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Upcoming BL Stuff - 2022

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Maybe this is an unpopular opinion but I’d prefer not to have threads for specific upcoming books at all. They seem to become dumping grounds for circular speculation.

While I do agree that the singular threads become choked up with off topic chaff, I quite like the separate threads for each book as it (selfishly) allows me to ignore them until I’ve caught up and read that particular story. Maybe if they were not created/accessible until the books were released into the wild there would be less of the off topic speculation? Just my 2c.

Oh that’s my bad for lack of clarity. I completely agree, every book deserves its own thread once released.

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Any word on dis/continuation of Audio Dramas? I'm not a big fan of regular audiobooks but I love BL audio dramas. I checked and it looks the last one was Sons of Behemat in October 2020. It would be a shame if they ditched this format.


Also noticed they already released The Magister and the Martyr audiobook (available on BL and Audible) but I don't remember being it mentioned in any of the weekly upcoming articles.

Edited by theSpirea
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Wow lol, that is a lovely surprise. I completely missed that.


Does anyone feel these books are being rolled out rather slowly? It could just be my own perception, admittedly.

Mate this applies to all ongoing BL book series IMO.  They release they so slowly, by the time the next book has been released I have only a vague recollection of what happened in the last book.  


I’ve literally got no recollection of what happened in Avenging Son, which was Guy’s last book in the series and from what I can gather flows into book 4.  And there is nowhere online that I am aware of that will provide a spoiler recap of that book.  So I might as well be going in blind. 


SoT is another example.  Solar War was released in 2019!  We’re now only six books in, with no release date for book 7 and uncertainty whether it’s going to be 8 or 9 books in total.  


The Primarchs series is the worst offender, when was the last release?  January 2021?  And before that February 2020?  So two releases in 26 months, with no release date for the next book?

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Wow lol, that is a lovely surprise. I completely missed that.


Does anyone feel these books are being rolled out rather slowly? It could just be my own perception, admittedly.

Compared to past multi-author series it is moving slowly, but I think a lot of that is the pandemic, or perhaps an intentional change in strategy which simply coincides with Covid. Since Avenging Son came out in August 2020 The Siege of Terra has seen two novels and a novella released compared to DoF’s three novels.


I think the change, intentional or not, is probably for the best. The Horus Heresy and especially The Beast Arises could’ve used more coordination at times and the fast release schedule, especially for TBA, was a part of the problem.

Edited by cheywood
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Welp, I wasn't paying attention to the time and missed my chance at the limited edition Throne of Light; I was looking forward to having the whole set too. I'll be damned if I'm giving my money to scalpers on eBay though...


It already sold out in AU? Whoa, DoF isn't even that popular... Curious how it's going to sell in the EU/NA.

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Welp, I wasn't paying attention to the time and missed my chance at the limited edition Throne of Light; I was looking forward to having the whole set too. I'll be damned if I'm giving my money to scalpers on eBay though...

It already sold out in AU? Whoa, DoF isn't even that popular... Curious how it's going to sell in the EU/NA.

I'm not sure we can really say that alas - we don't have book buying figures. While it might not set this board alight, unlike the authors we tend to talk about (Abnett, Fehervari, and Dembski-Bowden especially) the books might be very well-bought for all we know.

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Welp, I wasn't paying attention to the time and missed my chance at the limited edition Throne of Light; I was looking forward to having the whole set too. I'll be damned if I'm giving my money to scalpers on eBay though...

It already sold out in AU? Whoa, DoF isn't even that popular... Curious how it's going to sell in the EU/NA.

It still shows as available on the main store page, but on the product page it's not available.

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Welp, I wasn't paying attention to the time and missed my chance at the limited edition Throne of Light; I was looking forward to having the whole set too. I'll be damned if I'm giving my money to scalpers on eBay though...

It already sold out in AU? Whoa, DoF isn't even that popular... Curious how it's going to sell in the EU/NA.

I'm not sure we can really say that alas - we don't have book buying figures. While it might not set this board alight, unlike the authors we tend to talk about (Abnett, Fehervari, and Dembski-Bowden especially) the books might be very well-bought for all we know.



I think, aside from a couple of authors (namely Dan Abnett and ADB), there isn't a strong correlation between sales figures and positive critical reception on places like this message board.


I'd bet Indomitus by Gav Thorpe had pretty strong sales (BL at least anticipated it would by releasing 2 different hardback limited editions), and Gav Thorpe has put out some very enjoyable material, but it seems his inspiration went walkabout for this one. Just within the same timespan, there have been far more enjoyable books by necron-focused authors such as Robert Rath and Nate Crowley.


Word of mouth has certainly counted for a lot with Rath and Crowley, but that is among a more select group of readers.


I have been into several GW stores over the years and spoken with employees who read BL. They are happy to discuss books and characters and scenes and plot lines, but they aren't strong on authorial recognition. If I mention a book by Chris Wraight or Richard Strachan, they will know the title of the book, but have little idea what else the same author has written.


Faction identity trumps author identity among the fanbase as a whole, despite the fact that there are more enjoyable reading experiences to be had by following authors one likes than by faction. And BL know this, and are driven more by sales figures than critical acclaim (and why should it be any other way?) which is why we see the output we do. There are authors that I have found I very much dislike reading, poor prose stylists and hamfisted plotters, who still get commissioned to write novels.


Marines, Space Wolves, Blood Angels all sell well, regardless of author. While a series close to Gav Thorpe's heart like the Aeldari gets cut short.


Which is why a forum like this is so valuable, because it allows the word-of-mouth to spread among readers who prefer an author's output over faction identity.

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Huron Blackheart coming up for preorder next week, both Special Edition as well as Hardback, Ebook and Audiobook. To be honest, though, I find the "Huron Blackheart"-print on the red page edges to be rather tacky...


Surprisingly, they're also continuing their audio backlog for AoS, which is a nice trend that I hope we'll see extend further to 40k as well (and it'd be nice to have them actually finish recording the Realmgate Wars, considering they canceled Gav's novel's audiobook after already advertising it in WD as coming back then, leaving the series halfway done). Ventris 4, Ahriman 3 and Wraight's skipped Wolves when?


I'm still torn on whether or not to get the Imperial Infantryman's Handbook. This edition looks very pretty, so I might.

Penitent paperback also coming.

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Here’s a blurb for The Wraithbone Phoenix I found on Alec Worley’s website. Doesn’t reveal much of anything the WC announcement didn’t, but man am I excited to meet some recidivists. I don’t recall it being posted here before, apologies if my memory’s failed me:


‘Baggit is the fast-talking ratling with an eye for the big score. Clodde is the ogryn with a heart of gold and a head full of dreams. These abhuman soldiers turned thieves in the hive-city of Varangantua have crossed the wrong man for the last time. Now they’re on the run, perhaps forever.


But Baggit has learned of a score that could pay their debts and save their skins… the Wraithbone Phoenix, a fabled treasure said to be hidden somewhere aboard a decommissioned voidship with a legendary past.


But Baggit and Clodde are not the only ones with eyes on the prize. They’re up against some of the best, the worst and the downright craziest recidivists to ever sling a las-pistol.


Baggit must look to the past if he’s to grab that treasure ahead of everyone else. However, legend has it that Death shall lay its hand upon any who lay claim to the Wraithbone Phoenix…’

Edited by cheywood
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