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=] Call to Arms: Chaos Stronghold [=

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I am not dead, I promise.  I am just working on my massive Xenos and Imperial vows first.  I hope to make a start on Chaos guys soon.  And, time depending, I may even attempt a Master of the Forge entry with converting Typhus into Cepio, the leader of my DIY Death Guard, the Angels of Decay.

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6 hours ago, Grotsmasha said:

Try using multiple tabs, and "copy" "paste" the image into your signature, this method works for me :thumbsup:

Hey, I tried to send you a PM but it says you can't receive private messages.  I just wanted to ask about swapping the models out from previous page in this thread.

Edited by crimsondave
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8 hours ago, Cpt.Danjou said:

@Dr_RuminahuiI assume you mean @crimsondave and not me, cause I am not painting any Sorc and have not painted any Leviathan.  :)


Indeed I did - sorry about that.  I've fixed it and have commented on your actual work.  Thanks for the correction.

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10 hours ago, Dr_Ruminahui said:

Got my first squad of possesseds based, so they are now completely done.




If you are so enclined, you can see individual photos of the models here.


Other than that, I disappointingly don't have much to report on my end - all of my vowed models now have at least their armour colours blocked in, and I'm plugging away at Lucius, but didn't get him finished like I hoped.  Need to pick things up if I'm going to finish my vow on time.


@Plaguecaster - Your Greater Unclean One is great! Look forward to seeing the predator.


@Cpt.Danjou - I like your start on your termies and MoE!


@crimsondave - Your termie lord and leviathan are both gorgeous - its amazing how quickly you can crank out such good looking models.  If you haven't heard back from Grotsmasha about swapping the termie sorceror in, you should message him.


@Cactus - Looks like you are almost ready to paint!  Hopefully you'll have everything set up and be in a place to do so soon.


@sitnam - More Tzeenchy goodness!  Particularly interested in seeing what you do with the beastigors.


@gaurdian31 - How are your havocs coming along?


@Boc - Nice to see your knights underway - I'm really excited to see how the Lancer comes out, what you've shown so far looks great, especially the lance and shield.


@spiros14 - Good to see you join!  Particularly interested in seeing what you do with the 30K predator.


@Celtic_cauldron - Nice beginning vow. - you've certainly got your work cutout for you, with so many large and centrepiece models.


@Muskie - I like your nurglings - making one a brighter colour is a nice touch.


@renegadeguard - Your possessed russ is fantastic and creepy - your paint job has definitely done your excellent conversion justice.


@Brother Captain Arkley - Think you will make another vow?



@legoman@Tallarn Commander@Trixie@Teetengee, and  @Brother Argent haven't heard from you this week, come let us know how you are doing.  For some of you, we haven't heard from you since your vow back at the beginning - let us know if there is anyway we can help keep you enthusiastic and painting!

Possessed look great, good to see them together as a unit with the bases done.


I am still working on my havocs, it has taken me longer than I expected. It takes me absolutely ages to get the base colours on, particularly on the armour plates. I had hoped they would be finishes in 2 weeks, but it is looking more likely it will be at least 3. 

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18 minutes ago, legoman said:

Havocs looking good, I am looking forward to finishing mine, hopefully this week! What are you working on next for your Word Bearers?

Thanks! After I am done with the combat patrol I am planning on adding a cultist mob, chosen, possessed and a master of possession to get to 1000 pts. After that I am probably going back to my Red Corsairs.

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After my disaster on the aspiring champion, the good Grotsmasha agreed to allow my Terminator Sorcerer as a substitute.  I’m glad since I’d already been working on it.  These Black Legion aren’t going to be as good as my Iron Warriors.  This one is the first one I’ve completed and it’s a learning curve for sure.





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Hello everyone,


Here is my completed first vow, Sister Magrog (Traitor Guardswoman/Chaos Cultists) for 1 point.1. Sister Magrog.jpg


And I shall now make my 2nd vow...


"I, {Tallarn Commander}, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint {Decimus and Taloghast, 2 Chaos Chosen} for {2 points} for the Glory of {insert Forum} and the Imperium Stronghold on or before30th September, 2023 or bear the badge of failure until years end."


Decimus, Taloghast, and Sister Magrog

2. Chaos Trio.jpg



I hope to finish these two gentlemen in time for a tournament this weekend!



Ave Dominus Nox!


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I'm making slower progress than crimsondave but yesterday was a good day. I decided mine will be rocking the old Sons of Horus colours on his cloak and if Abaddon doesn't like it he can jog on.


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44 minutes ago, crimsondave said:

Omg.  I’m having flashbacks of my guard doing too many at a time.  These models look way better than the old Cadian sculpts but the mold lines are just as rough.


So. Much. Trim. (Dark) Gods speed, frater


I’ve completed half of my counts as Legionaires





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For my second vow, I, Renegadeguard, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint ten mutants (Catachan proxies) for 10 points for the Glory of Chaos and the Chaos Stronghold on or before 30th September, 2023 or bear the badge of failure until years end.


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Since I am pretty involved with my "summertime" outdoors hobbies in summer, I did not do any painting at all in the past weeks.

I hope if I sign up here, I might be motivated to get at least something done this summer (but still have a scuba diving holiday coming up in September.... who knows if I can make it....).

Well, at least with this I show some good intention.


"I, Valkia the Bloody, vow to complete 3 Gallowdark Walls, 10 Khorne cultists and a Deimos Pattern Rhino for the glory of Chaos until end of September or face the anger of the Dark Gods till year's end. "


As far as I have calculated, this should give me 12 points for the challenge.








Let us pray to the Dark Gods I find some motivation and keep focussed.

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3 of 5 my Havocs done, should finish the rest in the next couple of days. Then just need to paint the Dark Apostle (+ friends) then I will have finished the Combat Patrol and will hopefully be able to try a game at the local GW. It will be the first game in since I was about 15, so 20 years ago!


I also need to then spend about a week doing some touching up on what I have done to date, adding some transfers and some scripture to the armour, then doing a varnish. I can then look forward to doing some fun stuff, the venom crawler and Blooded Kill Team. Once that is done I want to add some of the AM Field Ordnance Batteries (no idea if they can join a CSM army) and also some Knights. I think I will start on some of the small War Dogs as practice, and then work my way up to a full Knight. 


But first...Must. Finish. Final. 2. Havocs....





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Made a start on my vow. I got my predator built and undercoated (just shown built in this picture)


I also got two of my legionnaires painted and ready for the battlefield! I'm happy with how the hazard stripes have turned out on this model, as well as the opportunity to add a face tattoo on my legionnaire (even if it's a simplistic eight-pointed star)


Two more to go!

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