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Upcoming BL Stuff - 2023


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They have finally updated the coming soon listing on WarCom.  The LE of Reynolds’ Word Bearer series is still the highlight for me.  Annoyingly, only one Crime anthology upcoming and no horror.  Head scratcher is a LE of Cain’s For The Emperor.

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This is mightily disappointing. There's only one book that hasn't been already announced, The Rose in Darkness.


Where's Necromunda. Where's Horror? What about AoS? That's all reprint or other form of republishing. Crime only one anthology, here's the content:


Chains (Short story) by Jonathan D Beer

Slate Run (Short story) by Mike Brooks

No City for Heroes (Short story) by Victoria Hayward

Clear as Glass (Short story) by Denny Flowers

Skeletons (Short story) by Nick Kyme

Once a Killer, Always a Killer (Short story) by Mitchel Scanlon

Grit in the Wheels (Short story) by Gareth Hanrahan

Habeas Corpus (Short story) by Jude Reid


The same goes for 40K, nothing really new.


This whole update screams milk it

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9 hours ago, Sothalor said:

It's Black Library. What can you say?


(In this case, I will say I'm mildly surprised to see Mitchell Scanlon among the authors for that Crime anthology. Haven't seen him do anything for BL since Descent of Angels.)

I’m going to be more negative than I usually am. While Once a Killer is a good story, it’s basically a Mega City One story with the numbers filed off- generic dystopian urban future rather than quantifiably 40k.


I *think* the anthology has three new stories- the Nick Kyme, Victoria Hayward and Gareth Hanrahan ones don’t ring any bells for me. Not sure they’ll be enough to justify re buying a bunch of stories I already own though. A real shame, the last Crime anthology was really good, especially the way a broad narrative was woven. With these, I think the only connective tissue is

pit fights and pit fighters


The Cain LE looks as gorgeous as the Word Bearer trilogy looks underwhelming.


I’m glad that the coming soon page has finally been updated, that the turnaround from Mega Editions has been cut, that it looks like simultaneous releases are going to be more common with LEs, but also I’m kind of still fed up with previous BL practices and just can’t be bothered with any of it.

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2 hours ago, Ubiquitous1984 said:

Surprised at the continued lack of non-SoT 30k releases.  No Primarchs, no 30K character series, no ad-hoc releases.  Such a waste for a popular setting.

There's only Horus left for primarch series and I wouldnt be surprised if it releases with TEATD vol.3 on Black Library Celebration.


There might be some standalone books, to tie in with the campaign books. But I wouldnt hold my breath, since Chtonias Reckoning didn't cover most interesting stuff from the campaign book...

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3 hours ago, Ubiquitous1984 said:

Surprised at the continued lack of non-SoT 30k releases.  No Primarchs, no 30K character series, no ad-hoc releases.  Such a waste for a popular setting.


Same here, I think there is clearly demand for some other stuff set in the HH timeline. Especially with the Siege being the sole focus now.


But for 40K, pretty cool to seee Genefather and Fall of Cadia release next month.

Edited by Taliesin
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Typical famine or feast from BL, that's four limited edition releases in September alone; a prohibitively expensive month for most collectors, and a requirement to have no plans at 10:00GMT on a Saturday c. four weeks in a row just to even have a chance if you want them all? Helpful.

Edited by skylerboodie
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I was really expecting more novellas for the Siege to wrap other things up. There are more than a few stories that haven't been addressed and very likely won't be addressed in the final Siege books. Even a Cthonia's Reckoning style of shorts covering the invasion across Terra would've been cool. Perhaps most (personally) importantly, what the heck happened to Arik Taranis? Of all the figures notably MIA, you'd think that the Lightning Bearer - who we last saw about to fix his physical degradation - would have some kind of presence here, in some fashion. I suppose he's just been quietly forgotten. 


I'd imagine we'd see Horror announcements closer to October, but it's a bit sad to see it become a once-a-year thing and be so massively overshadowed by Crime. 

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Thank the lord September is my birthday month as there are alot of books there I want to read. Both Cadia books, Rose in Darkness and Genefather (plus Yndrasta since I had to pass on the LE) are all on the want list.

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12 hours ago, Ubiquitous1984 said:

Surprised at the continued lack of non-SoT 30k releases.  No Primarchs, no 30K character series, no ad-hoc releases.  Such a waste for a popular setting.


I do wonder what the future plans are for the setting. Once End and the Death is finished, are authors going to be allowed to circle back and fill things out, or is BL going to say effectively, no this is done, we are moving on?

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The name implies the latter, but there could be unfinished novellas still in the works for all we know. On top of that. they're clearly going to continue the process of making up new stuff for the setting, as we've seen with Siege of Cthonia - hard to imagine there won't be more campaign books and new lore for 2E and Legions. BL could ignore that and pass up the chance to sell fiction about it, but I'd be surprised. At the very least, I imagine we'll see more shorts and anthologies. I hope so, anyway.


I have a suspicion Warhammer Horror might be dead, or very close to it.

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I'll probably be guilty of buying the word bearers box set and never reading them just because I love those books being some of my first in the setting and in general I have this feeling like the mid late 2000s have a special feeling in the terms of human productions in that smart phones were not mass adopted yet and I feel like humanity still produced soulful works at the time. (Shots Fired) Generally the reason I read warhammer 40k is because their universe is much more optimistic than our world, those who dont have this opinion well you should consider yourself lucky to have not encountered the CIA/intelligence agencies. They make the Dark Eldar look like sunday school teachers.  


Who am I kidding I might reread the first book if im allowed to because its my favourite. 

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I have a suspicion Warhammer Horror might be dead, or very close to it.


You really gotta wonder how that happened. It was the imprint that was being pushed. It seems like such an obvious, organic extension of the setting: stories where authors were free to get right down in the grim darkness and really twist the sometimes quite literal knife. Great avenue to poke into all the worst parts of the galaxy and see what came scurrying out. It's with no small amount of regret that I'm forced to point out that Crime is a cool concept and the stories have been of good quality, but they step hard on each-other's toes a lot when it comes to setting and theme. There are only so many space detectives and hive gangers one can read without getting a bit tired.


Can't imagine it was lack of interest. Be basically a dream come true being given the keys to all the nasty gubbins and told to go nuts, don't worry about mass market appeal.

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5 hours ago, wecanhaveallthree said:


You really gotta wonder how that happened. It was the imprint that was being pushed. It seems like such an obvious, organic extension of the setting: stories where authors were free to get right down in the grim darkness and really twist the sometimes quite literal knife. Great avenue to poke into all the worst parts of the galaxy and see what came scurrying out. It's with no small amount of regret that I'm forced to point out that Crime is a cool concept and the stories have been of good quality, but they step hard on each-other's toes a lot when it comes to setting and theme. There are only so many space detectives and hive gangers one can read without getting a bit tired.


Can't imagine it was lack of interest. Be basically a dream come true being given the keys to all the nasty gubbins and told to go nuts, don't worry about mass market appeal.

I don’t think there’s much mystery to why the imprints have been largely sidelined. It’s the same reason BL’s back catalog is littered with unfinished series: lack of sales.


Even on here the Crime and Horror novels generate infinitely less discussion than the marquee releases. If the books aren’t selling BL is less likely to commission novels and writers are less likely to pitch them. Annandale might love writing horror novels, but he likely makes a much healthier profit churning out mediocre Primarch stories. I’d probably make the same choice given how low paying writing can be. 

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