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Had my math (and rules) wrong, so I've fixed this post from earlier.


Sadly, combi-weapons are really kind of mediocre this edition, at least when compared to combibolters - against guard, at short range a combibolter will (on average) kill 1.19 guardsmen, while a combi-weapon will only kill 0.81. That's 47% more effective, which is a real let down when previously combiweapons were always better than a combibolter, at least for the specific purpose of the "bolted on" gun.


Now, due to the combi-bolter having twice the shots of the combi-weapon, the combi-bolter is always better unless the target is infantry AND is T4 or better with a 3+ save or better with a 6+ or worse invulnerable (if 3+ save, 5+ or worse invulnerable if 2+ save).  These numbers aren't taking into account sustained or lethal hits - I haven't done that math, but I imagine if you are using lethal hits, the combi-bolter gets even better.


So, in my mind, if you are going for efficiency (as opposed to using the models you have or for aesthetics) the combibolter is always the better choice unless you are certain to be firing at space marines or their equivalents.


Edited by Dr_Ruminahui

aye that all matches up with my thoughts on them. im just running on what i have modeled and dont intend to change them. i will update their paint as a well done for their game(is my general intention, extra runes etc) unfortunate that this squad was made nearly all combis from previous sedition with intention to deep strike and smoke a tank which they definitely are not doing now.  am sure it will up and down the unit as the games go. 


next definite game is vs black legion chaos later in april. i will have a trial game set up for a friend to try 40k next week. likely my nids vs my iron warriors but ill let them choose sides. some 500 points should do for a practice. 

Rust day has finally arrived and im excited and loving it... until my daughter knocked my full case down... repairs ongoing. Will proper update on rusting when all gets dry and sorted but sneek peek...





Vindicator is comming on soo good. Ill have to knock it back some and refresh a few bits to sharpen it all up but im loving it soo much... 

Theres a few bits i will change after we get a proper codex but iv made a few discoverys that im not worried aboutvthat blending in... ie top hatch to get addiotional weapon systems... 





That's one crusty vindicator - looking good!  Particularly like the dirt on the front shield.


Kind of a pain about your minis getting knocked over - hopefully they don't need to many repairs, and those that are needed aren't too involved and are invisible once fixed.


Why is your robochicken in a plastic bag?  That part of your weathering process?

So damage wsnt too horrendous when all put back. My new metal raptors got the worst. My resin cultist boss lost his weapon. A warptalon lost a talon. Both oblits lost their bases and a termy lost his deamon sword... though iv been considering changing his weapon so that works for me...


As for the bag... yup thats very important. No bag then the vinegar mix evaporates too quick and dosent get long enough to react.  

When alls dry in the morning will do a few shots before i try any tidy ups

Vindi went too far. Have washed and brushed it back a tad. May have broke off its dozer by accident though iv a plan to use that to upgrade a tad so not worried. Anyway pics...before clean up. 



And a wee group shot










  • 2 weeks later...

Little update. Have not gotten to touch model wise as have been sorting gaming parts for hosting a game this comming week. Have converted my too small 2 2x4s to be a full sized table and got a cheap cover(moving blanket)  that looks decent enough and cut out mdf shapes for terrain outlines and rough sprayed them temporaily. Wanted to try making a dice tray  but dosent look like there will be time...

Update i have a basic dicebox done... lined with leather scraps. Will do for now. Will need more to it in time... thinking hazard stripes outside and a motif on the base... iron warrior or dice themed... hmm... calling it v 1. Will do a better one from scratch when i get proper time but do for now. 


Game had.  And it got bloody. But i managed to pull a decisive victory and nearly maxed out my points too. 

Used the official terrain blueprints and it made a big difference for me blocking a lot more sight. The biggest difference directly being t1 my opponents shooting proved entirely uneffective and failed to kill a model(they did take my vindicator way down but i healed it over and over the whole game) and mydiscolord survived t1! Before getting a defiler in the face...

Oblits struggled to do more than objective nab and kill cultists as did termy blob

Helbrute did get stuck in this game  avenging his brothers that fell killing chosen and terminators whilst still boosting the vindicator which was my model of the match for pure bulk kills. Helbrute also managed to finish termys and lord fown to last wound... who promptly killed himself on a dark pact shortly after finishing off my vindicator (as did my defiler)


Few pics too...










Thanks Xenith! It certainly stands out effectively.


So dataslate... my list loves it. Down by 60 points. Locked in with list with one game left but is good to know i can afford enhancements if nessiary. Is also nice knowing our necron player is getting a good hit. Next game iv drawn darkangels which im hopeful for

Came accross my deathwatch sprues... ive been thinking of a biker squad for scoring... my blood angesls bikes are now legends ergo... iron warriors biker squad inbound. Helps that the bloodangel ones were more... choppy looking. Need to add plasmas but wont take much...




Yet more basing progress. May have them all uniform for my last game at this rate.now it needs a drybrush in a lighter red and possibly a wash but is enroute. Now i want to break it up a bit and im thinking deadish chared grass/ flock. Thoughts?

Thinking that small clumps and not even on all models just some. Likely painted to be a bit darker. Or do i go for buying some clumps of like desert grass things?

I think some vegetation on the bases is a good idea - personally I would go for lighter coloured tan grass rather than darker charred grass - the bases (and models in general) are already fairly dark, and I think the lighter grass would provide a nice contrast and visual interest than the darker would.  Much in the way the lighter paving blocks look great on the base of your hellbrute.

The lighter slabs are all gone as are the green mosses the black rocks and the other variations. Certain bits stayed but not many. Its chaos but bases were too non uniform due to them being second hands etc. But i take what you say about the lighter dryer looking grass. Will start looking out for something to use alongside my near yellow grass then cheers

slight update- more terrain. will be more fallout themed when painted than anything but scale checks out well




and my game is delayed but this is where i had gotten a termy to- considering putting more of these style marks on my termys. well earned.




Edited by Brother Nathan

I am pro rusty Iron Warriors. Did you use Dirty Down? I've tried it and I've tried a bunch of other products. I think I went too rusty on my last two models. I still like using pigments but the sealant affects them and Dirty Down, but I'm just an army painter, I don't need precision rust. Keep going.

No brown no paints. Real rust. Pva glue and atomised iron dust and then salt/vinegar in a sealed bag for a few hours. Sealing will reduce it but iv not sealed any yet. Its a fairly fun process and can be cleaned and knocked back easy enough.


Thanks am poking away at bits slowly in the background. Was Worried that the mars esk bases would grind too much with the red but think iv gotten away with it.


Slight base update/test... do i go lighter on the grass? 



Edited by Brother Nathan

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