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+++ Muster the Guard: Hobby Challenge +++

Go to solution Solved by GreenScorpion,

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Every go through the process of kit bashing and creating something special; thinking your building something but ends up something else? 

well it happened. I think it looks cooler like this as a counts as Taurox.



Finished Pledges:

Finished the 3x Field Ordnance Batteries, the Master of Ordnance, and the Officer of the Fleet.







Edited by Hiroitchi
Added finished Pledges
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updating my pledges as most of my stuff has now arrived, I, MedicMike of the Mordian 19th do hereby modify my pledge to include 4 field ordnance batteries and modified Mordian guardsmen to crew them. 

I really like the new kit, and with some minor equipment swaps I believe I can crew it with "close enough" Mordians that the wont look terribly out of place amongst my main battle lines 


FOB team.jpg

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@greatcrusade08 Pledge list was updated. You are currently ahead on the overall completion with 59 total and @Hiroitchi is currently second with 29 total at the moment.


Lets see who gets the special badge for overall completion in the end :smile:

I am quite happy with the overall participation, not bad for the first event on which I have been part of the logistics.

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Back to normal service after a bit of a rough new year and three more done, including the CO. Major Degteryeva makes an entrance and the 8th Yantar have leadership at last.

I've never been one for spending more time on characters than I do on troopers- previously because I took ten hours to do everything, blending and the whole shebang, but this time because I'm speed-painting by my standards and can't be bothered.

The three behind these three will make the full 18 of my original pledge, which is going to make me happy. Another slow day at work and they might be done tomorrow.

Once they're done, I think I'll add a Sentinel. and If I get that done quickly enough, I'll build and paint another.

Good luck everyone, and happy new year.



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The CP door slammed open, followed quickly by several sets of footsteps, the door slamming closed again and the unmistakeable clatter of an armoured gasmask and helmet being hurled onto a table in a corner.

Fedorenko, the newest lieutenant, snapped to attention and saluted. Everyone else, NCOs included, merely shared a glance and the odd grimace or smile. They knew Degteryeva didn't give a damn for formality behind closed doors.

Sergeant Gorodin gave Gusarova a wink and turned to face the major.

'Orders, chief?' he asked.

She nodded wearily and held out a hand. He passed over his caf without comment and watched her drain it in one gulp and take and release a deep, slow breath.

'Orders. Yeah. Same again. We're the anvil, they're the hammer. Before dawn we put out the strongest line we can get into cover and wait for them to drive the traitors at us. Then we open up with everything and don't stop until the last traitor is dust. This time the north quadrant's the safe zone.'

'Well, the mortars are ranged and the trenches are a whole degree better than last time,' commented Ivanenka. 'It's a good start, right major?'

Gorodin was the only one who saw Degteryeva take half a second to compose her face before turning around to face the room.

'It is, captain, and with His will, tomorrow we'll have another shooting range at the traitors' expense. Ten minutes and I want all officers in the briefing room. I'm going to get the mud off my boots. Vitaly!'

The major clapped Gorodin on the shoulder and he followed her to her ready-room.

'Spook again?' he asked, once the door was closed.

'A different one, and with no more expression on his face than a stone,' she replied. 'Where do they get them all from, and why do they never act like a normal soldier? Every guardsman should want the enemy in one of two places, a thousand klicks away or a hundred metres in front, with no cover and his pants down.

'You can't argue with the results but I don't understand why they're always so keen to go and find a fight. Any normal unit would be falling apart after all the chasing they've been on but they just keep getting up and doing it again.

'And what kind of rank is "bashar", by His name?' she continued. 'Or "burseg", when you get down to it? These Eblans, they just pin me to the roof. '

She sat heavily in her camp-chair, yanked her boots off and tossed them aside.

'Pour me a small one, Vitaly, and pass my other boots. Time to look professional.'

Gorodin nodded and picked up the bottle from the table.

'I don't mind telling you, Vitaly,' Degteryeva started up again, 'I think this may be the easiest operation we've ever been on if I can just keep it together in the briefings. Sometimes I think they do it on purpose. Everything they do out of combat has that damn sideways attitude to it where you can't tell if they're serious or not.'

She took a sip. Gorodin declined to mention that he'd heard the story a dozen times before. They both knew it. If it helped the major wind down after meeting the C.O, he was in favour of it. He'd met one of them himself, he knew what she meant.

'At the first senior officer's briefing,' Degteryeva began, as she always did, 'That sardonic bastard with the metal arm introduced himself as "the late bashar Feodorov". The late! I ask you, what are they talking about? They're all of them always right on time and always, they're "the late" bashar this, or burseg that.

'Give me strength, Vitaly. By His will, give me strength.'

Now for the only part of the performance that was different every time.

'Three hundred klicks to go. Just three hundred.'

Gorodin nodded again. Last week it had been four hundred. You couldn't argue with the results.

With the final three done, I feel better letting the piece of colour text out. Here's Degteryeva and Gorodin with two missile launcher teams, and among the rest of the troops. I had to make more room on the shelf.

There we go, the eighteen troopers of my original pledge done. I've lost count of how many there are in total now, but I know there's almost enough for four infantry sections, a command section, and a heavy bolter section.

It turns out I ordered sandbags for the mortar section's bases in the wrong scale, so next I believe I'll add sentinels to the pledge.

Good luck everyone!

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1 hour ago, GreenScorpion said:

@Focslain I have updated the list with your status. At 33 completed models in total, you are now second in terms of overall completion :smile:

Who is in the lead and how many have they done?? 


Now the site that should not be named has the new Guard stuff I can actually crack on with my army, working out priority units that I want painted now so I may squeeze in a vow later on today. Also funny how no one mentions said website but Battlescribe is fine, never understood why. *shrugs*

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21 minutes ago, Slave to Darkness said:

Who is in the lead and how many have they done?? 


Now the site that should not be named has the new Guard stuff I can actually crack on with my army, working out priority units that I want painted now so I may squeeze in a vow later on today. Also funny how no one mentions said website but Battlescribe is fine, never understood why. *shrugs*

At the moment greatcrusade08 is first with 59 models completed. It was mentioned a few posts up in the same page. You can check the second post in the thread for the pledge list and current status.

Once you make your vow I will add it to the list.

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3 hours ago, GreenScorpion said:

At the moment greatcrusade08 is first with 59 models completed. It was mentioned a few posts up in the same page.

Cant believe I missed that lol. Glad to see a local winning as well! 


Will I have to vow a command squad to be able to do a Master of Ordnance? If not then add a MoO to my vow as well please. 


Here we go...


I, Slave to Darkness vow to add the following to my Crumpeteers (and their Bratwurst eating allies) for the glory of the Emperor of Mankind and his golden toilet... 




 Kasrkin Squad - 2 Flamers 2 Hotshot Volley Guns


Infantry Squad - 1 Grenade 1 Launcher Mortar


Infantry Squad - 1 Flamer


Heavy Weapon Squad - 3 Mortars


Heavy Weapon Squad - 2 Heavy Bolters 1 Heavy Bolter


Rough Riders (6)


Stuff behind the lighters is my vow, the MoO is in there as well, ignore him if he isnt 'legal'.











2023-01-06 21.26.23.jpg

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@Slave to Darkness I have added your pledge to the list, including the Master of Ordnance, please check it and let me know if there is any issue.



I have updated the rest of the pledges based on the latest completions and made some changes to the usage of the FoC emojis, because I had went over the allowed limit per post.

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19 minutes ago, GreenScorpion said:

@Slave to Darkness I have added your pledge to the list, including the Master of Ordnance, please check it and let me know if there is any issue.


Perfect. Ill get cracking then.

5 minutes ago, Hiroitchi said:

and then clean organize desk by the end of the day. Lol






I bet ya dont...:wink:

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