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  On 4/27/2021 at 7:24 PM, Pacific81 said:

You could be sporting a mohican, wearing studded leather braces and be known as Gutpuncher and fighting other gangs for the last of the precious oil reserves by August!

Knowing my neighbourhood, that could be a fight for the last of the precious olive oil reserves. The dark future of the hummus wars of 2021!


Back on topic: GW’s way of throwing a bone for factions without full release waves has been to give a new character model, eg with a codex. If GW did just one plastic heresy consul they could package with existing tacticals, terminators and even underwhelming contemptor to make a ‘Start Collecting’. It’s such a no brainer the fact they haven’t done it has made me believe something bigger must be coming. But all based on very thin actual evidence.


Ps I did not know about AoS 3 until I read it on this forum. It was news to me.

Edited by LameBeard
  • 2 weeks later...

So, so far....Heresy hasnt been mentioned yet. So either something happens tomorrow, or there is actually nothing at all to report for the coming months?

And almost everybody seems to think tomorrow will reveal Age of Sigmar 3.0. I would honestly find it very very weird if the whole week passed without any news on Age of Darkness.

Edited by Taliesin

No news on AT or Blood bowl either, let alone Kill team or Warcry, or... dare i say Warhammer quest :P No news isnt great but its not really news by itself. 

Almost certainly AoS 3 tomorrow thanks to all the Hammers hanging around on their pics and this months store coin, its about time for early previews for it too if it hasnt been delayed.

Id really love there to be a full Sisters of SIlence launch instead ofc, synched up with the card game, but thats mad outside the box thinking :P 

Let's not forget Maloghurst is definitely coming at some point and they planned a "regular series of articles" regarding jew Heresy models. How regular is anyone's guess. And FW indicated there was stuff in the works but as always, very cryptic. Edited by Hfran Morkai

Is it just me or this whole week has felt incredibly "meh" across the board? Not to mention, parts of the presentation has felt like a slap in the face. "hurrhurr plastic thunderhawk! just kidding." "New stuff for Cadians! It's just heads and upgrades" (to a 20 year old kit, mind you). I don't expect anything tomorrow, and will be sure to be disappointed yet.

  On 5/7/2021 at 8:22 PM, Hungry Nostraman Lizard said:

Is it just me or this whole week has felt incredibly "meh" across the board? Not to mention, parts of the presentation has felt like a slap in the face. "hurrhurr plastic thunderhawk! just kidding." "New stuff for Cadians! It's just heads and upgrades" (to a 20 year old kit, mind you). I don't expect anything tomorrow, and will be sure to be disappointed yet.


I agree on the Cadian stuff - that seems like a stopgap move before new sculpts later on, but I guess it's better than nothing for the Guard players.  The heads do look good though.


Really, I think the highlight of the week so far in my opinion has been the Gaunts Ghosts models (and book).  I haven't read the series, but it is definitely on my list.

I guess Sisters of Battle fans did get a lot as well, but that isn't my thing.


I'm still holding out some hope that there will be some Heresy content Saturday, but that hope is fading a bit.  I'm getting a wierd vibe about the plastic Thunderhawk stuff.  They made such a big deal about the tiny Thunderhawk from the boardgame on social media, almost kind of mocking the community, that I wouldn't be shocked if they reveal a full-sized plastic Thunderhawk on Saturday.


If it isn't that though, maybe it is a Heresy boxed set.  Keep the faith, brothers and sisters.

  On 5/7/2021 at 8:22 PM, Hungry Nostraman Lizard said:

Is it just me or this whole week has felt incredibly "meh" across the board? Not to mention, parts of the presentation has felt like a slap in the face. "hurrhurr plastic thunderhawk! just kidding." "New stuff for Cadians! It's just heads and upgrades" (to a 20 year old kit, mind you). I don't expect anything tomorrow, and will be sure to be disappointed yet.

Yeah, I agree. I play Grey Knights in 40k, so the news of a battlebox is great. The Gaunt's Ghost minis will be worth picking up since they're really flavorful sculpts that'll be fun to paint. But nothing this week has made me look out of my lanes in 30k and 40k and get really excited about the state of GW and the hobby. We'll see what happens tomorrow and if that changes anything after this week.

Edited by Cris R

Most of what I've seen this week has been mostly expected. They've been talking about the Sisters and Beast Snaggas for a while previously; from what I gather the AOS stuff was fairly pedestrian (I don't follow it, so I'm not as sure there), and the specialist games stuff was if not already known at least not entirely unexpected. We all knew that Marines and Eldar would eventually come to AI (though I am glad that it's the Heresy-era planes that they're using instead of the 40k era ones), and the Necromunda and Underworlds stuff wasn't out of left field either.


The only real surprises for me so far have been the Ghosts' sculpts (which are amazing and I'm going to have to buy) and the Cadian upgrades. While less than was needed, it's still nice to see the IG get any love at all.


So while I don't have high hopes - or really any hopes - for Saturday's preview, I'm still gonna be watching. If nothing else, they can break my heart again.

  On 5/7/2021 at 8:22 PM, Hungry Nostraman Lizard said:

Is it just me or this whole week has felt incredibly "meh" across the board? Not to mention, parts of the presentation has felt like a slap in the face. "hurrhurr plastic thunderhawk! just kidding." "New stuff for Cadians! It's just heads and upgrades" (to a 20 year old kit, mind you). I don't expect anything tomorrow, and will be sure to be disappointed yet.

See, I would feel that way... If not for the fact that an army I've been hyped about getting an update for years just got a big 'ol reveal on Monday (Vampire Counts => Soulblight Gravelords), so the rest of the week was made better by my excitement over that.


  On 5/8/2021 at 12:49 AM, Aias said:

Most of what I've seen this week has been mostly expected. They've been talking about the Sisters and Beast Snaggas for a while previously; from what I gather the AOS stuff was fairly pedestrian (I don't follow it, so I'm not as sure there), and the specialist games stuff was if not already known at least not entirely unexpected. We all knew that Marines and Eldar would eventually come to AI (though I am glad that it's the Heresy-era planes that they're using instead of the 40k era ones), and the Necromunda and Underworlds stuff wasn't out of left field either.

So it wasn't too pedestrian, the only complaints I saw from people about the AoS stuff Monday was "Kragnos wasn't Kurnothi/Beasts of Chaos", "Kragnos doesn't fit Destruction's aesthetic", "No updated Grave Guard?" and "That's a lot of named characters for Vampires".


So standard grumbling with a valid one, as the Grave Guard kit, while new by GW standards (WFB 8E) looks REALLY outdated compared to the new Skeletons


I'm HOPEFUL that something for AoD gets revealed today, but.... I mean, I'd just like a new Red Book for the Astartes generic units

Edited by Gederas

Well... its not surprising that we were not the ones that were getting attention.


I feel like all of the other specialist games get more attention consistently than us at this point.

man, i was so excited to hear something about a heresy comeback - big boxset, a bunch more plastics for that one game they do and basically never really talk about much anymore. to be honest, the siege of terra book series gets more attention (at least something, i guess). but boy, was i disappointed with the reveal of AoS 3. i mean, come on, that's the 3rd edition in about 6 years - that feels kinda not so assuring about that game and it's ruleset. not that i really care - AoS's aesthetics are mostly not for me.


but now we got a whole week of nothing for heresy. and even tho they mentioned two more of those kinda boring previews for may, it's probably gonna be more about the box for grey knights vs. tzeentch and some more warhammer underworlds or somesuch. the only other "main ruleset" that has been shafted for a while now is kill team - which was such a cool approach until they just basically dropped it.


really it kinda blows my mind how GW could drop the ball so much on that one era that proved to be a big seller when WHFB was faltering and 40k was in 6th and 7th ed hell. there was/is so much wasted potential, i just can't believe it.


alright, sorry for the rant - but i felt like i had to give voice to that disappointment and sort of disbelief, that rushed me with the AoS 3 reveal. 

This is why Horus rebelled


  On 5/8/2021 at 5:32 PM, Brofist said:

Look at the bright side, cursed city is deader than 30k :smile.:

Not a great bright side when a dead game has more plastic miniatures than a supposedly living one


edit: on a serious note, the next couple of months were always going to be filled with AOS so we were never likely to get anything today anyway. Hopefully Q3/Q4 has some news for 30k. Either way, communication really needs to improve.

Edited by Marshal Loss

While I didn't expect anything to come out of today for the HH, the lack of any official communication regarding any sort of plan or acknowledgement that it is even a product all week is the real letdown.


That and the fact that most of the range is still OoS or No Longer Available for months at a time now is frustrating.

I recall Heresy being mentioned at least twice this week by Adam - however, it's worth noting there were plenty of other games that weren't featured. Warcry, Adeptus Titanicus, Blood Bowl, Middle-earth.

It's a bummer that nothing was announced, but to be perfectly honest it's folly hyping yourself up for something that hasn't been explicitly promised. Putting any stock in rumours that are obvious clickbait is daft as well.

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