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GW's supply drops are coming (mystery models inside)


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Although it's easy to assume these will be full of crap that's been failing to sell forever (looking at you Venerable Dreadnought), it would be very beneficial for GW for these first two to actually be really good, if only to bait people into buying future versions.

I came back to say the exact same thing. 

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from their FB

"Warhammer 40,000: These sets will only contain stuff currently in the range, but we may well see stuff like classic daemons as made to order runs in the future."
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Honestly I’m kind of excited for this. Previous years when my friends/family would get me minis for my birthday, I would tell them just to pickup models since I love not knowing what I’d get.


Unfortunately my family and friends thought Space Wolves and Black Templar’s were cooler then I did lol

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Tbh it's a cool idea for extra cash flow and catch up on missed possible sales during the Shutdown.

Sure I wouldn't even buy a Marine one, currently, as I (like most others) have most if not all of the stuff I want that's currently released.

But the Imperium one might be an interesting mix-up for some who want to play a mixed bag of new allies, want nee conversion fodder or just kick off a new project.

I could even see a group of friends just chipping in to buy one together and then share whatever is in it.

I and some friends definitely would have, if the German one wasn't sold out already.


Underworlds one is probably 2-3 warbands if not more stuff, so it could easily grant you a nice starting ground to test the game and get your friends involved.


Really can't fathom how irritated and angry some people can get over a product they wouldn't buy anyway... and then badmouth it as "gaming lootboxes" and "bad practice".

But the demand is evidently pretty much there - so much it's already sold out in some regions.

And stuff like Kinder Surprise Eggs or lucky bags have always been a thing. This is just a more adult and hobby-oriented one - similiar to Mystery Boxes for various Trading Card Games or Franchises.


And even IF it's just old, unsold stuff and mostly bpught by scalpers and bitz-sites... be happy. Someone in the hobby might profit from their favourite special bitz desperately needed for a project being available again.


Interested to see if they throw anything into it like pins, a flyer/pamphlet, an art print (similiar to those in Boxes sometimes), lanyards or something to give it a bit more flavour and inspiration!?

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As many have mentioned it could be good for bits and kitbashes, but most other companies do random stuff of a specific total value, not mystery boxes that are fixed per region, as you might be able to switch and trade if two people get different boxes, but with equal ones, it might be wasteful.
Obviously in terms of randomness, either everyone gets a good deal (financially not necessarily in terms of personal preferences) or no one gets a good deal (I mean per region).

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I mean people like this sort of thing. It's ridiculous but in the rest of the nerdosphere loot crate/boxes/whatever for comics, Funko pops, random cruft are wildly popular, with folks paying wild amounts for randomised tat. Obviously it's a different beast for miniature wargames - I'd track this to that recent trend, the literal 'loot crates' advertised under that name and not to the older "£10 for a grab bag of discontinued stock" you used to get from GW - and there's many reasons why it's a bad idea but I'm almost surprised it hasn't been pushed for 40k already.


I think the rise of unboxing videos accompanied this trend? At any rate for a lot of people it taps into a certain part of the brain and gets sales. Mr Burns's mystery box in action.




It makes a bit more sense for Underworlds as everything is 'usable' and it's a concise enough range that you can reasonably feel out what you might get but for the entire imperium catalogue? Oof.

Edited by Sandlemad
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Oh, loot crates. Great.


This is really as they say, if you have what you want/need already and are after a surprise.


The 50% discount on a random kit is not better than a 25% discount from a brick and mortar retailer for a kit you do want. 


I reckon 1-2 troops units from a less common army, as a potential hook to starting them, something big/tank, and a character. 


My bet:


Cadian Command Squad

Cadian Shock troops

Leman Russ

Easy to Build Primaris Aggressors

Terminator Captain

Allarus Custodians

Venerable Dreadnought. 

Edited by Xenith
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Id definitely be interested in one with a bit more limited focus or the specialist games but "Imperium" could be awesome or it could be a pile of unsellable hobbit marines which is waaaay to close to gambling for me.

Also, something does not stop being a *cuss* practice just because its been going on for years folks. 

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I've just woken up (northern, east Canada) and knew nowt and they're all gone. That was quick! Curious to see what's in it. Guess that's the draw! You'd have to hope there's something worthwhile in there otherwise people won't bother in future?


Intrigued to see what's in them.

Since it was not available in the US and Canada you didn't actually miss anything. I am guessing they have less issues with getting some stock out in those markets or missed the stock for what they had in mind for the mix between what people might see as good and cheap/useless.

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Since it was not available in the US and Canada you didn't actually miss anything. I am guessing they have less issues with getting some stock out in those markets or missed the stock for what they had in mind for the mix between what people might see as good and cheap/useless.


It's more likely to be the legality of it in those territories (or specific areas of those territories), no? Certain US states and Quebec are usually excluded from contests, might be this couldn't run over the pond for similar reasons.

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I think the simple rule is that if it saves the consumer any kind of money, it never comes to the US.


Edit - not to be antagonistic, but that as their largest market, they have some interest in not doing large cost saving promotionals like this or conquest.

Edited by WrathOfTheLion
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Hmmm.... Tough call on whether or not I'd buy one of these. Fortunately, I'm Canadian, so there was no temptation- I didn't have to decide because they weren't available here to begin with. Bummer, because the Imperium is the one that would have been the best fit for me- any guard would be cool, because I have none (actually, I have the Imperial Advisors + Raus and Reine from Blackstone). SoS would be fabulous for me. There are a hanful of Inquisitors I still need (Coteaz, Draxus, Eisenhorn).


Knowing my luck, the only one that will be available in Canada will be pure Space Marines.


(I'm okay with some space marines- my kits from Space Hulk and Tooth and Claw could use some company; but it wouldn't be worth it for me if there was no chance of other Imperium models)

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This is weird.


I remember the days GW used to do proper sales, there was one that sold every boxed set GW produced at the time for £5k and I can remember often traveling to Reading on the train with my younger brother to take advantage of the sales rack with blisters with the corners cut off.


But this is an odd move given the current opinion of most concerning loot crates which a lot of people wlll see this as being.


Chances are they are just trying to clear out old stock. Even at half price it's not going to be huge amount of stuff and not really a saving if you only get one box of stuff you really want. It'll be mostly scalpers going for these for resale I'd imagine.


Now I just have to try and avoid all the god awful cringey Mystery Loot Crate click bait openings on Youtube. :D

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Not something I was aware of before, but if Loot Crates (and similar) are this controversial shall we say, and these potential first 2 are bad offerings, the community response will be spicey


Definitely feels like theyre making warehouse space at the very least, even if this isnt field test for future offerings

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I'm very surprised GW have done this. I respect the opinion of those who have said that these aren't traditional loot boxes, but my first reaction on being sent the link was "loot boxes", and I doubt I'm alone.


Whether individuals personally like loot boxes or not they are controversial at the moment and I didn't think GW would want to risk it. Certainly not with a £75 buy in.

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Well... Apparently GW limited products/offers now go on sale and out of stock on a wednesday without notice.

These were gone even before I knew they were a thing, cool stuff!

Fomenting FOMO has now reached the next level

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This is genius actually... oh no, don't get me wrong, I hate it with a passion but it's no secret that no consumer base in the world has as poor impulse control as Warhammer collectors - save, arguably, heroin addicts. That they've already sold out - even the Underworlds one - nearly had me in stitches. 


Just... man. Whoever pushed this is probably going to get one hell of a raise.


I'd also be willing to bet (not £75 mind) that most of their """influencers""" will coincidentally be uploading unboxings of these any day now.

Edited by Lord Marshal
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Mystery packs/bags/boxes have been a thing for a long time now. Little goodie bags with unknown stuff in it, etc. I've seen collectible things doing that for decades.

The caveat there is that they put stuff that has been sitting around in them, and toss in a few things people want with it.

Edited by WrathOfTheLion
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