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Strike Force Agastus

Guest Triszin

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1)Cheap buy price as many will try to get rid of them if they dont convert them.

2)Throw your opponent off balance by having launch meme/jokes about the models rather then focus on the game.

3) Depending on chapter reinforce the marine theme that there is nothing they will not do/sacrifice for victory even their own dignity.



Jokes aside, i dont like the models, but if i ever want to play them a simple missile launcher on a primaris body should cover it. The real question is if this got greenlight for production WHAT ON EARTH DID NOT? Like i want a whole series of videos of GW showcasing models that were deemed to ugly/bad to make. I want the designers to have long chats about 'we all told Dave he was mad but did he listen?  I would sign up to warhammer plus in a heartbeat if they did series like this.  Not just models, artwork, clothes, games. Show me the real history of the hobby and actually present a consumer friendly face rather then the totally fake smiles and super scripted drivel atm.  I cant see how doing this for models from 5+ years ago could do any harm. 

Edited by Nagashsnee
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25 minutes ago, Harleqvin said:


Yeah, but these don't even follow basic design of a realistic missile launcher. \

The parts of the main weapons barrel end for the missile launcher are just blasting all that at the firers upper arm/chest, and the belt fed automatic mini missile launcher doesn't really appear to have that flow either. where is it going to go on either of them? There practically more like a massive grenade launcher/mortar as there doesn't look to be a proper "Out" on the back end.
I know they are plastic minis, and they are powered armored individuals in a fictitious setting, but who is going to let a missile launcher just blast it directly into themselves?


17 minutes ago, Harleqvin said:

and a slight humor aspect. It looks like all the force of these missile launchers for how the art shows it, has muzzle flair/flash.


It looks like it is following the traditional hand-wave of why bolters were originally described as caseless, but have an ejection port: there's a small thingie which provides just enough kick to get the ammunition clear of the barrel, and then ignition occurs. Is it good? I don' think so, but at least its consistent. Honestly, this just puts my opinion closer to those who earlier said it should have been a modified heavy bolter design.

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3 hours ago, Karhedron said:


I thought part of the benefit of missiles is that they are basically recoilless. The missile accelerates in flight under its own propulsion. Recoil arises from Newton's 3rd law "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction".


For a normal firearms, the acceleration acts on the barrel of the weapon and so the reaction force manifests as recoil in the gun. With a missile however, the reaction force acts on the exhaust gases being propelled out of the back of the missile. There should be little or no recoil from a missile launcher. Look at the image below of a soldier firing an RPG, the soldier himself does not appear to be experiencing any recoil. You can see the exhaust gases rushing out behind the missile which is where the reaction force is acting. If a modern soldier can fire a RPG without loss of balance, I am pretty sure a genetically engineered super-solider in power armour would not have a problem.



Great GIF. The Desolator guns are fine, just remember that the right side of each of these marine should be covered in scorch marks. Here's some reference material for Space Wolves players!


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3 hours ago, jaxom said:


It looks like it is following the traditional hand-wave of why bolters were originally described as caseless, but have an ejection port: there's a small thingie which provides just enough kick to get the ammunition clear of the barrel, and then ignition occurs. Is it good? I don' think so, but at least its consistent. Honestly, this just puts my opinion closer to those who earlier said it should have been a modified heavy bolter design.

TBF they’ve done this forever. Every marine weapon including lascannons share the same style of muzzle flash. Not 100% but quite often. Doesn’t diminish the point but they don’t seem to care.

Edited by Khornestar
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  • 2 weeks later...
6 minutes ago, Lord Marshal said:

Pre-order next week, surprisingly. 


I was expecting it, actually. The Soul Forge King battlebox seems like a more typical March release, and the two sets would cannibalize each other the closer in proximity they drop. Makes sense they'd put some space between them and I don't see either box dropping after March given GW's financial year.

EDIT: But yeah, given that the price hike shouldn't affect next week's pre-orders, it is a little out of character for GW to not put it out a week later.


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Also, nice to see WarCom's crack staff state the following in the article:


"The Desolation Squad can meanwhile arm themselves either with superfrag missiles for blasting infantry or superkrak missiles for busting tanks – with indirect-fire castellan launchers on the side."


Place your bets on how long it will take before someone explains to them that the Desolators can choose between Superfrag and Superkrak ROCKETS, not missiles. Kind of the whole reason why the indirect-fire Castellan is included.


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On 2/10/2023 at 5:10 AM, Brother Captain Arkley said:

Dear god I hope that LT has a power axe...


Doesn't sound like that will be the case, unfortunately. Although the WarCom team has a track record of not necessarily nailing the facts (see above), the preview article does make it sound like we won't be seeing any weapons options that weren't in the original reveal:


"The Lieutenant is one of the most versatile character kits to date, with a choice of cosmetic parts and plenty of wargear. He can tote a plasma pistol, heavy bolt pistol, or a bolt rifle with one of three configurations, all while swinging a power fist or a power sword… or just pointing very emphatically."


The only revelation here (again assuming this is accurate) is that the Lieutenant will have access to the vanilla Bolt Rifle variant, previously verboten.

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5 minutes ago, firestorm40k said:

Interested in the pricing for this, seeing as I've already asked my FLGS to reserve one of these for me :sweat::laugh:


I'm more worried about how much I'm going to have to pay through a scalper because they got all the stock again. 



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53 minutes ago, Lord Nord said:

I was expecting it, actually. The Soul Forge King battlebox seems like a more typical March release


Okay, but the release date for this preorder announcement is 4th March, so not sure what the distinction is.

37 minutes ago, Doghouse said:


I'm more worried about how much I'm going to have to pay through a scalper because they got all the stock again. 


The last three 40k army sets were easy enough to come by several weeks after the fact so hopefully it'll be fine (I think you can still reliably get Cadia Stands even now)

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If there’s still stock left after I’ve had time to see some photos from reviewers and sprue photos to see if the Desolaters look better than the GW shots we’ve seen, I might grab the box as I like the dread and won’t say no more chunky boys.


if stock is all gone or the Desolators are truly unredeemable, I’ll just grab the dread down the road. 

(all assuming the price is isn’t ridiculous)

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32 minutes ago, Burni said:

If there’s still stock left after I’ve had time to see some photos from reviewers and sprue photos to see if the Desolaters look better than the GW shots we’ve seen, I might grab the box as I like the dread and won’t say no more chunky boys.


if stock is all gone or the Desolators are truly unredeemable, I’ll just grab the dread down the road. 

(all assuming the price is isn’t ridiculous)


There will likely be full sprue photos on the New Zealand site prior to pre-orders going live in your region, although said photos just might not give you the full impression that seeing a reviewer handling them would (what DOES GW have against showing both sides of the sprues anyway?)


There's also the chance we'll get a sprue preview during the inevitable hype article(s) this week...

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2 hours ago, Doghouse said:


I'm more worried about how much I'm going to have to pay through a scalper because they got all the stock again. 



Think they will sell that many? Most of the comments I have seen (here, many discord groups and youtube comments) have been 'hard pass' from a lot of people. 



Also, the only acceptable rocket launcher...

Coffee or Die Magazine | Why the 'Commando' Quad-Tube Rocket Launcher  Replaced the Flamethrower

If the launcher was shoulder mounted or under slung it would look ok, but something that cumbersome used as a rifle doesnt look right, looks like a crazy person waving a dyson vacuum cleaner in the air.


Dreadnought is meh, its a dreadnought, it noughts dreads. Its not bad, its just nothing we have not seen before. Lieutenant does look good, much better than some of the earlier ones.



Slave makes a comment about primaris that isnt negative, whoda thought it...

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