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I've not been able to get painting recently so I've been adding to the 'pile of potential' by building some more terrain.


Unfortunately, I managed to break my Red grass clippers. I think I tried too think a cut. 

Going back to my trusty Tamiya ones which I think did just as good a job when combined with my X-Acto knife.


I keep looking at my Knights of The Raven and just can't pull together the enthusiasm for a whole army. I feel like I want more 'visual interest' in a group - I guess I mean more colour!


A little while back, I popped a green and red panel on my Ork Trukk which harks back to my RT era marines. Which got me thinking and playing with the Marine Painter.



I think I have settled on this one




The chapter will be the 'Fists of Light' and will use the Imperial Fist chapter transfers - I'm hoping they will stand out nicely against the red pauldrons


Are they an IF successor? I don't know at this point. Maybe keep them as a Raven Guard Successor relying on a 'swift punch' from Outrider squads and a couple of Tactical Warsuits.

Not the best results, taking photos under the main light in the dining room in the evening but at least you can see I've progressed a little.







 I challenged myself with the eyes, attempting a doombull brown glaze and a VGC Bonewhite eye. The pupil on the Chaincannon wielder is doombull brown again. My flayed one flesh glaze on the skin wasn't great but then doesn't really show in the photos anyway!


Not pictured, the remaining shoulder pads and helmets glued up ready for painting - nearly finished!

Edited by Rusted Boltgun
  • 2 weeks later...

The Word Bearer Kill Team is so very close to being finished.


Unfortunately, I had missed a pauldron for one character so I need to get on to that.

All the left pauldron were infilled with Black Legion in case I go mad and add transfers.


The pictured Icon Bearer needs an icon. As per the instructions, I gave the chained tome to the Balefire Acolyte. Oops - would have been the perfect WB icon. So I need a standard for this model. I have an idea, just need to get on with it.




I'm also debating the Steel Legion Drab base rim. Only one coat so far but maybe these guys need a black rim?


Anyhoo, excited with the prospect of yet another project, I broke out some Assault Intercessors and put down some basecoats.




Not pictured are his four companions.


I really need to get my 90s marines down from the loft and compare the colours with the those from back in the day. I think the Mephiston Red needs another thinned coat (2 so far) and then I'll be blacking out the undersuit and leathers.

Edited by Rusted Boltgun
Wrong photo

I like this ensemble of hobby projects. The Chaos Space Marines are great but, given my loyalties, I'm particularly looking forward to see how the Imperial Stuff will turn out. I realised that I've never commented here, even though I've been meaning to. I think I must have failed to press 'submit reply' since I remember typing a post... This is probably where a combination of age and maybe a bit too many responsibilities gets you.


The colour schemes you prepared worked great and I think you've made a right decision. My second pick would've been this green you chose with gold arms but in the end sticking to non-metallics is probably a better choice.

Thank you @Brother Christopher, I've been following your threads too but have yet to post. I too thought your banner was great!


Thanks for the rim comparison @Firedrake Cordova, I think the WB will get a black rim after seeing that.


I popped up into the loft and located one of the sources for this marine project - a mini I never finished...




He was newly released when back when I started him... Funny, my memory told me I had done red and green checks on the lower leg. The reality was slightly different!


His pair and my plastic beakies were in the box too - I'll have to get them out for a group photo. I have constructed some fluff for how the FoL have come into being as a Primaris chapter. I think they might have to get their own blog on here.

I have attempted to take the red up a notch 2:1 Mephiston Red and Evil Sunz Scarlet








I recently bought some nice drybrushes from my FLGS to do this very job and then wimped out and used my knackered AP drybrush.


Not unhappy with the result, just wish I had more hobby courage sometimes.

In daylight, undereals have been repainted with German Panzer Grey (VMC of my Vallejo primer) and I have started the leather and weapons in black.




Once the black has been done, I will tidy up the green and then either layer it or do the metal basecoats. They will have nice, bright chest emblems by the end.


This is definitely the most fun I've had since I got back into the hobby. I can't work out whether that is because of the scheme - that green and red really is pushing my nostalgia button, I love it  - or because the painting is going better than before due to more practice at thinning and applying paint. 

Edited by Rusted Boltgun
More musings

There was an element of fear of the unknown - introducing a new variable into process.

The smallest of the new brushes is also larger than my smaller AP drybrush - though that is very worn down from (mis)use. As it was, I got some red on the green. 

My technique needs work too as I ended up more layering than catching the edges. 

It might be best to try the new brushes on some terrain first to get a feel for them. 


Next question - do I take it a step further and go for 2:1 Evil Sunz Scarlet / Mephiston Red?


A recess shade of Carroburg Crimson?



Ah, that makes sense. :smile: 


I think adding a lighter highlight to the edges would work well to add some definition. If you're uncertain, you could always paint a chunk of sprue in your base colour, and try highlighting across the hard edges?

I am looking forward to seeing an entire painted miniature. The colour scheme appears to be working well.


On 3/16/2024 at 10:58 AM, Rusted Boltgun said:

This is definitely the most fun I've had since I got back into the hobby. I can't work out whether that is because of the scheme - that green and red really is pushing my nostalgia button, I love it  - or because the painting is going better than before due to more practice at thinning and applying paint. 


It's so cool to read something like this. After all, this is a hobby and should be fun. Experimenting and trying out new things is like a breath of fresh air. Enjoy the honeymoon phase of the project and I hope it'll last as long as it can.


I'd love to give some advice on the use of paints but, well, I'm not competent enough.


My only piece of advice is this: go crazy on 1-2 models and don't worry too much. Remember that you can always strip them and redo the process. I suppose a new colour scheme and recipe (process?) is developed through trial and error. And it's worth to get it done right on the test models and later consistently reproduce for the entire batch.


Took the red a stage further.

Corvus black on leather (VGC black first but it is glossy so went back to GW)

Brown base for seals

Blacked out and then drybrushes the weapons

Metallics on the weapons and backpacks





Edited by Rusted Boltgun
Missed a step

Looking good so far. My only small concern is the pain on the lower leg of the guy on the left: in the photo, it looks like the layer of paint is slightly too thick and makes the small recesses/vents/whatever a bit less-defined.


Why did you opt for black for the leather bits? I mean, it doesn't look bad but, perhaps, brown would offer more contrast that could work well with the colour scheme (but that just me wondering - I'm not too good with colour theory)?

Thanks @Brother Christopher and you are correct about that leg - I only noticed it when I took that photo. It could either be my brushed on primer (where possible I airbrush my Vallejo primer but my garage suffered an exterminatus order and I'm waiting for the Mechanicus to deliver a replacement next week) or poorly applied basecoat.


As I was applying the prime and basecoats I realised that some of these models weren't as well trimmed / cleaned up as they could have been but, hey, there we go.


As for the leather, I usually go for brown but given the proximity to the red, I though black would help these pieces to 'disappear' and let the armour colour draw the eye. There will be little 'pops' of colour with yellow purity seals. Eyes will be silver, linking in with the chest emblem. 

I suppose another approach on the leather would be similar to how GW did their Delaques - basically "black" with some dark-to-mid brown wear marks stippled on? That might give you the inconspicuous colour, with a little visual interest?


1 hour ago, Rusted Boltgun said:

As I was applying the prime and basecoats I realised that some of these models weren't as well trimmed / cleaned up as they could have been but, hey, there we go.

That's annoying. Normally, I find either notice it after I've applied the primer (in which case, scrape it down and re-apply), or some time after it's been base-coated (and maybe highlighted), which is pretty annoying, and a bit of a dilemma ... although I've found I have fewer "incidents" if I do everything whilst wearing a magnifying visor. :smile: 

Thanks @Firedrake Cordova, I'll take a look at that video. That's the kind of thing I was thinking of - a skavemblight dinge edging.

I may well scrape that bit off as I'm only at basecoats on the green so far.

 I often use a magnifying lens as well as 'reading' glasses but I'll hold my hands up - I didn't forget the priming!

Rather than scraping the paint off, might it be worth trying to apply isopropyl alcohol to the area?


Normally I use an old electric toothbrush head dipped in IPA to remove paint, but that likely isn't going to be accurate enough to do just one panel due to the size of the toothbrush head and the scrubbing action - I'm wondering if gently swabbing the area with a paintbrush or cotton bud would be enough to get the paint to lift?


If you do try this approach, use a cheap synthetic paintbrush - IPA isn't particularly kind to brushes.

Edited by Firedrake Cordova
  • 3 weeks later...

Back after a short break, terrible light has meant no update photos and, TBH, not sure this one shows.what I have been up to




I decided to press on, I've not got my materials unpacked from storage yet so stripping them would have put me back timewise - I'd like to get involved in one of the recently announced challenges and have these as examples of my new homebrew chapter.


Two layers / highlights to the green

Eye lenses (white / Imperial Fist contrast)

Leather (Corvus black / Skavemblight dinge)

Seals (Averland Sunset / Seraphim sepia)

Parchment (wraithbone / seraphim sepia)

Chest emblem (model air silver / nuln oil)


Whilst the green had the same amount of work as the red (base, 2:1 base / layer, 1:2 base / layer) the effect isn't as pronounced as on the red - undecided as  whether to go pure Caliban green as a final stage. 

Nearly there -

Seals need yellow re-established

Stormvermin fur on leather

Pads need gloss for decals.

Arms need attaching 


Highlights on metallics.



And the Sergeant needs a head!

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