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10th Edition Space Marine Boxset Rumours

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That was more a case of having to buy said rules sources; for armies and units, at least. They aren't necessarily averse to releasing free PDF rules, as they've done so in the past.

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5 minutes ago, Halandaar said:

[...] and that's without even counting all the plastic kits available from Heresy that haven't been ported in yet (they might not be, but equally they might; see Relic Terminators and Contemptor Dreadnought). 



There's very little released in plastic from the heresy that doesn't have a 40k ruleset -  just in another rulebook-sized book (Imperial Armour Compendium). I think people keep forgetting this? 

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3 minutes ago, Joe said:

That was more a case of having to buy said rules sources; for armies and units, at least. They aren't necessarily averse to releasing free PDF rules, as they've done so in the past.


Sure, we can come up with ways to justify it. But personally I think it is less likely now than before. Free datasheets for new models in between codex releases and legends rules for limited edition models are different than a full fledged "legends rulebook."

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How about the 40k equivalent of the Liber Astartes book?


Big thick tome, all the generic units first, then the notable chapters after - First founding and some successors (Crimson Fists etc)


They could get by with an index at the start of 10th, then we get this big wonga Space Marine book.


Only problem with it is what happens when new stuff arrives?

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35 minutes ago, Petitioner's City said:

There's very little released in plastic from the heresy that doesn't have a 40k ruleset -  just in another rulebook-sized book (Imperial Armour Compendium). I think people keep forgetting this? 


The question isn't "can you use Forgeworld units in 40K?" - it's "will GW make the SM Codex even bigger by putting the Heresy model datasheets directly into the Codex?" And the reason that's a question even worth asking is because they've done it before; the datasheets for Tartaros, Cataphractii and Contemptor Dreads were all included directly in the 40K Space Marine Codex after those kits released in plastic. Will the Contemptor datasheet in the SM Codex be updated to reflect the options on the new Heresy plastic kit? Will they include the Sicaran, Kratos, Spartan etc now the plastic Heresy range has expanded significantly?


It's also relevant from a rules standpoint; the Relic Contemptor in the FW Compendium has Martial Legacy so you have to spend a CP to take it, but the Contemptor in the SM Codex does not. That's leaving aside the fact that there are still people and events out there who don't allow Forgeworld stuff in games.


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Few things:


crossing the rubicon isn’t all that time consuming, days at most, we know this from darkness in the blood and spears of the emperor. Both of which take days rather than weeks, therefore the logic that everyone crosses the rubicon could easily be a thing considering the number of years that passes in lore - I fall into the group thinking that if they simply say everyone has, it would be good as then, it’s all just marines again, any other variation should come with primaris having distinct rules imo.


the talk of datasheets has gone in circles so many times now, everyone agrees marines have more than anyone else, not everyone agrees that means there are too many or which ones are problems necessarily. We don’t know what will happen, it may be more sheets are recombined in the next update. The talk of moving things to legends or not is pure speculation and opinion currently.


rumours for terminators suggest scaled up to primaris size indomitus. Rule wise it’s unclear as valrak has stated in most recent videos he doesn’t know if they’re primaris inside or not. if the other rumour he provided about the keyword going is true, it’s a moot point regardless as there wouldn’t actually be a rules difference, meaning people playing primaris only chapters would use them and say they have primaris inside whilst people that want to pretend primaris aren’t a thing can claim they aren’t primaris. 

id like to see a consolidated codex personally, combine datasheets where it actually makes sense (hellblasters and desolation squad and the new flame unit could use the heresy era name of support squad, have it be the entire unit picks one of the weapon options as an example, whilst intercessors and tacticals could become a tactical intercessors squad and assault intercessors and assault marines could become assault intercessors - following a similar pattern to terminators which would remain tactical terminators and assault terminators etc)


also “most players” don’t want to play historical, we don’t know what “most players” want to play. I suspect “most players” just want to play the game and actually don’t care about most of the drama honestly.

Edited by Blindhamster
“Most players”
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1 hour ago, Halandaar said:

This could be just an update to the Assault Intercessors datasheet, much the same as Assault Squads and Vanguard Veterans are on foot as standard with the Jump Packs being 

GW lists the deathwing kit as three sepperate entries on their site. We already have an assault intercessor kit. There are no jum packs in it. Highly doubt a new jump assault variant would welded into the existing sheet

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1 hour ago, Marshal Reinhard said:

GW lists the deathwing kit as three sepperate entries on their site. 


Okay? They list every kit that builds multiple units as multiple separate listings on the webstore. See Incursors and Infiltrators being two webstore listings for the same kit, as just one example. Not sure how the webstore listings are relevant though.


1 hour ago, Marshal Reinhard said:

We already have an assault intercessor kit. There are no jum packs in it. Highly doubt a new jump assault variant would welded into the existing sheet


We also already had a Chaos Space Marines kit which had no Heavy Chainaxe or Balefire Tome in it. That got an upgrade sprue, rebranded as Legionaries and an updated datasheet to include the additional options. Same for Tau Pathfinders.


It's not inconceivable that they do a sprue of Jump Packs, bundle it with reboxed Assault Intercessors and update the datasheet. I don't think it's likely (why would they do that when they can sell us all-new Primaris Assault Jumpinators?), but it is possible.

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1 hour ago, Halandaar said:


Okay? They list every kit that builds multiple units as multiple separate listings on the webstore. See Incursors and Infiltrators being two webstore listings for the same kit, as just one example. Not sure how the webstore listings are relevant though.

I'm saying the company that lists its own kit 3 sepperate times in both codex and on their own page is somewhat unlikely to take 2 sepperate kits and present them as a single datasheet. Especially when one of the kits then won't come with the jump kit and the other newer one will. 


1 hour ago, Halandaar said:

We also already had a Chaos Space Marines kit which had no Heavy Chainaxe or Balefire Tome in it. That got an upgrade sprue, rebranded as Legionaries and an updated datasheet to include the additional options. Same for Tau Pathfinders.


It's not inconceivable that they do a sprue of Jump Packs, bundle it with reboxed Assault Intercessors and update the datasheet. I don't think it's likely (why would they do that when they can sell us all-new Primaris Assault Jumpinators?), but it is possible.

If the look of titus from SM II is anything to go by, there's more differences between the bodies of regular assault intercessor and a new presumed jump variant. They got extra thrusters on the legs for one. It's therefor highly unlikely to be an upgrade sprue for the existing assault intercessor, but a new kit wholesale, making it very unlikely they'll be on the same datasheet again.

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33 minutes ago, Khornestar said:

Sorry if it was touched on already, has there been any discussion of the possibility that the veteran unit is the jump pack unit, like vanguard vets?


Not in valraks rumor, I think he explicitely said no jump pack in the box or launch in the video, but that those are coming later (but that was theorising I think).


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On 3/2/2023 at 5:30 PM, Marshal Reinhard said:

If the look of titus from SM II is anything to go by, there's more differences between the bodies of regular assault intercessor and a new presumed jump variant. They got extra thrusters on the legs for one


GW hasn't stuck with a single unified jump pack variant since the release of primaris (inceptors, shrike, suppressors), so it's fully possible that a new ASM unit with packs might be in standard Mk.X without the leg vents. Or that leg vents might be an additional attachment within the new jump pack frame. 

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I generally feel like much of the Primaris line is created to fill certain niches in the Marine factions. Assault Intercessors were dressed up as choices for everyone, but really they were created for Black Templars who I believe essentially are done as far as unique units being transfered to Primaris. (correct me if I'm wrong)


On that basis, it'll be a Blood Angels wave that sees a Jump Pack Primaris release. Likely new Dante, probably Corbulo (hopefully NOT Tycho) and then Jump Packs that would be used for Death Company if painted black, so a double whammy for them.


Could be wrong, but that's what I see happening in the future.

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7 minutes ago, Xenith said:


GW hasn't stuck with a single unified jump pack variant since the release of primaris (inceptors, shrike, suppressors), so it's fully possible that a new ASM unit with packs might be in standard Mk.X without the leg vents. Or that leg vents might be an additional attachment within the new jump pack frame. 

With the modular nature of Mk.X, I can see the lore being that the leg thrusters are simply added on, or swapped with another armor plate. That said, there's not a chance in hell that'll be the case with an actual kit. It'll be wholesale new bodies with the thrusters on. Them designing little thrusters bits that could be slapped on any kits old legs? Too fiddly/might not work with some poses. I just don't see that happening. 


That they simply handwave them away, and don't have thrusters on the legs and just stick with plain legs... well I guess I can entertain the notion that's a hypothetical possibility?

Edited by Marshal Reinhard
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Yea, in fluff they would just be attached. One of the hallmarks of the primaris range is the modularity (c.f. intercessor, incursor/infiltrator/hellblaster guns), and GW have produced minor upgrade kits for existing units already, like the incursors. It might be an easy win for them to add small leg vents to marry the two styles together, however as we've seen, the Titus jump pack in space marine 2 doesn't look like the one the Suppressors or Shrike has, so they could just go in a different direction entirely. 

1 minute ago, Jukkiz said:

you mean to tell me that THIS is too hard to do with primaris? 

Screenshot 2023-03-06 at 12-55-19 710x528_34689405_18210515_1620049275_1_0.avif (AVIF-kuva 710 × 528 kuvapistettä).png


Yea, that. Easy peasy. 

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Hard to do? No. Not at all. But we're not talking about the feasibility of converting that.


We're talking about the probability of GW designing an upgrade sprue with such bits, designed to just go on to any leg. With no cutting involved at that (seriously, try imagining the instruction manual telling you to cut off a piece that's not just taking it off the sprue....)

vs. them designing another set of 1x5 primaris bodies with said thrusters on the legs from the get go.


Which do you honestly think they're going with?

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The other problem is that GW seems pot committed to the stupid flight stands with their jump infantry. Aside from the Primaris, the recent AdMech and Sisters jump squads have them, the Forge World jump Custodes have them, even the Votann haven't been completely spared. And Shrike doesn't exactly work as a counter example since he was a single named character model that they obviously wanted to do something special for, but even he effectively just got a plastic base of appropriate height to stand on. I doubt GW would commit to that much extra plastic for a full squad. And unfortunately, I don't see them reversing course at this point in the Primaris range.

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2 hours ago, Lord Nord said:

The other problem is that GW seems pot committed to the stupid flight stands with their jump infantry. Aside from the Primaris, the recent AdMech and Sisters jump squads have them, the Forge World jump Custodes have them, even the Votann haven't been completely spared. And Shrike doesn't exactly work as a counter example since he was a single named character model that they obviously wanted to do something special for, but even he effectively just got a plastic base of appropriate height to stand on. I doubt GW would commit to that much extra plastic for a full squad. And unfortunately, I don't see them reversing course at this point in the Primaris range.

Quite like the concept of the flying stands. On paper. Then the damn thing snapped. That was a dozen "snaps" ago.:wallbash:

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I like the old style of jump Pack troops - they're on the ground.


Easier to store, transport and more stable on the table.


And you know it's true because that rhymed.

Edited by Captain Idaho
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I guess since the weekend reveals it needs to be addressed that Valrak again is 100% on rumours regarding the Farsight book and that Farsight and Snikrot are both coming in boarding patrols so it stands to reason that his 10th edition box set rumour [+ The Lion] is more than likely 100% accurate 


Upscaled sculpts of Indomitus Terminators


Librarian [Terminator] 

Primaris Veterans [Ranged] 

Ranged Dreadnought Variant [Unspecified Chassis or Class] 

No assault Intercessors 

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16 hours ago, WARMASTER_ said:

I guess since the weekend reveals it needs to be addressed that Valrak again is 100% on rumours regarding the Farsight book and that Farsight and Snikrot are both coming in boarding patrols so it stands to reason that his 10th edition box set rumour [+ The Lion] is more than likely 100% accurate 


Upscaled sculpts of Indomitus Terminators

Librarian [Terminator] 

Primaris Veterans [Ranged] 

Ranged Dreadnought Variant [Unspecified Chassis or Class] 

No assault Intercessors 

Was the scout squad also part of this batch of rumours? It's difficult to keep track of everything at this point, there's so much. 


Personally, something Valrak said makes sense to me; the jump assault and jump character vs Tyranids in the Autumn to coincide with SMII release makes a lot of sense to me. I just hope they wait a while before updating the codexies. I don't want to be on indecies for a short period before having them be watse paper and I also don't want a Space Marine  that has units (jump units) out side of it potentially for a couple years. I think the way they handled Sapce Marine releases and codex drop at the beginning of 9th was good. 

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4 hours ago, ChapterMasterGodfrey said:

Was the scout squad also part of this batch of rumours? It's difficult to keep track of everything at this point, there's so much. 


I don’t believe the scouts were mentioned for the box but I think he’s mentioned they’re on the way 


But yeh very confusing keeping up 

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