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cheers! ive edited the banner to make the jaw shorter so it should be more skull like. still need to get him another arm... 

i also got really frustrated with the mishmash basing across the army so mixed up a cup of paint glue and sand and have smeared it over most of my bigger bases so it dosent look as disastrously disjointed. need to do cultists etc and dry brush over the lot but big step to have done and looking much better. 

Also list


ironwarriors (1995 points)

Chaos Space Marines
Strike Force (2000 points)
Slaves to Darkness


Lord Discordant on Helstalker (190 points)
  • Mark of Chaos: Slaanesh
  • 1x Baleflamer
    1x Bladed limbs
    1x Bolt Pistol
    1x Impaler chainglaive
    1x Techno-virus injector

Sorcerer in Terminator Armour (90 points)
  • Mark of Chaos: Tzeentch
  • 1x Chaos Familiar
    1x Combi-bolter
    1x Force weapon
    1x Infernal Gaze

Warpsmith (70 points)
  • Mark of Chaos: Slaanesh
  • Warlord
  • 1x Exalted weapon
    1x Flamer tendril
    1x Melta tendril
    1x Plasma pistol


Cultist Mob (55 points)
  • Mark of Chaos: Khorne
  • 1x Cultist Champion
    • 1x Autopistol
      1x Brutal assault weapon
  • 9x Chaos Cultist
    • 8x Autopistol
      8x Brutal assault weapon
      1x Close combat weapon
      1x Flamer

Cultist Mob (55 points)
  • Mark of Chaos: Tzeentch
  • 1x Cultist Champion
    • 1x Close combat weapon
      1x Cultist firearm
  • 9x Chaos Cultist
    • 8x Close combat weapon
      1x Close combat weapon
      8x Cultist firearm
      1x Heavy stubber

Cultist Mob (55 points)
  • Mark of Chaos: Tzeentch
  • 1x Cultist Champion
    • 1x Close combat weapon
      1x Cultist firearm
  • 9x Chaos Cultist
    • 8x Close combat weapon
      1x Close combat weapon
      8x Cultist firearm
      1x Heavy stubber

Legionaries (90 points)
  • Mark of Chaos: Chaos Undivided
  • 1x Aspiring Champion
    • 1x Accursed weapon
      1x Bolt pistol
      1x Close combat weapon
  • 4x Legionary
    • 4x Bolt pistol
      2x Boltgun
      1x Chaos Icon
      4x Close combat weapon
      1x Heavy melee weapon
      1x Lascannon


Chaos Predator Destructor (130 points)
  • Mark of Chaos: Nurgle
  • 1x Armoured tracks
    1x Havoc launcher
    2x Lascannon
    1x Predator autocannon

Chaos Terminator Squad (195 points) with termy sorc
  • Mark of Chaos: Tzeentch
  • 1x Terminator Champion
    • 1x Accursed weapon
      1x Combi-weapon
  • 4x Chaos Terminator
    • 1x Accursed weapon
      1x Chainfist
      1x Combi-bolter
      3x Combi-weapon
      2x Power fist

Chaos Vindicator (190 points)
  • Mark of Chaos: Nurgle
  • 1x Armoured tracks
    1x Combi-bolter
    1x Demolisher cannon
    1x Havoc launcher

Defiler (190 points)
  • Mark of Chaos: Nurgle
  • 1x Combi-bolter
    1x Defiler cannon
    1x Defiler claws
    1x Reaper autocannon
    1x Twin heavy flamer

Havocs (135 points)
  • Mark of Chaos: Chaos Undivided
  • 1x Havoc Champion
    • 1x Plasma gun
      1x Power fist
  • 4x Havoc
    • 4x Close combat weapon
      4x Havoc autocannon

Helbrute (140 points)
  • Mark of Chaos: Nurgle
  • 1x Close combat weapon
    1x Heavy flamer
    1x Helbrute fist
    1x Multi-melta

Obliterators (180 points)
  • Mark of Chaos: Nurgle
  • 2x Obliterator
    • 2x Crushing fists
      2x Fleshmetal guns

Venomcrawler (120 points)
  • Mark of Chaos: Tzeentch
  • 2x Excruciator cannon
    1x Soulflayer tendrils and claws

Warp Talons (110 points)
  • Mark of Chaos: Slaanesh
  • 1x Warp Talon Champion
    • 1x Warp claws
  • 4x Warp Talon
    • 4x Warp claws

Exported with App Version: v1.10.1 (38), Data Version: v336

Edited by Brother Nathan
  • 2 weeks later...

Getting some progress. Got most of army based bar cultists but still to paint bases proper. Made a batch of sand and pva with black mixed in so just drybrushess to go... maby some flock. 


Also trying to get some more paint on everything to look cohessive. Starting with turkey defiler(needs a wardog bird head mind) and old vindicator. Vindy nearing rust point...



Rusting started. Thought id do a test too. Only started on bottom this time. Test was to spray and leave out to see how much it rusted. Few hours later it had done nothing. So my previous thoughts on it needing a ziplock to stop the vinegar time to corrode the dist b4 evaporating seems correct. 



18 minutes ago, Dr_Ruminahui said:

Rust is coming along nicely.


What are the "turkey" legs on your defiler from?  Really gives it a sci fi look, kind of reminiscent of the various warmachines Skynet had in the original Terminator movie.


To be honest i have no idea. Its off some robot toy of my brothers from the 80s... no idea what it was/is. Have the wings still for my planned flyer too. 

10 hours ago, Dr_Ruminahui said:

Rust is coming along nicely.


What are the "turkey" legs on your defiler from?  Really gives it a sci fi look, kind of reminiscent of the various warmachines Skynet had in the original Terminator movie.

10 hours ago, Brother Nathan said:


To be honest i have no idea. Its off some robot toy of my brothers from the 80s... no idea what it was/is. Have the wings still for my planned flyer too. 

Looks like parts of a Zoid, specially with all rhe grooved cylinders looking like the caps uses to help hold parts together.

Think you are right. Looked much like this one





Also morning update... so 12+hours later with actual vinegar... bottom is perfect!(still have sides to do 


Edited by Brother Nathan

First league game lastnight. Firstly updated army pic. Would i change this list... definately. I meant to swap in havoc launchers on my defiler. I dont have much use for disco lord as it dies immediately. Oblits have had limited use. Havocs and legionares didnt get a chance. So reserving judgementfor now...



Nice to see your whole force together - it looks good.


I'm surprised you haven't seen more utility out of your obliterators - mine have been great for me.  That said, I've only played up to 1500 point games in 10th.


The issue of swapping out units because they "die too fast" is always an interesting one to me, as pretty much something has to die fast (as your opponent does get a chance to shoot), so to me the issue comes down to being one of "what do I want to die instead?"  Assuming your opponents are killing your Disco Lord because they perceive it as a threat (so, as being effective if unanswered), it doesn't necessarily do your list any good to swap it for something less effective unless the new unit is harder to kill and/or is cheaper.  The "cheaper" is also complicated by the rather chunky way points are done in 10th, where a given unit always has a certain price and you can't just add a model (and/or gear) here and there to make up the points.


What are your thoughts on an alternative?  If you are seeking to maintain kind of the same role in your list (fast melee threat), another venomcrawler would seem like the best bet, as its basically just as resilient (same T, one less wound) but 70 points cheaper (and 2" faster), which can get you a sorcerer, exalted champ or 2 spawn... and really not much else, as there really aren't any other choices unless you have other points free already or make other swaps to free up room. (5 more points could get you a rhino).  One advantage of going this route is the crawler puts enough pressure on the enemy that it is likely to attract the firepower was directed at the Disco Lord rather than, say, your hell brute instead.


If you want to go tougher instead, the maulerfiend is one point of T higher and has 2 more wounds... which doesn't give you much more survivability, to be honest (I find my maulerfiend is just as easy to kill as my venomcrawler, though part of that may be it is the big immediate threat in my list so suffers similar treatment to your Disco Lord).  It is slightly faster than the disco (same move, but ignores penalties and can reroll advance and charge) but is only 35 points cheaper... which really isn't enough on its own to get you anything other than wargear.


Now, there are other choices as well, but those involve significantly different roles (say, adding another hellbrute or predator) and/or freeing up some more points (you need another 20 points for a second defiler), which I can't really discuss without an analysis of what your army is doing as a whole, and what you think it should be doing instead.

Edited by Dr_Ruminahui

Those echo my own thoughts. For what i have and wanted to stick in vs what i hadi saw little gain in swapping him out. Plus i love the model. Honestly im using this to figure chaos out better and then change bits after as its fixed list. I honestly deployed too aggressively hoping for first turn and failed for it. I near think if id got first turn the result would have been very different and i throughly enjoyed it.


Now for pictures...






The defiler did ok. I forgot to swap the heavy flamer out for havoc launcherswhich atm iv had preform way better especially with dark pacts. It did kill a chimera in ccand took the warpsmiths boost to hit better. It got put down by a russ and dorn though. 

Vindicator was my strongest tank too but had too much gunning at it. Tis the problem for chaos tanks... guard are and will do as much cheaper. Bad match up for my list. Hopefully better from here and not dissapointed with the score i got. 

Funnily it was my venomcrawler that probably did the most managing to eat 2 units before getting sniped by a tank

I've been pretty impressed by the venomcrawler this edition - its reasonably shooty, packs a reasonable punch in melee, is really fast, and seems about as durable as any of our other vehicles - plus at 120 points seems pretty darn cheap for that package.  I think I would prefer if it kept its regen on kills rather than the +1 attack (the +1 attack is probably more powerful, but it typically doesn't survive long enough to get to use it more than once, while the regen can potentially allow it to survive into another round), but really even without it would still be a decent unit.


Now, I might think differently if I didn't also have a maulerfiend in my list attracting fire away from the crawler, but for now anyway its something that I am very happy to have in my lists.

Edited by Dr_Ruminahui

Im very impressed with the vennom crawler. I was execting it to be as bad as my phycophage but has done well as a throw away distraction that gets ignored. The fact that it has 2 guns that both get an extra shot on s kill does help stack it up and marking mine as tzench so its more likely to wound has seemably helped it do a bit of work snd forced a fair bit of firepower onto it when the opponent turns their priority to it. Dont know if id want a second nor what id drop if i did but im impressed enough to be keeping an eye out for a second.


Also my squad of the match. Rapid ingressed behind corner objective. Got shot by the last chancers loosing a few members and the sorceror getting puton last wound via precision... healing and reviving in my turn then slaying them all and fighting off another 20 man squad to overwhelm their oc advantage with death... mind i was dissapointed with their shooting normal combis would have served better and the heavy weapon stats seem poor. Now more tempted with double accursed on some...20240325_231933.thumb.jpg.1fb7cef9b43e281c86b22b0ee0308d1f.jpg

Edited by Brother Nathan

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