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+++ Muster the Guard: Hobby Challenge +++

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Getting the Scions together. Medics and meltagunners put together, waiting on the volley gun alternative barrels I ordered.


So I'll go ahead and vow, even though it technically isn't a Squad, but the guys I need to make all my Scion squads legal (and it is the same amount of models as a squad).


In the name of the Emperor and Lord Commander , I Commander Ikka of the Inquisitorial Stormtrooper regiments, shall raise a 3-man unit of medics (and casualty), a 10-man meltagun squad, and a 10-man hot-shot volley gun squad by February 4th.








Volley gunners



Regimental Enginseers 



Edited by Lord_Ikka
Updated with all pics
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The next six Guardsmen are strongly on the way- bit of a busier week so not so far along, but this will get me, numerically speaking, the whole eighteen I first comitted to even if the mortar guy isn't one of them. Still a fair bit to do- all the metal parts, the lenses and a little skin. And another wash of nuln oil- whatever the new formula is, it isn't great. It seems to dry almost completely transparent. I tried buffing it with a couple of brushfuls of ordinary black but  it made no difference.

We do have a commanding officer for the Yantar 8th at last though. She has no HQ section built yet, so I probably ought to do that next and add it to the pledge. I can hopefully manage four more models by Frebruary. Might add a couple of sentinels too, we'll see how we get on. It might be fun to model one with the door open and a crewman inside. I do like to get into some overly complicated crew modelling on my vehicles.

The mortars had to go on hold because the mail strikes in the uk have held up their sandbags. Instead, I've finally managed to crack blue-stuff moulding a heavy bolter so there'll be a couple of HB teams. I'm planning another prone conversion for one gunner.

Good luck everyone!





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Can you make a pledge without the name of the unit yet? I want to get this in so there's something in my head prompting me to work on this, but my ADD hobby butterfly brain can't decide on a paint scheme/regiment.


In the name of the Emperor and Lord Commander , I Commander BCK of the Unpainted, shall raise a Macharius Vanquisher by February 4th.





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Sadly it’s been pouring rain for days now and there doesn’t seem to be any respite in the near future!


Because of this I’m going to pledge something that’s ready to go!


 I’m going to pledge an Enginseer to support the Armoured elements of the 3rd Siege Regiment by February 4th!



Edited by Jud Cottrell
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So due to the cold weather and our central heat not working, it's too cold in the room where I have my airbrush setup (and too big to heat with the little space heater I have in my bedroom) so I'm not sure I would be able to get to the Macharius done by the deadline since neither the cold or our furnace problem is likely to go away by then. Instead, I'll change it to my kitbashed Kasrkin squad and will make a proper pledge once they're all assembled.

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In the name of the Emperor and Lord Commander , I Commander BCK of the retinue of Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor Kezidiah Skane, shall raise a unit Special Naval Security (Kasrkin) by February 4th.




Blutacked together at the moment, and might get a few greenstuff armor additions before painting, but I've wanted to do something like this since I first read the Eisenhorn trilogy and the description of 80 black armored and matt-black hellgun armed Naval Security troopers taking apart the fortified compound of House Glaw.

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3x Cadian Stands Cadian Command Squad with two of them having an Ambot as a counts as Ogryn Bodyguard






Edited by Hiroitchi
Also completed Sly Marbo and also finished my 3x Sentinels
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