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+++ Muster the Guard: Hobby Challenge +++

Go to solution Solved by GreenScorpion,

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In the name of the God-Emperor of Mankind (may he reign on Terra for eternity) and Lord Commander , I Commander Librisrouge of the Odyssian 333rd, shall raise a squadron of super-heavy tanks, namely the Shadowswords Rhongomyniad and Hasta Lucis and Baneblade Harpe by February 4th.


I'll post some before pictures tonight but I needed to make my vow now while the conviction of the Emperor was upon me.


Librisrouge 2022 New Dex Challenge

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A good start on the next six troopers. I've also begun investigating how easy it is to duplicate something larger than a helmet with blue stuff, so we might see yet more heavy weapons teams. I really can't afford to go hunting around eBay for steel legion heavy bolters, so hopefully the one I have left will serve as a master.

Anyway this lot are hopefully going to give me a six-man flamer section right off the bat. The latest codex I have is from 5th edition, I think, when such things were legal, and seeing as I don't really play much that'll have to be my guide for the present. Playing 9th ed looks a bit too much like doing homework for my taste, so I'll just enjoy collecting.

Hmm. You know what, I have two Sentinels I never finished. There's a thought. I'm very short on lascannons with these guys. Hmmm. Crap, this is going to just shoot totally out of control, I can already tell.

Onwards for the emperor and etcetera.

20221205 (5).JPG

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Six of us, all sharing a bunk room, we were. Privileged, I felt. We were expecting something more like a dozen, perhaps a score. So to have just five others was, well; a prize I felt it was.’


’Afterwards, of course, I realised that doubly blessed I’d been; for it meant all of us we were less likely to lose a bunk mate. All those in the bigger rooms in the barracks, rare it was to find someone who hadn’t lost a friend. That all six of us were still around was… well, quite unusual.




[+EDIT+ Updated with a better picture of the new six.]


I'm going to tackle all the basing at the same time, in case you're wondering. Quite a strange effect seeing them with just the spray-primed bases!


Anyway, ten down, fifteen to go. Here's the next six on the painting table:




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Shulgin looked up from cleaning his lasgun as the sound of distant, heavy engines was overridden by the distinctive rhythmic pounding of massed high caliber auto guns, deafening even at several klicks' remove.

'So that's where our fuel went,' he remarked.

Maksimenka finished cleaning the soot from her flamer's ignition port and joined Shulgin looking out across the open ground ahead of their position, towards the sounds heavy fighting. Numerous grey and black armoured vehicles were visible at the very limit of vision, pouring heavy fire into, presumably, an enemy position.

'Yeah. Degteryeva won't be happy, as if she ever is, but honestly I wish them all the best,' she replied. 'So what if our trucks can't move nother klick. I'd rather it was those Eblan glory boys getting all the return fire any day.'

Shulgin pulled his gasmask clear of his chin and spat over the foxhole's lip.

'No complaints,' he agreed. 'It's so much easier to finish off a traitor when his back is covered in treadmarks'.

They both sat back down.


'You read my mind'.


Six more Yantar 8th troopers done- One grenade launcher to fill out an otherwise finished squad, and five members of a six-trooper flamer squad, filled out by one of last week's batch.

Progrress is so good that any experienced squaddie would be looking for the catch.

I, on the other hand, will just take what I get and be thankful.

20221208 (13).JPG

20221208 (16).JPG

20221208 (18).JPG

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"In the name of the Emperor and Lord Commander , I Commander Hiro of Taskforce 141 shall raise Torrent Company, 332nd Battallion, 501st Brigade Combat Team by February 4th."

3x Cadian Command Squads



6x Cadian Shock Troops


Fast Attack

3x Scout Sentinels


Heavy Support

3x Field Ordnance Battery







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2 hours ago, Hiroitchi said:


"In the name of the Emperor and Lord Commander , I Commander Hiro of Taskforce 141 shall raise Torrent Company, 332nd Battallion, 501st Brigade Combat Team by February 4th."

3x Cadian Command Squads

6x Cadian Shock Troops

3x Scout Sentinels

3x Field Ordnance Battery





Bloody hell mate! I shall watch this with interest. You should win a prize if you get it done in time!

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On 12/9/2022 at 2:12 PM, Hiroitchi said:

"In the name of the Emperor and Lord Commander , I Commander Hiro of Taskforce 141 shall raise Torrent Company, 332nd Battallion, 501st Brigade Combat Team by February 4th."

3x Cadian Command Squads



6x Cadian Shock Troops


Fast Attack

3x Scout Sentinels


Heavy Support

3x Field Ordnance Battery








On the field guns are those the normal barrales? 

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19 hours ago, sairence said:

That's a very nice looking fortification. Good job! @GreenScorpion

Thanks @sairence I really like how Mantic's Military Compound set can be used to make a varied style of buildings/fortifications.
While the connectors don't work as well as advertised and I had to glue the individual buildings (some holes are tighter than others so connectors can get loose), I have often thought about getting another set to extend the fortification, given individual buildings can be rather modular and are easy to use individual or as a part of something larger.

I also think that the green of the buildings contrasts well with the mostly black scheme of my troops and vehicles :smile:

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