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Got the new fantsy mag. Planning to convert the stormcast to 40k iron warrior(may get future mags to do likewise) so im thinking master of possession. Basic mock up but any suggestions aa to what and where i should change /add.


Swapping the staff head for a suitably bestial skull would be my first suggestion.  Maybe a few more flame effects to visually tie it in with the official MoP.


Looks good, though. Tempted to try it myself (and I don't even need a second MoP).

  • 2 weeks later...

ive been adding to the bits pile for that model just havent gotten round to it. have a rams skull an d extra horns to go on it which should do the staff nicely. also have an iron warriors shoulderpad and spikes for the backpack etc. just need to find my greenstuff and i can proper start it. 


meanwhile when i was part searching and discovering id broken several models in storage i got further annoyed by my basing situation. the result of buying second hand and different basing attempts... i need help any recommendations of a good unifying basing scheme with iron warriors as i cant settle and its gonna make em look bad... 

bases.webpFetching info...


Edited by Brother nathan
  On 3/15/2023 at 7:12 PM, Brother nathan said:

Got undercoated between snow deluges and managed to get some base colours on (no hazards just yet) what marks most worthwhile? I was thinking slannesh?


For a Psyker? Tzeentch for the extra cast Stratagem and undeniable powes relic. Shrugging off a hit each round doesn't hurt, either.

so as im paused onto the next model to push my on. my 3rd oblit using the body of an old metal one. its base coated and ive noticed gaps in some places i need to fill  but going to do a quick job on this and come back to it later with rust to match it in with my other 2 scratch builds. 




Edited by Brother nathan

picked up an imperium mag today thinking this could make a basis for the parts i need to make a ironwarriors deamon prince. i had started one years ago  but im fully prepared to fully scrap it for parts to invest into making this something far more fitting than the deamon prince kit is. i have been considering using the iron warrior bots as one but this should be a nice cheap alternative thats hopefully more... fitting. will see what ideas i can fit together  before i start...


So i was searching for parts and did dig out my iron turkey and did some repairs. Need to get it a base and start painting it. Dreads for scale.

Did also find the parts for deamon prince conversion so may get it started today



  • 3 weeks later...

i have the dust... painting to resume shortly! had a brief test of the new batch on my broodlords base today and whilst it was still working when i left im thinking iv improved how i use it so hopefully turns out even better this time. im actually quite excited to get into it especially on some of these projects. if  anyone wants a tutorial as to how i do it let me know and i can set out to do a proper one. (much as its simple as i think i may have  improved it today)

  • 2 months later...

ben a bit but did some more on this chaos lord. almost feel like ive missed something but then i also cant decide a mark for it... thinking possibly nurgle and tint the cape some more(theres a slight green tint)/add green to the piping? probably need to base it to help me decide dont i?






Edited by Brother nathan
  • 7 months later...

So going to be backing off on my nids and getting back into  chaos. Saw this model online and figured it base for iron harkon hes bigger than i hoped  but will do the job.  Considering adding chains /pipes and a better fitting claw if i can find one but will start painting shortly anyway





  On 2/6/2024 at 3:28 PM, Brother Nathan said:

So going to be backing off on my nids and getting back into  chaos. Saw this model online and figured it base for iron harkon hes bigger than i hoped  but will do the job.  Considering adding chains /pipes and a better fitting claw if i can find one but will start painting shortly anyway






wow - great model, but he is huge! He’s going to have all sorts of LOS issues as a snipers dream lol. Be really good to see what you do with him

Doubt that will make a big differancemost characters being up on special rocks and such and chatacters within units etc but cool also wins out and chaos should have variety. I know this is stock emperors childrenmodel too. So may paint it as a slannesh marked ironwarrioronly really the chest im not sure on as bare flesh is a no but either paint it to look metal and say its chaos sanguard style or make it look plate... decisions... i also love his spear... will be going towards failbaddaon when i do one...

got some base colours on. also have a mathc organised for friday and need to see how much of my planned list is even table ready... joyssss....






Edited by Brother Nathan

So i ran my chaos against my mates chaos... and itvwas interestingly boringly fun.... we ran very similar lists and both learned a lot marks and such confusions. Think out of our 2k lists weve both a fair bit to change. Iv freed up about 500 points that just did nothing and have some units i need to re configure.


Our lOrd discordsnts both died t1. Nurgle mark on defilers saved them multiple times. Legionares did barely anything but the extra las was worth it alone and claimed objective.

havocs i feel i played wrong may mark undivided. 

Obliterators... well this was my wound roll...

Warptalons took out oblits and scored secondarys so earned a go again.

Cultists... died mercilessly but stickied objectives... may use another squad...

Dreadnaught/helbrute... my model of the match. Didnt get a shot off nor punch anything but renraged my tank brick to great heights and made enemies.... died to exploding defiler

Venom crawler took a fair bit to kill and did kill a bike squad off. Suspect good for distractions/secondarys. 

Mop... bar killing his counterpoint i suspect lacking for my needs. 


Result is a draw... a good draw. May do a bit of a bat rep tomorrow but pics for now...













So new tourney starting shortly. Going to run iron warriors... so more focus. I may yet figure out a basing scheme but any 3 games over 3 months and same list throughout. Im still working on my list but i want a warpsmith. Dont have one and my bits box is low but i do have firstborn... so my techmarine has succumed to the darkness... hoping to further corrupt between games but for now...


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