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Admech or Genestealer Cult as a second army?


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Hello I'm at a place with my Imperial Guard that I feel comfortable just adding the occasional unit to and committing to a second army with the Guard.


Admech and Genestealer both have fantastic ranges and great bits to kitbash into my guardsmen as well! I like the character models for both ranges as well and the fluff.





Great metallics

Unique looking and powerful vehicles to have fun modelling and painting

Repair spam.


Excuse to eventually get a knight

Bits for weapons not found in guard boxes

Great looking new flyer

Could make cool kitbashed Mechanicus trained veteran squads



One strong tone across all robes

Lots of spindly bits to snap off

Might be too similar to IG gunline?

Silly looking new transport model


Genestealer Cults



Another horde army

Lots of kitbash and weapon swap opportunities can finally create penal guard conscripts or vets with shotguns

More opportunity to use models I already own

Fun new psychic powers

Motorcycles and demo charges

Different types of xenos, clothes etc.. variety of painting



Another horde army

Lots of new rules

Current imperial guard army might not aesthetically fit with xenos

Smaller vehicles

My answer has nothing to do with my avatar. :whistling:  Genestealer Cults.


It's one of the best kitbashing armies, in my opinion they mix well with guard if you use the heads/upgrade kits. Plus painting them is quite fun considering the colours they use. 

Cults. Their deployment mechanics alone! Variety of characters! You can rope in both guard and nids for even more variety!


Admech are visually nice but play wise they are just another army. Troops in transports Yada Yada, Boeing hqs, no special rules to speak of and no canticles don't count they are just sad.

Genestealer Cults would allow you to utilise your existing Guard collection either as allies or directly as codex units, meaning that even if you plan to go 'pure' GSC at some point, until you get there, you can utilise your existing Guard collection.


Plus you have something to fight all those loyalist Marine armies with that's a bit more fluffy than an Imperial vs Imperial battle.

From what I've heard from a gameplay point of view Genestealer Cults absolutely annihilate Adeptus Mechanicus in the meta currently. I'm collecting Admech myself, but that's more for the art, the background and the lore compared to any gameplay concerns.


It pains me to say so but you're probably more likely to enjoy Genstealer Cults than the Admech. The Ergonomic Enginseer has a good point though. Perhaps you could run a kill team of whichever one you don't pick for your army and use the spare parts to decorate your army as a Cult of the Bladed Cog army.

Why not both. :wink:


Cult of the Bladed Cog looks nice.

My god man are you trying to kill my wallet :O



From what I've heard from a gameplay point of view Genestealer Cults absolutely annihilate Adeptus Mechanicus in the meta currently. I'm collecting Admech myself, but that's more for the art, the background and the lore compared to any gameplay concerns.


It pains me to say so but you're probably more likely to enjoy Genstealer Cults than the Admech. The Ergonomic Enginseer has a good point though. Perhaps you could run a kill team of whichever one you don't pick for your army and use the spare parts to decorate your army as a Cult of the Bladed Cog army.

That's really too bad but I really don't mind sticking with a faction during a down time even if they aren't completely in the current meta. I think your point with the kill team is great though. It's just maintaining the goal of keeping whichever force I don't pick as a kill team haha.


But I appreciate everyone's responses. I think I'm still up in the air though, GSC were what I was going to get originally but I started looking at the admech range more and more recently. Hmm.. I think I'll just grab a box of neophytes and skitarii and see from there. Gets me thinking what a super-heavy for GSC would even look like?


Why not both. :wink:


Cult of the Bladed Cog looks nice.

My god man are you trying to kill my wallet :ohmy.:



From what I've heard from a gameplay point of view Genestealer Cults absolutely annihilate Adeptus Mechanicus in the meta currently. I'm collecting Admech myself, but that's more for the art, the background and the lore compared to any gameplay concerns.


It pains me to say so but you're probably more likely to enjoy Genstealer Cults than the Admech. The Ergonomic Enginseer has a good point though. Perhaps you could run a kill team of whichever one you don't pick for your army and use the spare parts to decorate your army as a Cult of the Bladed Cog army.

That's really too bad but I really don't mind sticking with a faction during a down time even if they aren't completely in the current meta. I think your point with the kill team is great though. It's just maintaining the goal of keeping whichever force I don't pick as a kill team haha.


But I appreciate everyone's responses. I think I'm still up in the air though, GSC were what I was going to get originally but I started looking at the admech range more and more recently. Hmm.. I think I'll just grab a box of neophytes and skitarii and see from there. Gets me thinking what a super-heavy for GSC would even look like?


The first thing I thought of as a GSC superheavy was this: 900x0_MNSW-RB-DEMAG.jpg


However after searching I think a more 40k version would look like this fella: nautilus-machine.jpg

I think after a few heavy bolter point defences this would look pretty appropriate. I guess it would be like an oversized battlewagon in function? If you decided to kitbash anything based on the first one it could probably be made from a large toy crane and the Forge World Ordinatus Minoris platforms. At this point I'm trying to kill your wallet too though! :p


The first thing I thought of as a GSC superheavy was this: 900x0_MNSW-RB-DEMAG.jpg



From what I've heard from a gameplay point of view Genestealer Cults absolutely annihilate Adeptus Mechanicus in the meta currently. I'm collecting Admech myself, but that's more for the art, the background and the lore compared to any gameplay concerns.


It pains me to say so but you're probably more likely to enjoy Genstealer Cults than the Admech. The Ergonomic Enginseer has a good point though. Perhaps you could run a kill team of whichever one you don't pick for your army and use the spare parts to decorate your army as a Cult of the Bladed Cog army.

That's really too bad but I really don't mind sticking with a faction during a down time even if they aren't completely in the current meta. I think your point with the kill team is great though. It's just maintaining the goal of keeping whichever force I don't pick as a kill team haha.


But I appreciate everyone's responses. I think I'm still up in the air though, GSC were what I was going to get originally but I started looking at the admech range more and more recently. Hmm.. I think I'll just grab a box of neophytes and skitarii and see from there. Gets me thinking what a super-heavy for GSC would even look like?



However after searching I think a more 40k version would look like this fella: nautilus-machine.jpg

I think after a few heavy bolter point defences this would look pretty appropriate. I guess it would be like an oversized battlewagon in function? If you decided to kitbash anything based on the first one it could probably be made from a large toy crane and the Forge World Ordinatus Minoris platforms. At this point I'm trying to kill your wallet too though! :tongue.:




I started working on this during the summer, I have plans for a Baneblade chassis next.  

9351024D 6236 44AA A58E 0FDB7B3551EE

785984F8 ABA0 431C A9B9 9DBA06F4A18D

F827F48F ADDB 4236 8378 73CDA0446020

2C5D1D0A B77B 4534 9A36 B237D8545C02


admech all the time every time it took us 6 editions to finally get them in the game outside BFG the 40K army has a lot to offer and 30K is even more fun.


If I wasn't already locked into my marines for 40K/30K (and the 8 other games I play) I would gladly start them up. I have even play tested a 30K game with them. it was quite fun using the castellax robots for troops, the explorator has lots of neat toys, including a combat claw to properly fight in close combat.



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