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On 7/16/2023 at 5:26 PM, Ubiquitous1984 said:

I don’t wish to alarm anyone as the Harrowmaster audiobook is basically a meme by this point, however other than showing an image of the audiobook do they actually mention that it’s coming out?  I only see a mention of ‘your choice of paperback or ebook’…


I can’t remember if they showed the audiobook image when the hardback first came out (they either showed an image of it, or explicitly said it was coming out in audio format - but then of course never delivered).


The audio version is up for pre-order on BL's website, so that confirms it was another oopsie in the article.


Same narrator that did Leviathan, Theo Solomon. Sounds much more engaged in the preview than he did narrating that

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You can tell that they don't want to pay Raymond Swanland for new art anymore. They had a phase back then, with William King's Macharius trilogy and Tyrion & Teclis, among others, where they were very much interested in putting famous/popular artists to work on their covers - to great results. I believe Raymond even won something at the Gemmell Awards back then; he was shortlisted at the very least, and drew a ton of eyes on BL works.


....but these days? They don't seem to care much. Codex-level art seems good enough now.

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August 5th will be a somewhat busy weekend this year. We’re getting: 


Vainglorious: https://www.fnac.com/livre-numerique/a18424730/Sandy-Mitchell-Vainglorious#omnsearchpos=6


Next Cain anthology: https://www.fnac.com/livre-numerique/a18424567/Sandy-Mitchell-Ciaphas-Cain-The-Anthology#omnsearchpos=3


Longshot: https://www.fnac.com/livre-numerique/a18424554/Rob-Young-Longshot#omnsearchpos=2


For Glory and Honour: https://www.fnac.com/livre-numerique/a18424718/Andy-Clark-For-Glory-And-Honour#omnsearchpos=5


There’s also a decent chance the Fall of Cadia or Ashes of Cadia LE drops the same weekend, because pacing out your product releases is for dorks. 

edit: to be clear this is preorder on the 5th, release on the 12th.

Edited by cheywood
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Just swooping in to perch on that Macharius trilogy mention. I'm still routinely shocked at how few people seem to have read them or how little they're recommended over on Reddit. King was in top form, the characters are fantastic and the metaplot of the Crusade's failures was absolutely gripping. The vision of Macharius as a truly awe-inspiring leader who even his enemies within the ranks truly respected - as well as a man who was going to kill the entire Crusade for... what? Hubris? Glory? Faith? - was impeccable. Lemuel as the narrative anchor was a perfect choice, too, as well as his companions. 


Deserves to be spoken of in the same breath as the most loved Guard stories, but sadly, is not. I should go re-read them and gush more in the necromancy thread.

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1 hour ago, wecanhaveallthree said:

Just swooping in to perch on that Macharius trilogy mention. I'm still routinely shocked at how few people seem to have read them or how little they're recommended over on Reddit. King was in top form, the characters are fantastic and the metaplot of the Crusade's failures was absolutely gripping. The vision of Macharius as a truly awe-inspiring leader who even his enemies within the ranks truly respected - as well as a man who was going to kill the entire Crusade for... what? Hubris? Glory? Faith? - was impeccable. Lemuel as the narrative anchor was a perfect choice, too, as well as his companions. 


Deserves to be spoken of in the same breath as the most loved Guard stories, but sadly, is not. I should go re-read them and gush more in the necromancy thread.

The trilogy kinda ruined the original Macharius fluff IMHO. They were good books, the action was great, but the ending really turned a lot of people off. 

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It did pretty much the same as the Horus Heresy is doing now: preserves the 'original event' (death by illness, no more worlds to conquer) but adds more context and depth to it (Macharius had gone too far without rest and resupply, the political situation was impossible). I really the way it was done because it - may James Workshop himself strike me down - was so realistic. His generals wanted a piece of the pie. The Imperium was getting really goddamn nervous about having a new Warmaster with huge, personally loyal army. He'd outpaced his logistics and pushed his troops too hard without rest. None of the 'soft options' were working: he wouldn't accept a heroic recall and retirement in huge palaces where he'd be lauded as a hero and Saint. He wasn't stalled enough by illness and the Inquisition feeding information to his enemies. He couldn't - or wouldn't - see the exhaustion in his own troops.


Macharius was heading off a cliff, one way or another. We can ascribe him the best intentions or the worst wholly from what one takes from the text, but that was the end result. The only question was how many people he was going to drag down with him. And the resulting Macharian Heresy may have been just as devastating for morale/resupply anyway. King really excelled with that one.

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On 7/24/2023 at 1:21 AM, DarkChaplain said:

You can tell that they don't want to pay Raymond Swanland for new art anymore. They had a phase back then, with William King's Macharius trilogy and Tyrion & Teclis, among others, where they were very much interested in putting famous/popular artists to work on their covers - to great results. I believe Raymond even won something at the Gemmell Awards back then; he was shortlisted at the very least, and drew a ton of eyes on BL works.

Swanland is one of my fav artists, and I really miss the phase when he was doing pieces for GW. His codex covers were extremely iconic, and I was hoping we'd get a full set for the Gaunt books.

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Don't think we've had any info on this yet; but a new Sisters novel by Danie Ware is on the way. And excitingly its a new Bloody Rose/Sister Augusta novel!


Battle Sisters Stalk Xenos in This Exclusive Except From the New Danie Ware Novel, the Rose in Darkness - Warhammer Community (warhammer-community.com)


I'm really looking forward to this as I love Danie's Bloody Rose stuff.

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That reminds me that I still haven't managed to read Bloody Rose novella 2 from the anthology. But looking at the excerpt, I am reminded as to why that is. All too many "‘Our Emperor, deliver us.’"'s for my taste. Yeah, they're sisters. Yeah, they're fanatics. But the prayer:plot ratio has been a bit iffy on the stories I've read so far.

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I've tried so many times but I simply can't get into Ware's writing. All her characters come out as whining teenagers. What makes it even weirder, she said multiple times in interviews she likes to write mature characters. Her last book put me to sleep so many times (St. Katherine or whatever it was called). 

Edited by theSpirea
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I'll be honest, the Sisters books normally don't do it for me because they aren't devoutly religious enough (nor is the rest of the Imperium, but that's another discussion.) This is the militant arm of a galaxy-spanning church that is willing to starve billions so they can make a pretty statue, a church that will have your burnt or converted into a stimmed-up battle-cyborg if you displease them. Their entire culture is based on martyrdom when it's not based on crusading; the sisters we tend to read about are far too reasonable. Sympathy for outsiders/enemies is not what should be coming from an army dressed in religious iconography and singing as they charge into the jaws of imminent death. I know "Nuns with guns" is shorthand for them, but I'd like a bit more than... well, just nuns with guns. Authors don't hesitate to make them absolutely unhinged when they're supporting characters, at least.


Ware's a competent writer but her Augusta stories never did much for me because they never really justified why they're about battle sisters. I did like Triumph of St. Katherine, because the cast was made specifically to exemplify each of their own particular brands of madness.

Edited by Roomsky
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Well, that was a quiet trip about the website.  Traipsed in 30 mins past rush hour (standard release time) and no website tremors, everything still available for pre-order - not that there was a lot put up to tempt us :biggrin:.  Much better to put up all the new stuff on the same day so we can sit back for the other three!

New month next week, so we can expect 14 releases, 12 of them SE/LE :devil:

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Man they really are doing the "nostalgia for cash" thing with the price of the Gaunts Ghosts paperbacks, geez


Nevermind. I stand corrected

Edited by darkhorse0607
They're not paperback like I thought
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14 minutes ago, DarkChaplain said:

Huh? The Cain anthology is actually getting an audiobook too? Great. Now do the same for Ahriman: Exodus and Gotrek & Felix and all the Crime and Horror anthologies....


....meanwhile no audiobook for Longshot? Is that a joke?


The previous novel in the "Astra Militarum" series didn't get audiobook either (Witchbringer)

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Actually angry at this feast/famine approach from BL, which is obviously an overreaction but why on earth haven’t these been spread out more? Not only is it a lot of books in a single week, most of them are Guard ones and not even a miniature release wave alongside to justify it?  Plus the actual nightmare of trying to buy copies- good luck to anyone trying to carry out that many transactions successfully..,

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