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Legions Imperialis & Epic hobby chat!


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Excuse the lighting but here's what I've done so far:




Emperor bless tiny transfers, dry brushing and nuln oil!


Got a whole bunch of stuff prepped and ready to roll to. Should get progress even quicker. 

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My Emperor's Children Prototypus squad. I painted them after gluing on base, it wasn't difficult to paint but complexified painting the actual base. In the end, I have used some modelling pigments so the result is not too bad.

Full recipes

- Prime : Prince August polyurethane panzer grey primer (I use that on all my models since it provides a strong but thin first layer with excellent coverage)
- Base coat with Two thin coats shade paint
- Wash with Two thin coats wash
- Layer with Two thin coats shade paint
- Layer on upper part with Two thin coats middle paint
Blood Angels
Berserker Red (S) + Sanguine Scarlet (M) + Helion Red (W)
Marine Blue (S) + Elysium Blue (M) + Tempest Blue (W)
Sons of Horus
Hydra Green (S)+ Jade Green (M) + wash ... I'm not sure. Necrosis Green probably or black ...
Emperors' Children
Royal Cloak (S) + Sword Hilt Burgundy (M) + Magi Purple (W)
You have paint charts here and there is also equivalency charts on the internet



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Yesterday I added the finishing touches to the Kratos and a few Preds and terminators, stuff like weathering powders and an extra wash stage i thought i could skip (i can't :( ). Glad it's out of the way; the "almost but not quite" feeling i had using them on Friday was frustrating to say the least.




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Some dusty Salamanders make their presence known. Themed around the 40k-era Second War for Armageddon, it was fun to try to downscale the Salamanders' heraldry and banners.






Edited by apologist
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I chopped a sprue out to try some paint schemes for Solar Auxilia. I was leaning towards scheme inspired by the Saturnyne Ram rectangle (grey, black, white) and the Calth High Guard.






Basilicanum Grey and a drybrushing of Mechanicum Standard Grey do most of the heavy lifting. I did go with an underwash of Drakenhof Nightshade with the scheme I settled on.







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Taking stock of this year, it was pretty much Epic-focused if not the most productive.


2023 hobby tally: less than 50 bases




With all the rest of the year being pretty hectic with other things, I didn't get particularly many new things further but had plenty of fun gaming and photography with the older things already at hand. Also organised the biggest Kriegspielmageddon bohnanza yet, which is only snowballing bigger with our RPG offshoot.


Finished projects:

- 12 stands of XIV legion heavy support (Epic)
- 7 Possessed XIV librarius aspirants (30k)
- 5 Castellax (Epic)
- 5 Techpriests (Epic)
- 6 Revenant Legionaires (KT)
- 4 Tarantula AA batteries (Epic)
- 4 Thanatars (Epic)
- 3 Ordinatus Minorii (Epic)


Dabbled with but unfinished:

- 5 Destroyers (30k)
- 7 Talons of the Emperor (KT)


Non-modelling stuff:

- Learning to use and upgrading photography equipment further


Next year: learning to focus stack properly with my fancy new camera and painting a new Auxilia army for Legions Imperialis that can also double as a Guard army for Epic: Armageddon. With 4x starter sprues and some extras waiting for the new year, it's going to be good in January :)


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I know I have said many times, but that is absolutely mega @Sherrypie (should probably say, 'Epic'!) Love the Epic Death Guard of course but also the Crusade-era Revenant Legion, great to see the descriptions from the books portrayed like that think it is absolutely spot on. 


I will try and do a 'Year of Epic' post also as I have got a lot of stuff finished off, but for now these are some Night Lords I've completed from the Legions set, plus a couple of extras. These will be used for Legions and also another large Epic project for a participation game that is possible a year or so away and just getting going.







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On 12/15/2023 at 3:00 PM, Pacific81 said:

If it helps at all I would say the beefcake marines probably suit Fists, Death Guard, Dark Angels, Iron Warriors, Ultras, Space Wolves, Salamanders... Most of them actually, I am not helping here am I!

If you want to help maybe explain to me how the Imperial Fists buff works on the (unreleased) heavy weapons? Since I have some it might be worth doing some as fists. But the other legions still call …

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2 hours ago, LameBeard said:

If you want to help maybe explain to me how the Imperial Fists buff works on the (unreleased) heavy weapons? Since I have some it might be worth doing some as fists. But the other legions still call …


If you have first fire up you'll be able to reroll to hit. Simple as that, but also might lock you in place so its worth thinking about the weapons; las are probably going to stay as 22", but autocannons and heavy bolters are similarly probably going to stay at 16" and 12" respectively. 

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1 hour ago, Pacific81 said:

TBH I always think it's dangerous choosing a faction based on rules. The Fists one does seem super powerful (especially compared to stuff like the Wolves 'sniff' ability) but you are only ever one FAQ away from a nerf!


I would do Fists if you like the colour yellow or something, seems a more valid reason :laugh:

I agree, but it’s not to choose a buff particularly, it’s to make sure I choose models likely to be legal for devastator squads. We are expecting auto cannons, las cannons and heavy bolters? Multi-meltas? I might have misunderstood but I thought they were tagged in the Imperial Fist rules?


I love yellow but have never been able to paint it successfully. Not sure if I’m ready for another try yet …

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