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the BIG 9th edition room

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We've already covered this. It could certainly mean that, I grant you.


But there's no guarantees it will take the form of a printed book called "Codex Supplement Black Templars".


Faith and Fury was considered our supplement for a while. We could also end up getting a White Dwarf article. Or even another pdf.


Temper your expectations. There is hope certainly, but be mindful of all the possible paths it could take. All we know is we've been promised something.

Edited by Reinhard
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And as I always said... The first survey brought us the SoB. And the secound one will bring us our identity back.


1. they already mentioned us a few times (which was not the case in the early days of 8th edition)

2. they gave the DA, BA, SW an special Supplement just in P.A. - and us because they aware of the new codex and their new supplements

3. with all the love from the youtubers (Helsreach, Primaris and this russion guy who showed us a fight against orks) AND the influence of Valrak they see what potential there is.

4. At least we all recognized that GW just learned how their community think in the last 3 years.

- all the rules improvements ( think about how bad the 8th edition would have been if there were no rule changes like rule of 3, all the FAQs, ....) After a long time were people were disappointed how weak Space Marines are the new codex last year

5. The SW + BA get their new Supplement this year but the DA are missing - I cannot think they are the only SM release next year... there must be another one too.


And hey: we are sepperated from the Faith and Fury in the article and the pdf is new... I am sure this was just a small introduction in our much bigger Supplement. Lets see how the new Supplements for Blood Angels, Space Wolves .... are in comparison to their PA content.

Edited by Medjugorje
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And as I always said... The first survey brought us the SoB. And the secound one will bring us our identity back.


1. they already mentioned us a few times (which was not the case in the early days of 8th edition)

2. they gave the DA, BA, SW an special Supplement just in P.A. - and us because they aware of the new codex and their new supplements

3. with all the love from the youtubers (Helsreach, Primaris and this russion guy who showed us a fight against orks) AND the influence of Valrak they see what potential there is.

4. At least we all recognized that GW just learned how their community think in the last 3 years.

- all the rules improvements ( think about how bad the 8th edition would have been if there were no rule changes like rule of 3, all the FAQs, ....) After a long time were people were disappointed how weak Space Marines are the new codex last year

5. The SW + BA get their new Supplement this year but the DA are missing - I cannot think they are the only SM release next year... there must be another one too.


And hey: we are sepperated from the Faith and Fury in the article and the pdf is new... I am sure this was just a small introduction in our much bigger Supplement. Lets see how the new Supplements for Blood Angels, Space Wolves .... are in comparison to their PA content.


Valid points across. But temper your expectations. Holding expectations the past 5 years has led to us being burned virtually every single time.


I expect we will get something, but its merely out of interest of self preserving my psyche that I don't hold any expectations beyond that.

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Aside from that one bladeguard, there isn't even any studio painted Primaris BT models. Which is why F&F only had photos of 2005 era models. There's been some new artwork, but you could probably count the instances on one hand (2 fingers?), so there's very little besides text and classic art and marine photos they could stick in to one. 


Unless they've had a bunch of made in secret... but that's not an assumption I'm willing to make at this junction.

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Y’all realize it’s impossible to read the tea leaves here, right? Whoever wrote the pdf is not the same person or team that write the article. GW has proven over and over that they are nothing if not inconsistent. It’s literally impossible to tell what’s an intentional hint and what’s oversight.
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I'm not convinced that they've promised us anything here; it could easily just be sloppy wording where they accidentally lumped us in with the others. Still, replacing F&F with a free PDF less than a year after its release is weird, and being stuck in a PDF long-term would also be weird, so who knows?

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Once again, rules are fleeting and temporary, and have little long term value (none I would say). A proper supplement would at least have fluff however, which does have a long term value. (And only if proper, a reprint of the old 4th edition codex would just be lazy, but sadly isn't outside the realm of possibility... if they even do a printed supplement, which I'll believe first when I see it.)

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I don't believe the fluff writers that lazy, I was really impressed when I read the IA articles for the Crimson Fists and Assasins how well the writers summarised a lot of older sources of old lore, and still brought them up to date. I'm confident they would do an alright job. For instance, i noticed that in the screenshot I saw of a Black Templar order of battle in the new codex, all of the units are described as Crusader Squads, including at least one which is primaris.

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Check the wording:

" If a Black Templars rule from psychic awakening Faith and Fury does not feature in this document it cannot be used"


What's missing? Knights of Sigismund.

Cant be used.

Since this is intentional, hold on to your butts.


It will be adressed eventually.

Edited by Sete
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It just seems really strange for it to be intentional. When you consider the new buffs they gave to Dark Angels in the interim, why not just carry over our existing rule?

Indeed it is strange.

I believe it might be changed for something else.


It was not adressed by WHC staff on FB or twitter aswell, which further reinforces my suspicion of it being intentional.

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It's ignored because its an obviously daft mistake to make in what was mostly a copy paste job, from a community management persepctive it's easier to ignore and fix quietly than answer and draw attention to it.


Worry not when the faq for the new marine codex drops there will be a quiet update and Knights of Sigismund will be back in all its badly written and underwhelming glory.

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I don't believe the fluff writers that lazy, I was really impressed when I read the IA articles for the Crimson Fists and Assasins how well the writers summarised a lot of older sources of old lore, and still brought them up to date. I'm confident they would do an alright job. For instance, i noticed that in the screenshot I saw of a Black Templar order of battle in the new codex, all of the units are described as Crusader Squads, including at least one which is primaris.

can you show us this screenshot?

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It's ignored because its an obviously daft mistake to make in what was mostly a copy paste job, from a community management persepctive it's easier to ignore and fix quietly than answer and draw attention to it.


Worry not when the faq for the new marine codex drops there will be a quiet update and Knights of Sigismund will be back in all its badly written and underwhelming glory.

Could very well be, but like I said:


"If a Black Templars rule from psychic awakening Faith and Fury does not feature in this document it cannot be used"


This seems oddly specific, for just the 1 rule that's actually missing.

Edited by Sete
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It's ignored because its an obviously daft mistake to make in what was mostly a copy paste job, from a community management persepctive it's easier to ignore and fix quietly than answer and draw attention to it.


Worry not when the faq for the new marine codex drops there will be a quiet update and Knights of Sigismund will be back in all its badly written and underwhelming glory.

thats what I think too. But I already wrote GW thats the chance to improve the rule and make the last angry fanbase happy.

( I really think except the current SW - which I suspect get their flow back in the supplement -  we are the only community which is unhappy with our current situation since the beginning of 8th edition. Some people say the Xenos are not as supported as the Imperium but then they get really good rules or model support in any time - the GK used to be very weak a long time but in PA they get very powerful .... tau are in a bad place at the moment but had their shining moments in last edition(s) )




It's ignored because its an obviously daft mistake to make in what was mostly a copy paste job, from a community management persepctive it's easier to ignore and fix quietly than answer and draw attention to it.


Worry not when the faq for the new marine codex drops there will be a quiet update and Knights of Sigismund will be back in all its badly written and underwhelming glory.

Could very well be, but like I said:


"If a Black Templars rule from psychic awakening Faith and Fury does not feature in this document it cannot be used"


This seems oddly specific, for just the 1 rule that's actually missing.



If GW is not interested in us - they would have done not the conent of last few month to mention us here and there... They wouldnt have painted any model AND they would give us a weak Superdoctrine and didnt cut us any Super doctrine...


Except there is a person in the GW headquaters which really hate us... but then we get finally cutted anyway or worst...

but thats a point I really not expect. GW is not that fast and their plans have a long run so its more likely that a new edition make a lot of work and the missing super docrine is just a mistake and will be in the last FAQ finally - or redone in a few days and they already have plans to redone it in the supplement next year.

Edited by Medjugorje
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