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Potential Codex Space Marine Leaks

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1 minute ago, Blindhamster said:

Yeah only the captain gets options, everything else is set loadouts

Which is pretty unfortunate, as the set loadout of MC heavy bolter guy, sarge w/MC bolt rifle, Champion, and Ancient don't really flow well compared to something like Bladeguard or even Intercessors/Heavy Intercessors. Making it either a close combat-based squad (giving the heavy bolter/sarge/Ancient good melee options) or a shooty squad (champion becomes some sort of dual-wielding pistoleer like a Moritat, Ancient's bolt rifle goes MC) would make more sense for game-play. Right now, it is fairly durable with each model being 4 wounds, but not nearly as focused a unit as others a Captain/Chapter Master can attach to. The models are nice, but probably won't see any real table time. 

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I don't think they should be able to be made all close combat or all melee, the point of them was to represent an expert from each of the 3 core disciplines, its thematically great and the unit doesn't suck even as is.

I do think they could have stretched to a few very minor options (ancient should have standard ancient options of sword or rifle) and the tactical/intercessor veteran should have had a power sword in addition to his master crafted bolt rifle (basically making him a sergeant equivalnet). Even that tiny tweak would have been enough to sure-up their melee capability.


The heavy weapon guy should have to be a heavy weapon guy, but should have had a few alternative heavy options, MC heavy pyreblaster, multi melta or MC plasma incinerator maybe.

basically, it should have been:

Ancient - standard ancient options

Battleline guy - intercessor sergeant equivalent (but Master crafted gear)

Close support guy - champion, as is.

Fire support guy - master crafted heavy weapon from a list


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In the sense that it would be the best thematic option, I agree that having the command squad comprised of specifically talented/focused veterans makes sense. But GW has been courting the competitive market for the last few years, which means that if they want their products to sell more they need to be tuned towards best in-game playability. Having the option to have the vets (at a minimum) be allowed to switch from melee to ranged loadouts would at least give the competitive players a reason to want the squad while still having the thematic version available to narrative/themed players. 

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8 hours ago, The Unseen said:

Well, I'll be watching from the sidelines while DA/BT/Wolves abuse the new Detachments until that gets removed.


Overall this is a straight nerf to a not-great faction; as expected the gutting of Oath did not lead to a wide revamp of mediocre datasheets, and in fact quite a few are nerfed on top of that for... no real discernable reason?

But aggressors, the unit that everyone was already looking at after the Desolation nerf and have twin-linked got a buff?

GW had the nerf in the pipeline before the index even dropped, what a joke.

Thunderwolf Cav will get a points nerf and then lose the buffs when Wolves codex comes out :)

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17 minutes ago, Subtleknife said:

Can the company of heroes attach to calgar? On the previews it says it needs to be a Chapter Master or captain. I haven't seen anyone say he can't or can. Does anyone possibly know?

I would assume they can, as he is a Chapter Master. If they can go with him, that may be a decent way to use them- his Advance and Shoot+Charge would make them much more mobile, and their 4 Wound profiles make it a chore to get through to him. Don't know if they'd be better than his current buddies the Aggressors, but its a possibility.

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On 9/28/2023 at 3:58 PM, Dr. Clock said:

...From rumours, I guess the only thing that could make it more fitting to my mind would be some kind of targeted buff ability, like that the Captain's free Strat can be used on any friendly or Battleline unit within 6", or even that the Ancient bonus can likewise be distributed 'by command' instead of only influencing the command squad itself...



Absolutely agree with this! The unit would be seemingly fruitless otherwise. Or at least, not be fulfilling the role its meant to, which is allowing the Marine leader to orchestrate the broader strategic picture via the protection provided by his Command Squad

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The more I think about it, the more I am OK with the command squad, in spite of its lack of specialisation. Compared to a 95 point Intercessor squad, it fights about the same in melee, as the Champion (rather than the Sgt) does most of the heavy lifting. The shooting is similar as well although the MC guns mean slightly fewer shots but better quality. The OC is similar thanks to the Ancient's banner. They are significantly more durable, especially with the buff while a Captain is part of the squad. The only downside is that they lack the Objective Secured rule.

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22 hours ago, Lemondish said:


Check again. Tacticus characters are allowed in Rhinos and Razorbacks now, provided they are leading a non-Tacticus unit. It's why the keyword got spread around and how they managed combining Firstborn and Primaries characters into shared data sheets.


GW actually thought of this issue. You were quick to ream them over this, despite missing that it was resolved. I wonder, would you be just as quick to praise them here?

Fair, I did jump the gun on this, though after peering at goonhammer, tabletop titans, and art of war, I was inclined to believe my former idea. Where did you here this information from, it seems I should pay attention to that instead.


Side note, GW will only receive praise from me when the game designers get to dictate what models need to made and not the other way around. It is completely asinine from my perspective their design philosophy of this game on how they make rules for a unit after the model is made. If they can sort that out, I will herald them. Until then, they bear my mistrust.

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It's not that simple.


The models are handled by creative types and artists. These are not the same people that write the rules.


In fact, when the creative types are given more freedom (as they are in Age of Sigmar) they tend to produce more exciting and unique ideas. Most people would agree that the best models GW come out with are found in Age of Sigmar.


Funny enough, we can see that the latest batch of Marines is more closely linked to what has come in the past. These new models are generally upscaled versions of established units. Although most people are happy enough with the new kits, and there isn't any real controversy around the release, the models aren't as exciting as the various Primaris units we've had in past release waves.


Decisions often have both positive and a negative outcomes attached to them.




To add further - Said game designers have actively made some of the new models LESS exciting and interesting. The artists sculpted all sort of lovely combi-weapons on the Sternguard that were then given a dull, homogenised profile in the rules.

Edited by Orange Knight
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