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  On 3/30/2023 at 10:01 PM, Rusted Boltgun said:

Thanks @Boc, they do need something extra. I'll try a light drybrush - my attempts at edge highlighting a couple of bolt pistols weren't great! 



I love your stuff, great work!

Note - if you don't want to edge highlight you could paint the guns in a white or bone colour and use Black templar contrast on them (i would go 50/50contrast /contrast medium) but it kinda gives them the look of being highlighted due to the under colour showing on edges (as contrast is designed to do on most things) 

and your raven markings (if you haven't got to them yet then my apologies) Ulthuan grey gives great coverage and is just a bit off white, i use it a lot now instead of white paint sometimes i even just highlight with white if i need extra pop.


Look forward to seeing these guys finished


Cheers, M. 

  • 1 month later...

There hasn't been a lot of painting progress in the Boltgun household recently but there has been a fair bit of WIP. It started with reorganising hobby corner




Mrs Boltgun went to IKEA today so I got another couple of small lidded tubs - perfect for hiding more  even more WIP.


Like this little lot -




Bikes, Chaplain on a bike and a Predator. Not very Kill Team :ph34r:.


Nor is this disgusting pile of bits




My Nurgle Chaos Terminator was the most fun thing I painted as a kid (that blurry thing in my avatar image) and so I just  had to buy some Blightlord Terminators a while back. Of course, I then got the Council of the Death Lord box too. And I have a box of original metal / plastic Plague Marines in the loft from BITD. 


I also got the Ravenspire box, which leads to...Kayvan Shrike and The Reivers




I had a go at magnetising Kayvan and his base. Nearly finished it. Will magnetise the Predator next and maybe a couple of the Blightlords. That clicky noise is so satisfying.


My poor Knights of The Raven Phobos Kill Team are feeling a little unloved.  They are assembled but a few last details need filling in before varnish and finishing the bases. And the Helix Adept is missing a pauldron?!




They did manage a couple of Into The Dark Kill Team Lite games against the Kroot fielded by Junior Boltgun. They were meant to be finished by the end of March and I was meant to finish the ITD terrain last month. Oops. Junior hasn't pulled me up on it yet!


Whilst I'm pretty happy with the Phobos team, the scheme hasn't grabbed me in the way I had hoped - as in, I'm not sure I want to paint 2k points worth like that. Maybe need to be silver rather than gun metal, a smoother application might help. They don't photograph that well on the phone either!

A few easy to build assault intercessors were assembled today (not pictured) to test out on at some point.

Don't beat yourself up, real life just gets in the way. I also have not finished my terrain yet.....


As for the smoother application of the metal.

I agree, a lighter tone of steel/ silver would make them pop more.

I have recently learned that cheap makeup brushes are perfect for drybrushing and are actually quite good in getting a smoother application (because they have many fine bristles).

Maybe that might also be something that could appeal to you?

Thanks @Valkia the Bloody, I will give drybrushing with silver a go. . I'd like to stick with the Knights for the moment and try to get the scheme working better for me. Whilst I liked the 'quick' black armour on the Raven Guard, I feel it would suit a 30k force better.


Thank you @DaBoiKyknos! Yes, I'm classing the Kroot as done - as at photos from 22 Jan. Though I still need to paint the Pechra! I've an alternate heavy weapon and a few more warriors I could paint to flesh out the roster too but too many other things to paint first! 

  • 1 month later...

It feels like ages since I updated my WIP, probably because it is. Just returned from a short family holiday, Junior Boltgun and I have been painting this afternoon. He's continuing with the terrain he got from Santa, I'm working on a birthday present for the friend who got me back into gaming and painting. It isn't GW though so no photos.


This little device is the last element of the Phobos Kill Team. Just need to varnish it and gloss the marine lenses.




Just remembered - the Helix Adept is still missing his pauldron. D'oh!


I am in the middle of assembling some Fellgor Ravagers. Nice models but a couple of gaps will require some liquid free stuff or putty before they are primed.




I picked up the Votann codex to give me some more background before I attempt the Hearthkyn Salvagers. I really like the models and the lore I have read so far - my new favourite faction! 


  • 4 weeks later...

Well, June hasn't seen much WH painting action but I have finished assembling the Fellgor Ravagers. Really looking forward to painting these Fellows.




I also built a Genestealer Cult kill Team and I'm nearly through assembling 20 Hearthkyn Salvagers.


Some painting progress was made. I competed a non-40k project - a birthday present for the friend who got me back into painting. A shame it doesn't fit the forum criteria - I reckon it is the best thing I have painted so far.


I added some brown to the Raven Guard Reivers and did a test model for the Knights of The Raven using VGC Silver as a base. Unfortunately, I didn't thin it enough so I'm not happy with the finish. 




Prevaricating over finishing the model or stripping it to start again.


I'd been hoping to get the scheme down so I could heed the Call to Arms but, alas, no. Instead, I think my summer will be Xenos-flavoured - I have Ork Kommandos, the Genestealer Cult, Hearthkyn and The Goats to choose from. And the Leviathan box :biggrin:  I'd promised Junior that the Orks would be my next project so 'ere we go...



  • 3 weeks later...

Well, been a bit lax with this given that it is meant to be a 'progress' log.

My Call To Arms vow is progressing


though I'm finding it fiddly and seek to be correcting more mistakes than making actual progress. Like painting the Dakka Boy body a colour that won't work with his arms. Or losi g the Snipa Boy arm because I confused it with that of the Dakka Boy. Oops. Hoping they get through the 'horrible' phase soon. I don't feel like I'm doing these fantastic models justice but we'll see how I feel at the end. They'll be fun to play, that's the main thing.


Every day is a school day and today's lessons were 'don't rush a task' and 'clean your airbrush properly'. I obviously hadn't done the latter so my attempt the do the former resulted in a horrible half painted mess. 


Will I learn my lesson...?


And finally, my 'quick black' Raven Guard crawl towards completion. First base colour on the base has helped motivate me to finishing the task.


Of course, one of the main reasons for getting the airbrush out today was to undercoat the Sergeant's helmet. Which I forgot to do :facepalm:


Thanks @Firedrake Cordova and @ZeroWolf, my trusty Snakebite Leather is doing the heavy lifting for me. I was pleased with Black Templar on trousers as a kind of black denim too. Just a lot of back and forth on details and a few silly mistakes I need to correct so the progress hasn't been as smooth as when I painted the Kroot or Astartes. I'll get there!

  On 7/20/2023 at 3:55 PM, Rusted Boltgun said:

Just a lot of back and forth on details and a few silly mistakes I need to correct


All I will say, is everyone makes mistakes, but those producing painting videos cheat and edit it out! Also, consider using a magnification aid, if you don't have one and think it might be useful - I find not only does it make it easier to see, I find myself slowing down a bit and making fewer mistakes.

Edited by Firedrake Cordova

I'm sure I should have been working on the Ork but instead I made soup




Two hours later,  some multicoloured liquid




and some slightly less paintified minis




This meal was brought to the table by Paint Blitzer from Unto The Breach. 


  On 7/28/2023 at 6:41 AM, firestorm40k said:

Rogue Trader era minis, this should be fun! :woot: Looking forward to seeing what you do with these :smile:




Future Brother-Sergeant Kinner says "Hi"




This is going to be a slow, ongoing project in the background. I'm in no rush and don't have any of my original paints so will need to source some. Hopefully it will cleanse the palate in between Kill Teams and painting challenges. I might even start a dedicated blog, just for giggles and nostalgia, I'm no 'Eavy Metal' painter.

  • 2 weeks later...

The Kommandos are very close to not having any primer on show. On the bodies at least. Arms to follow. 




In the background, I've had another stab at a Knight of the Raven.




This time I've gone for Vallejo Metal Air Silver. Lightly overbrushed over a black undercoat with a second coat in places. So far, a lot closer to what I had in mind.


The Shrike Honour Guard are getting are also getting closer to completion.




The black might have been quick but it is taking me a while to get through the rest!

Edited by Rusted Boltgun
  • 2 weeks later...

My Call to Arms vow is going painfully slowly and without any progress worth capturing, however, every time I take a step I also add to the Knights of the Raven test model. The armour has been washed and highlighted, badges, Aquila and undersuit based and highlighted, weapons based, even the forearm marking has had some Runelord brass applied.

Here it is against the previous version




My phone camera doesn't like the metallics, especially under electric light. The silver has restored my faith in the chapter, test marine one will get stripped and repainted. My Kill Team is still in the original gunmetal and will stay that way.


I'm other news, a visit to the local GW store with Jr has got him interested in Tyranids and he'd like a Combat Patrol. He doesn't know Leviathan is waiting in the loft :biggrin:. I had a feeling this was going to happen! 


Alas, it may* mean that my Kill Team journey has come to and end. Buying the boxes, at least - we'll keep playing our 'lite' version. Jr made up a scenario for a game this past week which incorporated the Grots and Runtherd he's been painting and a race between the Kroot and Phobos Marines to steal some tech from the Orks. My Phobos team were wiped out and his Kroot managed to grab the power node and hoof it back to their deployment zone and grasp the win!




*Who am I kidding? Watch me fold when the lovely new starter box is announced 


  • 2 weeks later...

Plugging away at the Kommandos for my Call to Arms pledge. Regretting using sub-assemblies as I have got behind with the arms.


Chipping away at my test marine and feel like I'm making more progress with less complicated Assault Marine.



My Kommandos are inching along, I was about to do the final assembly last night and found a few need work on the bodies before I obscure element with the arms. 


In the meantime, Jr has been far more productive than me. I bought him the 'Getting Started With' magazine because we weren't able to go to the WH+ for a painting session we had planned and it has a Termagent and the Infernus marine you can paint in the store.


So Jr Boltgun has been looking at schemes, has something quite cool in mind for his Tyranids and has started on his first Marine




Having taken a scroll through the 9E Marine Codex, he settled on Dark Krakens. Not a bad first pass for a 9yr old, I think. I'll get him to tidy up before moving on the the black. That is VGC Hexed Lichen. I've seen people use Royal Purple but suggested this to him as he's having a Leviathan style purple carapace on his nids.

  • 3 weeks later...

Well, the Kommandos made it to the finish line in time for the Call to Arms deadline (updated photo in that thread), I'm just finishing up the varnishing on them so they are ready to get stuck into Kill Team


And for my birthday I have been gifted a ride for them




A fitting project for October?


In other news, Junior was gifted a 9ed Recruit Edition so he's been poring over the rules and my 9ed Marine Codex. Having fixed on the Dark Krakens previously, he seems to be gravitating towards Salamanders.

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