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Black Templar Teaser and Rumors


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How about the oldmarine sb squad?

I'm missing that one in the lineup

In other news, apparently a GW Store Facebook page accidentally posted this picture of a BT collectible coin.


The bigger news however is that it appears the debate is over and red won. I'm man enough to admit when I'm wrong:




But I'm still not painting them red.

Nah that's just an assault brother who dumped his jetpack.
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Yeah, I can't disagree with that. 

How about the oldmarine sb squad?
I'm missing that one in the lineup


I just worked out what you meant.

That unit hasn't had separate rules for a long time, it's mostly been superceded by the Company and Vanguard Veterans datasheets.

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How about the oldmarine sb squad?

I'm missing that one in the lineup

In other news, apparently a GW Store Facebook page accidentally posted this picture of a BT collectible coin.


The bigger news however is that it appears the debate is over and red won. I'm man enough to admit when I'm wrong:




But I'm still not painting them red.

Nah that's just an assault brother who dumped his jetpack.


hmmm now after we have a crusadersquad. Maybe the red shoulder trim is correct.

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In other news, apparently a GW Store Facebook page accidentally posted this picture of a BT collectible coin.


The bigger news however is that it appears the debate is over and red won. I'm man enough to admit when I'm wrong:


But I'm still not painting them red.

That is the Sword Brother leading the squad. :P

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In other news, apparently a GW Store Facebook page accidentally posted this picture of a BT collectible coin.


The bigger news however is that it appears the debate is over and red won. I'm man enough to admit when I'm wrong:


But I'm still not painting them red.

That is the Sword Brother leading the squad. :tongue.:

Then his crosses would have been red on black ;)

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I'm not a 100% on current BT heraldry (last I read was the '05 codex); looks like the shield on the hip plate is for the crusade (it's on all the new models in the preview photos), the 8 on the knee pad is the squad number, and red shoulder pads mean close support squad (what used to be assault and I think bikers, too). 


The question was about the color of the weapon casings? They used to be metallic or black, right?

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It changes all the time, here are some useful plates for reference:



I still just paint mine black with white shoulders, regardless of role or rank. In my headcanon the chapter livery mirrors that of Sigismund. It makes no sense to me that the lower ranks look like Sigismund, the higher ranks diverge, and then then marshall returns to it.


In my crusade, everyone gets the same paintjob, and the higher ranks just get more gold trim than the rest.

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I thought I'd copy this here, from my post in the NR&A subforum about the weird history of Sword Brethren leading Crusader Squads and why it's all because of an odd integration of a 3rd edition design concept.



It gets even weirder than that because of Terminator Honors. Third edition SM codex had termie Honors as an upgrade for squad sergeants. The upgrade gave them +1A and +1 Ld (from Veteran) and access to the armory. Every infantry marine with 2A had that extra attack because the termie honors were baked in. HQ characters could get +1A by taking Terminator Honors as an upgrade or got it automatically if they took Terminator armor. The 2004 C:SM maintained that and specified it was Terminator Honors that raised Leadership to 9 if it wasn't already there or higher. Then, C:BT comes out and Sword Brethren get their own units. Power armored Sword Brethren had to purchase terminator honors just like C:SM Veterans and the Terminator units are basically identical to codex.


Fast forward a bit and you get to the point Brother Adelard is referring to (5th edition C:SM) and the Tactical, Assault, Devastator, and Biker units have the Sergeant with +1A and +1Ld by default. Note - the Terminator sergeants didn't have "an extra attack," just 2A and 9Ld like the rest of the squad, because they all had Terminator Honors. This is the key point in tracking these changes. Sergeants weren't getting +1A across the board, but the stance of Codex Chapters was now officially, "All sergeants are First Company Veterans returned to the ranks." The Black Templars, as a non-Codex Chapter in 5th edition, did not have that requirement.


I missed out on 6th edition so can't comment, but 7th edition had a walk back on the automatic upgrade and BT were now 'codex'. The Crusader Squad got folded back into C:SM and the option to upgrade an Initiate to a Sword Brother was added, I assume to fit their new Codex Adherence. However, at this point, it was solely Veteran status that gave the extra attack and leadership, unlike in the past.


It wasn't until 8th edition that all basic squad leaders once again received Veteran status, +1A and +1Ld, baked in. Now, however, the Veteran bonus applied to the unit statline and not the army-core statline. We got Terminator Sergeants with 3A and 9Ld compared to 2A and 8Ld for the rest of the unit while Tactical Sergeants were 2A and 8Ld compared to 1A and 7Ld. Veteran Sergeant solely referred to Sergeants of Veteran Squads. This was carried out throughout the entire game. Astra Militarum Infantry Squad Sergeant? +1A and +1 Ld compared to the rest of the Infantry Squad. So when it came time to look at the BT Crusader Squad, there had to be a leader who received that +1A and +1 Ld. Initiate Prime? Initiate Sergeant? Oh, if only there had once been a leader with +1A and +1Ld who had once fit the same role as Veteran Sergeant in a Tactical Squad did to the modern Sergeant in a Tactical Squad! But wait, there was!


TL;DR: Sword Brothers were added back to Crusader Squads in 8th edition (from being optional in 7th edition) because GW took a Space Marine upgrade from 3rd edition and applied to all unit leaders in the game, and so needed a unit leader to tag it onto within Crusader Squads.

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What I find wild, is that primaries crusader squads™️ have 3 base sizes, 40mm SB, 32mm initiates, 25mm prime scouts.

For melee and 2 rank fighting this gets a bit interesting.


I'm going to have a heck of a time with the new helmets, my intercessor squads use mkIII helmets. Unsure if I want my crusader squads have the same style, or to start using mismatched helms like my firstborne crusader squads.

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I want to start BT but I can't say painting that much black frills me... :smile.:


Any suggestions?

Use purple as a basis.


Yes, really:


I'm using that method for my Templars and it looks REALLY nice, gives the armour a subtle obsidian sheen.




It does look quite nice in the picture/video, but I'm not sure if it's enough of a difference IRL to be worth the effort compared to black+highlights. Grey primer + black oil ink would be interesting to try as well, but can't seem to find a suitable ink to try it.


About the sword brother in the lunchbox - I do wonder why they made it so that it's actually NOT a two-handed grip. Probably gonna try to adjusting it so that the left hand is grasping the pommel. I've made a couple of two-handed conversions previously, one for axe and one for sword. It makes for a nice change of pace compared to all the one-handed grips, but I'm so slow at converting that I never got more done.

Edited by tvih
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Adam Troke's black recipe that I did on a test mini a while back:




1) Prime with black of your choice (I used Krylon black primer)

2) Dry brush the entire mini with Dark Reaper

3) Drybrush Fenrisian Grey more at edges and areas you would normally highlight

4) Wash with Nuln Oil

5) Hit the whole mini with a 50/50 Nuln Oil/Black Templar Contrast to bring down the grey

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I want to start BT but I can't say painting that much black frills me... :smile.:


Any suggestions?

Use purple as a basis.


Yes, really:


I'm using that method for my Templars and it looks REALLY nice, gives the armour a subtle obsidian sheen.




It does look quite nice in the picture/video, but I'm not sure if it's enough of a difference IRL to be worth the effort compared to black+highlights. Grey primer + black oil ink would be interesting to try as well, but can't seem to find a suitable ink to try it.


About the sword brother in the lunchbox - I do wonder why they made it so that it's actually NOT a two-handed grip. Probably gonna try to adjusting it so that the left hand is grasping the pommel. I've made a couple of two-handed conversions previously, one for axe and one for sword. It makes for a nice change of pace compared to all the one-handed grips, but I'm so slow at converting that I never got more done.


I honestly can't see anything different in the video, but it sounds intriguing.  I'll probably give it a try sometime just to see how it looks in real life.

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What about using using Black Templar contrast over a Leadbelcher base coat for a metallic shine? Has anyone tried that?

Yes, looks like this. No highlights or anything yet. It's barely metallic, looks like an off-black, has a certain appeal.



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