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Rusted Boltgun's WIP

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On 4/25/2024 at 12:12 PM, Rusted Boltgun said:

I got carried away at lunchtime yesterday. Started something without planning it properly. Here's where I ended up today




I acquired this old Chaos Terminator without a head or trophy racks. Whilst I'm not a Night Lords fan, I thought this one deserved to be.




My second proper attempt at greenstuff after my Legion B&C mini-me (way back in this thread) and I'm quite pleased with some elements. As ever, I have rushed it and there are a few mistakes as a result. Hopefully they won't show too much after some paint.

Best terminators, remember wishing I could buy them on my pocket money :wallbash::laugh:

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Really loving the color scheme, the Nuln really dulls down the green which I think makes it look awesome once you re-establish the highlights. I've been seeing a similar effect on Reddit using a Dark Jade and it's been making me want to try it out, though I don't think it would work too well with my own color scheme. Thanks for the constant updates!

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Posted (edited)

Two stage layer process for the red and green completed on the Heavy Intercessors and the seven Scouts. Basing material on top.




Three remaining Scouts and Apothecary are now playing catch up.


Fatigue is starting to set in but I'm going to do my best to push on through.


Wavering over whether the Apothecary should have a (bone) white or green robe. Legs will be white, chest and arms are red to fit with the rest of the FoL.


Edit: scrap that - green legs, white robe.

Edited by Rusted Boltgun
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  • 2 weeks later...

Some of the purity seal paint came off when I attached the jars and seals to the front of the Apothecary so I had to re-do them. The perils of using contrast paint. My Agrax wash on the tabard came out spotty too, not really the smooth shading I wanted but it looks suitably grubby so I'm leaving it be.




Their associated straps and the syringe are beyond me at this point so I'm calling them done. I'll return to decals later.


I'm a little burned out, partly because it is the most models I have painted in one batch, partly the pressure of a deadline and partly the heat at the moment (I'm in full sun all afternoon / evening).


That said, I am pleased that I have completed the challenge and have a Kill Team ready to play with this summer. The other models were always part of a longer term plan for the FoL, so all good.


Now for a short break from them. I have a non-40k project for a friend's birthday that I would like to tackle and alongside that I might attempt my old hammer Night Lords Terminator or the Big Mek I have magnetised.

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