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20 minutes ago, Deus_Ex_Machina said:

14?! I am suddenly happy that scalpers bought everything before I could place an order.


2 pieces for each arm, 3 for each leg, 4 for the torso.  Oh and both my storm cannons came with one barrel broken because there is way too much tension on how they cast the main part of that arm.

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I actually think the Deredeos were more of a hassle to build than the Leviathan. After the third or fourth one, it became somewhat intuitive, but the Dorito was a pain in the ass each time. I hated the top mounted missiles and the upper to lower torso connection was finicky. Overall, I built 3 Support boxes and I’ve vowed to never do it again. 

Now the Spartan, on the other hand… that I could do in my sleep. I actually really enjoyed building them save for clipping the Laser Destroyers off… the barrels bent extremely easily. 

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I noticed the last sentence in today's Sunday Preview mentions an upcoming reveal of new miniatures for Legions Imperialis. Quite curious to see what they are.



On Warhammer Community, we’re revealing new miniatures for Necromunda and Legions Imperialis, and there’ll be coverage of the Kroot Hunting Pack, Warhammer Underworlds, and plenty more besides.


There are already quite a few we are awaiting for ...

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I’m going to assume it’ll be the Vanguard models, maybe the Auxilia models as well like the Dracosan and Medusa / Basilisk. They really need to get the Dire Wolf out ASAP considering some have already made it out into the wild. 

edit: just to further add to this: we now have what? 4 formations? That are currently unplayable because the models to do so haven’t been released as of yet. Both Vanguard and Drop Pod formations for Astartes and the two for Auxilia which I cannot remember because I seriously don’t care about them. At this point, GW is basically begging players to 3D print their armies, which I’m usually opposed to but am becoming increasingly interested in due to accessibility and frustration. I would assume GW knows this as well and needs to get these models out ASAP and make them accessible to the masses. 

Edited by DuskRaider
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Speaking of Vanguard (although Vanguard miniatures) I have finished off some Terminators and used some of that company's 'Renegade heavy armour' minis for them. This was initially because I wanted some Terminators and you can't hold of the Legion infantry box for love nor money, but also I think the minis probably suit the Night Lords a little better than the clean-cut official ones. I imagine them as some sort of Veteran company that's being doing despicable things as part of the Great Crusade for decades, they don't really care who they are fighting as long as they get to scare people and cackle like Hammer Horror villans! I've removed some of the chaos iconography just to tone them down slightly.





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3000 points of Legiones Imperialis.


My Death Guard gave the Iron Warriors a thorough trouncing, trampling them into the dust of the city crumbling around them. As is a time-honoured tradition in Epic, things are getting wild when the skies start raining Thunderhawks full of terminators :D



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3 minutes ago, Pacific81 said:

Epic in every sense of the word! Just mind-blowingly awesome. Some great photos too.


Was it played on 6x4?

Thanks Paz. Yeah, 6 x 4. The game did not feel negatively crowded and there were meaningful choices in maneuvering, despite us having about 120 or so stands per side.

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3000 on a 5x4 would probably end up being a cluttered mess; the biggest draw for the smaller sized boards is to have enough space for calculating formation breakpoint dead piles, holding reserves, and embarked/garrisoned units. Honestly kinda makes the smaller size mandatory unless you're really lucky with enough room in your playing space.

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I eventually got a shipping notification for my 2nd wave pre-order, delivery expected this coming Thursday. I also ordered some 40mm, 50mm and 60mm bases direct from GW as they got restocked, they should arrive at the local GW store within the next 2 weeks hopefully. Otherwise I have been slowly, extremely slowly, building some more warhounds, still a lot to do ... and I have some remaining infantry to clean up.

I noticed Astartes infantry is back in stock on GW's website (at least Belgium, France, UK, I didn't checked other countries).

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35 minutes ago, Gillyfish said:

Great pictures Sherrypie. How did you find the new Dreads and support weapons played?


I was momentarily confused by the "new" part, given that they got their rules in the core book already and both me and my opponent have had suitable models for a long while already, before realising that oh yeah, the new plastics were recently released (none of which are in those pictures... :D).


Pretty average, I guess? The quad-Rapiers plinked an infantry stand every now and then, being pretty bad at shifting anyone sitting in a building while the dreads ambled about threateningly and eventually countered a teleport strike to my backlines quite effectively. I like them, having some 30+ for this army already, but then a friend of mine has noted that if left to my own devices, I would probably just keep on making more dreadnoughts until end of time :D

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:D Yes, the 'new' aspect referred to the plastics rather than the rules or, indeed, the miniatures, given rapiers have existed for some time in previous editions, at least.


I always used to look at rapier rules and think they looked a little underwhelming, so your comment isn't really changing that; there seem to be better options for heavy firepower in both armies and the main reason for taking support batteries might be AA, but that might require a more regular aerial presence than currently seems to be the case (local circumstances, of course, are likely to apply and potentially change that).


I always used to place dreads, or, at least, the 'basic' ones in the same category of a little underwhelming, but the new ones might be worth a second look if taken in substantial enough numbers. Like everything in Epic, it probably depends on how you use them.

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Kinda confused by rapiers looking underwhelming, though the marine ones are strictly worse than the solar aux option. 16 shots with 30" range and 4+/-1 for 130? That can shoot out of los and have the penalty negated by a random marauder? Like, if your opponent plays almost exclusively tanks and you only have structures as terrain they're not good, but otherwise they're fantastic. 


Some of the scariest units in the game are infantry, and all the assault options love to lurk behind structures and forests before charging through with no penalty. Or be able to bomb out swarms of pioneer tarantulas that sit in the midfield. 


Normal contemptors are like wise, kinda insane. At least with las; 100 points for 6 accurate las, point defence bolters and caf 5. The only reason to take leviathans is access to wrecker and rend to allow access to fighting garrisons and the most elite things. But that's a marked decrease in ranged fire power for that melee boost.

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1 hour ago, SkimaskMohawk said:

Kinda confused by rapiers looking underwhelming, though the marine ones are strictly worse than the solar aux option. 16 shots with 30" range and 4+/-1 for 130? That can shoot out of los and have the penalty negated by a random marauder? Like, if your opponent plays almost exclusively tanks and you only have structures as terrain they're not good, but otherwise they're fantastic. 


Some of the scariest units in the game are infantry, and all the assault options love to lurk behind structures and forests before charging through with no penalty. Or be able to bomb out swarms of pioneer tarantulas that sit in the midfield. 


Normal contemptors are like wise, kinda insane. At least with las; 100 points for 6 accurate las, point defence bolters and caf 5. The only reason to take leviathans is access to wrecker and rend to allow access to fighting garrisons and the most elite things. But that's a marked decrease in ranged fire power for that melee boost.


With the leviathan dread pods now, you can get like 8 leviathans in pods for just over 200, and splitting them if u have space in a formation into two units of 4 in pods there's barely any tax. The 5+ inv is nice too compared to the 6+. I think the best of both worlds is u can run a mixed unit, las contemptors for fire support and leviathans out front to fight cc with rend/wrecker. 

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Ah excellent, I didn't realise. They are a lovely little sculpt, very nice miniature design. I just removed a few of the edging spikes to make it look a bit less chaos-y.

Nice to have an Astartes aircraft that doesn't have the aerodynamic profile of a brick, also.

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Kinda confused by rapiers looking underwhelming, though the marine ones are strictly worse than the solar aux option. 16 shots with 30" range and 4+/-1 for 130? That can shoot out of los and have the penalty negated by a random marauder? Like, if your opponent plays almost exclusively tanks and you only have structures as terrain they're not good, but otherwise they're fantastic. 


SkimaskMohawk I think you are correct for the current edition. I mainly remember looking at Dreads and rapiers as a teen and thinking they were a bit meh. Not having the stats to hand, I was curious as to how they played nowadays in Sherrypie's view. Doesn't sound like in that game they were great, but that doesn't mean that they don't have place. As you correctly point out, they can out out a lot of fire. I have some on order and am going to be interested to see how they actually perform.

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one of the annoying things I have found about the support boxes is that many units, like most units with 2 gun options, there is clearly a superior, yet equally pointed version; and in the cases where both gun options are good, you don't really want them in the same units.  Like the melta Leviathans are an ok unit, if you put them in dreadnought drop pods and slammed down behind something important but I don't think the super assault cannon version makes sense to do that with.  Or rapiers where half want to be out of sight dropping mortar rounds on fools, and the other needs good firing arcs.

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Just a small update trying some different colours for my Solars regiment. Thought the grey colour was a bit dull so painted a quick contrast orange over the top. Totally stole this idea from one of the Guerilla Gaming guys, it's a penal regiment - the only ones that will agree to fighting alongside the Night Lords :smile:


"New Legion directive: hanging of Solar trooper corpses from the side of vehicles not an appropriate punishment for the crime of leaving Lho-stick stubs outside of Legion barracks. Please defer from doing so."


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On 3/23/2024 at 10:12 AM, Pacific81 said:

Just a small update trying some different colours for my Solars regiment. Thought the grey colour was a bit dull so painted a quick contrast orange over the top. Totally stole this idea from one of the Guerilla Gaming guys, it's a penal regiment - the only ones that will agree to fighting alongside the Night Lords :smile:



On 3/23/2024 at 10:12 AM, Pacific81 said:


Nice and simple, plus fluffy, they look great, orange will be a nice contrast with the dark blue of the night lords too.


I'm still struggling for a scheme for my auxila, thinking of going with the inwit phalgites, but not sure what contrast paint would work for the khaki scheme

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