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Better late than never!







The Great Slaughter will be available to pre-order later this month, so keep an eye out for more information here on Warhammer Community.


Edited by Lord Marshal

This month!? GW needs to use a plunger on the blockage in the LI releases pipeline!


Hopefully The Direwolf, Drop Pods and Fast Attack boxes are coming on the release weekend - looking forward to them.

I would expect most of the units that are getting rules in the book to also be up for preorder with it which also means we should be getting the rest of the inital wave (missing titans/aircraft and the two support boxes) with that at the latest. So will be a very expensive week.

So the article doesn't mention Spartans... but there's a picture of one? I wonder if it'll include not just the Spartan (I want at least 4!) but also model releases alongside including Leviathan and Deredeo Dreadnoughts?

Ha, they open with "Play Epic with all Knights and Titans!" only to reveal its some Titanicus lite side mode...

Good to have more units available, especially things like drop pods and artillery but we still cant buy most things...

14 minutes ago, Noserenda said:

Ha, they open with "Play Epic with all Knights and Titans!" only to reveal its some Titanicus lite side mode...


No you dont get it, each titan has a its own unit card, and you have to monitor plasma and voids,  each legions will get its own traits and rules and upgrades. Maniples will limit force org but give benefits. Its going to be wild. 


We will call it...Titanicus Imperialis Adeptus! 



Jokes aside other then the insanity of Adeptus titanicus light, everything else sounds great and i cant wait. 

Wow, glad to see this is coming out so soon.  I just wish we could get minis to play!  Maybe I will have to look at re-tasking my resin printer from WW2 to Epic…


I am glad to see more options for Knight and Titan armies.  Again, 6000 will be a recommendation, and the community will decide.


A campaign system sounds awesome.  Something to form a group at a game store to do.  :)

Will the core game stuff be back in stock by then?  Basically anyone who wasn't sitting there waiting to pre-order hasn't gotten anything; and if more people can't buy the basics the game will die on the vine.

14 minutes ago, vadersson said:

Wow, glad to see this is coming out so soon.  I just wish we could get minis to play!  Maybe I will have to look at re-tasking my resin printer from WW2 to Epic…


I am glad to see more options for Knight and Titan armies.  Again, 6000 will be a recommendation, and the community will decide.


A campaign system sounds awesome.  Something to form a group at a game store to do.  :)

I think 6,000 points will add up really quickly when it comes to Titans seeing as how expensive they are in Imperialis. 

With this expected extension since revealed in november, we have almost all units available in paper which means that we can:

- make varied army lists

- plan our shopping

- test the game in full.

- build a full knights and titan army (many of us already have those shinny titan ready to rumble in LI!)


The "only problem" is that many if not most of the plastic (and even resin) units are not available. But it is a matter of time. I think that Q1 will drop most is not all evealed LI units , even the knights big box and the titans one.

This sounds like good news to me. 


PS: this extension is marked as "the first major supplement for Legions Imperialis" i.e. there are more to come. Hopefuly :rolleyes:

Edited by BolterZorro
9 minutes ago, Dark Shepherd said:

I have 2 warhounds, 2 reavers, 2 stabby knights, 3 vanilla knights and thats 3000 points already


What transport are the Auxilia getting? It mentions mechanised infantry....


Dracosans were previewed. 


Now with article:


Edited by Matcap86

So does that mean that Knight household detachments can be used in regular games or is that just Titan Death games?


11 minutes ago, Xenith said:

Wonder what on earth the Titan v Titan game mode will look like. Presumably just titans but using LI rules. Begging the question, why not just play AT?


I think it will just be more of a means of playing a simpler game system and to get LI players to buy more titans without having to pick up another game.

26 minutes ago, Doghouse said:

So does that mean that Knight household detachments can be used in regular games or is that just Titan Death games?



I think it will just be more of a means of playing a simpler game system and to get LI players to buy more titans without having to pick up another game.

I really hope Knights become their own faction with full rules. They can already take Objectives (albeit not as well as Infantry) so it seems like they could be viable. They’ll need actual Banner and Lance rules though… 3 Knights do not a Banner make. 

2 hours ago, Valkyrion said:

Are we sure it's not actually called The Great Laughter and every page just has 'coming soon lol' written in different languages?

Coming sooner than you think….

2 hours ago, Black Cohort said:

Will the core game stuff be back in stock by then?  Basically anyone who wasn't sitting there waiting to pre-order hasn't gotten anything; and if more people can't buy the basics the game will die on the vine.

It´s a specialist game and not cheap at all so it doesn´t appeal to the casual 40K crowd. Most of it´s players are vets from the 90s who have been waiting for over twenty years to this revival. 

48 minutes ago, Sky Potato said:

Coming sooner than you think….


The sooner you accept Nottingham is trapped in a Warp Rift, the sooner their marketing department starts making sense. 

1 hour ago, Taliesin said:

It is a a good surprise. I hope we will see several more supplements released this year, also for HH Age of Darkness itself.


I'd expect a launch box with Solar Auxilia and a campaign book to go along with it.

I'll pick up the book for art and lore. I love the HH


The question is will anyone actually be able to buy anything? GW seems to only be able to make one of every 40,000 kits they sell. 

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