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The Rusted, Iron Warriors

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Updates! And iv a few. Had my final league game lastnight with pre codex and it was a literal blast. Dark angels deathwing... 2 big bricks of termys... azereal and sternguard. 2 jump squads devistators characters... lots of em... but only fists and missiles for antitank...  vital ground chilling rain (hate!)


Highlights include ;

Discolord doing something... to be fair he lead a termy squad the wrong way. Out ran them. Killed eliminators off an objective and took it. Held it for 2 rounds. Killed azreal!

Vindicator and predator ripping units appart.... they were brilliant. Want more. 

Warp talons balsing up in combat getting killed to the last man who survived 2 turns. Need to organise my combats better.

Defiler surving a charge from a full termy squad then ripping a few then shooting them too.  Then blowing up and killing several of my men. 

Oblits did nothing. 

Termys took enemy home base killing devistators til a full termy brick got rammed in their face... do not reccommend... 

Helbrute boosting everyone and melted 2 characters and wiped a vanguard squad. Was on last wound end of game.

Havocs lined up some shots t1 and annoyed my opponent to try to remove them with sternguard and vanguard vets... they did so but threw their battleline open doing so. 


Result... victory. And a good score 64-41

So where does my list go... from here. Discolord is out for now.. i like but way too expensive. And fairly situational. 

Tanks all stay. Cultists... down to 1 squad but up to 20 man( iv also just got  a bunch of other culty models to remake into a few options... )


Oblits are out. Terrible. Way to spenny


Termys... may need to get myself up to a 10 man unit... sorceror... wanna try arcane iron artifice on...


Another squad of legionares...  chaos lord with bastion plate. Maby in rhino.


A squad of raptors...working on...



I want more tankz but will see what happens. That should do for now.


Anyway a few pics before next update...













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So i hot a decent mixed lot off ebay. I know no full squads but i dont need squads i need bits... i can convert... anyway i was able to built my raptors and finish them. Rather have plasmas but i have meltas so itll do. 

I made 4 new marines. Aimed for heqvier weapons as ill need em in legionare squads /they can count as chosen.

I chopped up an old dark angel tactical and have made my counts as cypher.one of my mates is starting dark angels and with yesterdays game vs dark angels had too.

Plans... theres some humys... i also have a printed dark commune comming. Between these the cultists i have i should be able to make a converted commune. More iron cultists. Converet some ranged cultists into traitor guardsmen the floaty psy guy will be part of my commune

I think i can make some more beastmen with the spares....







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