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the BIG 9th edition room

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Hey everyone, I was doing a lot of thinking about list building today and I just wanted to point out a realization I had. 


Does anyone else remember back to around the first half of 8th edition where we had our first 8th edition codex, and it wasn't long after that came out maybe six months or so that we were so low on the power scale, and we (at least I remember) were all struggling to try and make all kinds of different things work? Vanguard veterans, assault terminators, you name it none of it was truly viable. 


Then vigilus happened, and we had bestowed upon us the sword brethren detachment. It was like Christmas morning, we finally had some really nice combos and a truly viable, scary melee unit in the form of sword brethren with that new "suffer not the unclean" stratagem. I remember the talk on this board, we were pumped! Not only that but shadowspear brought us Incursors and Suppressors, both units that I loved as additions to our aggressive arsenal.


A chunk of time after that our new codex came out, 8th edition 2.0 really, and we had shock assault for a time before that and it was really nice boon to our offensive power in close combat. Especially with the sword brethren mentioned above. 


Not long after that Faith and Fury came out and this board exploded, those were some really exciting times to be a templar player. We got some really nice stratagems and relics, and honestly there was a fair bit of diverse strategy we had available to us at that point. Vanguard veterans were viable again, some people were making black tide work thanks to vicious riposte, Land Raider Crusaders even found a way to be viable again! 


Now we're here, at the very beginning of 9th edition, I am really truly excited. We're now spoiled for choice when it comes to aggressive tactics and melee unit viability. BLADEGUARD veterans, assault intercessors, hugely buffed assault terminators and 2 wound vanguard vets. Crusader squads with more versatility than ever before thanks to the new smokescreen keyword. Land Raiders can fire into close combat, something so many of us BEGGED for! And there's yet more, who knows we may even be getting a stand alone supplement book. 


Its good times to be a templar brothers. No pity, no remorse, no fear! 

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Had my first game of 9th Edition today (thanks, Coronavirus!) using my Indomitus/Primaris BT army. Played against my mate and his crazy Ork list at 2000pts.


My list was basically:

- Gravis Marshal

- Chaplain

- 4*5 Assault Intercessors

- 5 Bladeguard

- 2*3 Eradicators

- 2*Repulsor (Intercessors here)

- Impulsor (Chaplain/Bladeguard here)


His army was Ghaz, 2*Apothecary (Painboy?), 3 huge blobs of Boyz, 10 Nobz, loads of Dreds and Kans.


I lost the game by 3 points, but it was an absolute blast. Ghaz is just so good. The Bladeguard destroyed his Nobz in 2 turns of combat without losing a model. The Dreds/Kans were the biggest pain, wiping out my Intercessors. Eradicators didn't really do enough for me and would swap them/Marhsal out for a Biker Chaplain and 2 squads of Outriders if I could play the game again. I really enjoyed the thematic of the game and my list in general. Not bothered about losing, because it was a great game.

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Our rules are entirely in a free holdover PDF, either supplement or legends.


With primaris helbrecht in the pipeline, even as a rumor we will be getting a supplement.


Here's to being the only successor chapter cool enough for it's own supplement

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With release of Wolves of Morkai, maybe this a sign of things to come?

Yeah this is exactly what I hoped GW would do for unique primaris units which was expanding the system they created for units like DC intercessors or Outriders having Ravenwing keyword, Im sure every supplement will allow primaris to mesh better with the army's rules and strat and giving them new rules.


Sword Brethren and Crusader squads might be a thing in the future, fingers crossed.

Edited by redmapa
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These hounds have some serious anti psychic rules, thought that was our schtick.


Looking at past practices we will likely get a similar setup but objectively worse than the wolves.


Would you guys prefer a dedicated anti psyker unit like SW or sword bretheren with unique loadouts/blend of the two?

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I've got another game this weekend, this time against Tyranids.

Thinking of using a similar list as in my post above, give or take a bit, but run it as a Vanguard Detachment and make all the Assault Intercessors as Veterans. Purely for the extra Attack.


Something like:

Primaris Chaplain on Bike (if I can get the model tomorrow)

4*5 Veteran Assault Intercessors

5 Bladeguard

Bladeguard Ancient





Should be fun and fighty against a Genetealer-heavy list.

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I think a single big crusader squad is something we should consider in list nowadays because smokescreen

How many Neophytes though? I'm considering two to three to eat the occasional high damage shot. I can't see myself breaking out a 20 man squad anymore, while i'm sure i want 10 Initiates to get acces to both weapon upgrades. Lan Raider Crusader to get a squad of 12 plus some characters out there turn 2?

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I've been running a squad of  15 and a squad of 10. My general tactic is to put a power sword and combi-melta onto the 15 man SB, then do 1 melta, 1 missile launcher, and 7 chainsword and bolt pistols Initiates. Then as tag alongs I add 5 Neophytes with shotguns.


The ten man squad is a power sword and combi-flamer on the SB, 1 flamer guy, 3 chainswords, and 5 neophytes with shotguns. I normally load them into a drop pod and toss them far up the board turn one to dictate the flow of my opponent's forces.


I find that the 5 with shotguns tend to be the best way to bring along neophytes. They're still 2 attacks each on the charge with the same profile as their knife, but they have twice the shooting at range 18. I assign any high AP or risky 2 damage hits to the neophytes, and soak up damage 1 on the initiates, and it works out pretty well. Putting an apothicary near either squad can help them last that much longer, and smoke stacked on top of that makes them surprisingly hard to shift.


Morale can be a problem for us if we take a bad turn of casualties, but that's what leftover Neophytes are for.

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So now that Battle Scribe has been updated here’s my latest crack at a 2000 point list:



++ Battalion Detachment (Imperium - Adeptus Astartes - Black Templars) ++


+ Configuration [12CP] +


+ HQ +


Primaris Lieutenant

Neo-volkite pistol, Master-crafted power sword and Storm Shield


Primaris Captain /Warlord (Frontline Commander)

The Burning Blade, Warlord

Heavy bolt pistol, Master-crafted power sword and Relic shield


Primaris Chaplain on Bike

Chapter Command:  Master of Sanctity

Crozius arcanum, Absolver Bolt Pistol, Twin Bolt rifle


+ Troops +


Assault Intercessor Squad

4x Assault Intercessor

Assault Intercessor

Plasma pistol, Thunderhammer


Assault Intercessor Squad

4x Assault Intercessor

Assault Intercessor

Plasma pistol, Thunderhammer


Heavy Intercessor Squad: Executor bolt rifle and Executor heavy bolter

4x Heavy Intercessor

Heavy Intercessor Sergeant


Heavy Intercessor Squad: Executor bolt rifle and Executor heavy bolter

4x Heavy Intercessor

Heavy Intercessor Sergeant


+ Elites +


Bladeguard Veteran Squad

4x Bladeguard Veteran

Bladeguard Veteran Sgt

Master-crafted Power Sword, Plasma pistol, Storm Shield


Bladeguard Veteran Squad

4x Bladeguard Veteran

Bladeguard Veteran Sgt

Master-crafted Power Sword, Plasma pistol, Storm Shield




+ Fast Attack +


Invader ATV Squad

2x Invader ATV: Multi-melta


Outrider Squad


Outrider Squad


+ Dedicated Transport +



2x Storm Bolters, Ironhail Heavy Stubber, Shield Dome



2x Storm Bolters, Ironhail Heavy Stubber, Shield Dome



What are the best litanies for our Chaplains ?

Edited by Black Blow Fly
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Nice list, I think its a bit light on troops choices but that's just my opinion. I think we should always be maxing out troops and taking at least 2 squads of incursors to put turn one pressure on the primary. As far litanies go, Divine Protection is always an auto include. The 5+ to ignore damage is just so good. From there its either Fires of Devotion or Fervent Acclimation. 


Me personally, I'm taking two chaplains right now for 2k, one of which is a master of sanctity on foot, the other is on bike. I'm not sure if its really necessary but I think its worth trying. 1 Captain, 1 MoS, 1 Chaplain on bike for using the strat to get a litany any time. This will be a nice versatile tool. 

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