry page 1 chapter page and 1 for Pedro Kantor).

Edited by Closet Skeleton
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I say this every time one of these threads pops up. Besides ultramarines, we have the most pages of fluff, the most characters, we have the only special troop choice, and we even have our own elite unit.

I feel that bears pointing out that we actually have the least pages of fluff of any of the 11 major Chapters. Every other major Chapter has their own dedicated book full of lore, pretty photos and art, save Crimson Fists, who currently have more pages of lore/art than we do.


PA2 will be interesting, as we may end up having the least lore of any of the 11 major Chapters, or more than Crimson Fists but less than any of the others. As has been pointed out, though, PA2 won’t have enough pages for us to catch the other Chapters in terms of fluff and art.

Oh right I'm still on C:SM. I don't buy new codices right away. So this new 8.5 edition, I guess you're right. *So far* we have the least. But these books aren't done coming out yet.
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New supplements aren't exactly good in terms of artwork and fluff. A couple of old primaris marines pics and same old fluff. Imperial Fists have new chapter master with zero information about him in their supplement, not even a picture :D

And all new lore can be summarised as "PRIMARIS ARE AWESOME!!!111". So I wouldn't expect anything more that "BT got primaris that win all the battles while space marines are trying to be as cool as primaris".

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