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[DH1e] The Damocles Contingency (OOC)

Mazer Rackham

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So, if I understand right, the first Security Test will be to try and remove up to 6 wrong answers?

Then, we will have 3 chances to pick the right answer. Each time we input an answer we also need to make another successful Security Test.

If we get it wrong, the next attempt gets an extra -10 to the Security Test.


Is that right?


Edit: or is it 3 attempts, and with each attempt we can make a Security Test to try and remove up to 6 wrong answers...? 


Can we keep using the same Character to make the Tests, or is it one go each? (Up to the 3 guesses, of course)


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I apologise for confusion, but it has to be a catch-all to allow everyone to have a try if they want to, however you want to do it (plus I'm doing stuff in between :p ):

  • Anyone can try
  • Can be the same person each time, or a different person each time
  • First test is (+0) (no matter who does it). DoS removes 1 wrong answer, to a max of 5.
  • Attempt required.
  • Second test is (-10) (no matter who does it). DoS removes wrong answers to a max of 4.
  • Attempt required.
  • Third test is (-20) (no matter who does it). DoS removes wrong answers to a max of 3.
  • Attempt required


  • If the person doing the test has Security, they test as normal. If they achieve any DoS (at all), they get + 1, and an extra wrong answer removed. (So, max of 6, 5, 4 etc)
  • A maximum of 1 assist can be given
  • An assist can ONLY be given by a PC with Security
  • Only 1 hand on the panel at any one time! (So no extra assists for canny players who like patty-cake!)

Players should narrate their 'hacking' work, subroutine commands etc. (without actually using real terms - that's what jargon is for!) Don't machine gun all your attempts into one post. One Attempt per post, then I will reply, then it goes round again.

Does that clear it up a bit?

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Very much so, cheers! :thumbsup:

So, assuming Falk can use his multi-key, he's in the best position to make the Security Tests to remove wrong answers? Restal also has Security so he could provide the Assists?

I think, looking at Chargen sheets, that would give Falk targets for his rolls of 72, then 62 then 52?

That gives us the best chances of getting rid of the most wrong answers, then we can all offer our thoughts about which answer we want to give for each of the 3 Attempts? (before Falk makes the next roll, if needed)

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4 hours ago, Mazer Rackham said:

It's not a lock, mate, nice try! :biggrin:




Seriously though, I'd argue the Multi-key description doesn't specify what form it takes (ie like a literal skeleton key as opposed to a handheld electronic device with a plug-in) and even today there are plenty of locks that don't use keys at all... magnetic locks, electronic locks, code locks, etc, etc.

Is it a door? Is it locked? It has to have a lock.



...any of this working...? :tongue:


Edit: imagining the lock in question as something like this (but more grimdark/clunky/big):


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19 minutes ago, Lysimachus said:

Seriously though, I'd argue the Multi-key description doesn't specify what form it takes (ie like a literal skeleton key as opposed to a handheld electronic device with a plug-in) and even today there are plenty of locks that don't use keys at all... magnetic locks, electronic locks, code locks, etc, etc.

All the books I have looked in have reused the same equally vague piece of text.

However the online fandom page did have:
"A multikey is a device available in the Imperium of Man that is designed to digitally circumvent most forms of electronic security mechanisms."


Which may save Falk a fate point and make this test relatively easy, or may just be fandom.

I guess it kind of makes sense in that almost nothing in 40k is actually locked with a key-lock in the mechanical sense, it's all keypds and ident-wafers, and authorisation cants, and the like.

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I'm reading the forums, rules and every other thing to get a better handle on it. I am partially convinced that a multikey does what has been suggested, but I am also aware that such an interpretation begins to impinge on Tech-Use. I'm sure that tumbler-designed locks do exist in 40k - especially on backwater planets, or in places where a good, solid lock is economical. (It does not need power, it can be missed in a search etc).

It's also my argument for fighter-craft in space, but that's a whole other diatribe...

I'm going to make it a special case here, and say that a Multikey would open (run a bypass!/Slice/Rip) electronic locks, or fingerprint readers etc as Lysi/AT state, but here we are dealing with a terminal, with its own innate access structure. It is a secured, non-networked, isolated terminal on a closed circuit.

That does provide an option, though. Technical attack could be available with a logic bypass, but the terminal would have to be opened. That would certainly be a Tech Use test, allowing assistance as usual for anyone who has Tech Use, followed by your mulitkey attempt. However - it would be safe (lol) to assume that this being an Inquisition facility, there would be "Surprises" for any failures, and you would only get ONE chance.

The first Attempt is already up, so I will let it stand, IF you choose to go that way, but you need to decide as a group how you want to procced, (Password Attempt, or Technical Attack) and I will then be able to present alternative challenges. Because of the nature of the thing, it's either one or the other.

If you choose to wait one hour (you know Stitches is coming) he will arrive with you, and you will be in vox range for Bardas, who will inform you he is on the way. An hour after that (so 2 Hours total), he will arrive.

Up to you. :ph34r:

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Fair enough, boss! :thumbsup:


2 hours is a long time to hang around... and OOC I'm quite up for trying to figure out which answer it is? AT has done well to knock out 4 (5 if he spends the FP) wrong answers with his roll, shall we see what they are and then have a guess?

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Another idea that just popped into my head:

Ask our GM to remove the first 5 wrong answers, then take our first guess. (Even if we don't get it right, we've knocked out 6 wrong answers out of 15?)

Roll Security again (maybe have Restal do it this time and Falk Assist, so it shares out FP spends?) and input a second guess.

If still not right, do the third Security roll and see how much further we can narrow it down? But at that point, if we still aren't confident of our third guess, as long as we don't input anything, will anything bad happen? Could we just pause there and wait for Bardas to try the technical attack instead?

Just gives us a bit of a safety net to have a go at it, but not then completely stuck if rolls go horribly wrong?

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GM: "Ah-ha! My devilish quandary has ensnared the players! So, choose wisely, each path before you has many perils!"

Players: "What are our options?"

GM: "Option A is difficult, but safer, or Option B is dangerous, but easier! Which shall it be?"

Players: "Yes."

GM: :facepalm:

I did say it was one or the other, gents, but if you want to leverage both, be my guest...:pirate:

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41 minutes ago, Mazer Rackham said:

I did say it was one or the other, gents


Oops. Fair enough again, then! Right, in that case, I say let's go with trying to get inside the GM's head and work out the password?

Once we take off Falk's 5 wrong answers, it's down to a 1 in 10 on the first guess... then see what happens after that?

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Hmm, with MG's successful roll it may not be too bad...


If my maths is right:

Falk's roll takes out 5 wrong, plus 1 guess makes 6, leaving us at 9 possibles left.

Restal's roll just now takes out another 5 wrong, plus his guess makes 6, leaving us at 3 possibles left.

If whoever does the last roll can just get a Success, having Security will mean 2 more wrong answers revealed, leaving only the correct answer left!

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I'd already thought about using a Fate Point, but ended up with 6DoS.

I forgot about increasing difficulty. 

I edited my post to spend a Fate Point. 



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I've updated with the extra DoS.

Since things are getting sweaty, I'm going to say that Stitches turns up now - but he's been puffing and blowing to get to you.

As this is a medical terminal, (as per Ikka/Nicios' suggestion) I will allow Beren to use his full Medicae training to make the test, in place of Security.

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Does that mean we're just waiting for Stitches to do it?

If we're taking turns, I'm happy to have a go at the last Security Test, but Reynard doesn't have Security Skill so I'll need a roll of 27 to remove 1 wrong answer, or 17 (or 27 plus spend a FP) to knock out both wrong answers?

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