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Yeah mephy actually also only has 5++. He absolutely isn’t durable enough to be alone.


He absolutely should have had the lone operative rule as an option when not leading a squad though, in the lore he is noted as making even his own battle brothers uncomfortable and for typically working alone

I think there's a lot to look forward to with these rules. Some really fun looking combinations, and the new "take what you want" method of army building really opens things up. I'm actually kind of stoked to play my BA in 10th after shelving the army for most of 8th and all of 9th. Sort of funky that I now have five Predators since Sternguard can't ride in Razorbacks anymore but ah well. I have Drop Pods and Stormravens for transport.


Can not wait to drop the Sanguinor straight into combat from the sky. That is one of the coolest and most fitting abilities, and I hope it sticks around even if it's not something that pans out every match.

  On 6/14/2023 at 2:09 PM, Inquisitor_Lensoven said:

So what?

if I :cuss:ing love the new RAS how is that different than if I fricking love the new RAS?/

‘naughty’ words is the stupidest thing in :cuss:ing world to cry about



We facilitate a space that is considered accessible and appropriate for all ages of players and members. 

As as result, we restrict linking to content that doesn't meet these standards. 


These are our forum rules, and always have been. 


If you don't like it, you're more than welcome to cry about it elsewhere. Not here. 

Also, please see forum rules about swear dodging and associated warnings as a result. 

  On 6/14/2023 at 1:56 PM, Jolemai said:



There is swearing on some of his videos and linking/embedding them is against the forum rules. So if it's clean, then his review can be shared here - I simply haven't seen it yet.



lol I didn't notice it? I guess painting and listening sorta short changes the latter? Tonight I listened to it and paid attention to swearing ... yeah you're right. I'd like to think we're  all adults here on B&C, but I understand the board rule and it's a better place for it. Carry on.

Curious to see the point difference between a Furioso and DC Dread. The DC dread is IMHO a straight upgrade. The MW generation for the Furioso is nice and all, but 2" faster, full re-rolls, 6+++, shot and fight back is just so so good. Weapon choice is also nearly the same bar the frag cannon. But the cannon needs to be in 9" to get it's full potential which is not that easy on a M-6 model. Maybe drop him from a stormraven in the middle of the fight and hope for the best? Oh, and about the chaplain babysitting: I usually don't expect my CC murder boxes to capture objectives. Could be useful from time to time, but won't matter that often I guess. What do you think? 

Nah, I see a DC Dread storming off and doing its own thing. Maybe every once in a while snagging and Objective will be better for your gameplan than killing stuff but on the whole, I see the DC dread as wrecking ball you smash into anything that needs to die.

I'm really struggling to find a reason find a reason to play my jump librarian when a jump SP exists. They attach to the same squad types, both provide -1 to AP, and while the librarian provides a 4+++ against psychic attacks, the SG provides a 5+++ against everything!


The librarian is a better combatant in its own right by a fair bit, but you can attach the SP to a squad alongside a captain, lieutenant (if they ever being back jump lieutenants), and Dante (if you ever decide to not run him with SG for some unknowable reason...). 

I think a lot of the restrictions for leaders are also because of what they have in the pipeline for releases.  We're going to get Primaris Vanguard Veterans, we're probably going to get Primaris Jump Intercessors, and we're probably going to get Primaris Sanguinary Guard and Sanguinary Priests at some point.  It will be interesting to see what kind of units we can make once they've all been released.

  On 6/15/2023 at 2:19 PM, Paladin777 said:

I'm really struggling to find a reason find a reason to play my jump librarian when a jump SP exists. They attach to the same squad types, both provide -1 to AP, and while the librarian provides a 4+++ against psychic attacks, the SG provides a 5+++ against everything!


The librarian is a better combatant in its own right by a fair bit, but you can attach the SP to a squad alongside a captain, lieutenant (if they ever being back jump lieutenants), and Dante (if you ever decide to not run him with SG for some unknowable reason...). 



you might want to read librarian abilities again. its 4+ invun save. 

  On 6/16/2023 at 1:56 AM, Havokas said:


you might want to read librarian abilities again. its 4+ invun save. 


You're thinking about the librarian on foot. The Jump Librarian has Might of Heroes. 


Edited by Paladin777

On thing I’ll be interested in when the points come out: is it worth supper buffing already good units or do BA cc buffs make regular units a good alternative so we can save points?


An (imperfect) example - +1 str on astrates chainsword makes it similar to a heirloom weapon.

At this point it's dangerous to build anything else than what the box and instruction offers you. And even that's not save. See sternguard or vanguard. Unit sizes shifting around is another thing :down:. I mean, I'm in a very save situation having large collections and generally don't take max multiples of units so I can compensate, but it's bothersome.

  On 6/16/2023 at 8:24 AM, Pathstrider said:

On thing I’ll be interested in when the points come out: is it worth supper buffing already good units or do BA cc buffs make regular units a good alternative so we can save points?


An (imperfect) example - +1 str on astrates chainsword makes it similar to a heirloom weapon.



It is a good question. We have Assaulst Squads and  Van Vets occupying a much closer design space than they used to.  Is S5 on the charge good enough or do you need it continuously with S6 on the charge? Van Vets with a Jump SP are S6 Ap-2 on the charge which is pretty tasty. Add Red Rampage and they gain Lance and Lethal Hits which is potentially a pretty powerful combo. Chuck in a few Storm Shields for 4++s to tank heavy hits and they also have a 5+++ FNP from the Priest.


Different from 9th edition for sure but potentially quite a blender unit and tanky with it. Then let your Death Company carry the heavy melee weapons. I can definitely see mileage in that approach if the points are right.

  On 6/16/2023 at 10:18 AM, Jolemai said:

Ten man Tactical Squads (for me anyway) is going to take some getting used to again...


I was planning on making 2x 5 man units for my 3rd Company project, but since I would never field a ten man tac squad, I'm thinking I'm going to not... it almost has me considering leaving the project at a Demi-company... either that or painting the helmets on my assault intercessors red and calling them battleline from here on out, like their keywords suggest!

Thinking RAS w/JPs led by chappy.


charge an enemy melee hard hitter, get some MWs. Enter the fight phase and some more mortal wounds. Then use the fall back/charge doctrine next turn.

Then repeat.


Or simply fall back and bait them to charge you and hit them with 2 flamers of overwatch 

Edited by Inquisitor_Lensoven

Dang, SG are 43 points a model! VV are 26, with wargear included. I think VV certainly have a place still!


And to answer my question about using a jump librarian vs a SP, the priest is 120 points and the librarian is 75! That's quite a difference!


regular terminators are 42, and relic/assault terminators are 40. 

Edited by Paladin777
  On 6/16/2023 at 1:48 PM, Paladin777 said:

Dang, SG are 43 points a model! VV are 26, with wargear included. I think VV certainly have a place still!


And to answer my question about using a jump librarian vs a SP, the priest is 120 points and the librarian is 75! That's quite a difference!



it’s not showing up on the war com site for me


found it else where

Edited by Inquisitor_Lensoven
  On 6/16/2023 at 1:48 PM, Paladin777 said:

Dang, SG are 43 points a model! VV are 26, with wargear included. I think VV certainly have a place still!


And to answer my question about using a jump librarian vs a SP, the priest is 120 points and the librarian is 75! That's quite a difference!


regular terminators are 42, and relic/assault terminators are 40. 


Plus, if I'm reading this right, VV can all have storm shields and there's no cost difference?


Edit: Is it the banner that's doing it, I wonder?



Edited by Pathstrider

For RAS, if you equip a marine with a flamer, plasma, or melta gun, the gun replaces the chainsword + pistol. Does that mean the marine would lose his close combat attacks since the attack profile is tied to the chainsword specifically instead of the marine's own profile? 

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