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Dr. Ruminahui's mostly Slaaneshi stuff

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Converted and painted a Tyrant and pretty happy with it.  Despite being an imperial kit, I feel that I did a pretty good job turning it into a chaos model without having to do extensive conversions and sculpting (the only sculpting is the vulture's feet).









And finally, from infantry eye view:


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  • 3 months later...

Finally ground out a large project - I gave my ork player friend the ork terrain from the killteam box and painted it up along with 6 old resin baracades he had.


The oil derrik:




The blue and the red are his army's colours, which is why they feature so prominantly on the pieces.


The smaller of the ork ruins - there are two of them in the box and I thought it made sense to photo them side by side to show how I mixed up where the colours were to make them look different.  Front:






The larger ruin piece:






The little raised platforms - getting the legs to stay on these is a real challenge.



The junk piles:



The wooden bridges:



The large barricades:



The small barricades/cover pieces - wanted each to be a bit different because, well, that's orky:



And finally the 6 resin barricades, both the fronts and backs:










And finally, all of it together:



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Thank you, Mumeishi and Bjorn.


Now that I finally have the terrain (and tyrant) out of the way, I can finally turn to what I had been wanting to paint instead - some more of my wardogs.  Finished the autocannon one, here shown with my previously completed wardog.





I'll base them both when I am done the 4 of them.

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Finished the 3rd of my 4 War Dogs.






And because I thought they looked cool (especially the melee ones), some unfieldable duel weapon builds (the codex doesn't allow duel weapon builds on wardogs):




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Thanks, Mumeishi - working on the 4th and can't wait to see them done myself... and been thinking of how to spruce up their bases.  After that, its just a knight abominant and my current force of knights will be all painted - though I'll probably try to knock out some terrain before I get to it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here is the last of the 4 wardogs.






And here are all 4 together, each representing 1 of the 5 types of wardoges you can take in the Chaos Knights codex (all types except the Stalker [the gun + melee build), which is essentially a Huntsman with more options but not for a  carapace meltagun).





Now that all 4 are done, I need to decide how to spruce up their bases.


Next up is my knight Abominant, which is the psychic knight (and is the last knight I own that is unpainted).

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  • 1 month later...

Finished my psycher knight , though the lighting isn't the best.




Here's a focus on his gun, which I am particularly happy with.




Anyway, I'll take a better full model photo when after I base him, and a group photo of all my knights when they are all based.

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  • 1 month later...

I've based 2 of my wardogs, so other than iconography on their left shoulders (which I still haven't decided on) they are done.  Fairly simple bases - just sand with some barbed wire built with the wire GW released with the 2nd time they did city fight (in 5th ed, I think) and some plasticard I beams.






Also painted some more chaos cultists to allow me to field the squad with each of their weapon upgrades, or none at all (so, 10 models without upgrades, 3 with).  I only had the stubber done previously, so I added a flamer and a grenade launcher, as well as for a final autogun to swap out the stubber with if I want a bare-bones 10 man squad.  The autogun is tform the Necromunda Outcasts box.




And here they in their squad - though, one of the other models was AWOL and missed the photoshoot (so only 12 models of the 13 completed - the last one was hiding on my desk and I missed it when I was gathering them for the photo).




It was beautiful weather, so I went for a rare outdoor shoot - though their bases obviously aren't meant for this particular terrain. :sweat:

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Great job on the reflection effect on the green lenses! The "copper" plasma coils on the big guy's gun look great as well. Really striking force overall. Combing pink, purple, and white for Slaanesh works really well. I was never really sold on either the pink/black or purple/gold EC schemes, but the pink/purple/white with darker gold trim on your Knights looks great.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not new stuff (well, photos are new, models aren't), but the pictures make me laugh (I took them as part of a discussion on the size of the valkyrie model) so I thought I would share them here - a valkyrie carrying a rhino, space shuttle style.




And from the top:





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Yup. :smile: I have some pictures with a Russ and Chimera doing the same, but the effect is less obvious as they have the same paint scheme (without the blue belly) that the valk has.

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Finished up my second squad of 13 (10 firearms plus the 3 special weapons, so I can swap them in and out when they get point costs again) - this is also what I did with my other GSC unit.


Here are some picture - all 13.



The squad leader:



The 3 special weapons:



Then various groups of 3 firearmed cultists:





And finally, both groups around the base of my largest non-terrain model.  They are differentiated by their guns and their shoulder stripes - the older ones have autoguns and orange stripes, the new ones red stripes and shotguns.



If I combine them into one unit, I'll probably use the newer cultist champion as the squad leader... though I don't know if that matters on the 10e datacard... generally it doesn't other than for weapon choices.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Here's some more stuff I painted for the Call to Arms - a unit of 6 possesseds.  These are 4 from the new kit (the 5th will form part of my 2nd squad of possesseds), plus the 2 "greater" possessed from the Spearhead box set (later the chaos patrol), one of whom has had an arm swap to hold a banner.




Here are individual photos









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Finally finished Lucius, who I also painted for the Call to Arms event - took me 2 weeks, which is longer than I had hoped.  He's a conversion based off of the chaos lord that came with the 6 and 7th edition boxed sets, who originally had a helmet with 2 horns, a plasma pistol and a power sword.  Basically just a head and arm swap, with the head from the chaos chariot kit, the sword from a Age of Sigmar vampire character that came out last summer, and the "whip" is made from jewler's chain with gem baubles I cut off of the trim on a cloak of a Keeper of Secrets (the Slannesh greater demon, in this case the named character version there of).  Oh, and the backpack is from the actual Lucius model - I got it (and no other bit of Lucius) in a mixed lot of chaos kits/bits I got a year or two back.  It was a conversion I made last fall.


Part of the issue was figuring out how to paint him to hide some less than stellar greenstuff work - and in that I feel I was successful.  Face is good, but could be better - that's certainly an area I think I need to learn more skills to do better.  Overall, though, I'm pretty happy with him, and it is my first time using a wet palet to mix the colour I used for the trim on the pink (basically, just that pink + white).  Also my first time using Uthan Grey to shade the white, which I also think went fairly well.  Also a feature of my characters is the quartered armour scheme.





And here he is with my 3 squads of noise marines - the first with just a few representative, then the other 2 with all of them (well, except the models I took out to drop the squads from the now illegal 12 to their legal 10).  These I've built and painted at various points over the last 5 years.  I've given him a white cloak as that is how I've decided to distinguish my characters - it is also a nice contrast for an otherwise kind of garish colourscheme.





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Long weekend here, which let me get a bunch more painting (plus, get frustrated with my video game and putting it aside also helped :sweat:), so finished the 2nd of my Call to Arms vowed character - a thunderhammer chaos lord with a head swap and a slight repose.  Not my favourite model to paint, as except there is a tendancy for the sides/backs of pieces to have details that are not as crisp or defined as the fronts (its kind of like the sides of things the the Orktarius terain, though not as pronounced).  Still, I'm happy with the result and think he looks even better in person.






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  • 1 month later...

Finished my second squad of possessed, just realized hadn't posted it here.  Don't normally name models, but some of these got nicknames in my mind while I was painting them.


Here's Hopper.




Squad leader "Keeper"




The other 3 goaty boys, who are as of yet unnamed.





And crowd favorite, "Bird Boy"




And here is a group shot:




Finally, the very first primaris marine I've ever painted.  I wonder if I should post him in the Show your Primaris thread. :biggrin:



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Finished my one and only Call to Arms 2023 vow, and am pretty happy with my work.


Thefinal model to be completed  vow was my Master of Possession - the flames didn't work out quite like I had hoped, but they are good enough I don't feel I need to redo them.




And here is my entire vow together.



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