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2 hours ago, DarkChaplain said:

Huh? The Cain anthology is actually getting an audiobook too? Great. Now do the same for Ahriman: Exodus and Gotrek & Felix and all the Crime and Horror anthologies....


....meanwhile no audiobook for Longshot? Is that a joke?


…Heirs of the Emperor audiobook please BL!


Does anyone know who is narrating the Emperors Gift mp3?

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19 minutes ago, Ubiquitous1984 said:

…Heirs of the Emperor audiobook please BL!


Does anyone know who is narrating the Emperors Gift mp3?

I actually wouldn't be mad at an Hiers audiobook at all, there are some good stories in there.


I've looked around and haven't seen it. Typically I don't see it until BL puts it up for pre-order unless audible does a test load and I get the notification before it's taken down again

Edited by darkhorse0607
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It's so strange. It's so many people working on  Black Library; I can't believe there isn't anyone capable or available to update the Coming Soon To Black Library. Either remove the banner completely or post the damn thing with... well coming soon. Even if they don't want us to know in advance in each week at the very least put the ones you already hinted and say coming soon. Don't even say the damned month... Damn is it so hard? 

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11 hours ago, grailkeeper said:

I wonder what happened to Creed: Ashes of Cadia. It got announced last year then.... nothing.


I don't think anything happened to it, it's just not out yet. The original article iirc listed all the LEs as coming out in 2023, there's still plenty of time. The regular edition is listed with retailers for early 2024. The same goes for the previously announced Gotrek's LE (the audio drama) and Word Bearers trilogy box set.

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On 7/30/2023 at 4:54 PM, Ubiquitous1984 said:

…Heirs of the Emperor audiobook please BL!


Does anyone know who is narrating the Emperors Gift mp3?


I now have an answer for you as the self-appointed panicker of who's narrating what


The Emperors Gift- Christopher Kent (Helbrecht, Deacon of Wounds, etc)

Caphias Cain Anthology- Stephen Perring, Penelope Rawlins, Emma Gregory, and Phillipe Bosher (from what I can tell Stephen Perring has done all the Cain books but I haven't gotten to them yet to listen)

Caphias Cain: Vainglorius- Stephen Perring, Penelope Rawlins, Christopher Tester, and Andrew James Spooner

Longshot- Colleen Prendergast (Justin Hills Cadian series)

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Excited that End of Death is announced. Wish they wouldn't stagger them for so many months. I'm gonna just wait to read it all as one book now. I did read pt 1 and loved it. But the more Abnett writes, the better. 


And considering how much trash there was leading up to this whole thing, I'd rather him take the time to finish the story he wants to tell. 


Took a chance on Raths special edition, despite the price. I've liked his other books, and been looking to read a book at Cadia. 



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7 hours ago, darkhorse0607 said:


I now have an answer for you as the self-appointed panicker of who's narrating what


The Emperors Gift- Christopher Kent (Helbrecht, Deacon of Wounds, etc)

Caphias Cain Anthology- Stephen Perring, Penelope Rawlins, Emma Gregory, and Phillipe Bosher (from what I can tell Stephen Perring has done all the Cain books but I haven't gotten to them yet to listen)

Caphias Cain: Vainglorius- Stephen Perring, Penelope Rawlins, Christopher Tester, and Andrew James Spooner

Longshot- Colleen Prendergast (Justin Hills Cadian series)


Stephen Perring is a perfect Cain. They picked the best man for the job. Having Penelope Rawlins chiming in as Veil and Emma Gregory contributing the occasional pompously-wordy Jenit Sulla section makes the Cain audiobooks one of the most flavorful productions from BL.


Very much recommended, especially now that the entire series is in audio, short stories included!


3 hours ago, tgcleric said:

Took a chance on Raths special edition, despite the price. I've liked his other books, and been looking to read a book at Cadia.


I'm miffed that they got an in-universe diary bundled with the limited edition. That's stuff they used to publish separately back in the day, now it's exclusive to ultra-expensive scalper bait...

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2 hours ago, DarkChaplain said:


I'm miffed that they got an in-universe diary bundled with the limited edition. That's stuff they used to publish separately back in the day, now it's exclusive to ultra-expensive scalper bait...


Agreed. Don't care about all the other shenanigans, but lore-focused material should be available to a wider audience. It was also the main reason why I tried to get the mega edition. Had it in my cart at 10.57, but the order didn't go through. Ah well, saved some bucks. I'm much more disappointed about the Cain hardbacks *also* being sold out at 10.57...

Edited by Von Großschmitt
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I wish they would pick a stance to take rather than flip-flopping depending on the release


Either release them all at the same time as they have done with a few recently


Gatekeep it behind the expensive edition for months like they normally do


Just pick one so I don't have to keep playing this guessing game every time a new release happens

But also yes, disappointed that the diary won't probably be ever available outside of the super duper edition

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On 8/6/2023 at 5:04 AM, Ubiquitous1984 said:

I picked up the Rath mega edition, I’m excited to see what he does with it.  But as ever it’s disappointing that BL stops the vast majority of the fanbase from experiencing the book at the same time. 


Its funny for some reason in Canada, no one gave a :cuss: about this book and it remained on sale for 20 minutes before it sold out. Same thing with the last couple limited edition releases. Compared to say the Angron novel that sold out in 3 minutes and the Lion novel that made the website crash I'm always a mix of confident that ill get what I want and a little bit paranoid something is going to go wrong


I feel like if the book takes over 10 minutes to sellout you had a fair chance to buy it, given the extreme prices on ebay for limited editions and other hardbacks im quite honestly happy to buy what I want at retail price while not throwing myself into the poor house if I miss a limited edition say if the website crashes due to scalpers flooding it. 


I have no complaints or reservations about The Fall of Cadia book having a limited release because people were given plenty of time to buy it from the GW website, at least where I live.  The last few limited edition releases have all been the same where they stayed up for a long time before being sold out so I cant say people who wanted to buy them are being left out. 


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1 hour ago, DarkChaplain said:

....do we really live in a time now where having ten minutes to buy a product qualifies as "plenty of time"? I'm.... I'm not sure how to feel about this. Probably saddened. GW has ruined us.

I was thinking the same thing when I read the post.  It’s a surreal situation.  

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Another week of nothing at all apart from a long overdue paperback reprint makes me feel soooo much better about them dropping 2 new novels + audiobooks, 1 anthology + audiobook and 1 omnibus and an additional audiobook re-release just this past Saturday, after a week of nothing following an omnibus, a new novel with audiobook and two more audiobook re-releases.


One could think they'd be better served not dropping 42 hours worth of audiobook material on a single day when you have nothing to go on the prior week, only one 10 hour audiobook re-release coming the next and nothing at all the one after. But what do I know, I just read/listen to this stuff, I'm not marketing or making money off them.


It's patently insane how obsessed they are with bottlenecking their readers' attention spans and wallets. They just can't be bothered with keeping sensible schedules, something that every other publisher tries to be as transparent and sensible about as they can be, despite a larger volume of output than BL has.


Oh well. Not like I'll be getting to more than Cain's anthology right now anyway, filling the gaps in my reading regarding the new shorts, and some revisits while I have the chance. Michael J. Sullivan's Esrahaddon drops tomorrow, that's going to be 30 quality hours I can guarantee myself right there, with no depressing marketing monkeys involved.

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Finally a decent interview with a BL author by GW



I still hate the cover but I do like Reid's writing so I'll try to go for the Special/Limited edition (still no word when that is coming out and the Coming Soon section hasn't been updated either).


But, at least retailers have some new info about paperbacks in 2024



  • The Lion: Son of the Forest 
  • Pilgrims of Fire 
  • Blightslayer (Gotrek)  



  • Yarrick omnibus - February 
  • Creed: Ashes of Cadia
  • Ghazghkull Thraka: Prophet of the Waaagh! (interesting to see this one, usually A5 hardbacks don't get paperback treatment later on)
  • The End Times: Fall of Empires - Warhammer Chronicles



  • Cypher: Lord of the Fallen
  • The End Times: Doom of the Old World
  • Echoes of Eternity



  • Shadow of the Eighth
  • Lords of Nocturne: A Salamanders Omnibus
Edited by theSpirea
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