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Wormwoods' Blood Angel Successor Project - The Sin Eaters

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7 hours ago, Rusted Boltgun said:

Nice to see your Sin Eaters in action after all your work, even though the result wasn't great!

FWIW, I really like all the individual iconography, especially the checks. 

Thanks! I had better luck on day one, so I'm not too put out about it. Just means I need to get that second dread done before the next session in early Feb, so I don't lose all my anti-monster stuff on turn one!

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Bit too much close combat for my tastes



The second game of the day was against Mike's Hive Fleet Basilisk, unchanged since our first game. I had hoped that swapping in some jump intercessors would help go toe-to-toe with the genestealers, buuuut... 


See, the Space Marines are doing pretty poorly in the Crusade so far. We've averaged one win and two losses for each game (three games at once, the 'result' is based on which team won more of them). With my grand total of one victory this Crusade, I'm not helping. After this many trounces, it's time to pick up and leave, and let the bugs have this poor planet. 


So. We did Routed Prey. 


And it's kind of a mess. One matchup saw every space marine unit leave, unharmed, because they just booked it, and the all-close combat nid force against them rolled a few bad advances. For Mike and I, however, we found out that a vanguard Nid force with a bunch of alternate deepstrike and ambush abilities puts the bugs in fine position to lock my poor bastards in place and take them apart. 



Ennius, just look to your right. Dude, bro, it's right there. 


I got some hits in, tearing the twin 'genestealer squad led by a broodlord' squads down to only the Broodlords by the end, and the jump troops managed to take a Lictor apart before being double-teamed by another lictor and the tyrant. The terminators actually put in some good work here, but at the end of the day I think it was poor Ennius who let me down. 


He managed to kill nothing with his guns. Not a thing. He only managed to take anything out, a broodlord and lictor, when he exploded. I just didn't have the rolls. Still, it was a fun one! Don't think we're playing Routed Prey again any time soon, though, it was incredibly awkward. 


After 4 whole games, I have some work to do. More models are on the painting desk, and some more are in the mail. I'm really lacking when it comes to monster killing options, as proven in game 3 where the turn-one death of Ennius left be helpless against the Big Nids. So, the second Ballistus is ready to be primed, and I have a Firestrike Servo-Turret on the way. 


I'm told they're decent in 10th, but this is mostly because I want to replace the techmarine with an actual servitor, and use the parts of build a regular techmarine. I cannot be stopped. 

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  • 2 weeks later...



Las-Talon Servo-Turret 01, 3rd Company Armoury.


While the Sin Eaters do not make extensive use of a vehicle pool for their battle-line companies, each strike force is supplied with a large number of support/defence assets from the Chapter Armoury. One such asset that saw heavy use in the 4th Tyrannic War was the Servo-Turrets of attached to the 3rd Company, of which dozens were deployed during Sin Eater operations. 'Crewed' by specialist servo-skulls (thus the designation) these automated emplacements provided support for infantry on the ground, being linked together by Chapter Techmarines for specific tasks, such as bio-beast hunting with the standard las-talon armament favoured by the chapter. 







Well, that was a remarkably quick and easy paintjob! Taking HEAVY inspiration from Charley over on The Beard Bunker, I've cut away the techmarine pilot, and will be adding some additional gubbins when they arrive for the sake of balance. Looks nicer this way, and frees up some bits to build a techmarine from scratch! 


I'm planning to field a second one of these, and get a little extra anti-monster heft in the strikeforce. We'll see how that goes.

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6 hours ago, hardknoxkustomz88 said:

Dude, these models have no business being this good! Definitely like the contrast between the Drybrushed Greys in the armor and the Vibrant reds, Gold trims to tie it all together?! *chefs kiss* 

Thank you, I'm pretty happy with them! Just have to stop myself from being lazy with it, I've had to re-do a few models because this deep into the army I'm doing a lot of it on autopilot. 

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5 hours ago, YannTheMad said:

Great weathering/damage efect :-O

The battery charge indicator is a really nice touch.

I'm a little jealous that the traitors don't get those kind of servo-turret

Thanks, just a basic sponge job with some Dryad Bark, followed by a lighter sponging of metallic. 


Y'know, that's a good point, you would think the Iron Warriors at least would LOVE some big, chunky turrets. 

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Las-Talon Servo-Turret 02, 3rd Company Armoury.






Good lord these are quick to paint. Pleasant, too. I'm sure I would get INCREDIBLY tired of doing them if I had any plans to make more than these two, but as a break from painting intercessors these have been delightful. 


The final pieces for both, a little antennae I'll be using to cover those holes in the back, are coming along with some suitable industrial bases. I'll be sure to let you all know how they do in battle! 

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49 minutes ago, Wormwoods said:

Good lord these are quick to paint

I was thinking "that was quick", then read this :laugh: 


Nice work on them. :smile: The nearly-discharged battery indicator looks good, too (I like that it's low and yellow, whereas the other is fuller and green - as though it changes colour as the charge depletes). :thumbsup:

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  • 2 weeks later...



The messy business of holding a point on turn 4.



Originally planned to be 2 games, we only had time for a single mission this weekend due to time-dilating effects of trying to run a 2V1 match of 40K. Moving on to the next world in the path of the splinter fleets, the Marines have landed an sallied out to detonate some buried hive structures, brood nests, and so-on. Missing one of our Nid players, Heath and I took on Andrew's Fleet Typhon, newly swollen to 1500 points worth of bigger beasties and swarming gaunts.




The game went pretty well! We didn't win, of course, though not for lack of trying. Unable to hold an early objective, we ran out of time / units in an position to take one by turn 5, and were forced to retreat with our remaining models. Highpoints include the Sternguard killing a flying tyrant, softened up by the new firestrikes, and a rolling series of melees between homogaunts, termagaunts, and pretty much all of my infantry over two points. 


I was assisted in this near-victory by Heath's Blooded Unicorns, a rather poor photo of which has been included below. They're a fun bunch, leaning in to all sorts of totally normal and not-at-all suspect disappearances of allies human soldiers. What? We're playing Blood Angel successors, that's standard. Heath's terminators spent the entire game locked in combat with the Norn thingie, which was pretty funny. 






The swarm approaches


As always, it's a pleasure to fight Andrew's gorgeously green nid army (plus a few colourful test models standing in for special weapons). Our equally non-optimal armies tend to get into fun back-and-forth engagements. Messy in a good way. 

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  • 2 weeks later...





Been a minute, but am finally working on my second Ballistus! Naturally, I needed to have the first one start drastically underperforming in games before I decided to work on the next! All good, I'm not here for a victorious time, just a visually flashy one! More freehanding, more extra shields and a big ol' memento mori. Should look good once it's done. 


Meanwhile, I've also started a blog for my new T'au project! Give it a look, it'll be where non-Sin Eater (and some Sin Eater stuff, probably) content goes for a while, let's see how I like it: https://bolterandchainsword.com/blogs/entry/489-kyvash-recon-cadre-army-concept-and-pathfinders/




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The 'Ballistus' configuration has proven effective at combatting larger Tyranid bio-forms at a distance.


And with that, my second Dread - and first model entirely from my second Leviathan box half - is done! Martos here was given similar extra decoration, and an alternate pose to make him stand out a little from Ennius, though there's only so much one can do with the pose on a gun dread. Very happy with how the drybrushing came out here, especially on the 'snout' of the dread.


'Kil Kil Kil' remains my favourite little RT-era decoration for a Space Marine.

It's otherwise pretty close to Ennius, though the bespoke base feels nice. Just got one printed, because there's no suitably sized industrial base on sale from GW, and I didn't have the bits left over to do what I did last time and build one up from scraps. I've done the same for my turrets, but those are now getting upgraded with some additional bits to help self the 'remote control' aspect of that minor conversion, so expect them to show up again soon. 


We'll see how the double-Ballistus plan works in the next Crusade game. Pew pew pew.




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Techmarine Stahl, attached to the 3rd Company.


In theory, all techmarines of the Adeptus Astartes are trained on Holy Mars, to ensure compliance with the ancient, and secret lore of the Machine God. In practice, however, the Galaxy is vast and scattered, and many chapters located outside of the Segmentum Solar, Sin Eaters included, instead send their supplicants to Mars-aligned Forgeworlds for their induction. Like the fallen brothers who go to battle within armoured Dreadnought sarcophaguses these astartes are unable to join the ranks of the immortals. The augmentations made to their brains render their minds near impossible to be reborn in the body of a fresh recruit, as the implants that contain much of their knowledge are custom made for specific brains, and only implanted by the Forgeworlds themselves, who are not privy to the secrets of the Chapter.



Note the Machina Opus in silver upon the shoulder, a mark of mastery of the secrets of the Holy Machine.


The drive to seek immortality that is central to the Chapter Cult, and hypno-indoctrination of initiates is not quashed, however, so those within the Chapter Armoury must seek other methods of extending their lives beyond death. Some hope for eventual internment within a Dreadnought, as is common among the Forge Fathers of the Iron Hands, though this is far from a certain fate. Other, instead, lean upon their Mechanicus-given gifts. Memories, after all, can linger within the implants of the dead, and be uploaded to those newly returned to the Chapter. This is not the merging or replacement of consciousness of the Immortals, but it does allow for some aspect of the fallen to remain with the chapter, their skills and experience retained within the minds of the young.



Let the guns speak.




I did promise to build a techmarine once my second dread was done, didn't I? Meet Stahl, who will be tootling around in my backline, keeping those Ballistuses (Ballisti?) upright and blasting. He's a mix of Firestrike parts, leftover Leviathan fire marine, and some printed parts for the axe and backpack. I think he's come out rather fetching! All the extra green looks nice, in the wires and coils, and is meant to connect him visually to the turrets, who are similarly decorated with more green than the rest of the army. 


Next up? No idea! Heroes of the Chapter, maybe. Or more Terminators, though I may wait till we get a confirmation of the gear for assault terminators first. We'll see. 

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1 hour ago, ZeroWolf said:

Nice work :smile: I never knew about the silver cog symbol having that meaning, looks a lot easier than having to do the half white / half black

I made it up, lore is fake. It's a whole galaxy and 10,000 years, nothing is gonna be consistent anyway. 

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