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i think theat it done... i may let it play a few more games and earn some special marks. definatley looks like its been going since terra... 




Edited by Brother Nathan

Next up... i need/want more terminators. Iv been after an old abbadon to use as a regular termy for a while. Got a parts missing one so...

May try a one hour paint job on this one


#found a termy helm... no idea where it came from but its now on him...

And did some more on my warp talons... can you tell i broke my yellow and got a new one...



Updates! And iv a few. Had my final league game lastnight with pre codex and it was a literal blast. Dark angels deathwing... 2 big bricks of termys... azereal and sternguard. 2 jump squads devistators characters... lots of em... but only fists and missiles for antitank...  vital ground chilling rain (hate!)


Highlights include ;

Discolord doing something... to be fair he lead a termy squad the wrong way. Out ran them. Killed eliminators off an objective and took it. Held it for 2 rounds. Killed azreal!

Vindicator and predator ripping units appart.... they were brilliant. Want more. 

Warp talons balsing up in combat getting killed to the last man who survived 2 turns. Need to organise my combats better.

Defiler surving a charge from a full termy squad then ripping a few then shooting them too.  Then blowing up and killing several of my men. 

Oblits did nothing. 

Termys took enemy home base killing devistators til a full termy brick got rammed in their face... do not reccommend... 

Helbrute boosting everyone and melted 2 characters and wiped a vanguard squad. Was on last wound end of game.

Havocs lined up some shots t1 and annoyed my opponent to try to remove them with sternguard and vanguard vets... they did so but threw their battleline open doing so. 


Result... victory. And a good score 64-41

So where does my list go... from here. Discolord is out for now.. i like but way too expensive. And fairly situational. 

Tanks all stay. Cultists... down to 1 squad but up to 20 man( iv also just got  a bunch of other culty models to remake into a few options... )


Oblits are out. Terrible. Way to spenny


Termys... may need to get myself up to a 10 man unit... sorceror... wanna try arcane iron artifice on...


Another squad of legionares...  chaos lord with bastion plate. Maby in rhino.


A squad of raptors...working on...



I want more tankz but will see what happens. That should do for now.


Anyway a few pics before next update...













So i hot a decent mixed lot off ebay. I know no full squads but i dont need squads i need bits... i can convert... anyway i was able to built my raptors and finish them. Rather have plasmas but i have meltas so itll do. 

I made 4 new marines. Aimed for heqvier weapons as ill need em in legionare squads /they can count as chosen.

I chopped up an old dark angel tactical and have made my counts as cypher.one of my mates is starting dark angels and with yesterdays game vs dark angels had too.

Plans... theres some humys... i also have a printed dark commune comming. Between these the cultists i have i should be able to make a converted commune. More iron cultists. Converet some ranged cultists into traitor guardsmen the floaty psy guy will be part of my commune

I think i can make some more beastmen with the spares....







  • 3 months later...

forgot to do individual pics for my pledge. they are by no means great... to be honest they are more testers for my skaven thankey elements for my iron warriors, i dont see myself getting any more beastmen. the cultists willl likely get mixed in with my normal cultists/ be part of a chaos guard unit made from gun weilding cultists.





rouge psys. bit of fun. likely use in some form eventually. did want a purple pimp coat could not find my purple... 




will be adding these guys to my cultists and be more fitting. 





legionares/cypher/chosen. to add to squads/ give me options and wind up a few dark angels players. they are fairly basic atm. i have many of my units now literally earn their stripes and these will be one of them.  i quite enjoyed the cypher mod and may add a few more similar/ paint a few more weapons to look like they were darkangels. 











Edited by Brother Nathan

nearly ready to get back to iron warriors properly. need more basing materials so best to get a larger batch of models awaiting basing anyway. on my list of things to do(will update as i think theres more too. )


heavily damaged rhino needing repair for use in new list. 

printed dark commune to paint

old metal raptors to paint (3rd ed?)

skaven- figuring an option of how to run a few in my army- love the rat ogers, may suit as accursed cultists or spawn

3rd edition metals




current edition plastics- need rebased...



the planned basis of a 40k iron warriors medic... 



printed dark commune


Edited by Brother Nathan

Yup, that first batch are the 3rd edition metal raptor models - have a bunch of those in my own painting queue.  With your post before, I wasn't sure as there are some even older metal raptors from second edition, who are rather more blocky and have more batwinged jet packs that are kind of similar in style to the sisters of battle seraphim jump packs (These guys, though without the later edition weapon swaps).


Look forward to seeing how you do this eclectic group of chaos models.

Edited by Dr_Ruminahui

these are the raptors that were current when i first started and always liked them. like therir aesthetic much more for ironwarriors than the current ones but atleast now i have a squad of each. old jumppacks are far superior. 

anyway need to upbase the new plastics, ddly the plastics now have worse balance than these old metals that iv already fixed. i have managed to pick up one of those even older raptors but i dont like that particular jumppack and now have a few in my bits box. 

They are also my prefered raptor model, though primarily for their much better and dynamic posing rather than any problem with the details on the new models (though, in that regard, I prefer the sleeker head on the 3rd ed models).  Myself, I don't mind the new jumppakcs, and find both look fine on the 3rd ed models (If you are curious, you can see my built but unpainted 3rd ed raptors here).  Of the 3 types, the really old ones are also my least favorite ones, also due to their weird jumpacks but also their wierd torsos.  Still, I think you are lucky to have some as you may find a use for them (or their parts) at some point.


For the plastics, I would rebase them to the now standard space marine sized bases (32mm?  I'm not certain the actual dimension) then put a metal washer on the bottom - that's what I did for my metal raptors (though that also required trimming the tab on the minis down and cutting a slot in the base for it) so it should work fine for your plastic guys.  Or you could just glue their bases to the larger one like you did with your metal raptors, though the washer will give you greater stability (I like to use washers on all my infantry bases - really helps keep the models upright even on sloped or uneven surfaces). 

My combat patrol got delayed 3 times and i just cancelled it... also ordered first 2 on ebay and now my sub has showed... woot


So what does this mean for my ironwarriors... new termy sarge/lord... iirc that will mean ill b able to field a full termy brick...


Had to start. Paired accursed weapon as why not... anyway thinking just to add studds to other shin and chest. Built... may leave studs as looks better than i expected...


Also i can guess a few but anyone know what all these mean as may use a few(actual or painted)








Edited by Brother Nathan

Looking pretty menacing so far! I definitely think you should try to use a Terminator shoulder pad for the chainglaive arm though. That looks like either a Chosen or Havoc pad? The size difference between the default Terminator Captain pad and the other one is pretty noticeable to me.

Thanks. Unfortunately iv used all my termy pads bar the one iv taken off this model. This is just a placeholder til i find better. Im a bad one for ripping models appart and rebuilding another time

  • 4 weeks later...

Indirect but... working on basing for skaven. These are tests. When i get it right i plan to roll it out to my iron warriors too. Well atleast some.  Have been advised to try clay too(used milliput here. )



The milliput looks great. I will have to try that on  D&D/Pathfinder pirate minnie I have.


Skaven artillery bases can be connected to the Iron Warriors.


Back in 2015 in the Forge section, Uveron did just this with his Iron Warriors-themed Renegades and Heretics Chaos Militia. :biggrin:




Edited by Tallarn Commander

Cheers thats pretty cool will check through proper. How you remember such/find it i dont know lil.


Update. I want a master of executions. Attempt 1. Head looks wrong so will change but...




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