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I’ll admit I wanted to enter my results so my 9 year old son could have felt like he contributed to the whole situation. 

it’s just a shame it was over so quickly, we’ve only got the marines and half the tyranids built so far, no paint yet which kind of spoils the participation factor for my boy.

Would have preferred they did 2 things - contribute to the story - open for 1/1.5 months

Enter competition as a separate thing, I wasn’t even bothered about that side of it. 

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Pretty much every GW contest has had a secondary point of entry, if someone can't take the time to read warcom until the end where that is mentioned or the fineprint that's on them and no skin off my nose.


Not even going to touch the complaining about a mere 150 words in todays age of AI, like that's shorter than the max characters of a post on the bird app 

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10 minutes ago, Darnok said:

At a time when text-generating AIs exist it is mighty trivial to "write an essay" on pretty much anything and of any given length.


Fun fact, it's always been trivial to write an essay on anything of any given length. No one has ever read an essay before. They grade the first paragraph and move on.

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53 minutes ago, Marshal Reinhard said:

Defense? You seem to be reading me wrong here. First off, it's a matter of fact. There's a lot of people who will not enter the raffle on account of not knowing they could've even without buying leviathan. I'm not making any normative statements about this. They exist. A lot of people will think the only way to enter will be to "play a game" and report who won, and among them, a bunch will shorthand it to stating a winner.


Also it will be someone's first contest. A lot of someones. Maybe not anyone on here. But out there, certainly.


Lol I'm not reading you wrong, dude, we just don't see eye to eye on this, and that's okay!

"There's a lot of people" who don't even know about the raffle; do we then wait for everyone to hear about it first?  No, they put out the info and if people bite, they bite.  It's not GW's responsibility to teach everyone how sweepstakes work, nor should there be the expectation of them to do so.

The only actual complaint that makes any sense to me about this "event" is that it didn't run long enough.  That I can agree with.  The rest is just the standard "GW DOES EVERYTHING BAD" complaining we get all the time.

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1 hour ago, DemonGSides said:


Lol I'm not reading you wrong, dude, we just don't see eye to eye on this, and that's okay!

"There's a lot of people" who don't even know about the raffle; do we then wait for everyone to hear about it first?  No, they put out the info and if people bite, they bite.  It's not GW's responsibility to teach everyone how sweepstakes work, nor should there be the expectation of them to do so.

The only actual complaint that makes any sense to me about this "event" is that it didn't run long enough.  That I can agree with.  The rest is just the standard "GW DOES EVERYTHING BAD" complaining we get all the time.

No I definately think you are.


My dog in this discussion boils down to: people will enter the raffle through just picking a side. This will skew the results. Raw numbers of players pretty much dictates that space marines will land slide this campaign as a result. The fact that they aren't according to the GW updates means I don't really think said updates are truthful.


It has nothing to do about complaining (unless you wanna say me doubting the results of the updates is a complaint, then touché fine), being defensive, excusing anyone's behaviour or putting blame anywhere. It's just a matter of fact that that the entry time for event is short, it is dubious how well known the other method of entry (again, doesn't matter wether they should or shouldn't know about it, fact is a lot won't) is and expecting people to sit the competition out because they can't manage to schedule a game is a fool's errand when they can just "yeah, that side won, I'm now in the race".


 I did give suggestions on how it could have been handled differently to give a more genuine results, given the fact that people will act like above.

Edited by Marshal Reinhard
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5 minutes ago, Marshal Reinhard said:

No I definately think you are.


My dog in this discussion boils down to: people will enter the raffle through just picking a side. This will skew the results. Raw numbers of players pretty much dictates that space marines will land slide this campaign as a result. The fact that they aren't according to the GW updates means I don't really think said updates are truthful.


It has nothing to do about complaining (unless you wanna say me doubting the results of the updates is a complaint, then touché fine), being defensive, excusing anyone's behaviour or putting blame anywhere. It's just a matter of fact that that the entry time for event is short, it is dubious how well known the other method of entry (again, doesn't matter wether they should or shouldn't know about it, fact is a lot won't) is and expecting people to sit the competition out because they can't manage to schedule a game is a fool's errand when they can just "yeah, that side won, I'm now in the race".


 I did give suggestions on how it could have been handled differently to give a more genuine results, given the fact that people will act like above.


We disagree.  I don't think people are too stupid to understand how to enter a sweepstakes.  I don't think this sweepstakes is anyone's first sweepstakes, considering we're talking about a hobby that is relatively expensive and niche, and the sweepstakes is based around a product that I have been told, repeatedly, is not aimed at new players (How true that is I dispute, but I'm not getting into that argument again).  I don't think anyone had the expectation of sitting out the competition if they didn't get a game in, considering all communication around the competition was "Hey just try your best to get a game, but if you want to enter, enter." and the barrier to entry was literally "Say something nice about these toy soldiers."

Your expectations of how others act doesn't really matter.  You talk about truths, but the truth is, it was an extremely easy to enter competition that barred no one, and if you didn't know that, that's on you (royal you).  There's only so much spoon feeding that can be done.

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4 minutes ago, DemonGSides said:


We disagree.  I don't think people are too stupid to understand how to enter a sweepstakes.  I don't think this sweepstakes is anyone's first sweepstakes, considering we're talking about a hobby that is relatively expensive and niche, and the sweepstakes is based around a product that I have been told, repeatedly, is not aimed at new players (How true that is I dispute, but I'm not getting into that argument again).  I don't think anyone had the expectation of sitting out the competition if they didn't get a game in, considering all communication around the competition was "Hey just try your best to get a game, but if you want to enter, enter." and the barrier to entry was literally "Say something nice about these toy soldiers."

Your expectations of how others act doesn't really matter.  You talk about truths, but the truth is, it was an extremely easy to enter competition that barred no one, and if you didn't know that, that's on you (royal you).  There's only so much spoon feeding that can be done.


You seem to be using Marshal Reinhard's posts as a proxy to argue with someone else.


Not to put words in people's mouths, but pretty sure all he is saying is it is likely that people just used their code to enter the sweepstakes with their favorite faction, which is probably Space Marines, and then carried on with their lives.

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48 minutes ago, phandaal said:


You seem to be using Marshal Reinhard's posts as a proxy to argue with someone else.


Not to put words in people's mouths, but pretty sure all he is saying is it is likely that people just used their code to enter the sweepstakes with their favorite faction, which is probably Space Marines, and then carried on with their lives.


I think I made an argument, and Marshal Reinhard wanted to argue something else.  That the goal posts have been shifted multiple times since then, well, that's hardly my fault.


44 minutes ago, Marshal Reinhard said:

Certainly we do disagree, I for one don't think that's a fair characterization of my argument.


Because I didn't argue that Space Marines shouldn't be higher, I argued that those entries don't ultimately matter because EVERYONE had EQUAL chances of entering.  You then said no they didn't, people don't know about AMOE.  I don't think that's true.

So that's where we are at as far as I'm concerned; I think people are not ignorant to AMOE, and you're projecting your own feelings on it to people as a whole.  Sweepstakes have been regulated in America for over 20 years, it's nothing new.  It's been regulated over in the UK for a similar period of time.  I don't think there's any incentive for GW to lie about the numbers, because the numbers mean, literally, nothing.

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You made an argument, and I added a modifier. You said everyone who cared about this sweepstake would enter through the alternate entry method, to which I said that this could only be a true statement for those participants aware of said alternate entry, which you seem to want to assume is everyone. There will in fact be a statistically significant portion who aren't. Which is where my sole interest has lain this entire time, the statistical reality that effects the other half of the event "the planetary competiton".


I'm utterly uninterested in the sweepstake or any regulation pertaining to it anywhere in the world, save that participating in the sweepstake will affect the planetary competition. There's a large number of reasons why the results will be skewed by people entering just for the sweepstake beyond "they're too stupid to figure it out". As for GW not having incentive to lie about the numbers, well drumming up interest would be one potential one. I'm sure you could come up with more.


If someone moved the goalpost, it wasn't me.

Edited by Marshal Reinhard
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4 hours ago, DemonGSides said:

The entire proposition was that someone wanted to enter the contest and did not have enough time/motivation/ability/product to do so with the Leviathan box.  I understand you're not reading what other people are writing, but that doesn't automatically make you correct.


68 words to complain about 150 words.  Yikes.


Ignorance is not a defense.  Sorry.  This isn't anyone's first contest, and legally, there has to be a way to enter a contest without paying any money as an alternate means of entry.

Unnecessary. Maybe you aren’t reading what I’m writing?


3 hours ago, Rik Lightstar said:


This response is almost 50% of the required "essay" acting like it's somehow onerous is frankly laughable.


You could have written 81 more words and entered.



Yeah, maybe so. I agree 150 words isn’t onerous - but “writing an essay” is.


Especially when the “standard”, “normal, “default”, whatever you will, method of entry is to enter a 9 digit code into a web browser, and submit a couple of clicks.


I - like I would assume many of us - left school and full time education years ago. Justify to me why I should complete an academic exercise in order to enter a competition. I’m not complaining about the word count itself - just the very fact that I would need to complete something with a word count, because I spent £150 that wasn’t delivered in a timely manner.

Shipping issues from GW - not Royal Mail - left several of us without the pre-ordered product on launch day. In my case (and several others), with 1/3 less time to complete the entry criteria.


Yes, yes, yes, I’m over the 150 words. I do see the humour in this. Genuinely. But I don’t appreciate being told I’m not reading the opposing point of view correctly. That’s a bit much, if truth be told. There’s no correct opinion, but there’s insulting others for having a different point of view…


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It's a bit of fun to boost customer engagement and maybe harvest a few new email addresses for the marketing team. The result, whether through battles fought or just picking one faction for any number of reasons, doesn't really matter.


I'm going to step away before I realise I could have spent this time writing about how tyranids are great and entered the draw.

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Yeah i could write a small essay, or i could not? GW* me this nice code to dodge that bit. I was moderately tempted to do a second entry via the essay but then my neurodivergence said "Lets go ride bikes in Seven days to die!" so i did that instead.

*Well, the person who sorted me out with the marines did anyway :D 

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2 hours ago, Sky Potato said:

Unnecessary. Maybe you aren’t reading what I’m writing?


Yeah, maybe so. I agree 150 words isn’t onerous - but “writing an essay” is.


Especially when the “standard”, “normal, “default”, whatever you will, method of entry is to enter a 9 digit code into a web browser, and submit a couple of clicks.


I - like I would assume many of us - left school and full time education years ago. Justify to me why I should complete an academic exercise in order to enter a competition. I’m not complaining about the word count itself - just the very fact that I would need to complete something with a word count, because I spent £150 that wasn’t delivered in a timely manner.

Shipping issues from GW - not Royal Mail - left several of us without the pre-ordered product on launch day. In my case (and several others), with 1/3 less time to complete the entry criteria.


Yes, yes, yes, I’m over the 150 words. I do see the humour in this. Genuinely. But I don’t appreciate being told I’m not reading the opposing point of view correctly. That’s a bit much, if truth be told. There’s no correct opinion, but there’s insulting others for having a different point of view…


As the essay entry route is to furfil the 'no purchase necessary' legal requirement, I don't quite understand why you think you need to do it if you purchased the box.  The whole point of the essay is to allow those without a code enter.  As you presumably have a code (apologies if you don't and I've mis-understood), all you need to do is log in and vote.


This isn't meant to be a dig, I'm just a bit confused.

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8 hours ago, DemonGSides said:

Alright let's just stop talking about it.


=][= Agreed, to everyone involved in things getting heated. =][=


So do we think enough marines entered at the last minute to swing it back?


I'm honestly surprised at how close they claimed it to be, at 1500 votes. I'd have thought it would swing way more towards marines.  

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47 minutes ago, Xenith said:



=][= Agreed, to everyone involved in things getting heated. =][=


So do we think enough marines entered at the last minute to swing it back?


I'm honestly surprised at how close they claimed it to be, at 1500 votes. I'd have thought it would swing way more towards marines.  

The marine burnout is real for a lot of people though, including marine players. Seeing something totally new and different might be more appealing to just primaris with jump packs at this point.


With some degree of accuracy we can likely work out what the marine preview contains, none of it is revolutionary or exciting though unless they drop some odd curve balls in.

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11 hours ago, Noserenda said:

I was moderately tempted to do a second entry via the essay but then my neurodivergence said "Lets go ride bikes in Seven days to die!" so i did that instead.

The terms and conditions say that if you attempt to enter more than once then all your entries will be disqualified. So it is good you resisted the moderate temptation.

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1 hour ago, Xenith said:


So do we think enough marines entered at the last minute to swing it back?



I can imagine enough Xenos and Chaos players, and contrarians, probably muddied the results that the Marines would end up losing lol

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People I have spoken too, even Marine players, are more interested in seeing the Nid stuff first.

As mentioned above, I don't really see what could "surprise" us about the next wave of Codex-Compliant Marines.


Either way, I can imagine there will be some proper howling and screaming on GW's Social Media on Saturday.

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