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The recent purchases/hauls/"Oh god I spent more money on toy soldiers" thread

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  On 1/31/2024 at 3:14 PM, Domhnall said:

I just purchased the phobos armoured lieutenant, and terminator captain from the Leviathan box from that renowned online auction site.

I don't need them, but when has that ever stopped me! :biggrin:


This is me. the new primaris-sized scouts are too big for my regular scouts... but their weapons will probably work just fine! Do I need them? No. Will I still get them? Yes.

I compromised myself with some Forgeworld stuff: a Styrix knight and a conversion kit for Secutarii Hoplites. It was not on top of my list but, in the end, seeing both kits available at the same time, I leapped. 

Now, I just have to wait for the delivery - 10 to 20 days announced. 1 week spent already, so, might come soon or by mid Feb. Meanwhile, I have some scenery to paint in 12 Months of hobby plodding... And my feb vow waiting....

Diving back in after a year or so out and picked up the leviathan box from element games. Yesterday I bought a brutalis, jump pack captain and some jump pack intercessors. Think that’ll do for now. 

2 Deathwing Assault boxes, a second-hand High Elves Island of Blood army for Old World, a Blades of Belthanos box for AoS and Grinkrak's Looncourt.


Given my new years resolution this year was "buy fewer models"... this isn't great. I take a small amount of solace in that most of that was funded by sales of older unwanted kits and bits.

The Deathstorm Drop Pod came back in stock so I picked that up at last. Also the 'Honoured of the Chapter' which will be my first Primaris Space Marines. 

Picked up a few cheap metal Marines on eBay- a backpack bereft captain for my 4E Marine army...

Picture 1 of 2

...And a bannerless and in need of stripping but otherwise complete metal Dreadnought with assault cannon! Did I need him? Of course not, but for £30 and with my minor (OK, serious) Dreadnought addiction, I thought it was worth it. Also if I'm ever burgled I can put him in a sock and use him as the ultimate home defence weapon.

  On 2/15/2024 at 3:09 PM, Evil Eye said:

Picked up a few cheap metal Marines on eBay- a backpack bereft captain for my 4E Marine army...

Picture 1 of 2

...And a bannerless and in need of stripping but otherwise complete metal Dreadnought with assault cannon! Did I need him? Of course not, but for £30 and with my minor (OK, serious) Dreadnought addiction, I thought it was worth it. Also if I'm ever burgled I can put him in a sock and use him as the ultimate home defence weapon.


the nostalgia!

I have this guy in the loft along with the rest of his squad. the techmarine was always my favorite.


IIRC they didnt have anything special for the back packs, just the regular set of 5 on a sprue, that were in the tactical squad

  On 2/16/2024 at 12:05 AM, lhg033 said:

the nostalgia!

I have this guy in the loft along with the rest of his squad. the techmarine was always my favorite.


IIRC they didnt have anything special for the back packs, just the regular set of 5 on a sprue, that were in the tactical squad


I had him as well but recently sold him :(


I used an old Marneus Calgar backpack for him originally, the one with the two eagle heads. Got it from GW at Lenton back before they opened Warhammer World and you could still go in and browse the catalogue for bits. You could order what you wanted and if they didn’t have it in stock they would cast it for you while you waited … that was awesome.

I got two more Attack Bikes (for a total of 6), two more Land Speeders (for a total of 6 + 2 Tempests), the full Space Marine Heroes Series 1 & 2 range and two more Rhinos with unique third party dozer blades. 



I, uh, walked into my FLGS to trade in a pot of paint i’d accidentally bought a duplicate of, and walked out with a secondhand Leviathan dreadnought. (and a different pot of paint, so, mission accomplished?)

I have no excuses, and declare in defiance ‘Glory to the Iron Tenth!’

Got another Great unclean one and the chaos wardog box so can make convert 2 Nurgle  armigiers as allies for my daemons and deathguard. As well as more conversion material bits (mainly Aos Nurgle ones) also grabbed the Horus heresy rule book so can learn to play and actually have a use for all the FW units I originally brought to use on 40K 

Oops just bought a nearly-complete Cadian defence force on eBay containing a Leman Russ, Chimera, two full infantry squads and a bunch of heavy weapon squad spares, all still on the sprue … in my defence I had literally the same day sold an old predator tank for £25 and the guard was a steal at only £40… so I literally couldn’t pass it up.  Honest :angel:

Edited by TheArtilleryman
  On 2/20/2024 at 5:14 PM, Jolemai said:


Are you cheating on your BAs? :ohmy:



I'm an Imperium faithful (Besides the Death Guard... and the Tyranids...) and have multiple armies extolling the virtue of the God Emperor :D


And for me, it's looking like 2024 is the Year of the Guard; after Christmas, i'm staring at a backlog again that has quite a few AM tanks in it.

I also got a box of Eliminators, because I always gotta get a lil SM.

  • 1 month later...

Urm… I bought

The Age of Darkness box

plus a land raider proteus

plus 20 extra marines

plus a heavy weapons box

plus Liber Astartes

plus Liber Hereticus

My leadweight is going to be painful…. 

But in my defence, it’s for my 40th birthday and the whole lot only cost me £110!!!!! So I’m afraid I just couldn’t walk away …

Edited by TheArtilleryman
  On 3/28/2024 at 11:11 AM, TheArtilleryman said:

Urm… I bought

The Age of Darkness box

plus a land raider proteus

plus 20 extra marines

plus a heavy weapons box

plus Liber Astartes

plus Liber Hereticus

My leadweight is going to be painful…. 

But in my defence, it’s for my 40th birthday and the whole lot only cost me £110!!!!! So I’m afraid I just couldn’t walk away …



I have 0 interest in almost any of the above, but at that price, I'd be buying it without hesitation. 

  On 3/28/2024 at 12:31 PM, DemonGSides said:


I have 0 interest in almost any of the above, but at that price, I'd be buying it without hesitation. 


I’ve become a bit obsessed with bargain hunting recently. I’ve managed to get 2k of guard for only about 100 quid over the last year or so as well, in 3 different deals. If you’re quick and lucky there are some ridiculous bargains to be had.

Hey all - this might be a touch off topic so please zap if that's the case. I'll be out in the UK this summer and want to take advantage of the price savings relative to USD. I need some local help stretching the dollar as far as possible!


What FLGSs in the UK have reliable, quick shipping and the greatest % discount relative to Games Workshop? The plan is to have them shipped to where I'm staying during the trip.

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