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Speculation on the Horus Heresy Road Map?

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1 hour ago, Corswain said:

I think mystery release will be admech/dark mech but I would really like to see an extended, undivided ruinstorm Daemon army in plastic. Useable in 3 game systems with new codex/army book releases.


I on the other hand think that that would be awful because it would mean that we get those boring 4 standard god models and flavors. 

The biggest feat of the 1ed armylist was it's versatility and open nature. Demonplayers could basically follow the schematics of 40k or do their own thing which was great.

Generic unit entries eith generic sounding names I would prefer. 

1 hour ago, Corswain said:


Sisters would be awesome too.

Honestly happy with anything though. 


Yup they need models but they were ask in the Q&A and said that the new army will be a new army and not one we already have.

1 hour ago, Corswain said:

For the Primarch I'm callin Khan on bike too. Because awesome.

They specifically ask and Khan got denied.

I say Lorgar because he has two rulesets and there would need two models.

(I know that this applies to the Khan as well, but since they already denied I go by Lorgar)

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Now that I think about it, Ruinstorm are getting their PDF in Summer. Those CAD images of the Winged Ruinstorm Brutes never actually saw a release so maybe it's something Daemonic, if not the Brutes specifically. 


Although my money is still on SoS.


Edited by Lord Marshal
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I'm still annoyed by the Khan on bike thing. The reason why jaghatai was taking such a long time originally was because Simon egan was sculpting both. Maybe he needed more time for the bike, maybe it got delayed by chaos Horus and this other new primarch, and maybe they just froze it in "optimal filler release land".


The latter two options are really annoying, because in both editions he's kinda terrible without the bike, and scars are kinda terrible in 2nd without a very specific build.

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Didn't see any Q&A but it seems to have squashed all of my theories. :laugh:


Even more interested in what the mystery army is. Just not sure what they would do that would fit the setting. They could always go totally wild and do something like a Cabal force or Rogue Traders, I suppose. Big ol' universe to play around in.

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The fact it’s a completely new army has me leaning way more towards Dark Mech then! It’s cross compatible with 40k and Vashtorr has just come out which seemed to herald a new faction

Edited by WARMASTER_
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It could be knight errants / malcador agents …


Trying to think of a faction in the settings that would be totally new and not much come to mind… 


Mechanicum is done and Dark Mech would not really be a new army. Same for demons. 

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53 minutes ago, Sparika said:

It could be knight errants / malcador agents …


Trying to think of a faction in the settings that would be totally new and not much come to mind… 


Mechanicum is done and Dark Mech would not really be a new army. Same for demons. 

They said it isn't space Marines.

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10 hours ago, SkimaskMohawk said:

I'm still annoyed by the Khan on bike thing. The reason why jaghatai was taking such a long time originally was because Simon egan was sculpting both. Maybe he needed more time for the bike, maybe it got delayed by chaos Horus and this other new primarch, and maybe they just froze it in "optimal filler release land".


The latter two options are really annoying, because in both editions he's kinda terrible without the bike, and scars are kinda terrible in 2nd without a very specific build.


yep, same. Only silver lining? Gives me another 5 years to increase my painting game, lol

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13 hours ago, Brofist said:


yep, same. Only silver lining? Gives me another 5 years to increase my painting game, lol


It lets me amass money and lose available space to collect a scars army like I've wanted to for a long time. And maybe they'll even buff them with a faq by them lol.

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12 hours ago, Sparika said:

It could be knight errants / malcador agents …


Trying to think of a faction in the settings that would be totally new and not much come to mind… 


Mechanicum is done and Dark Mech would not really be a new army. Same for demons. 

Totally new doesn't quite fit the pseudo-historical. Would be weird for them to add something new without shoring up the existing factions, plastic Mechanicum/Talons/etc.

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Something people seem to have missed- in the 40k 10th Ed codex roadmap, no mention of an Imperial Armour book as far as I could tell. So, some of the HH plastic kits may be in the base codexes, can also be added via campaign books as "new" units. Would explain why HH is front loading tanks and LoW in a new ruleset that is an infantry focused game, to cross sell to 40k players.  

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The resin characters and upgrades I'm told are the tank commanders, LoW's are probably the cerastus and the retooled marine tanks - again, someone told me that they said the other cerastus variants will depend on the reception to the cerastus.


Crazy that we're going to be waiting a year from this point, almost 2 years after the games release, to get a command squad. They're easily converted, but it's mad. 

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The Marines can take Thallax and other robots.


So can regular Mechanicium 


In the article about the SoH guy trying to liberate Cthonia, he has Titans and Dark Mechanicium allies.


The 40k Admech book comes out the same time as the new army, and they did say every codex would come with models.


I think its going to be Dark Mechanicium, and the plastics will include robots that both Dark Mech and Admech and 40k Admech can use, including the Thallax, Vorax and Castallax  that 30k legions can use. 


This is my current prediction for the mystery army. 

Edited by Marshal Mittens
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Skitarii / 40k admech is my guess


They're a line that is already in plastic and the majority of the units save the newer ones have been mentioned in a number of books and use the same weaponry.


Presumably the next black book will also come out alongside the mk3 and Dreadnought as well

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Realistically regarding Dark Mechanicum though, how different would they really be during the heresy? Daemon engines probably wouldn't be much of a thing yet?


At most I see 30k Dark Mech as mostly using the Liber Mechanicum army list but with variant army wide rules, such as access to the corrupted type, a unique cyberthurgy arcana focused on scrapcode, closer allies with daemons of the ruinstorm, variant automata rules representing stuff bordering AI but still uses the same base models, and maybe a unit of cultists or slave servitors as a unique troops choice. 


Essentially the Word Bearers-esqe faction of the liber Mechanicum still generally using the same army list.

Edited by Armillion
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1 hour ago, Gorgoff said:

I would love to add some Skitarii to my armies but Dark mechanicum cross compatible to 40k sounds like toylike jump over the shark miniatures we see in 40k and I don't like that in general.


Can I ask what are the "toylike jump over the shark miniatures we see in 40k"? You mean the daemon engines? 

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Im quite interested in the teams ideas about the Dark mechanicum, its a lot more than just daemon engines or even traitor restricted, its the Mechanicum at its height with the brakes taken off. Which is why it will make a great army list in the vein of cults and militia and ruinstorm without model releases and i think be sadly limited if they try to base it around one or two plastic kits and a bit of resin support.

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23 minutes ago, Petitioner's City said:


Can I ask what are the "toylike jump over the shark miniatures we see in 40k"? You mean the daemon engines? 


For example.

The whole Death Guard range is another. They look like a bunch of dtinky looney toons and not like marines. My fear is that they go overboard on the fleshy bitz, proportions and the comic style. 

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13 minutes ago, Gorgoff said:


For example.

The whole Death Guard range is another. They look like a bunch of dtinky looney toons and not like marines. My fear is that they go overboard on the fleshy bitz, proportions and the comic style. 


Thank you for answering and i get what you mean with the Shadowspear minis. It's funny as the rest of Shadowspear was so much better. Anyway, regarding the venomcrawler, or the later nasty man on scorpion thing, yeah I am not a fan of them - but then, heresy provided comparable beasties in the form of Scoria - a much superior, but still "cartoony", miniature that is dignified by a much better paint job than that given to the Shadowspear miniatures. And I do agree on the obliterators, they are such disappointments. I think as a concept all of the iterations just haven't served it well, going back to 1999. 


But overall i really love the chaotic Realms of Chaos feel of the DG range, and that madness is part of the heresy - this is what people are falling too, increasingly, until the full climactic explosion of chaos unbound at Terra - that utter corruption of the legion that has been central to their narrative since Lost and the Damned. The flat and bright nature of studio paint really doesn't do Death Guard any benefit (just as this doesn't do many heresy minis much benefit), but when you see what Maxime Pastourel did with Death Guard prior to sculpting the new line, you can see that a fleshy chaotic approach can feel 100% a piece with a "heresy" style.


But also, as I said, that fleshy-madness corruption goes back to The Lost and the Damned and its comedic-cum-depressing representation of Nurgle and the Death Guard. LatD tells us that following their corruption in the warp "their appearance changed into the disgusting form they still bear today. Now the once tall and erect Space Marines of the Death Guard are the Plague Marines of Nurgle. Their flesh bubbles with corruption, their innards spill through lesions in their putrid skin, and their bodies ooze with stick slime" (p. 256). Later, this is emphasized again: "The Death Guard Space Marines have now mutated to a degree where there corpulent and repulsive forms are hardly recognisable as human." Similarly, the descriptions of Codex Chaos in 1996 seem well-served by the fleshy excess of Pastourel's work: "Plague Marines are hideous and nauseating to behold. They swollen, decaying flesh is barely contained by their corrdoed, slime-encrusted armour. Such human carrion barely feels pain any longer [...]". Overall, it's hard to argue that those ugly bulbous death guard marines really capture the representation of plague marines and death guard going back decades? 


Anyway, thanks for explaining; overall i think the studio isn't cartoony - but there are some miniatures which just don't work, and you are right, the obliterators (and several of the daemon engines) really don't :) 

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