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[DW] The Desolation of Innocence (RPG IC Thread)

Mazer Rackham

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There is a tug of war as you attempt to pierce the veil. You sense the shifting eddies of the realm of the second-sight, the place between here and the warp - although being inside a Space Hulk might be called closer to it than mundane minds would care to admit or recognise.

As your will powers your sight, it tests the defences of your quarry. A psyker of some skill, a dark tendril of something greater, something judging what this interruption is: then you're through.

The barrier is broken and the auspexes flash up with familiar returns as though they were there all the time and mundane minds couldn't see them...

The tendrils recoil, but with a strange sense of excitement, emotions approximating the human sense of disconcerting glee.




Korvaan [ ]

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Suddenly his Augur Array and Regent's Auspex all clear of interference revealing a cramped corridor. Even though Iron Father Korvaan does not follow the Codex Astartes he knows better than to question orders. The order of march has been given.

Despite his suit's belligerent urging to charge forwards on the hunt for Archeotech, fray and plunder Korvaan stays at his place in the squad.

Korvaan waits for the front rank to move.

Defer Initiate until Step 12

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Luthais nodded to Arcturion, "I shall secure the southern approach that the Emperors wrath might be brought to those that would stand before us"

Pacing himself as to not break contact with his squad Luthais pushed forward, the central junction and those guarding it his objective.

Reaction to what he finds will be added when the targets are identified

Squad Mode. Full action charge #2, catching #1 on the way past.

If #1 gets squashed on the way through and/or if #2 avoids getting squashed Luthais will stop just south of the junction, prior to the vents and door.
If #1 avoids getting squashed but #2 dies Luthais will stop at #2s position instead, in order to attack #1

-Unarmed attack vs #1 = 7 = hit. Damage 25, Pen 0  [toxic 9]
---knockdown vs #1 =
77 = pass with 9 total DoS (opposed roll) - if passed by at least 2 then knockdown for 21 damage, Pen 0

-Unarmed attack vs #2 = 78 = hit. Damage 25, Pen 0  [toxic 3]
---knockdown vs #2 =
46 = pass with 12 total DoS (opposed roll) - if passed by at least 2 then knockdown for 20 damage, Pen 0

-Lightning claw attack against #2 (or #1 if #2 is already dead) = 83 = just barely a hit. Damage 34, Pen 8  [toxic 10]


(toxic only applies against xenos targets, and only if they are actually injured - if Luthais has just run into three chaos terminators it doesn't apply)

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As you launch, you detect something - more than one! Move away from your precipitous charge.

As the junction is attained, and before your mind can register the shapes now lying at your sabatons trampling across the deck, you definitely connect with something else as well - hard, but obviously flesh and bone, because a full sized creature is slammed up against the corner of the intersection wall with a sickening crack.

Your heightened senses detect subtle movement nearby, but you discern they are not immediately withing touching distance. Casting your eyes around to find these strange foes, the misshapen lumps at your feet finally enter your brain:

They are the remains of three sable-clad warriors sporting the quicksilver pauldrons of the Deathwatch - broken open, innards slopping across the deck.  Whatever you hit or disturbed, they were likely...devouring your erstwhile comrades - the reddened maw of your kill dangles with some kind of feeder tendrils and sloppy offal.

There are still parts of it's hide and carapace which flicker, reminding you of the cloak you once wore as a scout, but many times more potent.

Genestealer 3 (SS):


Dodge, FAIL.

Genestealer 3 is removed from Play.




+ Initiative Order +


Blips = 21 (20/20) [x]

Genestealer 1 (SS) = 24 (20/20) [x]

Genstealer 2 (SS) = 22 (20/20) [x]

Genesetaler 3 (SS) = 21 (0/20) [x] LOLSPLAT

Genstealer 4 (SS) = 20 (20/20) [x]

Korvaan = 16 (21/21) (4/4) [ ]

Luthais = 13 (26/26) (LBE) (3/3) [ ]

Arcturion = 13 (20/20) (LBE) (2/3) [ ]

Nergüi = 12 (26/26) (3/3) [ ]

Philemon = 10 (23/23) (LBE) (3/4) [ ]

Squad Cohesion 7/15

Having forced the enemy to move has rendered them partially visible. Vague heat shimmer shows malformed shapes bending away from Luthais' fearless charge. They require a Hard (-20) Perception Test (of any Sense) in order to be able to engage them. Weapons that Hit automatically/do not need to Roll to Hit, are unaffected. If you want to Blind Fire, you must declare the Suppressing Fire Action.

Luthais' feed will register everything he's seen and done.

Arcturion [ ]



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Full Action: Charge Attack vs Genestealer #2 (also in combat with GS#1; it's dealer's choice as to which one Arcturion charges into, really. They're roughly equidistant from him thanks to the magic of grid-based combat)

WS77 + 20 (Berserk Charge) +10 (Frenzy) + 5 (Exceptional Craft.) = 112

Charge Attack: 1d100 47

47: success with 6 DoS


Free Action: Warcry

S72 + 10 (Frenzy) = 82

Warcry: 1d100 73

73: success with 0 DoS


(If no dodge) Doombringer Damage: 1d10+22R, Pen 7, Force, Exceptional

Force Sword Melee Damage: 1d10 1

1 (d10) + 22 = 23 damage, Pen 7


Force Weapon Focus Test:

WP60 + 5 (Psychic Hood) + 10 (Frenzy) = 75

Force Weapon Focus Test: 1d100 11

11: success with 6 DoS (Opposed Willpower)

Bonus Damage = Xd10+7 (WP Bonus; Epistolary), Bypassing Toughness and Armor, where X = Arcturion's DoS from opposed willpower test



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Genestealer 1:


Dodge: 40 + 10 =50

D100: 89 FAIL. LOLWUT.

(Are these Dodges master-crafted? :tongue:)

The abomination, flickers and shimmers before the Lamenter pours power into his enfleshed Force sword, making the alien explode in a dull pop of giblets and field fried meaty chunks.

Genestealer 1 is removed from Play.

Nergüi [ ]

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 As the sensor date from Luthais fed back to the team Nergüi was conflicted, on the one hand he had duties to perform for the honour of the fallen brothers and yet they were pressed for time.

+Sergeant Philemon, duty compels me to recover our fallen brethrens final gift, will you grant me the time?+



Half Action Move 4m forward/west, angled slightly north such that there is a clear line to shoot GS4
Half Action Shoot GS4
BS42 + 10 Short Range = 52
D100: 95 Miss,
why do I even try?
Swift as the Wind
Ag 31
D100: 12, Pass,
see I can roll low
Move to just behind Arcturion leaving a clear path along the north side of the passage for Korvaan  to shoot, charge or whatever.


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The situation had changed. Luthais had charged forwards, discovered Deathwatch corpses and disturbed chameleonic Genestealers feasting on the body's killing one of them as he charged forward.

Arcturion had then charged forwards and killed another Genestealer.

Iron Father Korvaan had noticed that Chaplain Nergui was reciting his litanies and was preparing to move forward. 

Korvaan knew that Watch-Sergeant Philemon was preparing to fire his Heavy Flamer, so he stayed where he was. 

Korvaan decided to fire at the closest Genestealer, however he could not get a target lock. 



PER 30 +10 (Ocvulobe) +20 (Exceptional Augur Array) - 20 (Hard Difficulty) = 40. Result: 44 Failure




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Philemon stepped forward, his pace slow but implacable. The whispers across his auspex told him something was ahead of them. The Chaplain asked for his leave to care for the gene-seed of their fallen brethren.


+++Of course Brother Nergui. The legacy of our brothers must be saved for their Chapters. Allow me to clear you a path.+++


He carefully aimed Torrens Ignis past his squadmates, but quickly realised that the roiling cloud of flame might clip the Storm Warden.


+++Brother Luthais, incoming! Take cover!+++


Free Action: Sustain Lead by Example.
Half Move 4m west.
Half: Single shot HF at GS2 and 4. No BS Test.
(Cleanse and Purify and Cleansing Flame mean all Ag rolls to avoid effects are at -20 and successful Tests must be rerolled).
Dam 1d10+12 +2(MC) +2(Mighty Shot) Pen6. No cover.

Assuming Dodges are failed:

Damage Rolls:
GS2: 5
GS4: 10(!) +2(RF)
Luthais (if hit :ermm:): 4 (phew, that's not too bad… even if it goes through its only 2 Wounds after TB/AV. Still, sorry AT! :facepalm:)

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Your righteous faith manifests in flame - man's oldest and best weapon against the darkness and monsters who dwell within it - a torrent of cleansing light pours forth relentlessly, but your zeal, like the inferno spills over, catching one of your own Brothers!


I've taken the liberty of rolling AT's Power Rating for his TDA:

PR: 35

D100: 34! Close....close! (makes notes to tempt more friendly fire)

Genestealer 2:


Dodge: Ag 40 + 10 = 50

D100: 60 pff!

Genestealer 4:


Dodge: Ag 40 + 10 = 50

D100: 76 FAIL. LOL. CRIES.

The Chameloid Genestealers, however, lack the protection of sanctified plate, and perish in their blasphemy, their mockery of the human race put to the torch.

Truly, such is the fate of all Xenos at the hands of the Deathwatch.

Thanks to my players for their participation thus far, I will now close play until after the board upgrades are complete, and that will bring us neatly into Round 5 when we return.


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Your sensoria detects the sounds of gears and locking bars moving.  The door to your right, already closed now fastens down, the familiar way any door on voidcraft seals. The eyes of the access gargoyle above the control terminal switch from green to eerie scarlet, and then the warble comes as another portal down the passageway opens, and out stalk two monsters, pulsating bubbles and ichor sacs glowing in unhealthy torchlight.

A roar of challenge barrels out from the now exposed room, sounding as though it comes from a deep tunnel.

An ambush! The cowards!


Proximity to the vents allows partial sight into them, and you detect, feel through the walls, the movement of rapidly approaching claws...




+ Initiative Order +



Blips = 21 (20/20) [x]

Genestealer 1 (IS) = 24 (20/20) [x]

Genstealer 2 (IS) = 22 (20/20) [x]

Korvaan = 16 (21/21) (4/4) [ ]

Luthais = 13 (26/26) (LBE) (3/3) [ ]

Arcturion = 13 (20/20) (LBE) (2/3) [ ]

Nergüi = 12 (26/26) (3/3) [ ]

Philemon = 10 (23/23) (LBE) (3/4) [ ]

Squad Cohesion 7/15

Waiting for Brothers...

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Iron Father Korvaan gained targeting data from the Sensorium of Luthais.

Does wearer control armour or does the machine spirit of armour arouse hatred of wearer?

Theological questions about the practical have always dogged the Martian Priesthood and those that it imparted knowledge to.

No matter Korvaan's hatred of the Xenos merged with his armour's belligerence at being still too long.

Korvaan surged forwards down the corridor as he charged in to battle!


Free Action: Mag-Lock Storm Bolter to left thigh and grip Omnissian Power Axe.

Full Action: Charge Vs Purple #1

WS 50 +10 (Charge) +8 (Lead By Example) = 68. Result: 85, Failure 1DoF

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As Korvaan charged in Luthais could see the shift in the shadows as the hidden xenoforms moved to defend themselves, in doing so giving their position away. No further invitation was required to join in the assault as he locked his sights on one of the creatures lurking nearby.

Awareness check 32 vs 44 (-20 penalty, +20 autosenses and heightened sight) = PASS

Charge genestealer 2
14 = HIT  - opposed strength test 47 (12 DoS)  - 21 damage, Pen 0 if not avoided and knockdown

 -lightning claw attack: 7 = HIT - dead if not avoided

(I think i'm too close to thundercharge the other stealer on the way through - less than the 4m charge distance - but I rolled and missed anyway)

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Missing the Genestealer gives you a moment of frustration, until something odd happens. A convulsion, a short howl and the creatures luminescent sacs across the shoulders pulse with a lightning flash as the whole alien explodes!




Genstealer 1 (IS):



Autohit (Body)

Damage: 26 Pen 6 Explosive. (-22 Arm/TB) = 4 Wounds

D3 Acid Dam: 3 (Armour reduced by 3 points - Body).


As you charge past Korvaan, your proximity sensors burst into life, bleeping and illuminating your HUD as your vison clouds with the slop of acidic slime and guts. A quick flick to your screens shows Korvaan's are similarly whited-out by bloom feedback, but your inexorable charge carries you forth regardless - you must push through! You swipe at the foe and miss, but now, as the next Stealer is about to die beneath your tread - more proximity warnings sound, but this time - dead ahead.

Genstealer 2 (IS):



Autohit (Body)

Damage: 32 Explosive. (-24 Arm/TB) = 8 Wounds

D3 Acid Dam (x2): 1, 1 (Armour reduced by 2 points - Body/Right Arm).

It is then Luthais' feed reports it - the Warrior Strain has returned...

Genestealers 1 and 2 are removed from Play.

Acid effect continues until Round End. The Stealers will remain as markers for the effect. Players may test PR to negate hits, but not the Acid Damage.

Arcturion [ ]

EDIT: Wounds calcs on Luthais corrected, nice spot.

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In his haste Korvaan missed his target a Purple Genestealer with fleshy sacs on its back.

The Xenos monstrosity alerted by his approach exploded in fear dousing him completely in viscera.

Thankfully the power field within his Crux Terminatus activated sparing him from receiving any wounds. +All hail the Omnissiah+ Korvaan voxxed.

Smoke rising from the aquila on his cuirass made Korvaan conduct a suit diagnostic.

He found out that even though the suit's power field had initiated and saved him that the viscera of the Xenos was highly corrosive. He filed away the data for further study.




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Though Philemon could not see anything in the constantly changing shadows beyond the turning fans, he could hear the vile xenos' claws scrabbling and scuttling like rodentia through the narrow ducts, moving parallel with Regent. His sensoria could not provide any greater detail, but it mattered little. There was only one certain way to deal with such vermin. He stepped up to the central vent and unleashed a flood of heat and light into the narrow metal airways. He smiled. Even if the fire did not consume them all immediately, it would leave the space as hot as his father's kiln-oven back on Threskeia VI, eating up the oxygen so that anything that did not roast would likely suffocate.


Free Action: Sustain Lead by Example.
Half Move 4m west to the central vent.
Half: Single shot HF into vent. No BS Test.

Will leave it to GM to determine which enemies get hit!

(Cleanse and Purify and Cleansing Flame mean all Ag rolls to avoid effects are at -20 and successful Tests must be rerolled).
Dam 1d10+12 +2(MC) +2(Mighty Shot) Pen6. No cover.

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ROUND FIVE CLEANUP: All Acid and Fire effects now end.

When the squad moves, they are unstoppable by the paltry xenos forces.

That is until something worthy of your attention erupts, launching at Luthais in a knotted mass of Tyranid muscle and armoured carapace.




Philemon's jets of flame fill the vents with heat and light, and in such cramped conditions whatever was in them, do not escape.

Yet as he checks for further threats, his HUD shows two Purestrains have followed the team's trail of destruction, and begin to close on him now he is alone...+ Initiative Order +


Blips = 21 (20/20) [x]

Genestealer G (WS) = 26 (40/40) [x]

Genestealer 1 (PS) = 25 (20/20) [x]

Genstealer 2 (PS) = 23 (20/20) [x]

Genstealer 3 (PS) = 22 (20/20) [x]

Genestealer 4 (PS) = 21 (20/20) [x]

Korvaan = 16 (21/21) (4/4) [ ]

Luthais = 13 (26/26) (LBE) (3/3) [ ]

Arcturion = 13 (20/20) (LBE) (2/3) [ ]

Nergüi = 12 (26/26) (3/3) [ ]

Philemon = 10 (23/23) (LBE) (3/4) [ ]

Squad Cohesion 7/15

Arcturion Round 5 move:

Passes through the acid slime still evaporating on the deck, an effervescent sizzle vomits onto your mighty warplate as you pass:



Damage: 1D3 = 1 to Right leg (-1 AP)

Genestealer G (for Grumpy) WS:


Shoulder-charge Luthais

WS: 65 + 10 (Charge) = 75

D100: 66 HIT.

Opposed Str Test: PASS 4 DoS (Inc Unnat Str).

Damage: 0

Effect: If Grumpy wins, Luthais is thrown back 4m and is knocked prone. As Luthais has Catfall, he may re-roll the Ag Test to avoid this.

Otherwise, the two are locked in melee.

Waiting for Brothers...

Korvaan [ ]



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Korvaan tempers belligerent hate with precision of thought.

Drawing his Storm Bolter he side-steps Arcturion in a charge to aid Luthais who was caught in close combat with the Warrior-Strain they had spooked earlier.

Stopping short he raised his weapon and utilised the application of superior firepower against the Xenos.

After that he swung his Axe of Office and introduced the Xenos to the Omnissiah.


Free Action: Draw Storm Bolter.

Free Action: Declare Bolter Assault (3 Cohesion Pts).

Full Action: FAB Vs 

BS 55 +10 (SAB) +10 (Hulking) +30 (Point Blank) +8 (Lead By Example) -20 (Firing into Melee Combat) = 93. Result: 05, Pass 8DoS.

1D10+9, Pen 4, Storm, Tearing

Hit #1 - Body: (8, 2) 8 +9 = 17 Damage.

Hit #2 - Body: (9, 9) 9 +9 = 18 Damage.

Hit #3 - Arm: (8, 8) 8 +9 = 17 Damage.

Hit #4 - Head: (10, 5) 10 +8 (RF) +9 = 27 Damage.

Hit #5 - Arm: (2, 2) 2 +9 = 11 Damage.

Hit #6 - Body: (6, 6) 6 +9 = 15 Damage.

Hit #7 - Body: (9, 10) 10 +3 (RF) +9 = 22 Damage.

Hit #8 - Body: (10, 6) 10 +1 (RF) +9 = 20 Damage.


Korvaan's Initiative Action

Half Action: Standard Attack (Melee) Omnissian Power Axe Vs G

WS 50 +10 (Hulking) +8 (Lead By Example) = 68. Result: 60, Pass.

1D10+11, Pen 9

8 +11 +13 SB = 32 Damage

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Genestealer G (WS):

The hail of bolt shells pepper the Warrior Strain, erupting into purplish gouts of ichor, which slick Korvaan and Luthais. The axe descends in a single chop, as the beast fails to deflect it, and finishes it off.

Genestealer G is removed from Play.

Luthais [ ]

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Still carrying the momentum of his previous charge Luthais is barely moved by the massive bulk of the genestealer slamming into him. Finally a more worthy foe than the chaff that had stood before them - the Storm Warden set about his task with relish and ferocity, eager to demonstrate his worth to the kill team.

As quickly as his spirit rose for the challenge it fell once more as the genestealer warrior was gunned down, this beast was no match, no triumph of valor. Another simply sent to stall their passage while the true master remained hidden beyond reach.

Pushing through into the room beyond he set about the xenos lesser kin.


Opposed Strength Roll : 39 (considerably more than the required 4 DoS)

Charge those beyond (vs WS 77)

Thunder Charge Attack/strength Rolls: Hit 12 Strength 24 /  Hit 53 Strength 5  - two hits and two big strength passes

Damage Rolls: Charge 4 Knockdown 10 / Charge 10 Knockdown 2   (+19 damage for the charge, +16 for the knockdown, all and Pen 0)

Righteous Fury Rolls: 3 8
(total damage 23 and 29 to the first guy, 37 and 18 to the second guy)

(I'll add a lightning claw on the end of this if needed, but if they are minor enemies they are probably squished - i'm just a little busy for the next few hours and will append more to the post later)

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