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Death Korps of Krieg 3rd Siege Regiment, Blue Company

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Hello, fellow Guardsmen!


This will be a place for me to gather ideas and ask advice for my latest Death Korps of Krieg force and will help to keep me motivated with the marathon that is building a Guard army!


I intend on building a large army with all the elements you'd expect from an army from the planet of Krieg.


So lots of Artillery and mass infantry backed up by the Deathriders (probably the main draw to the faction!)


I'm an enthusiastic painter and have made a small order to get me started!


I have 5 Engineers, an Infantry squad, HQ with Marshal and a Deathrider Squadron Commander (pictured below)


I'll be building and painting these over the next few weeks while I decide what's next.


 50438183498_313154b009_c.jpgDeath Korps of Krieg Squadron Commander 


50438879046_2ba5004f5f_c.jpgDeath Korps of Krieg Squadron Commander 


50438183923_dcee8040f4_c.jpgDeath Korps of Krieg Squadron Commander 


50438878731_fd7d9af50c_c.jpgDeath Korps of Krieg Squadron Commander 


50439054217_2da5765eb7_c.jpgDeath Korps of Krieg Squadron Commander 


50438182448_c26da13003_c.jpgDeath Korps of Krieg Squadron Commander 


Next up will be some Engineers, thanks for looking.

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Thanks very much for the encouragement gents!


Slave of Darkness, next up will be some Engineers.


Brother Captain Vakarian, can’t say I am, not sure what that is. Thanks though.


Duz, I hope so too! Can’t wait to see what the rules are now. Apparently the studio have taken over rules writing for Forgeworld so hopefully they will be as balanced as possible!


Pearson73, cheers!


WarriorFish, it’s good to be back working on my Krieg again! They’re (IMO) by far the best Guard regiment.


The Woodsman, yeah, the models just ooze grimdark! The backstory for them is pretty bleak too... love it!


Well I got the Engineers built today so good to go!

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It’s a pretty good military sci-fi book series, worth checking out if you’re into that sort of thing. It starts to develop both some 40K-like and Star Wars-like themes, while taking a pretty modern approach to power-armored marines. The best part, though, are the “Armor,” which are basically dreadnoughts the pilots can get out of.


The central strike carrier’s motto is “Gott Mit Uns,” which made me think of it when I saw the banner on your squadron commander.


Regardless, I’ll be following the rest of your work, because you’ve got the feel of Krieg down incredibly well.

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It’s a pretty good military sci-fi book series, worth checking out if you’re into that sort of thing. It starts to develop both some 40K-like and Star Wars-like themes, while taking a pretty modern approach to power-armored marines. The best part, though, are the “Armor,” which are basically dreadnoughts the pilots can get out of.

The central strike carrier’s motto is “Gott Mit Uns,” which made me think of it when I saw the banner on your squadron commander.

Regardless, I’ll be following the rest of your work, because you’ve got the feel of Krieg down incredibly well.



Ah I see! Sounds cool!


I’m a bit of an history freak (mainly the Classical Era and 2 World Wars) “Gott Mit Uns” was embossed on German belts during the Great War. It means God with us! I was going to change it to Kaiser mit Uns but my handwriting is too messy!


Glad you like my stuff so far.


Bjorn Firewalker, thanks very much.


I’m on the last few Engineers I have atm so an update will be some time this week.

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Yep, the book explained that and has a really interesting take on its meaning in a sci-fi setting.


I did not know the WWI German army used the phrase; that’s a really cool bit of info. Reminds me I need to read a bit more about the Great War.


Gott mit uns seems appropriate enough for Germanic speakers in the Imperial Cult!

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Yeah, apparently some British soldiers put up signs saying "We've got mittens too!!" 


I've finished the first half of an Engineers squad!


When I make the next order I'll get another 5 plus the upgrade kits for a Sergeant and another Meltagun.


For now though I have an infantry squad and an HQ Command Squad, I'm leaning towards painting the Marshal (that'll be my first 2 HQ choices taken care of)


50468357353_5c71a9f93b_c.jpgDeath Korps of Krieg Engineers by Justin Cottrell, on Flickr


50468357883_f8244e8826_c.jpgDeath Korps of Krieg Engineers 


50468359253_210d1e0fcf_c.jpgDeath Korps of Krieg Engineers 


50469214157_13ec219e08_c.jpgDeath Korps of Krieg Engineers


50469216277_c957318664_c.jpgDeath Korps of Krieg Engineers


Next up Marshal Marius Konstantin!!

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Yeah, apparently some British soldiers put up signs saying "We've got mittens too!!"

 You absolutely have to love the Brits. That's hilarious!


Beautiful work on the infantry squad. They just *feel* like they've been in the trenches forever.


Are the models the FW Krieg models, or third party? I don't know the FW line that well.

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Brother Captain Vakarian, thanks! That’s exactly what I was going for! I wanted to give them the look of being on campaign.


Yeah, they’re from Forgeworld.


Bjorn Firewalker, many thanks.


Slave of Darkness, cheers, I can tell you they are much easier to build than the Infantry kit! Though they’re a bit limited on poses as the arms are meant for a specific body. Hope that helps.

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Yeah, they're well worth it!




Today I finished my Marshal! I've called him Marius Konstantin. Fills both the Roman and Germanic aspects of the force.


He'll be a counts as Karis Venner.


That's my 2 minimum HQ choices for my Battalion sorted!


I really enjoyed working on this model. It's one of my favourite sculpts in the range (after the heavy artillery pieces!!)


50492137432_5414a7a10d_c.jpgDeath Korps of Krieg Marshal 


50491977816_4339db9d30_c.jpgDeath Korps of Krieg Marshal 


50491976741_2fc813d99f_c.jpgDeath Korps of Krieg Marshal 


50491980901_9560bba14b_c.jpgDeath Korps of Krieg Marshal 


50491276113_380d8491a8_c.jpgDeath Korps of Krieg Marshal 


Thanks for looking!

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Oh man, a project after my own heart! Arty, men, more men, and more men. "When in doubt, throw more men at it."


That's the kind of Krieg army I've been building myself over time since 2019.


My major advice right up front is:


-Make sure any exposed skin (if you choose too, like ogryns or some scenic modeling/kitbash) is palid/greyish. Our lads don't get enough sunshine and OJ, and way too much fallout/ruined ecosystem, so they're not healthy looking like their less devout normal guardsman peers!


-Beware Heavy Weapon teams: You'll want a lot of patience for these, it's basically a fact of life that whatever weapon kit they are/have (except the mortar) will be pretty warped resin-wise.


-Deathriders: Are some of the coolest 40k models in existence, pretty painless to work with too. I suggest leaving the lances unglued, whether just resting loose in their hands with the haft on their base, on in their lance-holder on their saddles. I snapped a few hands/arms off through sheer clumsiness with them super-glued, and it makes transporting them for play WAY simpler and less enraging.


Also, for the love of all that is holy, BE CAREFUL with the reigns. They are way, way, way more fragile than they seem, and I've had a few crack just by carelessly picking up the model by the mount's head, squeezing the reigns ever so slightly.


Kits/combos I suggest:


-Static arty: Any of the kits! For sanity's sake I'd advise avoiding the quad-launcher and earthshaker carriage, they're both another huge effort in patience, but gorgeous enough to warrant it if you do want to take the plunge. I myself went with just heavy mortars that I play as "airburst mortars" using the quad launcher rules and points if I feel like it, and medusa carriages as themselves or earthshaker carriages in the same space of using as either. In both cases, it's just because the kits are easier, and less likely to break from even slight carelessness while on a tabletop.


-Make sure you have a drill for your engis! May not be the best in tabletop, but they're hella thematic, good looking, and fun <3


-Storm Grenadiers + Krieg storm Chimeras is another combo that's thematic, fun, and good looking! The Centaurs are nice too, but I've found those kits to have the old FW stigma still. IE, a bit kludgy quality-wise. Panels hella-warped, etc...


I'm eagerly, and cautiously, awaiting Krieg's big revival GW had promised in the Imperial Armor compendium, so we'll have to see where everything goes. I can't wait to see more from you too, you're doing an absolute bang-up job on the lads so far! They're too small for my dumb hands to get the detail level you are, so keep up the amazing work you're doing for our somber lads!

Edited by Dark Legionnare
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Thanks Slave of Darkness and Bjorn Firewalker!


Dark Legionarre, thanks so much for the advice!


I plan on getting most of the range eventually.


Don’t think I’ll bother with Heavy Weapons teams, I prefer the artillery to fill their role.


I agree Deathriders are too cool not to include! (I want loads!!)


Definitely getting all the flavours of the static artillery, it’s what I’m in it for.


Again, the Breaching Drill is too cool a model not to take, hopefully they’ll be able to deliver Engineers again.


I reckon I’ll pass on Grenadiers unless Forgeworld begin casting them again.


Hopefully we don’t have to wait too long for the rules update!


Thanks again for the sound advice.

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